MCU: Secret Invasion Will Change Everything

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[Music] we've seen good cop bad cop now get ready for good cop scroll cop secret invasion starring nick fury and talos was one of the gazillion shows announced on that epic disney investor day but if done right it could be the next big mcu event the original comic series changed everything by revealing the scrolls had secretly infiltrated earth and replaced high-ranking officials and superheroes galore but how will that work in the mcu in today's episode of cbr saga we'll be talking about how the mcu can adapt secret invasion with a few tweaks and discussing who might have already been replaced just who can you trust i'm joined by my co-host and i think good friend but a potential scroll nick nick how you doing today i'm doing good your name was jacoby oh yes yes see okay that is that that proves that you are definitely you because you know my name yes that yep i knew that i'm doing well thank you for asking thank you for having me of course i'm excited to talk about secret invasion overall because i think when they announced this show amidst you know all of the other shows that they announced on that day where it's like our brains went into overload this one kind of actually stood out to me because i think secret invasion is an event series you know it's one that really does include so many different uh heroes and and the world overall instead of just you know specifically focusing on one individual hero um what were your thoughts when secret invasion was announced so first of all i recognized the title right away and i had to do some digging as to what secret invasion was and sort of refresh my memory it is definitely the type of topic to be this big event thing i was a little weary when they said it was going to be a tv show so if they're going for like the next avengers end game to be a series that is a bold move and i'm actually really excited to to see it play out and the other thing that really excited me about it is samuel jackson's been around since the first iron man and it looks like he's just sticking around the entire time yeah it's not like one of those things like end games like oh let's slowly retire this character and uh and you know focus on new characters like nope nick fury is is here and now he's just getting the spotlight after over 10 years of just side character roles now he's finally getting his time to shine and that's great i think i love nick fury and i think it would be so interesting to see it focus on him no i'm really excited and i honestly think this story is the perfect uh vehicle for him to do that because nick fury you know he's not super powered he's not like the smartest person in the world but if there's one thing nick fury's good at it's uh not trusting people uh and he's exactly the type of person to be able to sort of sniff out if a secret invasion were to happen absolutely because i i wholeheartedly agree with that cuz like when you hear the plot of secret invasion and of everything that it is you think that wow that's a nick fury story if you've ever seen one like you would think like the original comic series was all about nick fury discovering the untrustworthy heroes on earth that's like tailor-made for him and you have to wonder like why it didn't focus on nick fury before but i think that's what the mcu does really well right like when it adapts these these famous stories they're able to tweak it and uh focus on characters who weren't generally focused on before but like make them fit into the story a whole lot better and i think this is another perfect example of that so i'm excited overall i think that's great of course that means it's going to have to tweak some things from the original story because the original story is it's very different right like they can't just say we're doing a secret uh secret invasion and doing it exactly the same way right because that's just just too hard there's characters that they would have to shoehorn in there's there's story lines that kind of would have need to already been in effect that aren't so i i definitely think like we saw with civil war like we saw with infinity war uh those things were very different from the comics they were based off of i think they were adapted in many ways perfectly because you have to change some things you have to replace characters with characters that already exist and you have to change characters motivations in many ways uh but the mcu has been so great at that and are you generally fine with that i know there are a lot of comic purists out there just like they shouldn't they should adapt it exactly the way that you know it's told in the comics because that's such a great story but i just i just don't think that's feasible for a lot of time and i'm generally fine with it as long as it's done in a correct and respectful way and it fits with the story feel about that no absolutely i absolutely agree and the best example i can point to is not in everyone's favorite movie but as a person who uh grew up reading comics hank pym created ultron that was one of hank pym's greatest flaws but in the mcu it was tony stark and that actually worked really well it made tony stark develop more as a character it didn't give us the greatest villain in ultron but i thought it gave us a good villain and it really set off things in the mcu leading towards the sokovia accords so they're able to use these stories that we recognize and name and that we can pick out aspects of but adapting it to the story that they are trying to tell [Music] that kind of brings us back to secret invasion because originally in in the comics it's as i guess as a brief overview overview you know secret invasion really kicked off with the illuminati who we have not seen in the uh mcu yet but hopefully we will one day or at least some variation of it they're trying to warn the scroll empire the evil scrolls because they're evil in the comics mostly that you know don't mess with earth because we're going to protect it but then they get captured and studied which is i think it's a total failure on their kind of part there um but they're kind of studied and the the leader of this of these scrolls is uh princess uh varankhi i hope i'm pronouncing that right yeah they kind of capture them they study their their their dna and they get a better understanding of of how you know human and meta-human physiology works and that allows them to eventually infiltrate earth and the whole thing's kicked off with i believe it's uh elektra who is killed in battle but when she's killed it's found out that she's not elektra she is she is a scroll which creates this whole set of things like oh gosh we've been infiltrated the enemy is here and then it creates this whole paranoia and sets off i guess a chain of events that divides the heroes even more so than they already were because this is coming i believe after civil war so you know just kick them while they're down right absolutely and honestly this is all the more better reason to have nick fury as the star of this because if you think back to the movie captain marvel he has sort of already experienced this not not in the sense that the skrulls were the bad guys in that movie but in the sense that he's riding along with agent coulson who is this new rookie that they picked up recently dies in a car accident and he's looking over at an alien so nick fury has already experienced the shock of like someone he thinks he knows dying and revealing themselves to be a skrull um that's why i think samuel jackson as nick fury is the perfect person to sort of spearhead this i agree i think and what i'm really interested in in the show exploring is his relationship with talos because you know talos entered in captain marvel in the mcu it's like do you think he's the bad guy because if he's played by ben mendelsohn who is always the bad guy and then he's like oh actually i'm actually a good guy and i'm actually a political refugee and i just kind of want to be with my family and and we're outcast here we want to be safe and they're actually the good guys so now since it seems like since the 90s fury has been working with talos very closely with the scrolls and now he's developing a sword up in space but now he's going to be presented with the fact that there are bad scrolls out there and i think fury's relationship with talos is going to be tested because he won't quite know what talos wants out of this when talos learns that there is a potentially evil sect of scrolls on earth he's probably going to want to protect them right he's probably going to want to save them or understand them because he's a dying race he doesn't want to eliminate any of his you know any of his race anymore because they're already an endangered species but then of course nick fury has kind of proven to be like oh this is a threat we need to eliminate them like i don't care if it's an alien species on the verge of extinction we gotta we gotta protect earth right so i think it's gonna set them at odds with each other and i think that's like a central conflict set against this the whole world crumbling that i think is gonna make this really awesome yeah no i i absolutely agree first of all i knew ben mendelsohn wasn't gonna be the villain just because he's always the villain so when they cast and i was like you want us to think he's the villain but he's definitely not the other thing you have to think of yes there was that scene in and far from home where like talos was like i was nick fury but it's been a long time since we've seen taos we don't really know officially what the state of the scrolls are uh like if they've been prospering we see nick fury on what seems to be their ship and it actually looks very technologically advanced so they've made some advances there's always a possibility that the skrulls have gone through something else in that long period of time that would turn them evil because there's really two options uh everyone's been talking about how you know you made the scrolls good guys you ruined the scrolls one maybe two it's very possible like you said that there could be this different group of scrolls like no group of anything is all good or all bad so there could be this extremist group that wants to start the secret invasion the other thing that could happen is talos himself i know it's hard to to see the way they've set him up but taylor himself could be the the person who kicks this off he could have developed such a distrust uh for the people of earth for the heroes of earth that he could be the one who kicks off this invasion oh okay i like that i love it when when movies kind of do that overall and tv shows overall where it's like it starts off as good characters but then slowly turns them bad because then you understand kind of where they're coming from in a sense but also it's like it really hurts because they're usually friends with our protagonist or anything like that i think that would be a brutal knife twist right if if if uh fury and taylor's had this working relationship for so long and then it slowly dissolved right um and you could be right you could be right taylor's could just be like the third party who's sort of stuck like both sides are pulling at his arm uh and he's got to decide which side to pick like if they don't have time to set up like varanki or like we were talking about with replacing characters talos is essentially the leader of what we have seen of the scrolls he could very theoretically be that person that says hey this other group of avengers not including nick fury has said that they are going to wage war on us they are they're going to see our destruction it's time for us to defend ourselves you say not including nick fury because i actually think that could be a good motivation for taylor's to turn bad because he sees nick fury expanding his sword operation into space and and and taylor's realizing like oh crap like are we the good guys here like like is is nick fury doing what he always does like what he did back in the first avengers of using hydra uh weaponry being a little bit shady in the process and taylor's like oh maybe that's not the best thing to do i got to go off and do my own thing that's very possible too i i struggle especially since the the time we've most recently seen them is talos and fiora are obviously still friends you know taylor was doing him a favor so he could go on vacation so that's something you do for a friend right for a really close friend too absolutely that was a very serious job he goes on vacation right when you know mysterio attacks and there's a huge issue instead of calling him up he's just like now i'm going to stay on vacation you handle this you know he's like everyone keeps asking me questions i don't know what to say and granted we do have a long time from far from home to secret invasion there is a lot of time in there where we could sort of set up a rift between the two of them but based on what i've seen i think someone else might have to be the inciting conflict and then fury could be the one in the middle where talos is like we're we're going to defend ourselves syria whether you're with us or not and he's sort of like well i'm in charge of the defense of earth and created sword and if you're going to attack us then we're going to defend ourselves right back kind of thing and yeah no i love that and overall i think that that general conflict that central conflict between fury and taylor's is what's going to turn a secret invasion from like a really good show to a really great show like because that's going to be the heart of it and if they have to get that right in order for this to be successful and we've talked a lot about fury and talos during this but let's talk about what the people want to hear about for secret invasion is who's been replaced the real fun of secret invasion is like finding out oh wow this person was a scroll the entire time so let's talk about a few options of of who could feasibly be a scroll you know i guess in this time period or being replaced very very soon and i think i want to start off with someone you actually mentioned earlier because i think he is literally the perfect person to replace is uh hank pym because i actually think his role as this very super smart very well respected scientist um who who has access to this unbelievable technology is the perfect person to replace is hank pym what do you think hank pym scroll or no scroll um possible scroll sir certainly uh an option and yes he is in in the comics event he reveals himself to be a skrull and once mr fantastic finds out that like a lecturer's body was a skrull and how they were able to avoid detection that's when hank pym sort of reveals himself in and essentially decommissioned mr fantastic i think that'd be good i worry because they've essentially set up hank pym as this person in the mcu at least as this person who has gone off on his own like he is not associated with any sort of government entity or organization so they would have to do they would have to do some recruiting between now and secret invasion to get hank pym sort of back on uh that side but you're right he is that person who has the intelligence who has um the authority and the science world to carry that sort of power i just would think the scrolls would go for someone a little more already on the inside you know what i mean okay yeah i definitely see that who do you have in mind maybe a hawkeye could be really interesting uh he's sort of gone the hank pym path as well of of he's on the outside now he's left the avenger he's retired he's with his family could be a really interesting thing where they flip that and make clint barton sort of come back to everyone back like i'm rejoining shield or i'm gonna join sword i'm back with uh the good guys only for that to be the actual mole in the whole organization i i could see that playing out because i see it happening after the hawkeye tv show right because hawkeye tv show is going to be him training kate bishop and like basically retiring and then we get hawkeye's swan song so to speak his character arc is complete right he trains somebody else right so then and then at the end of his show kind of that's when he's replaced and then a few years that's when secret invasion he comes up again just like i am this and then it forces kate bishop to kind of take down so to speak her mentor someone who trained her um which i think kind of comes full circle so i like hawkeye i like hawkeye as an option i'll throw another name at you because you were mentioning somebody in the in the science community um who's more ingrained with everything i'm gonna swing for the fences here i'm gonna say professor hulk right professor holt because at this stage his body is basically broken he hasn't really done you know a lot yet his his character arc they were going to give him a character arc and then they kind of swept that under the rug so he doesn't have much to do right now he'll probably have more to say in in uh she-hulk and hopefully complete his character arc but if it doesn't he is the perfect person to replace as a scroll right exactly you're right because hulk has essentially replaced tony stark as the leading intelligence like of the good guys you know when when they wanted to figure out time travel and they went to tony he said no the next person they go to is the hulk so now that tony's gone it would make sense that hulk sort of takes over that role the only issue i see and i think it's a problem that needs to be addressed is the scrolls in the mcu have been set up to where they cannot mimic powers uh you know they're strong they fight well but to mimic yes hulk's got a bad arm but to mimic the hulk's strength is something essentially i don't know that the squirrels can do right now remember in captain marvel when fury's like prove to me you're not a skrull and she's like boom photon blast scrolls can't do that i i you either need to adapt the scrolls to have figured out in this time how to mimic powers or you're you're looking at a bunch of people with powers that essentially can't be replaced by scrolls because all you got to do is say hulk smash something and when he can't it's like okay you're a scroll would you accept the fact that oh in this time we've adapted like we can mimic powers now like just to make this easier for everybody like they look straight at the camera and says we can adapt powers now to make this a better story well i think there is a way they can do that especially if they do this sort of rogue sect of skrulls they could say like while taylors was hanging with nick fury this rogue sect was actually doing research and they were figuring out how to mimic powers and actually that could make the the fight the conflict a whole lot more interesting because like we've talked about captain marvel before like who's going to be captain marvel someone who can mimic her powers and copy exactly who she is that could be a good fight that's the only one so so i actually i just wanted to address it but i think it's a good idea if you have this sort of rogue sector scroll say hey not only can we mimic appearances but we've advanced ourselves to the point where we now know how to mimic powers i i like that more sure that might be a little bit of an easier way out just to say like oh sorry i know we've established these rules but we're changing them and now they're more advanced but i just think that creates a better story because that makes it harder for the heroes and that's what i and that's what i want right i want a tough challenge for the heroes to actually find out who's who like what is the deciding factor if someone has their like most of their memories along with you know that they look the same and act the same and have the same powers like what is it how can you tell your best friend apart from a scroll like right like that's and that should be the central conflict and what secret invasion is to like promote this level of paranoia um and that's you know again that's what makes this that's what would make this a really great series um i'm gonna throw two more names at you um something that could potentially happen it could be jumping the shark so to speak but i'm gonna see what you think okay black widow and iron man you know they're dead right they're dead in the mcu and they're gone if they came back and people were so overjoyed to see these characters that they didn't question it as much and then they have to realize like man as much as we want black widow back and much as we want this tony stark back we have to face the fact that these are probably scrolls what do we do do you think that type of storyline could work or do you think that's too you know unbelievable i think it could work and i'm gonna i'm gonna fix the the soul like the the reason for them being back multiverse everyone has been suggesting since gomorrah came back you know quotes around came back but a new gamora exists in the main mcu timeline i i don't want that i don't want them to bring robert downey jr back and say hey tony stark's back he's just from a different universe i think the most brilliant thing for them to do and it'd be tough to trick audiences but is for them to say hey black widow's back tony stark's back but they're just from a different universe like gamora that would not only convince the audience but it might convince the the characters in the movie like oh my gosh tony you're alive uh kind of like how quentin beck in spider-man far from home pretended he was from an alternate universe you know you just sort of take on that persona like oh i'm from a new universe that exists exactly five seconds behind this one but don't worry now i'm back and then later you reveal that they were lying and they were actually scrolls and they've reinfiltrated their way back to where they used to be when they were alive i love that idea for uh for i guess for the biggest reason i love that idea is because it really paints a picture of like the whole mcu it's this this secret invasion storyline isn't going to be a a small thing right it's in its own secluded storyline it's going to be parallel to whatever else is happening in the mcu and what what else is happening in the mcu is the multiverse that's where the movies are going and that's going to be the future of the mcu hands down so by introducing the audiences to the multiverse while also parallel going through a secret invasion type of storyline is is quite brilliant so i think that's a great idea because we'll have invested in the idea that yes there are alternate people out there like they could easily come back so it makes it 10 times more believable and man that is much better than my idea of just like they just show up one day it's like i'm back like you know like that's it um i i think it's great i have some some characters that are definitely squirrels okay 100 hands down gross 100 confirmed uh morgan stark mr dell the assistant teacher in uh spider-man far from home oh yeah he's definitely smooth scott lang's boss at baskin-robbins that guy did look pretty scrolly definitely a skrull um but no for real uh my actual pitch i think someone who still exists who's whereabouts we don't actually know and she's already been assumed by a skrull uh in the past maria hill no one really knows where maria hill's at that's true now soren was doing essentially doing her a favor maybe fury knows where she is like why would soren need to take over maria hill's persona in spider-man far from home uh unless they know where she is but maria hill's the person who's like fury's second in command so if fury creates this sword organization uh maria hill's probably gonna be a high-ranking official in it uh she's someone who's powers you wouldn't have to mimic uh but she's also someone who's sort of been around since the original avengers so you could make it that she's been a scroll the whole time and it really wouldn't affect uh the stories that we've seen so far other than the knowledge that a skrull has been around the majority of this time i like that because i think you need that right because just to to to establish the threat of what these scrolls can do it's like you need someone who's been a scroll this entire time to show like oh wow they know their stuff like they've they know what they're doing here um so i actually think i like that maria hill sorry you're a scroll yep hate to break to you nick thank you so much for joining me in this secret invasion and discussion i think secret invasion is going to be great and i think it it could change the face of the mcu as we know it but what do you all think do you think a secret invasion is gonna be the next big thing who do you think is a scroll who can you trust let us know in the comments below thank you all so much for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: CBR
Views: 195,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Secret Invasion, MCU Show, Nick Fury, Talos, Skrull Empire, Skrulls MCU, Evil Skrulls, Illuminati, Disney+, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Electra, Spider-Woman, Hank Pym, Iron Man, Black Widow, Multiverse MCU, CBR Saga, CBR
Id: tEnUiPKci18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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