Spider-Man No Way Home: Doctor Octopus and The New Sinister 6

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[Music] doc ock is back that's right we were all delighted to hear about alfred molina reprising his role of otto octavius in the upcoming spider-man 3 which actually sounds like it should just be called spider-man's at this point but it doesn't sound like doc ock is going to be alone and it's now the perfect time to introduce the sinister six which is spidey's greatest group of enemies besides sony executives today on cbr saga we'll be discussing what the mcu version of the sinister six should look like oh boy it's going to be such a fun time let's get started i am joined by my co-host nick nick how you doing today doing good jacoby once again thank you for having me back uh very excited absolutely you feeling you feeling sinister i am feeling a slight amount of sinister and it's just an awesome name sinister six like if you have to name like your super villain group it's got alliteration all the best marvel teams have alliteration fantastic four i'm sure there's other examples that's it just you're just ranking fantastic four that's that's the only people that matter so the sinister six could be a very real thing and it seems more and more likely with all these villains being kind of announced for this upcoming spider-man epic film which seems like every other day brings with it more casting news more villains returning more people returning more everything it's going to be big and i think a big movie requires a big villain and i think that's why the sinister six team is going to be so interesting and so vital to this movie overall because it feels like they've wanted to make a sinister six movie for a while right that was always the plan like way back since uh andrew garfield days like what was that like six spider-man's ago i mean even toby maguire days i heard there were rumors leaning to it but you remember at the end of amazing spider-man 2 they basically had a post-credits scene that said look out here comes the sinister six but uh that's that's not what happened and then they were like nope you don't get that now but so now it looks like fully we might be in the position and i think with especially alfred molina's coming back as doc ock i think he can lead the whole thing because i think his role as leader of a sinister six will bring out like a new side of that character because i love dr octopus i mean as a villain himself do you like doc absolutely and honestly alfred molina's doc is probably uh it's it's close but he's probably my favorite spider-man villain put to screen uh as of right now right he just he brought such a like a depth to that role like something that was that was both a great bad guy but also like sorta sympathetic and where he was coming from and he provided a great challenge and i think those are all three check marks that that are gonna be needed how do you think his new version of of doc hawk because this can't be the same version because spoiler alert he's sitting at the bottom of a river right now how do you think this new version of doc ock is going to differ from the old version well i think it's going to be tough because it really all depends on how they introduce him if if they're just gonna say hey here's alfred molina he's playing doc but it is a completely different doc uh from past movies uh then you can take him wherever you want however it sort of looks like they're leaning towards you know obviously a spider verse and they're actually going to get the character of doc ock as played by alpha molina in spider-man 2. and that that poses a much more interesting challenge because then you have to think they're probably going to take him out of like the middle of the movie similar to how end game sort of went back to other movies and and characters just sort of appeared i can picture like a portal opening up in the middle of spider-man 2 maybe when he's like robbing the bank and then alfred molina's doc just sort of falls into this new universe and he's tasked to lead this team so i'm more interested to see how the character that we already know is going to react to being in that new situation i love that so much i think just showing us a different version of otto octavius that like looks like alfred molena and all but just his look but like nothing else is similar to it i think is a bit of a misstep because i like i think that robs us of the great depth that he brought to the role in spider-man 2. so your solution is great because it provides a little bit of a connection right there and and then puts him on this interesting new trajectory to potentially lead this team of evildoers and i don't know what his goal would be at this point i mean like probably i don't know if he'll be have to be convinced like hey spider-man's bad you gotta you gotta you gotta form this team to kill spider-man or if else he's gonna be like uh actually guys i need this tritium like i was i was kind of in the middle of something you know right to build this thing um i got other plans how do you think they'll balance that i guess between his his search for vengeance and you know his new goal of leading this team well it's going to be it's going to be tough because because you're very right he he was very single-minded he had one goal in spider-man 2. um and i sort of picture it like you know the animated spider-verse the portal opens up and he falls through and now he's in this new world so i mean i don't know about you kobe but if i was to just randomly switch universes i might kind of forget what i was in the middle of doing uh in the past one and sort of deal with what's in front of me i was robbing banks before but now i just learned that there's a multiverse like that trumps everything um so yeah no i think it would be cool if he sort of lands maybe he meets someone from the current universe maybe a michael keaton's vulture or something like that who maybe explains this new situation like hey there are these spider people and we need to form up in order to stop them because we are the we are the guys who are trying to do good even though they're not like their intentions are good but their motives are bad and these people want to stop us and doc being the smartest among them would probably be the most likely to lead them [Music] i i like what you're saying about someone coming to him but i'm going to throw a bit of a curveball could it be someone else could it be the new version of electro that we've been told is coming back we know jamie foxx is returning and by having jamie foxx's electro or either it would be the same version because maybe the same thing happened to him maybe halfway through amazing spider-man 2 he was dropped through a portal and then he got a new type of outlook on life and realized his costume looked stupid and probably changed it up and then now he is the one going through and and plucking other people to inform them about what happened that provides both a you know a way to to incorporate jamie fox's electro able for him to explain what's happening because the same thing happened to him and you know just allows jamie foxx to do his thing maybe i'm not huge on it just because i didn't i love jamie foxx and i love the character of electro but what we got in that amazing spider-man 2 movie is uh something honestly i was hoping to forget but we've got the news that we're not going to be forgetting and honestly i am excited for that character to be redeemed and that actor in that role but as he's set up if the same thing happens that we're pitching where he's sort of taken out of the middle of his movie him in the middle of that movie is not someone i would believe can explain to other people what is going on or be seen as a leader in any way however and this might lead into one of my theories a little later so spoiler alert uh for later but if he's sort of pulled out of his universe maybe a couple years after the movie we're led to believe that he died at the end but he's like this electric force of nature like i'm not totally convinced that he's dead just because we saw the thing on his head dropped to zero whatever the heck that was even supposed to mean i i am more interested by an electro maybe 10 15 years after the events of the amazing spider-man 2 who's had to live this way for much longer and has sort of matured as a character then what you're pitching is something i can get on board with oh okay i like that little that little twist for it and i just got to say it's like with jamie foxx being announced to come back and then like now later alfred marlena's announces coming back why did they start with jamie foxx like you should have gone big first you should say doc ock is coming back and that would have got people like excited because when jamie foxx was announced is coming back you're just like oh him like that was your first big choice like you should have started big and like worked and like worked your way down to the minor villains they don't care about and then that would create much more excitement when they do what you do because i think what you just pitched about like you know like an older electro like like who's grown and matured and the zero rose up from his head or something it got back up like he plugged in somewhere he became a much better character and used that experience and and and morphed a little bit so i love that i mean i think that's really cool so okay we're kind of talking about those two members so far which is those are the two ones that we know about which are uh doc ock and and electro so let's start filling out like our a bit of a sinister six roster a little bit like we're like dodgeball captains and we're like you know we're picking people i think you gotta have a goblin in the comics like the uh the back and forth between any sort of green goblin and dr octopus is like it's always fascinating to watch because these are two just such smart alpha males that there's like they can't work together and it's a blast to uh and watch like a beautiful train wreck so i think you got to throw a goblin in there but i'm going to go with something that we kind of talked about in previous episodes is ned leeds as the hobgoblin we we talked extensively last time about how ned leads can become the hobgoblin and i think actually putting him in a sinister six roster will create a sort of connection to it because right now if tom holland is facing this sinister six along with you know all the other spider-man that are running around that he doesn't like know a lot of them at this point so i think it'd be it would create that sort of bond of just like that's ned leeds like that's that's someone that i know how do i you know how do i fight against it i think that's what's that's what is going to create a great you know dynamic what do you think what's your thoughts on the goblin in the sinister six i i like that goblin i like the pitch of that goblin i especially like the connection it gives us to the tom holland spider-man we're essentially dealing my theories we're essentially dealing with villains and heroes coming from three different universes that's the mcu the amazing spider-man universe and then the raimi spider-man universe i would like the goblin of the team because i don't think you're gonna have more than one i think that's a little bit of goblin overkill i would like the goblin of the team to come similarly as or alfred molina's doc i i want willem dafoe coming back as norman osborne i think that is the best portrayal of a goblin on screen that we have gotten uh i didn't love dana hans i didn't love james franco's sort of taking over unless you want to do a weird thing and grab chris kruper but i don't think we should do that either i think um the villain who started it all really for spider-man in 2002 spider-man getting willem dafoe back he could maybe even lead the team over doc because they're actually very similar characters when when you look at it they're both characters whose motives are driven by science uh sort of by anger but they also have this outside factor influencing them to be more evil than they maybe would be you know norman has that serum he used and doc has the inhibitor chip which allows the arms to sort of take over his mind i think whichever one i i think that would create the more interesting dynamic between these two people maybe struggling to lead the sinister six which maybe could lead to their downfall at the end you know um a house divided sort of thing because they can't decide who should be the leader and to me norman osborne played by willem dafoe fits that role more so than dead leads would man see nick this is why i love having you on because when i heard when you said willem dafoe at back is green goblin first thing i thought was oh sweet we get to see that sweet green costume again and that was like the height of my excitement like i was super excited for that but then you pitch me this this sort of power struggle between like the two of them because they're so similar and and how that leads to like this epic conclusions like oh man that's that's much smarter than just being excited for a green costume so kudos to you i mean uh the costume is great too i can't wait so i don't know i like the ned leads aspect because it's his friends but i also love willem dafoe so i think either way i'm gonna be happy as long as there's a goblin representation on the team that's very important so that's three right there we got we got doc ock we got electro and we got a goblin let's talk about some of the other kind of potential members and i think maybe we're on the same page about this maybe we have a little bit of differences i'm torn between if i want both tom holland's version to vulture and mysterio or just one of them i think vulture is more it should be used more it seems like he wants to be a character who can hop across all these different dimensions you know all these universes and be a connective tissue as shown with like him showing up in morbius of all places but i just don't know what he i what he would bring to the team of green goblin doc electra like what does vulture what does vulture bring to it that's true it's a good point and when i was talking before about like not being sure if alfred molina's dock was my favorite villain it's because i was comparing him to michael keaton's vulture uh i love michael keaton's vulture a lot more than than some people but you're right i i don't because especially by the end of spider-man homecoming he's not not a villain anymore but he's also like not giving away spider-man's location to bad people and he's sort of accepted responsibility for the bad things he's done and at the end of the day he's just a father trying to do right by his daughter so assuming that everyone sort of converges into the mcu meaning vulture wouldn't be affected by being brought to a different universe the character we have set up would be hard to fit in but vulture has a long-standing history of being in the sinister six i think there's some story element you could put in for wanting revenge on spider-man that would drive him enough to wanting to be part of this organization but you're right the the character we got i don't know if he necessarily fits in with what we've pitched so far maybe you could do something because in the comics the villain sandman is a villain that like is like a bad guy but then sometimes does good you know it's like i think there was a story run about that where like he was on the sinister six and then he kind of backed out because what they were doing wasn't good maybe they could replace that role with vulture where he kind of gets excited about this prospect of like joining this super villain team of type thing but then kind of realizes like hey you know what i'm actually not okay with this and then becomes more of an ally to spider-man down the line you think that could work potentially and i'm gonna say yes for now but i'm gonna say that you just by pitching that you made me think of that storyline but for a different character that i that i will get to in a little bit oh okay all right so let's because i want i i i kind of want to talk about mysterio for a little bit because at first i thought when i was first thinking about this idea of having mysterio part of sinister six i thought it would be very interesting to have a different universe mysterio who actually has all the powers that jake gyllenhaal was pretending to have in it and like he and that would be his version of it and he was actually that but now i actually think talking about it it would be more interesting if somehow it was this version of quentin beck and he was suddenly thrust into the multiverse and then he was forced to be like this fake sort of super villain because they think he's like a really powerful being i don't know if that would be too comedic and be too much of a stretch but i want to see quentin beck squirm a little bit in the realm of like an actual multiverse sure i definitely don't want quentin beck to be dead uh i want more jake gyllenhaal as mysterio i think he could be thinking about it now i think he could be that character you were talking about earlier who sort of explains what's going on and maybe even somewhat assembles the team doesn't lead it but assembles a team because you know he spent time researching the multiverse so that he could pretend that he was from one he he has this sort of backs he's smart he was employed by stark he invented you know the barf technology yep and he has this at least research background in in terms of what the multiverse is so i think he could actually be that sort of connection character you were talking about and then maybe he gets in a little too much over his head and he's not able to actually follow through with it maybe the other members of the sinister six sort of look down on him because of it as far as next people go i'll bring this up now because i've sort of hinted at it a few times i think when we pull out jamie foxx's electro from that 10 to 15 year jump that i was talking about i think you could also pitch that maybe andrew garfield's peter parker has gotten over gwen stacy and now has a new relationship with someone named felicia hardy played by felicity jones in the amazing spider-man 2 felicia hardy is traditionally known as black cat she's catwoman she's literally catwoman and marvel she's the sort of anti-hero burglar who dates spider-man at one point but then they break up because she continues to do villainous things she's got a sort of robin hood act in the sense that she steals from the rich and gives to the poor but i think what you were pitching for vulture as being the person that joins this team and then maybe turns against it because they see what's actually happening i think if you hold electro andrew garfield and felicia hardy all out from the same point in time you could say felicia hardy has become the black cat her and electro joined this team and then by the end of it felicia hardy flips but i'm pitching black cat to be a member of the sinister sick ooh okay i like that i like black cat i think she's a character who like deserves her due who will always be in catwoman shadow so i think she deserves a chance to kind of you know break out and prove you know why you know she's such a great character on her own because she is i think her relationship with spider-man in the comics is is really great and just has been a great evolution to see so you know and i would definitely like to see more of her from amazing spider-man 2 because that was nothing that was all set up role that led to nowhere and it would be nice would you would you bring back felicity jones to play the role so it would be that i think so i think she's great and i was looking forward to it and like i said if you picture this universe not where we left it off but maybe 10 years have gone by i could very well see um peter having met felicia played by felicity jones who used to work for ozcorp and then through some series of circumstances they fight and then they get together and then they're not together and then they go into this new universe i was about to say it's like well how are you going to do 10 years it's like only been like a few years since andrew garfield's you know amazing spider-man then i realized like andrew garfield and everyone playing all these high school college students are like you know 35 years old at the time so it's like you just have to play like their age now and that works you know perfectly exactly and i like what you say about the relationship you know status and what black cat could bring to the role because my sixth member would 100 be paul giamatti's rhino for no other reason besides i like paul giamatti as rhino and i want more of that ridiculousness i have no smart argument to back that up nick i have no sort of oh he's going to bring a really interesting dynamic to the team he's going to like bring out the best in all of them and prevent it that no it's like no i just want to see paul giamatti yelling in russian like even more so but if i had to explain a reason like they're going to need a brute right like you have all these you have you have the intellects you have the kind of the stealthy fighters you need a tank in in your sinister six so even though i said i didn't have a reason i'm actually backing that reason now because paul giamatti will bring the uh the strength needed to be to be part of the sinister six and yeah it'll be 15 years down the line for that too so his suit will look less stupid well what i was gonna say apart from i think it's ridiculous but but i do like what you're pitching because the way this could work in my mind if we were to bring paul giamatti's rhino is he sort of he's sort of the dumb hulk of the sinister six you know yeah they all just sort of make fun of how dummy is but when they need to like run through a wall rhino is your guy and i agree they don't have like an over overly strong person who can just sort of be that bulldozer and what they do have is from what we've pitched so far anyway is sort of an overabundance of intelligence uh i think that you know clash between doc and green goblin that i pitched would be cool but if you also add in like another smart character and another smart character all fighting to be the leaders then it becomes a bit too much right so do you have i mean like do you have a different brutes that could that could fill that last spot one that's existed already i don't think so i the other person i was going to pitch but it would sort of run into that problem i just talked about the lizard played by rhysie fonz and the first amazing spider-man i think that's a really underrated villain who you know has a lot of the same a lot of spider-man villains i'm noticing are very similar in the sense that they're all good people who do something to sort of turn themselves bad and then by the end of the movie they realize that they're a good person um it's green goblin it's doc it's the lizard it's sand man someone needs to fire those writers yes but if you pull them at the right time you know when they're from their universe when they're in the midst of like focusing on their goal then then they fit into this uh team really well but as far as like a straight dumb brute maybe you're right man maybe paul giamatti's rhino is the perfect uh sixth member yes and that is the perfect endnote to kind of wrap this up on that paul giamatti's rhino is the is the best person uh last six members i love the sinister six um i think that would be really interesting to see i think everything that we kind of talked about today would be very fascinating and provide us such a great entry point to these characters into watching because that's the beauty of the multiverse right is watching different characters from different universes bounce off each other and if we were to take it one step farther by taking characters we already know at different stages of their lives that would just be a really epic movie and make me believe in this movie kind of like a bit more because like i'm a little worried about all of the stuff that's happening that's been announced so far so doing something like what we kind of talked about i think would be pretty epic what are your what are your final thoughts about sinister six and spider-man uh i agree i love the sinister six i love spider-man i think you could lead up to like a spider team so just like the three spider-man maybe you get like a team versus a team i think that would be really cool to see uh but i agree with you that uh while all this news is really cool it's also making me a little bit nervous that there's some people that there's six men sinisterly sitting around a desk in suits saying haha these fans will love if we just put all these characters in the same movie instead of saying let's focus on writing a good story so i hope they take care with the characters and i hope they they pitch us a story that we like and don't just focus on the spectacle of wow there's tom holland with andrew garfield i agreed um it's it's gonna be difficult and and i just we just gotta see what happens i guess well overall this was a lot of fun i would like to thank you nick for joining me it's always a blast to talking to you and i would like to thank all of you guys for listening like comment subscribe and just let us know what villains you would put in your sinister six and what other villains you want to see come back you know in a later movie from a different period of time so thank you all so much and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: CBR
Views: 263,969
Rating: 4.9149804 out of 5
Keywords: Sinister Six, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man 3, Tom Holland, Doc Ock, Alfred Molina, Doc Ock Spider-Man 2, Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin, Michael Keaton’s Vulture, CBR, Quentin Beck, Mysterio, Black Cat, Toby Maguire, Spider-Man, Peter Parker
Id: WbBXhnyTg6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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