15 Dogs You Should Fear the Most

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dogs are definitely man's best friend they're loyal lovable not to mention extremely cuddly but some of them can be dangerous and we're not just talking about police dogs there are even some small dogs like chihuahuas that sink their teeth into vets more often than any other breed but certain species can cause more significant harm just because of their size or the force of their bite welcome back to the forever green channel today we're going to take a look at 15 of the most ferocious and dangerous dogs you should fear the most before we do that we have a quick quiz for you which of these dogs do you think has the most powerful bite of all put your answers in the comments down below number 15 akita the name might be cute but the breed certainly isn't it is one of the most fearsome guard dogs to originate from japan only second to the tosa which were brightest fighting dogs even today the akita remains the national dog breed and is a symbol of japan these dogs are confident independent and bred to provide world-class protection for any family they can also be rather suspicious in aloof around strangers and perceive unfamiliar people as dangerous even if they are not as a result their protective instincts kick in and they attack they can deal some real damage as they are quite large and strong so you might want to tread very lightly if you ever visit someone with an akita guard dog number 14 american bulldog [Music] american bulldogs can be friendly and docile if they are appropriately trained and you don't give them a reason to be aggressive [Music] some owners actually interpret their dog's reluctance to comply with instructions as a lack of intelligence [Music] but really they're just a little bit stubborn [Music] a bulldog won't do your bidding or obey you if you aren't a firm and consistent leader of the family the fact that these dogs are not easy to train and control raises a concern because lack of training lets them become dangerous and attack unprompted [Music] number 13 german shepherds [Music] german shepherds are the pride and joy of any canine unit of police force and are pretty much synonymous with police dogs at this point they're intelligent agile muscular dependable for fighting crime and if they're put in a bad situation they can become dangerous they have a bite force of 238 per square inch enough to break the bone of a human a typical family-owned german shepherd believes it has one job and one job only protect the family with such a personality accidents are bound to happen and very few people can actually survive and attack from them and if you think that sounds dangerous stick around for the number one fiercest dog on our list number 12 doberman pinscher [Music] dobermans easily tower over other dogs at 28 inches tall it can weigh up to 100 pounds they're powerful creatures and because they have so much strength they need to be trained early one of the biggest concerns with raising a large dog is the ability to train them properly they are an intelligent breed but their dominant nature and signs can make them somewhat difficult for some people to train many owners describe their dogs as loyal obedient energetic alert and courageous creatures but chances are they were successful with training them keeping a doberman requires extra attention and those who fail to provide it are more likely to be the ones with dogs that contribute to the attacks number 11 alaskan malamute [Music] this breed is not necessarily aggressive most owners will even tell you they can be sociable and good with children the problem is they have a ton of energy and if it isn't directed to something productive the consequence is aggressive behavior when a malimute exhibits aggression it is probably due to neglectful owners these dogs need both physical and mental stimulation in order to maintain healthy living both in mind and body [Music] an inability to release pent-up energy usually leads to destructive behavior on their part and this includes attacking strangers these dogs can weigh up to 100 pounds so encountering an aggressive alaskan malumut could undoubtedly prove to be dangerous number 10 rottweiler although they are generally good-natured rottweilers will do whatever it takes to protect their pack or owners most owners describe them as loyal fearless and confident all of which are excellent temperament characteristics for the perfect family dog however rottweilers are also one of the most dangerous breeds out there devoted and obedient almost to a fault they have a bite force of pounds per square inch and the only chance of surviving an attack from them is to go completely passive put up a fight and you might just regret it the dog won't pose a threat to people it knows and trusts but outsiders and strangers are a different story [Music] the males of this breed don't distinguish between playful aggression and actual aggressive action [Music] so they've been known to bite a stranger even if they are just trying to have fun so teasing or playing with an unfamiliar rottweiler won't end well for you [Music] number nine pit bulls [Music] statistically speaking pit bulls are the most dangerous breed of dog [Music] despite that title they can be sweet and caring too but it's usually aggressive or unkind owners that make them develop aggressive behavior many pitbull attacks were believed to be carried out by dogs with irresponsible and abusive owners who specifically trained them to be vicious they're generally loyal friendly and really do love people [Music] and they can be trained to be social but it also heavily depends on their circumstances just in case though we would suggest you tread lightly around them number eight willie cuda also called the pakistani mastiff the bully kuda were initially bred to be hunters and guardians and fight against wild boars and bears but their massive size and naturally aggressive nature have made them popular as fighting dogs in pakistan sadly they are still used in illegal dogfights they're a whopping 44 inches tall and can weigh up to 170 pounds which justifies their other name the beast from the east [Music] training them to be social can be risky sometimes as they are quite a temperamental breed they may seem playful at first but play fights with other dogs can quickly escalate and have fatal consequences if you're planning to get one you should have experience with other big dogs not to mention plenty of space in your backyard number seven tosa and new [Music] another japanese price fighting dog breed [Music] but this one is so dangerous that the species has actually been banned in many countries including the uk and australia [Music] this is because it was bred specifically for blood sports [Music] japanese rules meant the tosa inu wasn't even allowed to make noise while in the pit so they can fight in silence and you wouldn't even know [Music] they are even called the sumo of the dogfighting world in countries where the breed is allowed owners are required to apply for a special permit [Music] even some towns in japan have banned the breeding of the tosa anew so if you're raring to get one you need to be an experienced dog owner or trainer there are very few things scarier than this 150 pound japanese dog charging right at you [Music] number six chow chows it's an adorable name right the chow chow is a chinese dog breed well known for its lion-like mane as intriguing as it looks it is also extremely dangerous so you might not want to get too close like the other dogs on this list it has been the cause of several attacks people tend to underestimate this dog because it looks so cute but if they are not socialized properly they could be on the receiving end of a vicious attack the best way to avoid any mishaps is through early and consistent socialization as a puppy this breed of dog is loyal independent-minded and quiet [Music] they're also naturally protective and can sometimes be possessive as well if this behavior is not moderated often aggressive behavior in adulthood is a real possibility so as cute as it may look you shouldn't try to hug it or play with it [Music] number 5 pero de presa canario this dog breed is from the canary islands and is also called the canary mastiff they're easy to spot with their big droopy ears they can grow to be massive dogs incredibly strong and quite dangerous when provoked [Music] they are incredibly loyal and protective by nature but can be friendly if trained properly they require early socialization and obedience training in some cases the pero de presa canario can be aggressive toward other dogs and suspicious of strangers in the past these dogs were also used in dog fighting rings due to their size and there have been reports of fatal attacks on humans [Music] in fact the buying and selling of this breed is completely prohibited in australia and new zealand [Music] number four fila racillero also called the brazilian mastiff these dogs are strong dependable and trained to serve as working dogs they are known for their superb tracking abilities aggressiveness and unforgiving temperament [Music] rather than attacking their prey they trap them and wait for the hunter making them great hunting partners for that reason they are used as guard dogs for livestock and hunting dogs for large game once trained and aware of its place in the family they can make excellent companions but this dog's bite is worse than its bark and displays fierce devotion and protectiveness of their family if provoked if you want to know what they look like so you can avoid it they stand out with their saggy ears and dark muzzles number three kane corso originating from the south of italy this dog is scary because of its solid calm disposition with incredible strength it's the perfect guard dog and an ideal hunting partner when you're out to catch a big game though they were never used for dog fighting their aggression is known to cause problems they have a bite force of 700 pounds per square inch meaning they can easily kill humans cane corsos are incredibly attentive to their owners and more responsive to training than other mastiffs they are dominant but can also respect an owner that is kind confident and consistent you would have to train this one very well especially if you have other breeds at home it is now time for today's subscriber pick remember if you find a weird or interesting picture on the internet send it over to us and we'll investigate today's image comes from a subscriber let's take a look seems like they're ready to attack those laser red eyes would be a terrifying last sight to see and that is pitbull a fearless dog breed that will go to any length to save its owner they look dangerous but as mentioned above they are sweet and caring too it's usually aggressive or unkind owners that make them develop aggressive behavior but we do have a similar dog no its eyes don't glow red when it's about to attack but it might as well number two tibetan mastiff they look creepy but owners admire them for their stature they're like the lions of the tibetan plateau but they don't exactly make for good playmates the tibetan mastiff is bred for guarding flock family and territory they are fierce serious and scary dogs that have a strong will to defend their turf despite their size they're pretty agile and capable of jumping and scaling six foot fences imagine a dog that size jumping six feet in the air and attacking you yeah it's probably best to avoid them before we move on here's a quick challenge for you if you can leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and turn on the notifications in less than five seconds you will have 10 years of amazing luck hurry up and try it it actually works alright let's take a look at the number one most dangerous dog you should fear number one kangal these mighty dogs come from the small town of kangel in the turkish province of sevis they were the pride and joy of affluent land holders and chieftains and mostly bred by villagers who needed guardians for their flock of sheep and goats with their massive size they could easily scare away wolves and other wild animals and even today they pretty much have the same appearance and behavior because of strict breeding standards [Music] and when we say massive it is nowhere near the bully cuda but still pretty big kangals can grow to 33 inches in height and weigh 143 pounds [Music] females are smaller than males but still quite huge and despite their size they are remarkably agile and quick despite their size though kangals tend to be more agile and athletic compared to other giant breeds kangals protect the herd and attack even if they haven't been given an order they've proven to be tough dogs who are instinctively protective and if you ever happen to get bitten by them you will need serious medical attention they have the strongest bite force of any breed in the world with a force of 743 pounds per square inch to put that in perspective a kangal could easily overpower a wolf cheetah and even a lion if they put enough work into it [Music] maybe that's why kangals are also called the anatolian lion but when they are off duty they can be gentle creatures as long as you don't provoke them that is and there you have it 15 terrifying dog breeds you should definitely avoid or at least train exceptionally well if you want them to be your friend considering adopting any of them let us know if you enjoyed this video make sure you hit the like button and check out other videos over on the for evergreen channel thanks for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: 4 Ever Green
Views: 7,069,799
Rating: 4.7845397 out of 5
Keywords: 4 ever green, top 10, dog breeds, pets, dogs you should fear the most, stay away from, Biggest Dogs, Strongest Dogs, Banned Dogs, Dog Breeds, Scary Guard Dogs, Biggest Dog, Protective Dogs, Illegal Dogs, Extreme Dogs, Strong Dog Breeds, Bully Kutta, Pitbulls, Rottweiler, Alaskan Malamute, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherds, American Bulldog, Akita, Tosa Inu, Kangal, Tibetan Mastiff, animals, Cane Corso, Fila Brasileiro, Chow Chows, illegal dog breeds, presa dog, fearless
Id: _3X_n_vhz9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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