15 Most Expensive Horses in the World

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not every horse will be expensive but just like most animals their price tag is often dictated by what they can do and their lineage [Laughter] oh my god a winning racehorse will cost more than one that's ailing and old but have you thought about what the most expensive horses are [Music] from the desirable friesian breed to the post-war europe dutch warm blood here are 15 of the most expensive horses in the world number 15 friesian horse breed if you've ever stumbled across a beautiful horse that's as dark as knight and almost doesn't look real then you may have just spotted a friesian this horse breed comes from friesland in holland and made its way to north america in the 1970s they used to be a bay or gray coloring but they are now mostly black in three shades some also have a star marking on their forehead currently there are only around 8 000 friesians in north america and we're kind of wondering whether it's to do with their price tag the price of this horse can vary significantly but the higher end is shocking you can pay as much as six hundred thousand dollars for a stallion that is known to produce qualifying offspring in saying that you can also buy one for as low as seven thousand dollars but it just won't be as valuable as the stallion to horse lovers who know what they're looking for this breed is worth every penny just look at them their majestic striking and make for standout additions to horse show competitions driving and dressage you'll be hard-pressed to find a horse as beautiful as this one before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number 14 the mustang you might be wondering how on earth a mustang is one of the most expensive horses in the world and you're right they aren't expensive in the traditional sense they're costly as a whole for the complex nature of their living arrangements here in the united states a mustang is a free-roaming feral horse that descends from domesticated horses brought to the americas by the spanish they are symbols of the west's pioneering spirit which means the u.s bureau of land management manages and protects them when their population numbers become unmanageable they're sold off to private owners or end up in holding areas these heavy-hooved animals often end up in the stables of those involved in the equestrian industry because having a mustang can evoke a sense of pride in saying that a lot of money has been spent on deciding whether mustangs are an invasive species or a native species horse lovers and non-horse lovers probably have two different ideas on the matter but there's definitely no denying they are beautiful they have large feet solid colors and striking coat patterns they are also one of the most enormous horses in the equestrian industry number 13. the andalusian when you choose a car you often consider its aesthetics speed horsepower and comfort the same rule applies when you select a horse which is why the andalusian is one of the most expensive horses in the world as far as ticking all the boxes for desirable features this horse covers all bases they are known for their athleticism strength stamina and ability to excel in riding and driving they are an all-around high quality horse that horse owners just love [Music] it doesn't hurt that it's also associated with spanish regality the andalusian comes from the iberian peninsula and was prized for its nobility and hardiness as a war horse even though they were quite a compact horse they were also exceptionally strong and elegant which were necessary battlefield traits many people buy the andalusian breed for show jumping and dressage events and they feature commonly in european horse shows you may only pay around five thousand dollars for an unregistered one but an andalusian that has been well bred will set you back up to around 15 000 and up to 60 thousand dollars they're no budget friendly horse that's for sure number 12 dutch warm blood a lot can go wrong in jumping and dressage events you never know if your horse is going to wake up on the wrong side of the stable or if something will scare them just as you're about to head into the show ring so if you want to keep those instances to a minimum you're probably quite curious about the dutch warm blood this beautiful horse came about in post-war europe during the 1960s the extensive breeding program saw them become a successful competition horse and a desirable one at that all thanks to selective breeding they love to please humans which definitely helps in competitions they are also extremely reliable with an even temperament and superior athleticism so many horse lovers and competitors purchase them for a huge variety of equestrian sports in north america though you'll be more likely to see them in the hunter ring they sound like a catch right the dutch warm blood really is and that's probably why owning one will set you back from five thousand dollars all the way up to thirty thousand dollars quality doesn't come cheap but you'd be unlikely to regret your decision number 11 oldenburg when farmers wanted an all-purpose farm horse the oldenburg was developed it was an all-around decent strong hard-working horse and one that rarely complained but there was something in the oldenburg that other farm horses didn't have it was like a star waiting to be recognized this horse which was developed in lower saxony northwestern germany has since become a tall sporting horse it towers above others while also impressing with its gate and jumping ability it has evolved over the years but only in a way that improves what was already a reasonably sound horse to begin with the oldenburg has since become the modern oldenburg which is different from the alt oldenburger some breeding programs can be quite strict but this one allows the use of stallions from private owners as a result the oldenburg has a far more diverse pedigree and bloodline than other horse breeds of the sporting variety because they are also exceptionally talented at what they do you're gonna have to start saving your pennies you can pick up an unregistered oldenburg for about five thousand dollars but a top stallion could cost you anywhere from 100 000 to half a million dollars number 10 thoroughbred could you imagine walking into a pet store seeing an animal you liked then paying 70 million dollars for it i mean i know some dogs are ridiculously cute but 70 million dollars that's how much a thoroughbred horse by the name of fugaichi pegasus sold for in ireland to cool more stud most thoroughbreds will sell for between fifty thousand and one hundred thousand dollars which is not exactly cheap but it just goes to show how desirable these horses are but why well it's all down to their capabilities then when you try to start to do other things your horse is very very relaxed about you being on them the better they are the more they're worth the thorough bread breed and horse racing go hand in hand they are hot-blooded high-spirited and are both agile and fast it's a winning recipe for the money-making sport the horse's age its confirmation gender pedigree and purse winnings can all dictate how much you can pay if you have a horse that always ends up in the winner's circles then you can expect to pay a lot for the breed in saying that thoroughbreds aren't just for those involved in horse racing people also purchased them for polo dressage show jumping and combined training they are an all-around desirable horse number nine shetland pony the shetland pony is only worth around 500 to 1500 which doesn't exactly make it the most expensive horse in the world but in terms of what you would buy your children as their first pet it's a lot more costly than a goldfish that's for sure this cute stout pony is around 28 to 46 inches tall they have a compact body short legs a thick neck and a broad head they also weigh up to around 450 pounds and have a beautifully lush mane and tail almost like they should appear in a shampoo commercial shetland ponies have been around for thousands of years and are thought to have originated in the shetland islands they could pull carts plow land work in mines and now they make the perfect starter horse for a young child looking to get into the horse riding scene generally they're quite a hearty animal which allows them to manage quite well in cold temperatures they are also quite easy care as it's harder to under feed one as it is to overfeed they can thrive on little food and all they really need is grass hay these gentle friendly animals can be as affectionate as any cat or dog you own but they can also be a little bit uncooperative training is definitely necessary number eight appaloosa if you need a horse that'll just keep running and running and running then the appaloosa might be right for you you just need to check the couch cushions to see if you can gather up around three thousand bucks this beautiful horse is popular in the united states and it won't take you long to understand why [Music] they are fast beautiful and fiery which are all the things that many horse owners are looking for the appaloosa comes from the indian territory of nez paris in north america they are thought to descend from wild mustangs then spanish horses that explorers brought with them they have regular horse coat colors but with a few notable differences sometimes they can have patches and dots on their bodies that make them incredibly unique you wouldn't have any problem spotting your horse in a crowd they also grow up to 16 hands up to 64 inches and weigh between 1 000 and 1 100 pounds they are definitely a light horse but they are sturdy and desirable all the same better start saving up your pennies number seven clydesdale when you get a shock at the 5 000 price tag of the clydesdale horse that shock won't last for long especially once you know that they are one of the tallest horses in the world and up to 18 hands and are incredibly hard workers they will learn a place in your heart and property in no time clydesdale horses were made to work they were war horses pulling armed soldiers and then became a farmer's best friend they could haul logs pull implements and even pull milk wagons and other freight anything that required strength or endurance the clydesdale was the horse for the job they were developed in the late 18th century in scotland and were brought to north america by scottish settlers by the time they made their way to the u.s people were impressed with how they could plow fields and power machinery they could save a man's back a lot of pain these calm gentle giants are rarely needed for farm work now but they're still adored and purchased worldwide they are often crossed with thoroughbreds and used for riding and driving number six american quarter horse if you've got a spare 14 500 then you could just about afford the american quarter horse and oh what a horse it is there's almost nothing this horse can't achieve which is why it's the most popular breed in the united states today the american quarter horse association is also the world's largest breeding registry why is that one of the standout features of this horse is that it's fast like ridiculously fast then there's another one which is cutting where you cut out cows from a group in a short distance sprint race it can reach speeds of up to 55 miles per hour it can outrun all manner of other horse breeds in just a quarter mile that's why a specific race track for this breed was set up in the 1600s they are definitely a well-known racehorse but that's not to say they aren't suitable for other tasks as well people use their american quarter horse for horse shows working ranches and rodeos they excel in calf roping barrel racing reining and other western riding techniques english disciplines are also common with this breed with horse enthusiasts using them for hunting dressage show jumping and driving see there's almost nothing this horse can't do number five paint horse well you might have to spend over 20 thousand dollars on the paint horse breed it's actually not out of the question for them to be worth this much that much is evident by the fact that it exists in around 40 countries and that the american pain horse association has about 100 000 members it doesn't matter what kind of rider you are or how much experience you have you can most likely competently ride a paint horse they suit general riding equestrian events and can even be a working horse they're the jack of all trades of the horse world pain horses measure up to 16 hands and have a colorful coat with a well-balanced and robust body they are both striking in their colors and in their muscular hindquarters if a pain horse was to describe itself in a dating profile it would say it's a calm intelligent athletic fast and agile horse not to brag but they're also very trainable and versatile which is why they feature in so many industries and sports the three main colors for these horses are tobiano ovaro and tavero and all are unique you'll have no problem picking your paint horse out of a crowd number four morgan with a price tag as high as 55 000 you will definitely want your money's worth with the morgan breed of horse the good news is you likely will justin morgan founded this breed and it quickly became one of the most famous in the united states it was thought to be a combination of an arabian and thoroughbred horse but there were likely other horse breeds included in the mix justin morgan's horse died in 1821 but that didn't stop the breed from carrying on the modern version is an active all-purpose horse that can average between 14 and 15 hands and weigh up to 1 100 pounds they are a beautiful riding horse and as far as attractive horses go they are near the top of the list this is all thanks to their expressive eyes smooth lines petite ears and a beautifully crested neck on and off the race course this horse is impressive they are energetic solid and exceptionally intelligent they also transitioned almost effortlessly from being a carriage pulling horse into a racing one number three gypsy vanner if you fancy a horse that's just as comfortable in a jumping competition as it is erasing one then the gypsy vanner is a breed worth your while sure it can set you back as much as 10 000 bucks but could you really put a price on such a majestic animal well yes ten thousand bucks the gypsy vanner loves to run and jump they can skip on four feet in just one stride which is why many people prefer them for jumping competitions what's more if you've got up-and-coming talented horse riders in your family they will fit right in they are a friendly family loving horse who is generally a pleasure to be around they are also strong can pull a heavy load and don't spook easily everything you want in a horse you will have around your family it also doesn't hurt that they're beautiful as well the gypsy vanner are most commonly piebald or skew bald which are variations of black and white or brown and white you can also buy them as most other standard horse colors with white or a white splash of color number two arabian whether you've got a lot of spare coin or you understand the value of horses then you may just jump at the chance to own an arabian this horse breed is one of the most popular horse breeds in the world and also one of the oldest so you can expect to drop a fair few pennies when you're buying one of these [Music] they can cost as little as thousand dollars or as much as three hundred thousand dollars but that's not even the top dollar in 2015 an arabian mayor called papita sold for around 1.4 million euro which is around 1.6 million us dollars imagine how many houses and cars you could buy for that but people don't just drop that sort of coin on a horse for no reason they generally are worth what the owner's asking for them they are exceptional animals to train love working with people and excel in the world of endurance and speed they are also quite often used to shape other desirable horse breeds like the thoroughbred or quarter horse their traits are just that desirable that everyone wants a piece of them number one ackle tiki most horses you come across are quite how do you say it normal colored you've got your blacks browns whites and variations of all three but then there's the ackle tiki and oh my what a beauty no wonder it's one of the most valuable horses in the world and also one of the rarest the akul tiki is turkmenistan's national horse and is known for its stunning metallic-like coat it has a beautiful sheen to its coat but it's also an overall outstanding endurance horse that people would spend up to one hundred thousand dollars trying to buy but it's unlikely you'll get your hands on one anytime soon there are only around 8 000 of them in the world and 1 000 of those are held in a training facility in ashgabat the turkmen capital there are plenty of reasons why this horse is so desirable firstly it can travel over 600 miles in less than a week they also have a delicate mane long neck and small head which are all attractive features on this horse they are used in speed and endurance events and they are resilient against harsh weather in saying that families may not find this is the right horse for them they don't have the best tempers even though efforts have been made to change that anyone involved in the world of horses will know just how much it costs to maintain and keep a horse but the price tag to buy that horse in the first place can also be relatively high would you ever pay these prices for a horse also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time you
Channel: The Finest
Views: 340,437
Rating: 4.7986999 out of 5
Keywords: expensive horses, expensive horse breeds, expensive arabian horse, most expensive horse auction, buying a expensive horse, dubai king horse, mohammed bin al maktum expensive horse, expensive racing horse, royal family horse, saudi arabia king horse, dubai horse racing, khk royal horse, costliest horse, richest horse, horse breeds, most expensive horses, arabian horse, big horse, strongest horses, most expensive horse, pretty horse breeds, in the world
Id: dBxK7anp2fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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