15 MCU Scandals Marvel Tried To Bury

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ooh scandalous there's something about a juicy skin that we just love to hear about we can't get enough of them and although we all love the MCU it's way more fun to hear about all the scandals the monstrous franchise has undergone in the years since its inception way back in 2008 you know back when Tony Stark was still alive yeah those were the days anyways today is all about the biggest scandals in the MCU we're talking controversial statements clashes between actors directors upper management all of it so let's get into it right now [Music] it was the announcement that broke all of our hearts spider-man is out of the MCU what the heck happened everything seemed to be going so well with spider-man positioned as one of the main faces of the franchise going forward but now as much as we wish this was all part of Mysterio's illusion the future of the character is seriously in limbo so how did we get here well to put it simply it's looking like it all comes down to money there are a ton of different rumors and reports out there about what went down but the general consensus seems to be the disney and sony couldn't agree on a number when it came to sharing costs and profits and each side refuses to budge all we know is that we'd rather have the characters stay in the MCU rather than go off to fight Tom Hardy's venom so work it out you guys please James Gunn might be the only individual who could have made a movie about a raccoon and a talking tree successful so it was a shock when Disney fired him from guardians of the galaxy vol 3 here's what happened after Gunn was critical of Donald Trump a right-wing media personality dug up some of guns old tweets and a lot of them were extremely offensive and over the line Disney took one look at this and trying to avoid bad PR fired gun but the whole situation was complicated and although Gunn released a heartfelt statement accepting responsibility for his actions and apologizing while emphasizing that he's changed in the almost 10 years since those tweets Disney would not bring him back but of course things didn't stay that way it now looks like Disney was always going to bring gun back but they had to wait a few months until some of the heat died down before they could officially announce guns returned Captain Marvel made over a billion dollars of the box-office which probably didn't sit well with a lot of the outspoken very vocal minority who desperately tried to sabotage the movie before it even came out why would they even do that well brie Larson ruffled some feathers and interviews leading up to the movie's release where she stated she was interested in stories from the perspective of people other than white males this triggered a very intense reaction from the same group of people who claimed Disney ruined Star Wars by including prominent female characters and accused Larson of pushing her own social justice warrior agenda there was even an attempt to boycott the film as a result of her man-hating yeah a whole lot of good that did but it did open up Larson to even more attacks with rumors circulating that she was feuding with her Avengers cast and how the higher-ups were worried about making her the face of the franchise going forward even though dawn shield tweeted directly about these rumors saying they were ridiculous the rumors and scandal still persists when working with Marvel Studios you have to remember their famous slogan it's all connected this means that the MCU has grown so big that most of its movies lay the groundwork for future sequels and storylines and that could be hard for Marvel directors who are just trying to stay focused on their own movie this was especially difficult for Joss Whedon who although saw a lot of success with the first Avengers film seems like he fought hard with Marvel executives during the making of age of Ultron there was just a lot of elements in the movie that the bigwigs and Whedon butted heads over ranging from the inclusion of the weird dream sequences Hawkeye's farm life and Thor's journey to a mystical cave although age of Ultron does have its moments we think we can all agree it's a messy movie with too much focus on sequel building and the constant fighting over what to include proved to be exhausting for Whedon who was very vocal about his less than stellar experience unsurprisingly Whedon has not returned to direct any more MCU films [Music] before Authority not completely reinvigorated the thorah franchise the god of thunder struggled in his own batch of solo films it just wasn't working as well as the Iron Man and Captain America movies with Thor the dark world having the general reputation of being one of the MCS weakest outings but it's not just the movie with one of the most boring villains it also has one of the biggest controversies surrounding it originally patty Jenkins was attached to take over directorial duties from Kenneth Branagh but things took a nasty turn when Jenkins suddenly departed from the project it just looks like Jenkins wanted more control of the movie but Marvel had different ideas they probably should have listened to her as Jenkins hopped across the lines of direct the smash hit Wonder Woman so overall she was fine but you know who wasn't Natalie Portman who disliked the way Jenkins was let go from the project and mostly only stayed on board because she was under contract has there been as good an actor as under-served in the MCU as idris alba the dude is a serious heavy hitter but he's been severely underused across as appearances in the franchise playing high intel the all-seeing all hearing Asgardian who stood guard over Asgard Bifrost bridge with omniscient authority although he's a treasure the role doesn't really reflect that and the actor himself has been very vocal about regretting his choice to be a part of this franchise early on there was one instance where he had to return to Thor the dark world for reshoots but the experience was so bad he spoke to his agent telling him how torturous the experience was and what was the agents response basically to suck it up he was under contract and had to fulfill his obligations luckily he got more to do in Thor Ragnarok and it seemed like he was poised to leave the Asgardians alongside his best bud Thor but that was before they crossed paths with a certain mad Titan Hawkeye actor Jeremy Renner is known for his blunt and unapologetic demeanor so it's not surprising that he found himself caught up in his own MCU scandal and even dragged down Captain America in the process while Renner and Chris Evans were being interviewed on camera they were asked a question regarding their thoughts on fans expectations that Black Widow would end up with one of them without missing a beat Renner jokingly called Black Widow a [ __ ] while Evans roared with laughter and called her a complete [ __ ] obviously that didn't go over too well and although Marvel tried to do some damage control Renner maintained his stance about how it's a fictional character and not something that should be taken so seriously but even though he clearly meant it as a joke it was still something that caused a major stir insulting one of your only prominent female characters in a way that's completely derogatory probably wasn't the best move most people overlook the Incredible Hulk as part of MCU Cannon and it's not hard to see why it came out the same year as Iron Man but was met with a middling critical and commercial response but the most glaring thing about it is that it stars a Bruce Banner that doesn't look like Mark Ruffalo yeah too many Mark Ruffalo is the face of the Hulk forever now and Ruffalo's performance as the Jolly Green Giant has been charming audiences for years but maybe if the Incredible Hulk movie turned out better we would be seeing Ed Norton instead of Mark Ruffalo starring in goofy space buddy comedies alongside Thor but executives and Norton just couldn't get along enough to work out their differences Norton has always been a very passionate actor and if he has a problem with a script he's gonna say so although when Ed Norton was replaced he seemed alright with brushing it off and moving forward but not everyone operates like this look at Marvel's first high-profile scandal when Terrence Howard's James Rhodes was replaced with Don Cheadle for Iron Man 2 Howard was very vocal about his displeasure of leaving the franchise and has blamed it on Iron Man himself Robert Downey jr. according to Howard he was supposed to be offered a certain amount of money for Iron Man 2 but when the offer came in it was a fraction of what was originally agreed upon with the rest going to RDJ Howard said that Marvel told him he could take the money or leave because the movie would be successful without him anyway but over the years Cheadle has made Warmachine a pretty fun character so again we're not upset over the casting change it's not like it fundamentally altered the franchise or anything for a very long time Hollywood has had an issue with diversity and proper representation of all ethnic backgrounds and races in the last few years there has been a major push and change of how Hollywood operates and if there's a problem homeboy will we hear about it when the cast of Doctor Strange has announced many were shocked to find that Tilda Swinton was tapped to play the ancient one who in the comics is an older Asian male many felt this was another instance of whitewashing and voiced their opinions of the matter accordingly probably the main reason why Marvel didn't go with a traditional Asian old man as the ancient one is because that in itself is a played out stereotype maybe if they really wanted to switch up the gender of the ancient one they should have gone with a younger Asian female to both honor the comic book characters roots but not fall into outdated stereotypes you guys remember Civil War no not Captain America Civil War but rather the Civil War that happened to because of Captain America Civil War stick with us during filming of Captain America Civil War Kevin Feige Marvel Studios president reportedly butted heads fiercely with Marvel Entertainment CEO Ike Perlmutter about the huge budget of the film things got so bad that Feige reportedly threatened to quit Marvel altogether if the current status quo wasn't changed this resulted in a huge restructuring on the corporate side of Marvel before Feige had to report to the Marvel creative committee which was run by Perlmutter and other suits like Marvel Entertainment president Alan fine after Feige almost walked away Disney CEO Bob Iger agreed to shuffle everything up so [ __ ] didn't have to deal parameter anymore and instead have more creative freedom while reporting to Disney Studios chief Alan horn when you're the face of the most successful franchise in the world it's safe to say you might have some leverage after the huge success of guardians of the galaxy james gunn wanted to go even bigger and volume to getting even weirder and wilder than before this included the introduction of a new guardian mantis who has the ability to sense other people's feelings and alter them although the characters seem to fit right in with a lovable group of outcasts there was still a controversy surrounding the character Steve Angle hard one of the creators of the Mantis comic book character was quoted saying how he wasn't happy with mantises portrayal and it's not hard to blame the guy mantis is incredibly different than her comic book counterpart to the point where there is barely a connection between the two but the Mantis controversy grew even bigger when a vocal minority expressed how poorly the Mantis character was treated throughout the film especially by characters like Drax who seemed to just confirm what mantis already thought about herself that she was worthless not a very good representation from a character who kicks a lot of butt in the comics after a critical story that detailed Disney's business relationship with the city of Anaheim the courage city of the happiest place on earth Disneyland Disney banned LA Times reporters from advanced screenings of their movies what happened well Disney released an official statement about how they had offered rebuttals and facts regarding LA Times claims but were denied any sort of retraction or apology the LA Times to affirm by the stories they were reporting and this resulted in Disney banning the LA Times from advanced screenings which means loyal readers had to wait until thor ragnarok was officially released before they read the LA Times review on it is it just a coincidence that the LA Times review of that movie was less than encouraging citing that the film is a bit too taken with its own breezy irreverence to realize when it's time to rein it in but besides the bad review Disney faced backlash for his block and soon reversed its decision Edgar Wright is one of the most celebrated directors out there right now thanks to his extremely popular Cornetto trilogy Scott Pilgrim vs. the world and the recent baby driver it would have been a thrill to see what he would have done with a Marvel superhero but even though he was the director that was originally attached to ant-man things just didn't work out in the end it's actually kind of a tragic story Wright had been developing an ant-man movie ever since 2006 which was a full two years before Ironman at the big screen eight years later right when ant-man was finally about to make his big-screen debut right left the project citing creative differences with Marvel but you can see why right it's a very unique director with a very distinct style the story he'd been working on with ant-man for eight years was its own sort of thing but while Wright was developing his movie the MCU grew to have its own voice and look rather than compromise his vision he decided to leave the project shang-chi is one of the most exciting upcoming Marvel movies of phase 4 not only as the character been one of the most requested Marvel comic characters to make the jump to the big screen but the film's announced title Jiang Xin The Legend of the ten rings promises to explore the history of the terrorist group that was introduced way back in the first Iron Man movie and since this is a movie about the ten rings we'd bet money that the history of the Mandarin will finally be explored and yes we're talking about the real Mandarin not some washed-up actor named Trevor but there's one element to the movie that's already causing controversy and that is how much of Shang Chi's backstory will the movie actually cover because if we're looking at it in today's day and age it's nowhere near acceptable the biggest concern people have is Shang Chi's father who is otherwise known as dr. foo Manchu yeah yeah that doesn't fly anymore we have enough faith in Marvel to at least understand that there is no way they could place an Asian character with the name foo Manchu into one of their movies although we love the light-hearted nature of ant-man we're really disappointed that creative differences stopped us from seeing Edgar Wright's version of the character what about you guys was the most interesting scandal on this list was there anything that you think we missed feel free to let us know in the comments down below and as always don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more awesome and see you content today thanks a whole lot for watching
Channel: CBR
Views: 3,869,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBR, MCU scandals, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Biggest MCU scandals, James Gunn fired, Guardians of the Galaxy, Terrence Howard, Edward Norton, Mark Ruffalo, Marvel’s biggest scandals, Marvel’s controversial decisions, Mantis, Spider-Man, MCU losing Spider-Man, Sony
Id: pyguyyToEJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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