Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - The Ultimate Tips and Tricks Guide

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how's it going everyone thanks for stopping by and checking out my channel now normally when I cover a new video game on my channel I like to make a couple tips and tricks videos but this time for Avatar frontiers of Pandora I figured I would make just one really big tips and tricks video to see how you guys like that instead of you know multiple videos so this video is going to have a lot of tips and tricks to make your life just way easier in Avatar frontiers of vandora now I've been playing the game for over a week and there's a lot of things that I wish I knew about way sooner because my life would have just been way easier if I knew how to do this stuff so hopefully the tips in this video will help you guys out and if it does then please give this video a thumbs up it would be greatly appreciated and it helps me out in the algorithm so with that said let's go ahead and jump right into it so the first couple of tips are pretty simple but they could be very easily overlooked so if we pause the game and head over to the settings tab there are a number of different settings that can just make things way easier so you're going to want to head down to the Gathering complexity category or there are three different settings there's default low difficulty or Auto now this is going to make Gathering plants and resources just a lot easier and trust me you're going to want to change this because there are a ton of plants and resources that you're going to have to farm you're going to be constantly looking for different resources and trying to make food and upgrade your gear and to get the absolute best version of the plant you're going to have to pick it in a very specific way and meet certain conditions and trust me after you do this a couple hundred times it's going to get really old and really repetitive so I recommend putting this on low difficulty just to make it a little bit easier and more forgiving especially if you have a side quest where you have to find a very specific plant and you have to pick it a certain way now you definitely don't want to set it to full auto because if it's set to full auto then that's going to disable the picking bonus and you're not going to be able to get the pristine or the legendary type of fruit or whatever you're trying to harvest so I recommend setting it on low difficulty to just save yourself a ton of time and effort and since we're in the settings let's head over to the autocomplete hacking for the miname now this is for your Sid tool now you are going to be hacking a ton in this game you're going to be hacking like enemy Mech suits and hacking to try to solve puzzles and this is another thing that can get pretty repetitive pretty quickly and if you're like infiltrating an enemy base and you're trying to be stealthy sometimes you have to hack pretty quickly and let's say you're trying to hack a mech suit fidgeting around with the miname can you know easily get you spotted if you're trying to hack one of the suits so after about 50 or 60 times of doing this little mini game I turned on both the settings for the auto Sid loock and the auto Sid hacking and this is going to make it so you don't have to like fidget around with the triggers and try to get it in the circle exactly and this is also going to autocomplete the little mini game where you have to like you know solve the little puzzle there's different tiers to this little puzzle game and some of the tiers can be be actually pretty difficult and obviously this little mini game isn't going to be for everyone but you know for those of you that don't like it or if you just get tired of it I recommend turning on the autocomplete and you can actually do the same thing for the little memory puzzles where you have to sit down and it's like this little mini game where you have to like follow the lines and it's real peaceful and you have to you know solve the memory well there's three different modes for this there's immersive where you have to like move the thumb sticks in the exact order there's rhythmic where you just have to push the buttons as they prompt on screen and then there's auto complete now you don't encounter as many of these memory puzzles as you do the hacking mini game so I personally like immersive but you know obviously this isn't going to be for everyone either so at any point if you get tired of playing this little memory mini game or if you just have really bad hand eye coordination and you just suck at it you can change this to make it a little bit easier so next up I want to go over a couple of tips to help you get around in the environment but before we go any further I want to take this time to tell you about today's sponsor so over the past few months I've been just super stressed out with student loans starting back up and the cost of living just being so high and just the amount of stress I've had from just being so overworked it got to the point where my time management was just awful I couldn't concentrate when I was working and I had to force myself to take a step back take some time off of work and just re-evaluate what I was doing wrong and it would have been a huge help if I had someone to just sit down with to talk about all these issues and that's why I'm partnering with today's sponsor better help so for people with a similar type of work schedule as me where you're working from home or you're working just crazy hours it's great that better help allows you to schedule therapy sessions at a time that's convenient for you with better help you can have your therapy sessions as a phone call as a video chat or even via messaging if you prefer that whatever is the most comfortable version of therapy for you to get started you fill out a question air to help assess your specific needs and then you'll get matched with your therapist and most cases 48 hours or less and then if the therapist that you're matched with just doesn't feel like the right fit which is pretty common when you're just starting therapy you can just easily switch to a new therapist at no additional cost so if you think you might benefit from therapy then consider betterhelp just click the link in the description down below or visit betterhelp.com swanyplaysgames clicking the link not only helps support my channel but it also gives you 10% off of better help for your first month so you can connect with the therapist to see if it works for you and a big thank you again to better help for sponsoring today's video now the controls in this game play pretty similar to like I don't know Apex or Titanfall where everything is kind of momentum based and the jump in this game is kind of weird because you have to hold in the jump button to charge it before you release the jump and they don't really ever explain that to you but you have to hold in the jump while you're running so while you're sprinting make sure you hold in the jump button to charge your jump and you can chain that with the sliding an animation so you can Sprint jump and then right as you're about to land you hit the slide button and you'll go directly into a slide to make it a little bit faster now this is actually faster than just straight up sprinting so anytime I was exploring in the woods I would just be jumping and sliding jumping and sliding and that would speed up the process and as you're running through the woods keep an eye out for these giant like mushroom type of plants these are really great to chain with your momentum so when you're jumping and sliding try to slide or jump into one of these little jumping plants and they will help you get across the environment just way faster and in Avatar frontiers of Pandora there are a ton of cliffs and just high places and just tons of different ways that you can fall and take fall damage now to negate some of the Fall damage that you might receive if you're falling from a high place keep an eye out for giant trees with these huge leaves on them because landing on giant leaves is going to help break your Falls so maybe you're up in the sky and you accidentally fall off of a giant cliff and and it's for sure going to kill you just make sure that when you're falling try to land on these giant leaves and it is going to break your fall to make sure that you don't die so the next tip I have which is probably one of the most important tips that I can give you is to play the main story until you get to the take flight Mission now the take flight Mission you know you'll probably reach it a couple hours into the game now I made the mistake of doing a lot of exploring and doing a lot of side missions before I continued the main story so I was running every where I went and the jungle is huge like this map is ginormous so when you're doing a lot of side missions you have to run physically everywhere and it can kind of get old and repetitive because there's just so much Forest so once you get your flying Mount Your icron it completely changes the game it makes the game just way better when it comes to exploring and finding special flowers and powerups and even hunting just overall the game feels completely different once you get your flying mount and it makes you know exploration and finding different things just a night and day difference just trust me on this one I played the game for hours before I got my Mount and it was just taking forever to do anything because I had to physically run everywhere so next up is a pretty good tip because this one is pretty missable I didn't discover this to at least 10 plus hours into my playthrough and I actually found it by complete accident but once you discover the home tree make sure you go clear to the top of the home tree and you'll find this vendor and this vendor is going to act like the vendors in the Assassin Creed games where it's kind of linked to the in-game microtransaction store and they're going to give you daily challenges and weekly challenges and that's going to give you the like in-game currency that you can then spend on different items that you would normally have to pay money for so you definitely want to talk to this vendor as soon as possible that way you can start chipping away at some of those challenges another tip that I didn't realize until pretty late in my playthrough is that you can actually change your appearance at any time now there are multiple camps that you can do this at throughout the game but we're going to use home tree for example because that's the one that most of you are going to have access to pretty early on but at the home tree up on the second level as soon as you go up the ramp and you take a left there's going to be this little stand and here you can change your appearance your voice and your hair at pretty much any times so halfway through my playthrough I decided to switch it up and go from playing as a male to a female that way I could experience the different voice actors and it pretty much made it feel like it was a whole new experience so the next tip I have is that while you're out on your adventures you're going to come across just random na'vi out in the woods and at some of their little camps so make sure you talk to the random na'vi as much as possible sometimes they'll give you rare crafting materials sometimes they'll give you food and sometimes they'll point you in the direction of certain side quests that you didn't know about or hidden Collectibles so anytime you see random na'vi in the woods make sure you talk to them so another tip I have for you while to help with getting lost is to make sure you put a marker down pretty much anywhere you're going the in-game HUD is honestly pretty bad and when there's a mission selected it doesn't really do too good of a job of telling you what direction to go you have to use your na'vi sense and kind of look around and it's very easy to get lost so anytime I have a new Mission or anything I make sure to go into the map and physically place a marker down on top of the current objective that way it shows up the top of your compass just trust me it's going to make finding things way easier if you do it this way so next up while you're out on your adventures you might notice this little circle start to fill up on your screen well this circle is to guide you in the direction of a permanent buff location anytime you see this little circle you want to line it up perfectly in the middle and it will point you in the direction of a plant and these plants will normally either give you a couple skill points or a permanent Health buff increase so the next tip has to do with uh climbing mountains there are a ton of different things that you can climb in this game tree trunks plants Boulders cliffs and there's going to be a lot of cliffs that just don't look like they're possible to climb and trust me nine times out of 10 even if the cliff for the rock doesn't look like it's climbable it's probably climbable there were a lot of cliffs and stuff that I was just avoiding because it didn't look possible to climb and then once I realize that you can kind of force yourself to climb these Cliffs your character will just sort of suction cup their way up the mountain it's it's really easy to climb mountains so anytime you see a mountain even if it looks like it's impossible POS and it's a straight up like 90° angle you're going to be able to climb it which kind of leads me into the next tip which is to go after the ancestor skills ASAP when you look in your skills tab you're going to see the ancestor skills and these are going to be marked on your map immediately for you some of them are going to be kind of tied to progressions so you're not going to be able to get all of them right away but the ones that you can get that aren't locked behind like a certain gear level or you know they're not locked behind an area that you can't reach yet because of the story the ones that you you can get get them as soon as possible because they completely change the way that you play the game for example one of them kind of gives you a double jump where you can jump a second time in midair and that is going to help you a ton when it comes to getting around the environment it helps you with climbing Cliffs because you can double jump a second time and then get a little bit of extra height so trust me you definitely want to get that one and the one to help negate the fall damage is also a big help I don't think I've ever died from Fall damage since I've gotten this ancestor skill because right before you hit the ground you hit the slide button and it will negate the damage by like half and if you're full on food then you don't have to worry about your health because you'll just Auto regenerate it a couple seconds later so the ancestor skills are definitely the ones that you want to go after as soon as possible so next up I want to talk about food remember to eat food and keep the meter filled so that you regenerate your health there's this food meter that's going to be at the bottom of your screen and if it's depleted then you're no longer going to regen health so if you're in the middle of a fight and if you're taking damage damage then you know you're at a huge disadvantage so you always want to make sure that you have the food meter filled pretty much whenever possible which leads me into the next tip and it's whenever you fast travel it's going to deplete 20% of your energy now I didn't realize this because the game doesn't really tell you it shows this little symbol on screen but I never really knew what that symbol meant so there's many times where I'd fast travel and I would you know accidentally fast travel to the wrong spot so I'd fast travel a second time and doing just two or three quick fast travels will immediately drain your energy so don't eat food in between fast travels make sure you eat your food when you're done fast traveling otherwise you're going to waste an entire meal I couldn't tell you how many times I would fast travel somewhere and then realize that my food meter was gone so I would eat and then I would immediately fast travel again not realizing that it would just take 20% of my energy every single time I fast travel so just remember that fast traveling is always going to take 20% of your energy so next up let's talk about the industrial area areas or the oil rigs or whatever you want to call them anywhere where you face the RDA in these giant camps now you have two options you can go in guns blazing and just take everyone on straightforward in a fight or you can go about it stealthy and I highly recommend that you take out these camps as stealthly as possible because once you clear out the area and defeat all the enemies you're going to unlock the reward room and there's just tons of different chests and they have ammo sometimes they have new weapons and they have gear items and stuff well if you complete it stealthily you're going to get more chests versus if you go in guns blazing if you make a lot of noise and they call in reinforcements then you're going to get like two or three less chests than you would if you didn't alert them now all you have to do for it to be considered a stealthy completion is to make sure they don't call in reinforcements now they're actually pretty forgiving here you can make noise you can go in and you know use your shotguns or your assault rifles and they can spot you as long as they don't call in their reinforcement ments it will count as a stealthy completion so anytime you see someone with this little like radio symbol above their head that means they're going to call reinforcements so take them out immediately and once you clear out an industrial area make sure you go through the entire Camp a second time because once all the plants and stuff start to regrow in the area you're always going to find a couple plants that spawn in that will give you some permanent Buffs now sometimes they don't spawn in right away you're going to have to like fast travel away do a couple missions and then come back later and then you will find a couple plants so once you clear an industrial Zone keep an eye out because there's normally at least one to two plants that's always going to give you a permanent Health increase so the next tip I have for you all is one that you're probably not going to encounter too much because it only happened to me like twice and it's to avoid the disharmony debuff now you get this debuff if you're going around doing a lot of hunting so I was trying to collect a lot of rare meat so I was running around in the woods and I was killing too many animals well if you kill too to many animals too quickly you will get disharmony where the whole game is basically mad at you Pandora the whole planet isn't happy with you because you know you're going around and you're being a poacher you're doing what the RDA is doing and the whole point is to be one with nature they don't want you to you know go around massacring all the animals they only want you to kill animals when it makes sense to so let's say you do end up killing too many animals and you end up getting the disharmony Nerf well if you do then none of your abilities are going to work you're not going to be able to call in your icron so you can't fly away and none of the NPCs are going to talk to you so you can't access stores you can't access missions you basically just have to wait around for like a minute or two until the debuff goes away so avoid the disharmony buff at all costs and don't go around slaughtering animals so next up I want to talk about one of the most important skills that you can get now I might make an entirely separate video about which skills to get and which ones are the best ones but the number one skill that I can recommend is probably the extra weapon skill having a fourth weapon in your weapon wheel makes an absolute huge difference especially if you like to take a stealth approach to most of your combat encounters I like to have like two bows equipped and then I have the shotgun or an assault rifle equipped that way you have more options when things go downhill and you have to switch from stealth to just full on combat at a moment's notice having four weapons is way better than having three so I highly recommend that you work towards getting that skill just as soon as possible so the next tip I have is for when you're looking at your map you're going to want to go down and click this little button down here it says hide collected now this is going to hide everything that you've already found so if you found any plants or you know any Collectibles and stuff and this is definitely going to help with keeping things a lot less clustered and it's going to make things just way easier to find so I highly recommend that you turn this button on so the next tip is that while you're trying to infiltrate some of these RDA bases uh make sure you go in on foot you definitely don't want to be flying because the anti-air turrets will just absolutely annihilate you and your icron now if you are dead set on using your icron and flying around and taking out all the enemies while you're on your Mount one thing you can do is actually go into the base and use your hacking tool to hack all of the anti-air turret and turn them off and then once all of them are shut down you can then call in your icron and take out the base that way next up is a tip about harvesting now you're going to be doing a lot of harvesting in this game you're going to harvest plants for for crafting you're going to harvest plants for recipes you're always going to be harvesting plants and to do this there's a little mini game where you have to barely squeeze the triggers and you have to point it in the exact right direction to get the best version possible of the plant well what I discovered after doing this like a million times is that you can actually back out of the menu if you screw up so if you're trying to find the exact perfect angle to get the best resources possible every single time if you screw up you can just back out and then retry ensuring that you will get the absolute best resources possible every single time and while you're trying to harvest different plants some of them are going to have very specific requirements like it has to be raining or it has to be dry well there's no way to really determine if it's about to rain but one thing you can do is actually sit at a campfire and wait until it's raining so if there's a certain plant that you're trying to gather for a side mission but the plant has to be gathered while it's raining then just sit by a campfire wait check your map down in the bottom right hand corner and it's going to tell you what the weather is so if it's not raining just wait again sometimes it'll take you know four five six tries and then once you see that it's storming or drizzling then you can go to the location of the plant that you need and harvest it then and then the final tip that I have for you all is that while you're trying to pick plants or harvest resources or you're trying to find a very specific animal make sure you take advantage of the pinning system now for the longest time I didn't really pin things because I didn't have to early to mid game you don't really have to focus too much on finding specific resources you can kind of get by without but once you get to the late game content and you really have to find specific things like specific meat or specific flowers you definitely want to pin an item because once an item is pinned it's going to show up differently in Your na'vi Vision when you hold in the button and it highlights resources in the area anything that you have pinned is going to show up as a yellow collar and it's going to make it just way easier to find so any resources that you want make sure you pin them and that is going to do it for everything in this tips and tricks video now all these tips and tricks are pretty useful pretty early to mid game uh if you guys like this video then I'll make another one for the uh mid to late game content now this video took me forever to make so if it helped you out then please give this video a thumbs up it's greatly appreciated make sure you hit the Subscribe button and hit the bell for notifications that way you don't miss out on any future videos and that is going to do it for me guys and I will talk to you all next [Music] time
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 47,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar frontiers of pandora, avatar frontiers of pandora gameplay, avatar game, avatar frontiers of pandora review, avatar frontiers, avatar review, avatar frontiers of pandora guide, frontiers of pandora, avatar: frontiers of pandora, frontiers of pandora gameplay, avatar frontiers of pandora character creation, frontiers of pandora gathering, avatar, avatar tips and tricks, avatar frontiers of pandora tips, new avatar game, frontiers of pandora guide
Id: YfZSeB-S5bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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