15 Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations In The World

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hundreds of people die every year around the world while they're on vacation some of them were seeking a thrilling experience and some of them were just extremely unlucky from the most dangerous hike in the entire world to a city ruled by the drug cartel here are 15 most dangerous tourist destinations in the world number 15 cape tribulation beach australia the famous saying that everything kills you in australia takes a different meaning when you talk about cape tribulation beach cape tribulation beach is a breathtakingly beautiful place to visit if you don't mind putting your life in danger of course literally everywhere you go there are signs warning you about the wildlife that can not only kill you but also most probably is actively out to get you and the attacks can come from water air land and even from plants in the beautiful crystal clear turquoise waters you can find the infamous box jellyfish also known as the most deadly jellyfish in the world they're able to kill a great white shark with their venom just in case you were wondering oh and also they are translucent meaning you will never see them coming then if you make it out of the water safe you'll find seven foot crocks waiting there for you and they will not hesitate to have a go at you if they're feeling peckish then there's also the itchy tree it's a beautiful tree with big leaves and gorgeous red berries but watch out do not touch it it will release onto your skin thousands of glass-like shards that will remain there for months and if you breathe them in you could possibly die so yeah stay away from the trees as well before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number 14 shenzhen safari park the shenzhen safari park is the first zoo in china to have non-caged animals in its 158 acres there are more than 300 kinds of wild animals roaming free so they're not the ones in a cage you are it's an interesting concept but it can be terrifying as well considering some of the animals are tigers brown bears wolves lions leopards and even tigens and ligers which are hybrids between lions and tigers these animals are not tamed in any way so they remain very dangerous to a human oh and to top off the fantastic experience of this amazing place there's also a motorcycle and car stunt show at night so if you're a lover of adrenaline and thrilling experiences the shenzhen safari park is the place for you number 13. skellig michael skellig michael is a rocky island off the coast of ireland in the atlantic ocean there's a 7th century monastic settlement at the top of one of its two peaks and it has been dubbed the beehive because of its peculiar resemblance it sits at 218 meters above sea level and the only way to reach it is by climbing a very steep pathway carved onto the rocky mountain and there are no safety rails or any kind of aid it's a very humid and rainy corner of the world so the steps are often wet and slippery making it extremely dangerous if you're not an experienced climber and there are 670 steps to go if you want to reach the top after a tourist died on his way up safety has become a very important issue and the elderly and children are advised to remain inland it's no surprise that the monks that used to live there were looking for reclusion it is a very difficult access and everybody would think twice before trying to get there it's also extremely windy so that increases the danger of climbing those steps so what do you say would you take the risk number 12. priya deboa viagem brazil is known for its beautiful sandy beaches with crystal blue waters but taurus aren't the only ones that like to visit them also marine life and sometimes the cohabitation might be deadly it's what happens in the recife coast especially at the boa viagem beach where sharks are known to hang out because of this there are lots of lifeguards deployed at that beach when it's shark season to instruct and teach people how to get in the water where to do so or if it's not a good idea at all but as we all know not everybody's good at following orders and there's always that guy that thinks he knows better and that's when the attacks happen and they happen a lot apparently so if you dream of visiting the recife coast in brazil don't panic just follow the lifeguard's instructions and you'll be completely safe you might even get close enough to the sharks to be at a reach range always keep in mind that they are unpredictable predators of course and try to keep your distance at all costs so there you have it if you're an adrenaline lover and you enjoy paradisal beaches and also the occasional flirt with danger boa via gene beach is the perfect vacation spot for you number 11 half dome yosemite np california the half dome at the yosemite park in california is one of extreme beauty and presence it overlooks the entire park and it rules above it many people hike to the top each summer but not without accidents it is on record that the park rangers have to take on an average of 100 injuries per season for most people it takes 12 hours to reach the top and go back down the dome before it gets dark so you should start at dawn or even before that and everybody that takes the endeavor should be as prepared as they possibly can be put on appropriate hiking shoes with a high traction grip because the rocky steps can be wet and very slippery make sure to bring enough water and food to last through the entire day and always be careful of where you step there's also the fact that the last stretch of the hike is a mountaineer cable route and if you're scared of heights you could be in real danger but even considering all this everybody that makes it to the top says it is absolutely worth it it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and if you feel that you're up for the challenge you should definitely give it a try number 10 running with the bulls in pamplona if you enjoy being in close quarters with extremely dangerous animals we found your next holiday destination pamplona pamplona is a town in spain and every summer they have the san fermines which is a festival in honor of saint fuhrman the festival usually lasts for a week in which they let loose six very large and non-castrated bulls on the street but these are not your normal bowls they are called the toro bravo which is a particularly big and aggressive spanish breed during the festival they close up six streets where the bulls can roam free and everybody has to wear white except for a red scarf and considering that red is the only color that bulls can see it becomes for them a sign of aggression and they simply stampede and tackle people but in this curious spanish town people seem to enjoy the danger and it's become so popular that travelers from around the world go there to run with the bulls but even if it is a very old and annual tradition it never ends without terrible accidents the bull's horns can grow longer than a foot and if it gores you and touches a vital organ you might not live to tell the tale number nine cliffs of maher ireland did you know that a selfie could be lethal well it can and it happens in real life that's the case of 26 year old annan goel a student that lived in dublin and decided to go visit the cliffs of maher in ireland when he stood too close to the edge to take a selfie he fell and dropped 600 feet to his death and his isn't the only accident that's happened at the site lots of visitors opt to go out of the bounds of the safe route putting their own lives at risk the cliffs are very unstable and there can be landslides that can take you with them and swipe you off your feet and despite the efforts of the local rangers people keep doing what they're not supposed to resulting in many deadly accidents so many in fact that there's even a memorial for those who have lost their lives at the site the cliffs are also extremely windy and wet which makes for a difficult grip and therefore suitable for slips and falls and considering it's a 700 foot drop slips can turn to tragedy in a split second so if you ever decided to visit the cliffs of maher just make sure to follow the path or don't at your own risk 8 lake natron tanzania lake natron in tanzania glows in a red amber rusted color it's a very shallow lake and has one of the highest percentages of salt in any natural environment on earth so much so that its ph levels are close to that of ammonia there's also an active volcano nearby that spews chemicals into the water making it quite toxic for most living things except for the very few that can thrive in such an extreme environment every unlucky animal that falls into the waters becomes calcified in a hardened stone-like state like statues made out of gray rock i mean even medusa would be jealous of the powers of this like the red color comes from toxic algae that lives all over the lake and that very few animals can eat without dying one of them being flamingos lake neutron's waters can reach 60 degrees which can inflict third-degree burns in five seconds or less but even considering all of the dangers of lake natron it is a site of breathtaking beauty and a safe haven for many animals that depend on the safety of the lake to survive it goes to show that what could be deadly for some is crucial for the survival of others number seven camanito del rey spain kamenito del rey is a walkway near malaga on the southern coast of spain and it has been dubbed the most treacherous dangerous and deadly path in the world it is 100 years old and was built by prisoners and sailors to link two hydroelectric power stations the pathway deteriorated over time and thus became so tragically dangerous in some parts there's only the metal structure visible meaning you have to walk on a two inch surface at 330 feet of altitude with underneath your feet a rocky cliff that would mean certain deaths it's no surprise it's considered the most dangerous walkway on the planet in the year 2000 though the spanish government decided to close it to the public because of the high numbers of people that were dying crossing it but this only made matters worse now not only was it the most dangerous ever but it was also banned which attracted even more adrenaline junkies from around the world so the only solution was to make it safe and they did exactly that nowadays the path is not even remotely dangerous but it's still an impressive hike that you shouldn't miss if you have the chance number six kokoda and black cat trails papua new guinea both the kokoda and the black cat trails are reminiscent of a time of war in papua new guinea they both saw the spilled blood of hundreds of soldiers and are extremely unforgiving in nature walking these paths is an experience that you can't quite understand unless you've done it yourself the rainforest is very wild and untouched the local tribes that still live there do so like they did hundreds of years ago there are dangerous animals deadly landslides and fragile archaic bridges the map shows villages that might have moved since they were made and there's very difficult access if anyone gets injured throughout the tracks you can see relics of the war still sitting there amongst the foliage like guns or bombs but even with all its dangers and difficulties it's an experience to seek if you enjoy stepping out of your comfort zone and discovering new things the tribes there are extremely friendly and always receive the visitors with a big smile and there's a lot to learn from them if you want to survive the trail people often break their legs sometimes both legs at the same time you have to keep pushing even in the dark if you want to make it to a safe shelter and you have the elements constantly betting against you and to consider those young soldiers that had to cross that trail while dodging bullets true heroes by any counts if you ask me number five mount hoshon china let's talk about the most dangerous and deadliest hike in the entire world the mount huashon hike in china it has been dubbed the plank walk in the sky and it is exactly as it sounds an extremely narrow pathway on the side of a mountain with a staggering drop of seven thousand feet below you in some sections of the trail you're only standing in a very simplistic and extremely narrow piece of wood and then you really need to hope your safety harness doesn't decide to malfunction but that isn't the only insanely dangerous thing about this hike the staggering number of people that visit it every day is the most dangerous factor not only do you have a few inches of wiggly wood planks under your feet but you also have to keep balance with the movement of hundreds of other people and even people coming the opposite direction as you everybody is obliged to have two carabiners connecting them to the safety cable and it's obviously not a good idea to unclip them both at the same time but when you have to pass someone coming opposite from you they sometimes unclip your carabiner and that's when the danger starts considering that if you slip you plumb it down for thousands of feet straight to certain and violent death number four pattaya elephant kingdom thailand contrary to what its name indicates the pattaya elephant kingdom in thailand is not the home of elephants but that of 4 300 crocodiles making it the largest croc farm in the world but this is a special farm as it's open for visitors and the owner of this establishment decided it was safe to let the visitors go on the water and feed the large hungry dangerous crocodiles the only thing separating them from being eaten themselves is a floating metal half cage that as you can see can be very easily tipped over needless to say the government has since closed the farm to visitors and for very obvious reasons the so-called cages where people could go into were nothing more than makeshift rafts kept afloat by several plastic barrels strung together and you can see the rust eaten away at the metal structure i'm a lover of adrenaline myself but this is hands down having a death wish would you step into one of those to go into croc infested waters carrying meat with you it is a perfect recipe for disaster sure makes you think the existence of security laws in the world number three kamchatka komchatka is a russian peninsula forged by volcanoes and it is one of the most beautiful places on earth if you are ever lucky enough to go visit you'll feel like you're at the end of the world where everything is magnetic and powerful but as they say every rose has its thorns and so does com chotka it is a peninsula riddled with active volcanoes which is extremely dangerous on its own [Music] but it's also the home of the russian brown bear and despite being very cuddly looking they are extremely dangerous and strong the night sky gets lit with a red hellish light every single night coming from the erupting volcanoes that is a very active zone of danger alright and you can easily get stuck there because of the extreme weather making it impossible to return to mainland russia or to move forward komchatka is also a very active region for earthquakes you know just in case you were getting comfortable but you'll find that all of this is worth it when you see the beauty it offers it's almost a magical dreamland that reminds you of the power the earth has over us and how small and insignificant we truly are number two acapulco mexico acapulco is known for its paradisiac beaches its amazing street food and for being the playground of celebrities such as elizabeth taylor the kennedys and even frank sinatra but nowadays it isn't the perfect holiday destination you might expect like in many other cities in mexico the drug trafficking business has spiked violence and terror all over the territory and gun fights and gang-related killings are an everyday occurrence the many small cartels that exist there are in a constant turf war which can get extremely dangerous as we all very well know and despite the colossal efforts of law enforcement there's very little they can do so if you don't mind a site a murder with your burrito acapulco is the place to go despite the government statements indicating that the violence in the city only exists in the outlaw zones and not in the touristic zones accidents were so numerous and so close together that tourism has dropped significantly over the years so unless you're a trained soldier or a highly skilled policeman i would recommend staying away from acapulco the once tropical paradise turned into an absolute hell of gang violence and death and is no longer a relaxing environment if you ask me number one trolls tongue norway troll's tongue in norway is a beautiful and imposing rock formation that overlooks a lake lots of people flock there every year to take daring pictures and to enjoy the view from what seems to be the top of the world but beware the picture you went there to take might very well be your last with a 980 foot drop it has been the death of many visitors that had the misfortune of slipping and plummeting to a gory and certain death but unfortunately despite all the warnings of danger people are still attracted to the site because of its breathtaking views and ambience and not only the troll's tongue presents no security features to get there you must endure a 12-hour hike that seems to be extremely challenging and can only be accessed during the times of year when there is no longer any trace of snow but even without snow it's still a very rough terrain and it can present a real difficulty for people that are not used to it if you ever decide to go visit the troll's tongue make sure you do the hike with a certified guide to help you during the difficult spots then also whatever you do never stand too close to the edge as it turns out everything that's worth something in life comes with a certain amount of danger it's up to you to draw the line wherever you want it to be i would certainly not risk my life just to enjoy a nice view what about you are you brave enough to put yourself at risk also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 1,409,499
Rating: 4.8520541 out of 5
Keywords: dangerous, dangerous tourist, tourist attractions, tourist destinations, holidays, holiday destinations, holiday attractions, dangerous holidays, vactions, tourism, travel, destination, tourist, in the world, world, most dangerous tourist destinations, destinations, dangerous tourist destinations, most dangerous, places, dangerous places, popular places, facts, dangerous tourist attractions, attractions, visit, never visit, attraction, should not visit, popular, country, tourist destination
Id: OvsI1JN9caw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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