15 Beaches You Should Fear the Most

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we all enjoy going to the beach to relax and have a good time but did you know that beaches can be one of the most extremely dangerous places on earth not all of them have nice clear water and coconut trees believe me some of them hide so many deadly secrets it'll send a chill down your spine from a beach full of skeletons to a beach where the waters can literally kill you here are the 15 beaches you should fear the most number 15 new zealand's campbell island beaches new zealand isn't as famous worldwide as australia for its beaches and maybe the reason for that is the beaches in new zealand are sometimes insanely dangerous i'm talking about the campbell island beaches where it's fair to say the waves can get just a little gnarly like 78 feet tall gnarly that's the size of a wave which smashed into the southern ocean just off the coast of campbell island back in 2018 that makes it the largest known wave to ever hit the southern hemisphere which is pretty terrifying luckily no one was around to actually see it but a buoy which was floating out in the water was able to record its massive impact the champion wave was six feet higher than the previous record holder a wave which was spotted near tasmania in 2012. this new wave is a very exciting event and to our knowledge it is the largest wave ever recorded in the southern hemisphere tom durant a senior oceanographer with met ocean solutions said 75 mile per hour winds and a deep low pressure system contributed to the formation of this megawave and if you'd been at the beach that day it would have been a pretty terrifying thing to witness before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number 14 sunset beach sunset beach on satan martin looks like the most idyllic beach in the world a perfect place to pull up a sun lounger plant your parasol and start soaking up some rays and a lot of people do just that it can be an extremely relaxing experience that is until you realize you are on the most dangerous beach in the world it became pretty obvious that things are a little strange on this beach when you're awoken from your sunny nap by the sounds of insanely loud jet engines and then you look up to see the landing gear of a jumbo jet just a few feet over your head the signs leading up to the beach make things pretty clear by explaining that one of the things that could happen to you on this beach is dying that's pretty bad the airport on st martin is tiny so the airplanes have to come in right over the beach just before landing some people actually visit the beach for this exact experience grabbing on to the nearby fence to get as close as possible to the planes as they pass just a few feet overhead number 13 hanakopie beach hanakapi beach is located in hawaii and is considered an incredibly dangerous beach it's a popular tourist attraction but there are a lot of tourists who have visited this beach and never came back because it is notorious for its incredibly strong currents high surf and dangerous shore breaks it's also super remote at the end of a trail and has no road access so if you get into trouble there well it's a long way back to civilization between 1970 and 2012 414 people were drowned at this beach making it one of the most deadly beaches of all time even experienced swimmers can be caught out by the insane currents here so it's probably best to just stay on the sand if you're visiting this spot as many as 15 people who drowned here were never seen again their bodies having disappeared into the depths of the ocean or into the belly of a shark or maybe a huge sea monster or something the beach is covered in signs telling people to stay out of the water but people like to read signs and then just do what they feel like anyway i guess number 12 huns by shark alley is a narrow channel that sits between two islands near south africa and it is totally infested with great white sharks sound dangerous enough well the beach of hans bai lies to the south of cape town and is famous as the beach which is most closely located to the shark alley the large colony of cape fur seals which live on the islands is what attracts the sharks and there's every chance a great white might mistake you for a seal if you happen to be out in the water here however some crazy people head out there to cage dive and take a closer look at the huge predators but you don't have to go that far to put yourself in danger every year there are as many as 10 shark attacks at hans by beach and many of them have proven to be fatal experts believe that throwing meat into the water to attract the sharks to the cage divers is putting the regular swimmers at risk since the sharks start to associate humans with food so they eat them number 11 skeleton coast not to be outdone by their neighbors in south africa namibia has also managed to produce one of the most dangerous beaches in the world and it's called the skeleton coast that should give you an idea of the kind of thing you might find there skeletons that's usually a bad sign for a beach and it's actually the skeletons of ships which are the most amazing here with countless wrecked vessels strewn across the landscape some dating back to long ago in history while others are pretty recent this is a rough beach to go past in a boat that is for sure and these relics are visible in the sand as the sea is moved back further over time making this one seriously creepy beach in fact the wrecks and ruins have even been used as shelter by humans in this remote part of the world especially during diamond mine prospecting work which took place back in the 19th century here not only does this place look creepy it sounds creepy too as the dunes are said to sing whenever wind goes through them making a strange and haunting song which will terrify you even more number 10 new smyrna beach new smyrna beach has a pretty simple sign posted up on it the florida authorities decided to not give too much away by posting simply warning dangerous marine life what they really mean is this is literally jaws and if you go into the water you'll probably be eaten instantly by about 400 giant great white sharks okay maybe that's an exaggeration but it's not exaggeration to call this the shark bite capital of the world out of the blue we had three in two days one day we had two within 10 or 15 minutes of each other said lifeguard captain scott peterson this area is notorious for that activity this particular area is one of the best surf areas on the east coast of florida no matter what if there are waves there are people there he went on to say the sharks to look out for were actually black tip and spinner sharks which can grow up to three feet in length but don't let the small size fool you these sharks can do plenty of damage to human flesh people weigh out the risk and take it upon themselves it's one of those things that goes with the territory said peterson number nine fraser island this is a hot spot for ecotourism in recent years and australia's fraser island also sees thrill seekers gather here from all over the world but the kind of thrills on offer are not donkey rides or sand castle building this is one of the riskiest places on the planet for sunbathing surfing and swimming the swimming conditions alone can be extremely difficult and the risk of drowning is high also the water is literally overflowing with enormous sharks and deadly jellyfish but hey we're learning something at least right stay out of the water and all is cool how about partaking in the local sport of surfing down the sand dunes no this is also extremely dangerous and there is little available medical emergency care in this remote spot okay so just sunbathing that also no this beach is a favorite hangout for dingoes which are wild dogs native to australia there have been many attacks by dingoes which have led to deaths just stay home number eight black sand beaches of kilauea sometimes we're worried about man-made explosive and toxic behaviors but nature has its own crazy self-destructive behavior at times and in hawaii the kilauea volcano is active and i mean super active since 1983 a 6.5 mile lava flow has been pouring into the ocean causing all kinds of crazy gases to be released the volcano is around 280 000 years old and has been above sea level for around 100 000 years and it's been a pretty major volcano throughout that time a recent eruption caused a lot of property damage including the destruction of the towns of calapana and caimu and also of the famous black sand beach that was once there so if you are planning on heading out there for some blacks and sunbathing you're out of luck sometimes ash and poisonous clouds of gas are blasted 30 000 feet in the air and local residents are getting used to emergency evacuations whenever kilauea starts getting a little too feisty more than 700 homes have been destroyed by this volcano and although it has been quieter in the last couple of years it's surely just a matter of time until it starts causing trouble again number seven playa zipolite zipolite sounds like a pretty nice beach and also sounds like something to use to light cigarettes but actually the word comes from the indigenous zapotec language of uwaka which no longer has many speakers of course we all at this channel speak around 30 languages each and you can't throw a frisbee around the office without hitting at least five zapotec speakers but anyway i did learn that zapolite means beach of the dead which suddenly makes it sound kinda terrifying and with good reason the undercurrents here are extremely strong and the zapatecs used it as a place where they're dead would be taken away whisked away to the next world which in reality was washing up many months later probably somewhere in florida anyway once the zapotec culture declined mexicans were still superstitious about it at the beginning of the 20th century this paradise was deserted but in the 1960s a lot of hippies moved here nudism and drug taking were their main hobbies but at least one of these did not mix well with swimming here and a lot of them died from drowning the beach retains its hippie vibe and there's even a hotel nude you can stay at number six cape tribulation cape tribulation in case you couldn't guess by the name is a place where you may encounter some tribulations it is situated in north queensland australia and is famous for its beautiful beaches ancient rainforest and mangrove forests but also for the seven foot crocodiles lurking there and the box jellyfish and also the trees which are trying to kill you not to mention the wild boars and something called the wait a while bush which sounds cute but guess what it just wishes you were dead you get the idea this is a place where nature just hates you even the people here are considered dangerous as it's one of the highest rates of drunk drivers in australia since it's kind of boring and deserted but sometimes late night tourists out walking managed to survive all the freaky trees and angry pigs only to be run down by some drunk guy on the road apparently the best way to defeat a wild boar is run around in circles because they can't cut corners very well who knows if this works with crocodiles but it could totally work with very drunk guys number 5. chowpatty girgwam chowpatty is a public beach in india situated near mumbai the beach is famous for its ganesh visarjan celebrations when thousands of people from all over gather to immerse the idols of lord ganesh in the arabian sea which sounds pretty great but there is plenty of danger first up it's famous in india as the beach where the final terrorist of the mumbai terror attacks was caught and there is now a statue of the policeman who managed to capture the terrorists there also this beach is famous as a trash heap with india being one of the biggest polluters especially of the oceans in the world there have been levels of fecal coliform that's pooped to you and me of levels almost unknown at any other beach it's basically sewer water here and it's not just the water the sand at the beach has been turning black since 2016 but people don't know why some have said it's due to an oil slick but there weren't any on record that made any sense it's almost like the sands dying from the insane pollution which is impossible because it's sand but still you might not want to lie on it for very long number four northern territory ah australia the place where the world's fluffy and cute remain unknown and instead the world's terrifying hungry and filled with teeth venom and rage are pretty much everyday terms up in the northern territory there are a lot of things that want to kill you and some of them are even more terrifying than the wombat one of the most dangerous things in the northern territory is water anything that can happen in the water does happen off the beaches of the northern territory and that is why it has the highest number of drownings per capita of any australian state but if you got it together with your breaststroke that doesn't mean you're safe because this is where saltwater crocodiles live and they are known for their mean attitude as well as having the most powerful bite force of any animal in the world they could literally bite you in half and they actually will do that if you're unlucky enough to run into a hungry one so how about you stay away from the water and even get off the sand just to be extra safe well the dirt in australia wants to kill you too that's right nightcliff gardener's disease killed 23 people in the early 2000s and the bacterial disease lives in the dirt which is why gardeners are especially susceptible number three priya du norte nazare in portugal is famous throughout the world for its awesome surfing and the praia do north beach is considered to be the best spot with some of the most challenging waves in fact it's even listed in the guinness book of records as the biggest waves that have ever been served however under the water of this beach lies a huge canyon and this is the reason there are such huge waves the incoming swell wave pushes into the canyon which creates a huge wave that's amazing for surfing but also amazing for killing you back in 2011 hawaiian surfer garrett mcnamara broke the record for the highest wave ever surfed at this beach with the wave measuring 78 feet high he hit another wave in 2013 which was not officially measured but many said it was even bigger finally in 2017 a brazilian surfer named rodrigo coxa broke the record riding an incredible 80-foot high wave but they were lucky to make it out alive unlike some who have tried the waves here number two boa viajim the beach is a central part of life for many people who live in brazil many of brazil's largest cities lie on the coast including rio de janeiro which is the second largest city in the country and maybe the most famous of all the cities in brazil one of its iconic beaches is copacabana beach loved by stars and celebrities for a hundred years and the inspiration for the most annoying song in the world after baby shark another beach is boa viajim in the town of recife boa viajim has fewer celebs but way more tiger sharks back in the 1990s brazilian authorities built a huge new port about 12 miles south of the beach and some reason the sharks decided to make this spot their new home many experts think pollution from the port has pushed sharks further along to near the beach where humans bathe and they've been enjoying this new source of food it seems with an incredible number of shark attacks taking place here in recent times in fact since the port was built more than 50 people have been killed by sharks with attacks more frequent every year that goes by number 1. bikini atoll bikini atoll sounds like a fun place i mean we all like bikinis right well this is the other kind of bikini the kind which is a devastated nuclear wasteland yeah that doesn't sound so fun back in 1946 the us had a new toy to play with the hydrogen bomb so they headed out to the most beautiful paradise they could find in the pacific ocean and nuked it constantly for 12 years to see what would happen after all that research the scientists slowly came to a realization nuking a place dozens of times could cause some damage maybe even a little radioactivity the islanders were thoughtfully removed from bikini atoll before they started the tests but in 1970 the us government said it was all cool for them to move back only some other scientists went there and tested the water and discovered it was insanely radioactive and that everyone was about to die so they all had to leave again which is pretty sad now it's off limits and totally abandoned i don't know about you but i had no idea that beaches could be so insanely dangerous i'll definitely do my research next time i'm planning a holiday what about you do you have a crazy story at a beach too what's the scariest thing that's happened to you on a beach let us know also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 1,467,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most dangerous, dangerous, beaches, world, beach, travel, ocean, in the world, most dangerous beaches, swimming, dangerous beaches, shark, sea, most dangerous beaches in the world, sharks, places, water, surfing, swim, most, never ever swim, scary, australia, dangerous sea in the world, dangerous sea, dangerous beach, earth, shark attacks, dangerous places, attacks, shark beach, shark attack, vacation, island, dangerous animals, most dangerous places, beach (geographical feature category)
Id: HBL8M2gqK50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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