15 Biggest Fruits & Vegetables Ever Created!

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most gardeners feel pretty proud of themselves when they produce a bumper crop their carrots may have been bigger than last year or they've ever owned some giant potatoes but are they anything like these from a 17 pound pineapple that defied all odds to a super-sized 18 pound spud here are 15 of the biggest fruits and vegetables ever grown before we begin make sure to hit that like button subscribe to our Channel and click the notification belt for more amazing videos every day that being said let's begin number 15 21.5 pound leak if your Apollo Chester from the UK you're gonna be making a lot of leak dishes leek and potato soup anyone Paul is an avid gardener who learned everything there is to know about gardening from his late father Wilfred as it turns out his dad's advice is the winning recipe for producing world-record-breaking vegetables in 2014 Paul produced a 21.5 pound then looked like a small palm tree according to Paul there was a secret to creating such giant vegetables such as the onion he had previously grown that weighed over 15 pounds believe it or not it's not voodoo magic or genetic modifying the secret is swing music by Glenn Miller every day Paul plays in the mood and moonlight serenade on a cassette tape to his patch full of vegetables to help them grow of course it helps that he also uses fertilizer plenty of water and a lot of TLC alongside leeks Paul also grows Tomatoes cabbages cauliflower parsnips carrots and potatoes according to his family he spends more time in his vegetable plot than the house now it's time for the start topic has a passionate gardener redefined the meaning of a bumper crop some impressive things have been dug out of gardens but this watermelon is on an entirely new level this photo was sent in to us showing an oversized melon on the back of a large truck it takes up all the free space available and is tied down so as not to fall off tell us is it a real watermelon or is this a prop of some type could someone grow fruit that big comment down below with the hashtag star topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14 11 pound lemon when life gives you lemons you make lemonade but when farmer a are on Chimel from calf rzm israel gives you lemons you better have strong muscles to hold them weighing in at 11 pounds nine point seven ounces a herranz lemon became the heaviest to ever exist back in 2003 his record blew the previous one out of the water held by Donald and Charlotte Suton from Whittier California with a lemon weighing 8 pounds eight ounces in comparison a herons lemon is heavier than a human head and has a circumference of 29 inches it's also nearly 14 inches high the record-breaking lemon was grown on a are on citrus farm in Israel and it wasn't the only one two lemons were very similar in size with one slightly larger than the other two clinched the world record fortunately for those who have the task of picking the fruit on the chameau family farm all other lemons on aaron's citrus farm were of regular size the average lemon weighs around three to four ounces which means that iran's record-breaking one was 97 percent larger than the average lemon number thirteen seven pound grapefruit you would be forgiven for thinking that what louisiana man doug meyer is holding here is a strange colored basketball after all it's roughly the same size as one however the unique yellow ball was in fact a grapefruit the huge seven pound fourteen point six ounce grapefruit was grown by mary beth and doug meyer and earned them two world-record certificates in 2019 it's not only the world's heaviest grapefruit but also the largest in circumference at 28 and 3/4 inches it's nearly as large as an NBA basketball however you wouldn't want to try and bounce it the grapefruit is also thirteen point six ounces heavier than the one that set the last world record in Brazil in 2006 most average grapefruits are about 3.9 to five point nine inches in weigh around seven ounces it's clear to see that this grapefruit never got that memo the official word was released in late 2019 but equipment from the state Agriculture and Forestry Commission was used to do the weighing and measuring in January 2019 the couple was awarded a certificate as proof of their accolade in an official ceremony in August 20 1912 18 pound pineapple Christine McCallum from Bakewell Northern Territory Australia has been a passionate pineapple planter for years but it's not the delicious and sweet fruit that keeps her plant in them year after year but rather her desire to keep her dogs and grandchildren off the garden bite pure accident Christine managed to grow the world's most giant pineapple in 2011 weighing in at 18 point 25 pounds it has now taken the title away from ich amuck of ice village Papua New Guinea with his 17 pound 12 ounce pineapple Christine planted the fruit two and a half years before she dug it up in 2011 and was surprised at its large sizing she had only been using water to feed it not only was it over 18 pounds but it also measured over 12 inches long with a girth of over 25 inches according to Christine the giant pineapple makes regular-sized ones look like babies unfortunately for Christine there will be no chance of breeding giant pineapples from her record holder the pineapple didn't produce offshoots but she's keeping an eye on the fruit that spawned it to see whether she can break her own record in the future number 11 18 pound onion a regular sized onion can make is shed more than a few tears but can you imagine the bucketload of tears you'll be producing with a record-breaking onion at 25 times the size of a regular 12 ounce onion tawny Glover's onion from the UK is turning heads and making him cry the onion weighed in an 18 pounds 11 ounces and is around 32 inches around the middle it looks every bit like an onion that you would expect to see in the supermarket but dramatically super-sized tony is an amateur gardener from Moira South Derbyshire and has been gardening and growing vegetables since he was 16 while he's grown onions to around 5 pounds this was the first time he had managed to produce one to a record-breaking size however it wasn't by luck that it turned out to be a healthy large vegetable Tony said he planted it in his greenhouse which gets heated in winter and cooled in summer he also has grow lights to simulate sunshine and feeds them nitrogen based food with the correct humidity levels it's clear to see that such conditions are a recipe for success for this onion is 10 ounces heavier than that of the previous record-holder peter Glazebrook from Nottinghamshire number 10 113 pound mayor that was the reality for ken date the Norfolk UK man who is now the proud title holder of the world's most giant marrow although it's not the prettiest marrow it doesn't have to be it merely has to be the largest at 113 pounds it definitely takes all the boxes ken has been growing vegetables his entire life but started getting interested in growing giant marrows when he retired he put down the record-breaking marrow to experience and ideal soil drainage courtesy of reclaimed marshland ken said it also helps to have the right seeds luck and correct weather conditions marrows enjoy warm humid weather and at least two hours of rainfall twice a week the seeds he has been developing for two decades are now the envy of all his fellow gardeners when he cut open a marrow during one of the shows he attended everyone flocked around to see what they were like it's clear to see that Ken's marrows are not like the ones you'll find in your average supermarket number nine a pound tomato when you already grow giant pumpkins it makes sense to move on to something new you can then establish whether you're a one-trick pony or have more talents up your sleeve dan McCoy from Minnesota is proving that if you can grow one type of giant vegetable you can grow them all up until 2014 dan had been growing giant pumpkins for three years but was kind of curious about what it would be like to grow large Tomatoes he chose the big zach variety which produces a naturally large tomato on a mega bloom and let it do its thing the results were surprising not only to dan break a world record with his 8.4 one-pound tomato but he also did so in an area that has a shorter growing season than most other places in the world if that's not talent we don't know what is Dan planted the big zach tomato seed in april 2014 then moved it into his garden that May he then let it grow until it had a substantial blossom by then he had smashed the previous tomato record of seven pounds 12 ounces which had stood for nearly three decades it's number a 138 pound cabbage a first-world problem for many people is they buy a whole cabbage and end up with a lot of wastage because after all who really needs to eat an entire cabbage so when Scott Rob from Palmer Alaska grew a hd480 - in April 2018 and it was the first time they had ever done so four days Bryson had been begging to dig up the large potato after rain washed away the dirt surrounding its crown at that point the family knew it was big but had no idea just how big it was when they finally cultivated the potato in October 2018 they were blown away by its size not only was it huge but weighing it revealed that it was a whopping eighteen point two pounds South Carolina doesn't keep records on the largest sweet potatoes but the previous record was in Spartanburg County where students from Carlisle foster's Grove Elementary grew one weighing 12.45 pounds if that sweet potato is the official record holder then the buyers family hall is nearly six pounds heavier their potato could easily provide enough filling for over ten sweet potato pies number six 22 pound Karen if carrots improve vision like you're told when you're a kid then eating this world record-breaking carrot will surely make you see through walls 34 year old father Chris cuale from Minnesota dug up a strange-looking carrot that would prove to be quite lucrative not only would it make a monster of a carrot cake but it would also become the world's heaviest carrot weighing in at twenty two point four pounds this carrot now bumps Peter Glazebrook from the UK off the top spot whose carrot weighed 20 pounds and stole the record in 2014 when you think of a giant carrot you imagine a long slender smooth carrot with a wide and narrow end Chris's carrot is anything but it's a tangled mess of knotted carrots woven around each other almost as if seeds were planted in a pile and left to their own devices if there were a world record for the ugliest carrot Chris's one surely what Oh on that one too now that he's got one world record under his belt Chris is planning to grow giant water melons pumpkins and tomatoes number five 2624 pound pumpkin two thousand six hundred and twenty-four pounds and 6 ounces you heard correctly the world record for the largest pumpkin is 2600 24.6 pounds that's about three-fifths the weight of a giraffe 7/10 as heavy as a car and two and a half times heavier than a polar bear because who doesn't want to hear that their pumpkin is heavier than a big fluffy white bear oh my gosh for the second time in a three-year period Germany took out the title with Matthew Willemijn bringing the world raking pumpkin to the European Championship way off event in 2016 in the previous years the record-breaking pumpkins had come from Canada in the United States but 2014 saw German Benny Meier take home the title for Germany with a 2,300 23.7 pound pumpkin however pumpkin growing can quickly become as competitive as a running race each pass pumpkin patch professional wants to have the biggest pumpkin in the world and records are breaking nearly every year for example in 2014 the heaviest pumpkin was 1446 pounds one year later that record was beaten by a mere three pounds time will tell when 2624 point six pounds becomes a distant memory as well number four beat drew beetroot is a delicious and versatile vegetable that nearly anyone with a bit of dirt can grow you can juice them for a tasty beverage or roast them up for a salad or two pair with feta cheese and pine nuts like some kind of Gordon Ramsay wannabe however you'll soon tire of eating and drinking beetroot if you add one of the world's largest beet roots growing in your garden self-proclaimed vegan athlete Jake mace who has a YouTube channel dedicated to urban gardening dug up a giant beetroot that he said look like a giant heart transplant he believes it's the biggest beet he's ever grown but is it the biggest ever without measuring and weighing it no one can know for sure but the current record holder for the longest beat loop is Jo Atherton from the UK Jo's beat measured 26 feet one point two two inches long and was verified at the UK national giant vegetables championship Jo also holds records for the longest radish and carrot the title of the heaviest beetroot goes to the forty family of Kwan Braun UK consisting of Jamie Kevin Margery and Gareth the family produced a fifty-two pound 14 ounces which blew the previous record out of the water Ian Neil used to hold the title for 18 years with his 51 pound nine point four ounce B number three 5.6 pound avocado what did the guy at the party say when he realised there was nothing left to dip his tortilla chip in I've hit rock bottom there will be a never-ending supply of guacamole if the pokey nee family are whipping it up though in 2019 the bikini family from Hawaii set the world record for growing the world's heaviest avocado it weighed in at a whopping 5.6 pounds taking over the record from felissa dad pass hello in Hawaii whose avocado weighed 5.5 pounds to get their name in the Guinness record book the family had to hunt down a certified scale with which to weigh the large avocado but we'll be pleased they put in the effort julienne Puccini said that her family had received the avocado seeds that produced the record holder from her brother-in-law who had taken it from her parents tree from the flowering time to its harvest the entire growth process of the monster avocado took ten months now the family can have all the smashed avocado on toast they want and Millennials will be lining up at their door for a taste of the action number two longest banana plantation bananas are an intriguing fruit around 400 million people rely on them as their primary source of calories and you can even use the inside skin to shine your shoes if that doesn't spell versatility then we don't know what does but bananas can also be quite unusual in how they grow or at least they are in this backyard the Meuse of Chile o carpa banana plan has produced a Buick which is a bunch of fruits so long that it touches the ground bananas grow out of every crevice on the plant meaning it's a highly productive tree that will surely provide many snacking opportunities in the future while there's no world record to suggest that this tree bears the most fruit out of any other there's no denying it's impressive if you want to know what the biggest banana in the world is though you'll have to find it in africa a hybrid banana exists known as the rhino horn plantain which ranges between 12 and 14 inches it can also bear fruit up to 2 feet long which means you're bound to get stack loads of an antelopes out of a single piece of fruit number one biggest mango the world record for the biggest mango used to be 5.29 pounds set by Colin Porter in Hawaii however that record was well and truly broken in 2009 when it was found that sergio maria zakharova and Gann from Iligan city in the philippines regularly produce mangos between 3.3 and 5.5 pounds instead of putting them into a competition for official weighing however they often just give them away however they came to the attention of Agriculture officials when they entered one of their largest mangos in the Agriculture Department's contest in 2009 they were honored by the Senate and House of Representatives for their feet because there was a lot of pride that the Filipino could produce such a giant mangoes the claim to fame wasn't without its naysayers however in disbelief that giant mangoes could be grown in the Philippines Canadian growers and those from other countries scented that they were produced with performance-enhancing fertilizers the Bodhi engines denied this saying they are just jealous and want to keep the Filipino down however the mangoes came to exist it's clear you'll be able to make a giant mango lassi with one can you imagine trying to find room in your refrigerator for record-breaking vegetables some of these fruit and vegetables are absolutely enormous what's the largest vegetable or fruit you've ever grown also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 6,047,956
Rating: 4.6246696 out of 5
Keywords: Vegetables, Fruits, Fruit, Largest, Food, Giant, Watermelon, Biggest, Agriculture, Huge, World, Believe, Unbelievable, Farming, Record, Massive, Plant, Farmer, Strawberry, Giant Vegetables, Ever, Biggest Fruits, Biggest Fruit, Largest Fruits, Nature, Vegetable, Gigantic Vegetables, Huge Fruit, Expensive Fruit, Most Expensive Fruit, Weird, Biggest Fruit Tree, Gigantic Fruit, Massive Fruit, Huge Vegetable, Enormous Vegetable, Giant Fruit, Large Vegetables, Massive Vegetables, World Biggest Fruit
Id: z5zxHe0PYBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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