15 Most Unique Bulls in the World!

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with a reputation for being hot-headed when provoked the bull is a common farm animal found in paddocks right across the globe it is however much more than that in fact it's quite an interesting specimen with many unique breeds utilized for all manner of purposes including forestry work from the extremely strong and hardworking Vaz a day to the most popular breed for meat processing here are 15 most unique bulls in the world before we begin make sure to hit that like button subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell for more amazing videos every day that being said let's begin number fifteen behzad a bull not exactly known for its slight nning quick speed and nor would you want it to be the Bazza de bull originated from Southwest France in the Middle Ages and frequents the lowlands and the ODE Pyrenees mainly used for agricultural and forestry work this slow-moving Beast is chosen more for its strength than its agility which is fortunate given its hefty size imagine giving birth to a 42 kilogram baby sounds like a tough task doesn't it with a birth weight between 35 and 42 kilograms it's hard to imagine the process being anything but easy fortunately for the mother this is not the case in fact the Bazin day is well known as an easy cavern with their muscle developing after two weeks by four months these bolts tip the scales at a whopping 200 kilograms and by 14 months can reach up to a half a ton not bad considering how long it would take a human to get to that weight not to mention the amount of fast food required it's no wonder they're classed as an exceptional working breed that can toil away even in the harshest of conditions these dark gray muscle tone versions of the Incredible Hulk are pretty much invincible these gentle giants also provide a lean succulent and tasty beef making them worth their weight in gold when it comes to meat processing yet another win for the farmer now it's time for the start topic there's something about this image that is definitely a bit off a bowl this size with horns this large it's not gonna just sit there and pose for a picture shortly presenting an imposing figure against the picturesque countryside landscape this bowl is enormous the biggest I've ever seen that's for sure and standing mere inches away is a tourist complete with a backpack hiking boots and digital camera just snap it away there are two noticeable discrepancies here though the cameraman is actually up too close to even get a decent picture of this monstrous beast unless he's wanting a freeze-frame of its eyeball and secondly his captive audience doesn't seem all too fazed by his presence is this picture real the cynic in me says no but what do you think remember to comment down below with the hashtag star topic and let us your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen and now to the next topic number 14 the Muhsin imagine a bodybuilder but in animal form and you've got della moose in bull these well muscled beef cattle would easily be awarded Best in Show with their toned physique a standout amongst other breeds with its origins firmly placed in France as far back as the late 1800s the lumison was mainly used as a drought animal plowing fields the first limb usin herd book not dissimilar to a farm machinery book was established in France in 1886 this book bore Bible if you will was full of tips tricks rules and regulations for breeders to ensure pure bred new and improved offspring these strictly enforce standards piqued the interest of beefeaters throughout France Canada the US and Australia with the LA Muhsin beef trade growing significantly over the last 200 years with a reputation for producing an efficient carcass these large framed bulls are generally raised commercially so don't be surprised if a sample pops up in your Big Mac one day and with mature Bulls weighing up to a ton let's face it there's plenty of this big beefcake to go around number 13 Partha neighs as popular with the Irish is a pint of Guinness on st. Patrick's Day Partha neighs cattle were first introduced in Ireland back in 1997 named after the town of Parthenon in western France the breed was originally triple purpose raised for milk meat and as a workhorse in the paddocks like many of its competitors in the paddocks across the globe the partha knees is now raised mainly for its beef production and with a fine bone structure significant muscle mass and a weaning weight of 337 kilograms at just seven months it's easy to see why first introduced in the 1800s this well-established breed is almost prehistoric with butter made from its milk distributed across France many hundreds of years ago a fairly agile chap considering at maturity it weighs 1,300 kilograms the partha knees is primarily light brown with a tint of grey or blond around the muzzle and some black pigmentation on the eye area unlike the cow of this breed stronger lack pigmentation is only present around the shoulders of the part the Knights Bowl they are also naturally horned which can prove problematic if your herd is prone to fighting some are dehorned early on but others are simply kept separate ensuring they don't lock horns see what we did there number 12 Brahma a hearty specimen the Brahman bull is easily recognized by its slightly dopey appearance not unlike that of a basa down a large hump behind its head saggy skin under the neck and droopy ears provide further distinction to this giant bowl that originated in both India and the United States more than four thousand years ago used for its beef cuts or for crossbreeding the Brahman is normally colored either light gray or red - almost black a fully grown bull can weigh anywhere up to 1000 kilograms so don't be fooled by their docile appearance this guy is as tough as they come although many Bulls are well known for withstanding freezing cold temperatures the funny-lookin Brahman can cope with anything he and the calves he sires can handle elements of the hot variety surviving in searing heat up to 100 degrees distributed around Australia and Argentina the Brahman also has a unique scent they're active sweat glands produce an oily secretion that helps repel insects a little something that would come in handy for us humans during the warmer months considered a sacred cow and before you ask no they don't go to church these cattle weren't bred for their meat but for their ability to withstand harsh climate and humidity where others welts in the dry hot conditions these guys thrive they also have a reputation for being both docile and intelligent number 11 month Bali are like many others the Mont Belliard bull has its origins in France where its offspring were once used for dairy production with their milk turned into cheese to this day that is still the case however with a low body fat proportion they are also a popular breed when it comes to meat production with mature weights of up to 1,200 kilograms the Mont Belliard is a red and white pied breed with tough feet and impressive milking abilities although not as impressive in milking as Holstein Friesian the Montville yards beef quality surpasses them there are however traces of red Holstein in modern belly yards after some crossbreeding in the 1970s they live long and fertile lives and our bread for changeable conditions the cows have strong odors that are highly resistant to mastitis an attractive trait for farmers keen on a healthy and productive herd naturally horn they are however Pro too temperamental behaviors showcasing many of the traits us humans fear them for some have been described as so difficult by farmers that they chose to avoid the breed but don't take our word for it just like humans they are not all the same it pays to do your research before investing in any bowl no matter its reputation number 10 Aberdeen Angus the Grand Angus and the mighty Angus are two of the best selling McDonald's beef burgers on the market following a public relations campaign to promote the product in 2006 but what's behind the burger other than an excuse to sample one of the McDonald's finest the Scottish bred Aberdeen Angus or simply angus is considered a small breed of beef cattle native to the counties of Aberdeen sure and Angus in northeastern Scotland the Angus is naturally pulled as solid black but more recently red colours have emerged in the UK both are registered in the same herd book however in the u.s. they're classed as two separate breeds Red Angus and Black Angus considered the most common of the two 330 2421 Black Angus cattle were registered in the u.s. in 2017 and in 2014 the British cattle movement service named it as the UK's finest the breed has been introduced in Argentina Canada Germany and Australia first presented to the Tasmanian market in the 1820s Angus beef has grown in popularity to the point it's now found in all Australian states and territories another hardy example the angus is bred to survive typically harsh environments including the snowfalls and storms typical of Scottish winters number nine thailand bull they might be known as the highland bull but don't be expecting them to Donna tartan kilt and craic out a native dance move anytime soon the classic Scottish breed is probably one of the more attractive looking Bulls with its distinctive ginger red long-haired ominous looking horns and high-pitched vocals with a complex history not unlike the royal family decades of crossbreeding have blurred the lines between the original and the Bri we see today predominantly used for beef production Highland cattle also produce milk on a small scale this milk is known for its high butter fat content effect some farmers find appealing at the mention of their name people immediately think of the ginger red coat however there are other variants including black brindle yellow and even white their coat which has a slight wave to it can reach up to 13 inches and is double layered providing a waterproofing element particularly handy for those Scottish winters although an advantage in their native Scotland their thick coat can prove a nuisance in other countries with warmer climates no doubt a bit like wearing a fur coat on a tropical island exactly Pleasant number a Belgian bull the slow-moving Belgian with muscles rivaling that of a champion wrestler these cattles are an impressive breed with more than their looks helping them to shine with origins in northern and central Belgium they have existed for hundreds of years however it wasn't until the 1960s when their most striking characteristics were publicly revealed thought to be a mix of the short horn and Charolais they are available in several color swatches not unlike curtains or cushions from white blue roan black or even red the Belgian Blue bull is easily recognized by its extremely muscled frame and generous proportions this chap is huge with heavily defined backs and strong looking legs these guys have been known to reach a whopping 1,250 kilograms when fully grown clearly a sturdy Beast these Bulls do well in most climates adapting easily to temperate oceanic weather including the odd chilly spell or scorching heat they don't cope well with extreme cold however as their skin is thin and despite their size they don't hold much fat despite their threatening size the Belgian Blue has a docile temperament but caution is always advised as sometimes males can be tricky no surprises there yeah men are tricky number seven Sultan Indian Bowl India's most valuable Bowl Sultan weighs double that of your average Bowl tipping the scales at a whopping 1.5 tons not only that he's a tall fellow too measuring 5 feet 11 inches tall from hoof to head taller than the average human Sultan is a merabh bull who is worth an estimated 2 point 5 million pounds and with a noble title like Sultan it also comes as no surprise that he's a very pampered bovine owner Naresh Kumar takes him on a five-kilometer stroll and he's bathed twice a day his diet too is not like that of a normal bowl and may have something to do with his giant stature he dines on 10 kilograms of milk 15 kilograms of apples 20 kilograms of carrots 10 kilograms of grain and 10 to 12 kilograms of green leaves each day in fact he costs Naresh upwards of 30 pounds a day to feed and the rest doesn't mind though because although he is pricey to take care of Sultan earns his keep with his precious semen in hot demand considered liquid gold it is sold in almost every state in India with total sales each year topping 120,000 pounds not a bad income for a bull after a hard day's toil on the farm Sultan enjoys one last treat each evening a bottle of whiskey Ted you heard that right our gentle giant has a taste for the finer things in life who can blame him number 6 gland ball when world-famous composer Beethoven was a toddler this multi-purpose breed of cattle was being introduced to the market established in Germany by Duke Christian the fourth in the late 1700s the Glen was raised for milk and meat production and for working the farm a traditional cattle breed they originated from the brown Swiss with improvements made through crossbreeding with semental and bern mountain bulls there was a time when the Glen almost became extinct however there are approximately 2,000 of the animals recorded as still in existence today in the 1920s to enhance their drowning performance the glands were crossed with the geld V however a decade later the breeding game changed since 1950 they have mainly been crossed with Danish red cattle with offspring either losing their milk performance or beef production the early 80s brought with it a resurgence of the breed with an association for the conservation and promotion of the gland cattle founded in search of purebred originals the group discovered 25 cows with just four purebred among them with no living Bulls found they were fortunate to come across frozen sperm to help conserve the breed they also used Bulls of related breeds like the geld B today many associations breed gland cattle with the focus purely on its beef performance number five main Anjou dating right back to the 1800s the Maine Anjou was the product of crossbreeding between the older Mansell breed and the durum over time the main Anjou became very successful as an animal that could be easily fattened essentially giving farmers more bang for their buck with mature weights of up to 1,400 kilograms the Maine Anjou bull is a brute of an animal cows to reach decent weights of approximately 800 60 kilograms better known for their beef production it is also not uncommon for them to be milked particularly around France usually dark red in color with white patches scattered about the head tail underside and rear legs there are other variations but they're quite rare depending on their breeding history the Maine Anjou can be horned or polled with farmers preferring the polled version not surprising given the Horning can be a difficult process for a smaller animal not to mention an angry bull fortunately they are known for their pleasant disposition with the females making good mothers their milk is of such a high quality that their young are always thoroughly nourished famous for their high muscle content and the easy fattening ability this breed is a real asset for the farmer looking to make a quick return on their investment number four pits are in 2016 this may non-jew bull was named the world's heaviest after tipping the scales at almost two tons the same as an adult hippopotamus the bull named Fateh art weighs double that of other bulls and has enough meat on his bones to make 45,000 burgers not that anyone will ever find out as he's too busy making a name for himself at agricultural shows made famous for his weight the one 950 kilogram bowl as his origins in France and it just over five years old his form is impressive well known for their ability to gain weight quickly the main Anjou Bowl had agriculturists as far back as 1843 raving about their ability to gain weight saying they were the last to be put out to pasture but the first to be sent to market a real bonus for those looking to gain a livable income from farming fateh art however is unlikely to make a trip to the meat processing plant anytime soon in fact breeders will be lining up around the block for his semen and paying a pretty penny for it no doubt it's hard to argue with the facts when this guy is the history books to prove his worth number three South Devon the largest of the British native breeds South Devon cattle are a beef breed with ancestry dating back as far as the Norman invasion of England the original South Devon is believed to have descended from the large red cattle of Normandy that were imported during the invasion those we see today originated in southwest England in an area of devon with historical evidence indicating that isolation caused a slight deviation in the breed this resulted in two physically distinct types the north and south devon notable for its rich medium red coat with copper highlights the breed has slight shade variance and can appear model powerfully-built they were once considered a dual-purpose animal bred for their milk beef production and ploughing abilities although it was common for most herds to be milked during and shortly after the Second World War the trend has tended towards more beefier sires since the 1960s and today it's rare for them to be bred for anything other than their meat there was however a resurgence in the idea to reintroduce the breed into dairy farming with a farmer in Devon looking to produce his own brand of ice cream in 2008 his attempts at producing a bull for this herd have so far proved unsuccessful the breed exhibits strong performance for production and profitability and is exceptionally adaptable to varying climactic conditions today it is well-established across five continents number two SNM agro bulls established in 2014 SNM agro is an agricultural company located in Bangladesh with just over five years in the industry they have become the largest cattle house in Bangladesh with a bull collection that is simply mind-boggling if you're in the market for a bull in Bangladesh SNM agro is the place to go they have a huge variety of prize-winning breeds including many that are unique to the market a bit like the local convenience store there is every color of the rainbow to choose from all with award-winning genetics with an abundance of breeds on offer all the research has been done for the buyer you simply walk in take your pick and hand over the cash it couldn't be easier number one Chianina or porcelain bull the tallest and heaviest breed of cattle in the world the Chianina bull stands up to 1.8 metres tall and can exceed 1600 kilograms in weight not only that but they routinely weigh as much as an average teenager at birth they have a long history of impressive figures when it comes to their size with the largest ever recorded still holding the record for the heaviest Chianina bull named doneto the bull was exhibited at the arezzo show in 1955 and weighed in at a record-breaking 1740 kilograms that's one big bull bred near sin illunga in the province of Siena this mature lad measured just over 6 feet in height with a coat resembling Casper the ghost the Chianina is pure white with slight grey shading around the eyes popular as a workhorse in years gone by due to their ability to cope with steep hill terrain the Chianina ox has now been replaced by machinery with their origins in several regions of Italy dating back at least 2,200 years it was normal procedure for both male and female to work in pairs today however they are rarely seen in Italy other than at public events like the Palio di Siena a strong and resilient Beast the bowl is often misunderstood as an aggressive individual that should be avoided where possible there is however a lot more to the breed than meets the eye most are bred for specific purposes climates and/or meat and some are even known for their docile personality you see it pays not to judge a book by its cover also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 5,256,699
Rating: 4.6439505 out of 5
Keywords: rare animals, animals, strange, bizarre, creatures, animal, unbelievable, strange animals, species, weird, breed, rare, wild animals, amazing animals, incredible, biggest animals, actually, unusual, bizarre animals, rare and unseen, bulls, bull, unique, in the world, the world, world, list, biggest
Id: y9qJ_t7CZS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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