15 Essential Things You NEED To Know - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Tips & Tricks

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fren of Pandora is a massive world with an abundance of activities this also makes it pretty easy to get lost and miss the essentials things you need to know to get the most out of your adventures from tracking down the rarest resources in the game to doubling your yields dramatically boost your damage and survival capabilities my name is foram and this guide covers the most important things you need to know to better prepare for your adventures ahead so without further Ado let's get right to it every every body loves free skill points as you're going to need plenty of these to maximize your build increase your damage and survival capabilities during your adventures you will come across plenty of these taru saplings which are plants hidden in plain sight which usually can be detected with your na'vi powers if you see this blue circle that means you have one of them nearby and if you press and hold your na'vi power you can usually spot them when you interact with them you will get a free skill point to use for for future upgrades when exploring the beautiful world of Pandora you might have already realized that fall damage is a thing and unfortunately from certain Heights death is inevitable well this is not entirely true as if you find the right plans you can break your fall entirely preventing any type of fall damage this specific plant is called the shade Leaf cane which you can find across Pandora this is the first place we jumped from while the secondary was much higher without any fall damage even better a little bit to the east of the kingore forest you will find the gamer Lakes if we check out this place right here you will find an ancestor skill called Soft Landing this skill allows you to press Crouch right before hitting the ground to basically reduce any fall damage by 50% this will come in pretty handy if you don't have any plants in the surrounding area which can break your fall if you want to find the best quality materials in front years of Pandora you sometimes times need certain weather conditions for example for night leaf trees the best quality can be harvested during rainy days so the big question is how do I make it rain we currently have a drizzle going on which you can see at the bottom right of the screen but if you want to manipulate weather you basically want to find one of these campfires to pass time at a camp as this will basically manipulate time and weather see now it's Dusk and cloudy so we no longer have rain going on while you want to keep doing this to maybe make it nighttime or even force a thunderstorm to pop up we noted that sometimes it can take a couple skips before you find the conditions you're looking for but eventually they will pop up so just be patient this however is not essential to get your hands on the best quality resources in the game which I cover in my complete Exquisite farming guide which you can find at the top right of the screen so let's get back to that night leaf tree with the best quality when it's raining you primarily want to focus Fus on this specific message as this overrides the chances of finding top tier Exquisite materials so we basically want to make our way to the north of the king forest and search around the Blackwater Bassin so now you would say it's not raining and it's not night so the night leaf tree won't have its best quality so let me prove you wrong if we press and hold our Navi Powers right now and inspect one of the trees right here you can see that this one still has superior quality definitely be sure to keep your eyes open for those shining or Golden Glow plants as these usually come with the best quality in the game especially if you get additional feedback from the mini game find it a little bit more difficult to harvest them you will most likely have an Exquisite quality gather along the ridge right here we've got a couple more so if we press and hold with our Navi Powers see we get a couple more Exquisite quality branches a pristine Harvest Without Rain still getting top tier quality I'm curently standing at the Fallen Hunter na'vi camp and right in front of us we have two Crimson mushrooms one of regular quality and also one of Exquisite so how about we make this even better by doubling the rewards of these plant go to your skill Tab and check out the maker skill tree as right here you can pick up a skill upgrade skillful gatherer which doubles the amount of cooking ingredients earned from Gathering so if you use the navi you already know that it's going to be an Exquisite Harvest while after finishing the mini game see we actually get two instead of one this allows you to gather cooking ingredients so much easier to craft top tier dishes as you can see right here we have a 35% stealth damage bonus for almost a full hour combining certain ingredients allow you to make the best dishes in the game for which I already made an ultimate cooking guide also to be found at the top right of the screen for some of the the best dishes in the game you also have to hunt for specific animals so you're probably wondering do clean kills matter honestly nobody cares as this will also not have an impact on the quality of the items gathered right in front of us we have a small group of blad head Wildlife if we expect them with our na'vi powers you can see that they will have Exquisite materials this creature is way above my level so I won't have enough damage to one-hot it for a clean kill on its weak SP but with multiple hits It's also not going to be a merciful kill so I didn't take any of the two hunting boxes while still I get Exquisite quality resources when harvesting this creature because the quality of it was already predetermined when this creature spawned in and we expected it with our Navi Powers right here you can see the exact same when hunting for some Viper wolves these already have superior quality and even without performing a clean kill we still get the exact same quality as shown with our heavy Powers what I think is an essential tip to Target Farm specific Wildlife or resources is to manipulate their respawns I'm currently hunting some Viper wolf for their Superior meat a little bit West of the sunshine Valley lab if we fast travel to this location and pass time at the campfire we will basically reset the spawn of these creatures so if you want to farm a large batch of meat well this is going to be the most efficient way to do so so so if we fly to the same part of the forest press and hold our na'vi powers you can see some new tracks of the Viper wolf so we can basically keep hunting them until we have enough resources and the same counts for respawning plants remember that tip I gave you earlier to double the yield well if you combine these tricks you'll be able to stack up on an insane amount of resources in no time it's also important to understand how you can get the most out of crafting how you can get the highest level items with with the most damage or armor values so right here we have the blueprint for a Kingler Queen sting nothing too fancy while if we throw in an Exquisite type of item as crafting resource it will have around 50 damage well if we upgrade it to a Exquisite one the damage will be almost 60 my current armguard has 64 HP recently crafted while I got my hands on even better resources so if we throw in a Exquisite blade hat heavy height which we gathered recently it will actually give us 50 HP combine that with a skill bark and the total will be 74 with 50% bonus HP 3% stealth and melee resistance while for my waist cloth I currently have one with 26 HP and recently found this Superior Lineberry fiber which basically gives us 30 even though it's only a fine craft small upgrades like these can dramatically boost your performance increase your survivability and and damage in combat be sure to check out your mods from time to time as you will find these more often than you think so I recently found this six damage assault rifle with some standard mods 5% RDA damage well if we check out these right here the damage is much higher especially for weak spots I think this is an amazing upgrade while we can also increase the magazine capacity normally the standard magazine size is 30 while right now we have 40 so I would say a pretty nice upgrade talking about a nice damage boost you should always have certain dishes at your disposal to eat right before battle as these can dramatically boost it even further with a fury bonus will basically scale up your damage by another 35% and these are the basic tier items combine them with a secondary Exquisite resource and this will give you some top tier snacks with a pretty long duration if we quickly check out the hunter guides and go to the wildlife tab this is where you will find the close loed Panther of course after you've discovered it but these will drop meat that will increase your damage by 45% so the further you progress in the game the higher these damage bonuses will become since we're talking about some major boosts plants with a hearty bonus will dramatically increase your maximum HP for a very long time if combined with the right ingredients even better you can permanently increase your HP if you come across the right plants in the wild just like the Taro sapling which gives you free skill points talked about earlier in this video The Bell sprs can be interacted with to permanently boost your HP increase the value by three or more each time you interact with one so if you want to efficiently Farm permanent HP boost I recommend you to Mark the Spot on your map call in your ecran to reach them super fast and take him one by one I definitely recommend you to combine this farming with tarsu saplings as this can make your character very powerful in a short amount of time all right so there you have it essential tips and tricks you need to know to get the most out of your adventures in franches of Pandora if you find this video helpful please do hit that like button as you have no idea how much you help the Channel with it already very much appreciated and yeah if you have more questions or video suggestions do leave them in the comments down below I'm always happy to help if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe as plenty more guides are coming your way right now though it is 4:00 a.m. out so I want to wish you an awesome day I'll check you out in the next video or live stream take care [Music] peace
Channel: 04AM
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Keywords: 04AM, avatar frontiers of pandora, avatar frontiers of pandora gameplay, avatar frontiers of pandora need to know, avatar way of water, avatar game, frontiers of pandora, avatar 2023, new avatar game 2023, avatar, avatar frontiers of pandora make it rain, avatar frontiers of pandora best items, avatar frontiers of pandora essential tips and tricks, avatar frontiers of pandora tips and tricks, avatar frontiers of pandora beginner guide, avatar frontiers of pandora exquisite
Id: ft4wjdLgTG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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