Marvel Actors Who Auditioned For Other MCU Roles

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at this point it's almost like every single big-name actor in Hollywood is linked to a specific comic-book superhero or villain in the movies the luckiest of them land a role in the MCU which for all intents and purposes is the king of a hill when it comes to superhero movies certain actors were lucky enough to land the role of a lifetime while others had to deal with getting told no and probably venturing over to DC or something then there's a small group of actors who auditioned for a role in the MCU and got it only not the role they were auditioning for I went through a phase of just doing self tapes on to self saves on self tapes yeah that's right the MCU is we know and love it today could have been very different if Disney had made some different casting choices a lot of actors you're familiar with seeing in Marvel movies now actually tried out to play a different role can you imagine what things would have been like if chadwick boseman was someone other than T'Challa or if another one of the Avengers played the part of Captain America strapped in because we're about to go over a slew of different Marvel actors who tried out for different roles Chris Pratt as Captain America it's tough to imagine now because everyone knows Chris Evans is Captain America and Chris Pratt - star-lord but those weren't the original plans Pratt originally auditioned for the role of Captain America several years before he landed the role of Peter quill again this was a while before guardians of the galaxy eventually came to fruition while Pratt was still just getting started on parks and recreation he had yet to appear in any dramatic roles either such as Moneyball or zero dark thirty he didn't land the part but he made enough of an impression to remain on the mind of the casting director Sarah Finn who recommended him to guardians director James Gunn for the part of star-lord it's a good thing that things worked out this way because Pratt's hilarious personality went way better with the Peter quill character and Chris Evans as clean-cut wholesome imaged paired perfectly with America's hero Steve Rogers Chadwick Boseman as Drax the destroyer this certainly would have altered the character a little bit wouldn't it we all know chadwick boseman Astatula the black panther but did you know that he actually originally auditioned for a different role yep he first tried out for the part of Drax the destroyer in guardians of the galaxy of course the role ended up going to Dave Bautista who's done a wonderful job with a character Bozeman is a great actor and I'm not so sure his style would have meshed well with the silly borderline comedic tone of the Guardians movie and the Drax character Sulu Bozeman was probably upset when he didn't get the part seeing as he was just coming off a leading role in 42 as jackie robinson's ultimately it all worked out for the best he didn't get to play drags but he ended up in the MCU regardless only with a leading role in a massive blockbuster movie we can't help but wonder what the Drax character would have been like if Bozeman got the part it would certainly be weird but nowhere near as weird if dave bautista played Shella Lupita Nyong'o as nebula while on the subject of black panther actors who almost played other parts did you know that Lupita Nyong'o originally auditioned for the role of nebula sheesh that first guardians of the galaxy movie would have been way different that's right young O originally tried joining the Marvel Universe much sooner than her debut in Black Panther as Nakia she had just finished her future oscar-winning role in 12 years of slave and was looking for her next project ultimately she didn't get the part as a went to Karen Gillan but that worked out for all parties because Nyong'o was one of the highlights of black panther Karen Gillan as Sharon Carter speaking of nebula that's not even the role that Karen Gillan originally auditioned for her first attempt at joining the MCU was a Sharon Carter in Captain America the Winter Soldier she had met with Marvel and auditioned to be the captain's new love interest at the time she was wrapping up her time on Doctor Who as the character Amy Pond ultimately Gillan didn't get the part as it went to Emily VanCamp instead in hindsight that worked out better for Karen Gillan also the deal with Marvel's casting process karen gillan wanted to play Sharon Carter but instead they gave her nebula Lupita Nyong'o wanted to play nebula so instead they gave her Nakia is it just a never-ending process of moving someone over to the next available role Tom Hiddleston as Thor this one is probably the most awkward one to think about on the whole list Tom Hiddleston is famous for playing the role of Loki Thor's mischievious and sometimes downright evil little brother he plays such an iconic role it's almost uncomfortable to think about Hiddleston playing the part of Thor that is most certainly what almost happened though when Hiddleston went in for his audition for the movie he was trying out for the lead role Marvel did some screen tests with him and even had him sport blond hair and hold the famous hammer Mjolnir of course they eventually went with Chris Hemsworth for the role but Hiddleston left such a lasting impression that they brought him aboard is Loki instead he's since proven to be a fan favorite and one of the most integral parts of the MCU Sebastian Stan as Captain America this is another one that just feels icky to visualize we all know and love Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes the Winter Soldier he's Captain America's best friend but things would have been vastly different if he was Captain America when it came time to audition for Captain America the First Avenger Stan wanted the role casting director Sarah Finn felt that he was bringing too much darkness to the delivery that just wasn't right for the role of the calf still she was impressed by what she saw and suggested Stan played the role of Bucky Barnes in their next Captain America installment and the rest was history in fact with Bucky Barnes set to appear in the upcoming Falcon in the Winter Soldier show on Disney Plus Stan's character will actually be spending a longer time in the MCU than Captain America this also just goes to show how important and useful it is that Marvel plans out their movies so far in advance this way they can keep an eye on potential talent for future roles that aren't even being casted for yet Anthony Mackie as Mandarin speaking of Falcon and the Winter Soldier the role of Wilson has been famously portrayed by Anthony Mackie while the character isn't one of the original Avengers and doesn't have his own standalone movie to speak of he's still one of the most important characters in the MCU he's certainly one of the most iconic heroes but did you know that Anthony Mackie originally intended on playing a bad guy his first audition happened prior to being cast as Falcon when he screamed tested for the role of the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 the role would ultimately go to Ben Kingsley which really makes me wonder what the casting call looks like speaking of Falcon that role almost went to someone entirely different as well while Anthony Mackie was auditioning to play the Mandarin it was Michael B Jordan who was auditioning to play the Falcon fortunately he wouldn't get the part and would go on to join the MCU as the iconic role Erik kill monger and black panther while Michael B Jordan probably would have been great in the role of Falcon as well it was probably for the best in fact that wasn't even Jordan's first time appearing in the Marvel Universe in 2015 he played the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four a movie that was a historical failure while it was a Marvel movie it didn't exist within the Marvel Cinematic Universe that we know today and it's a good thing people barely remember that Fantastic Four movie Sam Rockwell as Iron Man look Sam Rockwell is a fantastic actor he's funny he's talented and he always delivers in any role he plays having said that there's just no conceivable way that he'd have been as perfect for the role of Tony Stark as Robert Downey jr. was it's just not possible RDJ was just perfect for the role Pat Rockwell been the lead role and been the one to kickstart the MCU way back in 2008 there's just no telling where the franchise would be today Jon Favreau likes what he saw with Rockwell though and ended up using him as Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2 the role of Justin Hammer was meant to be a Tony Stark wannabe with a very similar attitude only you know bad who wanted to be star-lord this is an interesting one because there were several big-name actors in the running to play star-lord before the part whence two Pratt in fact three of the actors they were considering ended up in the MCU playing different roles first off Lee pace auditioned to play Peter quill instead he ended up getting cast in the movie only to play the film's antagonist Ronan the accuser imagine going in to audition for a part and end up being cast as the characters opposition funny how things work out isn't it pace wasn't the only Marvel actor to try out for the role as Michael Rosenbaum also auditioned Rosenbaum is a close personal friend of guardians of the galaxy director James Gunn so he had a leg up on the competition of course the role would eventually go to Chris Pratt but Gunn still found a way to utilize his buddy casting him to play Martin X in the guardians of the galaxy vol 2 Zachary Levi was another actor who tried out for the role of star-lord he didn't get the part but he was eventually cast to replace Josh Dallas in the role of Fandral in 2013's Thor the dark world Levi would go on to get his lead role in a superhero movie starring in 2019 Shazam other actors who were seriously considered for the role of Peter quill included Joel Edgerton Jim Sturgess Jack Hudson and Eddie Redmayne all that to say good for Chris Pratt Jake Gyllenhaal as Doctor Strange Jake Gyllenhaal has wanted to be a part of the MCU for quite some time and it makes sense he's a bonafide a list actor with some serious acting chops why shouldn't he land a prominent role in the largest movie franchise of all time seemingly every big-name celebrity Under the Sun plays a corresponding superhero it almost didn't make sense the likable popular good guy Jake Gyllenhaal didn't have one according to reports he was very close to playing the role of dr. strange of course that part would eventually go to Benedict Cumberbatch who did an absolutely wonderful job Gyllenhaal is a great actor but there's no telling if and how we could have tops Cumberbatch's masterful performance and don't feel too bad for jakey boy either he ended up getting his MCU part portraying the role of Mysterio in spider-man far from home whether or not we'll see him in that role on the big screen again is still up in the air it's crazy to think how drastically different the MCU could have been with just a couple different casting choice we're glad things worked out the way they did though which one of these entries do you wish actually happened would you have liked to see Chris Pratt as Captain America or Michael B Jordan as Falcon let us know which one you'd be most curious to check out in the comments section below before you go don't forget to hit that thumbs up button and if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to Screen Rant to stay up to date on all our latest releases until next time see you later [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,329,445
Rating: 4.9003506 out of 5
Keywords: Screen Rant, ScreenRant, Chris Pratt, Captain America, Chadwick Boseman, Black Panther, Nebula, Thor, Iron Man, Star-Lord, Falcon, Michael B. Jordan, Doctor Strange, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anthony Mackie, mcu, marvel movie
Id: JeWENahWsfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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