17 Tips: Don't make THESE mistakes in Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora

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don't make these 177 mistakes in Avatar frontiers of Pandora I played the game for about 35 hours right now I think it looked beautiful just look at this Majestic open world and I have some awesome tips and tricks for you guys so you don't ruin your game my name is Frankie boy and stay tuned for that what's up guys welcome to the channel if you didn't know me so far I make tips and tricks videos on recent and some older open World Games such as The Witcher Assassin's Creed cyber Punk and now also frontiers of Pandora and I think this game is a 7 out of 10 that's my review on it I made a video with a review on my German Channel frankot but I didn't find the time to make one for this one all right let's quickly get into it tip number one push through the story as fast as you can to get this awesome flying Mount the Ian you get the Ian after I would say 3 to 5 hours depending on your play style and how fast you are but this changes about everything for you fast traveling is key in this Majestic open world it's so huge and you will spend hours and hours on the ground trying to get to your goal or your destination and you will get there so fast with the Ian well let's not say so fast it's quite slow for a flying Mount to be honest you can see the flying speed is not light speed but it's much faster especially there's so many hates to overcome so many mountains and Big Trees you need it tip number two get those answers skills as fast as you can after you got your flying mode why is that those ancestor skills they are super op just check out your Anor skill tree and they are all active at the same time so no compromise you find them by pressing G on the PC it marks them on the map and then you can just pick them up easy they kind of look like these Tas saplings on the map but please keep in mind those RDA bases they kind of pollute some ancestor skills so you need to clean those areas first and cleaning a level 20 laser or processor it's quite I would say very complicated for you to manage even on the easy difficulty so don't get those tip number three don't miss out on Bell Springs they tend to be in the open world everywhere they give you two health for you by the way you can check it out over here on combat strength and you then you see like their health just don't miss out on them simply touch them and you will increase your health permanently super easy super important tip number four hide collected stuff on the up by pressing r on PC and you will see that's a so much cleaner map just make use of that and you concentrate on what you didn't collect so far that's much much better tip number five go to these open world places as early as you can after you got your ancestor skills and your flying Mount especially those RDA bases you get some nice upgrades some nice loot over there I made the mistake and followed the story for I think 20 hours and I was totally focused on on the story but I missed out on all the opportunities in the open world and you simply should like collect all the stuff you get there especially if you look in your pouch the spare parts this is like the ultimate thing to get because you can get some nice weapons later on especially this Assa rifle tip number six cooking you can like feed your ey but if you're on the ground you can eat for yourself you can find cooking stations by simply hovering over certain places on the map and you will see what you find on them like a crafting table in this case or a cooking station just go to the cooking station now comes the important part the primary inent ingredient is what makes the world go around like in this case 30% less damage from Wildlife the second one sets the duration of the buff and now you cook it and then you will get the product in this case it lasts for 31 minutes all right that's great you can even add some food to favorites like your favorite food of course I would say like less damage from wildlife and RDA it's super important because you take a lot a ton of damage and those fights they tend to be very complicated sometimes because you can easily be like one hit on the heart difficulty tip number seven combat strength there are no levels but there's combat strength and you can increase it by crafting or finding better gear and weapons but also by getting new skills and that is why collecting those ancestor skills is so important I will teach you everything about crafting at bullet point number 17 but yeah so far you know increasing your combat strength will make you a better nut V and it will make possible to clear out higher Ada bases Etc so super important part right here tip number eight the favor of the Clans it's one of the most important things for the na'vi and you can increase it by doing quests or fighting against the RDA but also by using those Clan baskets and you can fill them up they look like this each and every of those baskets has a certain need this one needs creeping moss in five fine quality at least and since fine quality is like the least you will get like basic is nothing you really get you should be able to get the creeping Moss can also show it in quest lock and start tracking it can even put it up here to your hunting joural each basket just needs one thing and nothing else if you put other things into the basket it's just wasted and gone forever so keep that in mind tip number four no tip number nine but it's on my weapon wheel for the staff sling stuff sling super op one of the best best weapons in the game you can sling like those AOE effect mines or so into the desert into a base and enemies will almost instantly die like those big mechs they almost almost instantly die or always instantly die depending on your character strength and the enemy strength I rarely use it why it's super expensive like crafting those it takes like spare parts and as said before those parts they are quite rare and quite expensive you can use like 80 of those parts to get this assault rifle down here and that is like a weapon that stays forever but like this you will just throw those parts into the wastelands and they will be gone forever it looks nice it's an awesome weapon it's super op but incredibly expensive to use so I would suggest don't put it in your weapon wheel just don't use it get used to the bow Etc and use that it's a better choice I would say right and you can easily one hit enemies with those as well depending of course on the enemy type can I get some loot thank you for the gifts man fine crafting material all right tip number 10 let's quickly go over the first skills to get I would totally recommend going into Survivor first getting those 30 Health points and then the larger healing pouch it's super important like get those as s healing is key next one maker making stuff is awesome like duration of buff Foods yeah it's okayish but what we really want what we really really want is like the expert forager and you can carry more stuff your pouch is always full so you can make use out of that next up Shadow Hunter harder to detect while crouching and lightf footed Hunter no noise while crouching this makes you a stealth player and you can then Crouch through the world the funny part is of course crouching as a na'vi is like a normal human person standing but yeah you kind of get used to the perspective of being that large uh pretty soon I guess all right tip number 11 uh hacking you can set it on off like autocomplete memory paintings I hate those Gathering complexicity put it on low because choosing off will disable the option to get the performance bonus that's why I set it to low and autocomplete hacking and autocomplete lock on this is like the best thing you don't need to hack anymore I hate it after 50 to 100 times of hacking it's nothing new anymore I don't need to go through a maze to play Avatar I want to play an open world game and I would totally suggest you guys to turn it off as well after some hours of hacking and hacking and hacking tip number 12 don't forget on your Apex like Apex memory it's super crazy second wind right here just read through the caption when activated damage is reduced by 100% wow that's insane but you didn't see the good part because if you are critically injured like when you die you don't die it's a second win a second lifee like you remember the game from the early 2000s that's called second life and there's absolutely no bad part about it it just consumes maximum energy like 50% and you have to have some energy to even trigger it just make sure you have enough food to stay high on energy like that greenish blue greenish part that's your life and the purple part that's your energy and you increase it by consuming food of course like 100% energy increasing the RDA rations raw stuff as you can see here doesn't regenerate that much tip number 30 go to your map and check out the C button on Console it's something else it will activate the biomes and seeing those biomes is super handy especially when trying to hunt something specifically you simply just go over the biomes hover over it and you can see what you can find or there in combination with your Hunter guides it's like the perfect match B please remember to switch it back because you can't make use out of the Fast Travel and the map itself if you switch it to biome mode tip number 14 clear up your inventory you only have a certain amount of space like I have 25 on gear and weapon materials some cooking ingredients Etc simply make sure to go and put everything into your stash into your hideout stash you can find one for example in the RN now Clan home tree or at some other Clan things you don't always see that it's there on the map but it's always in those main stations you have 200 space in it just put your stuff in it and you will have a nice and clear inventory oh and also don't make the mistake and take that one it's not the community basket tip number 15 bullets versus arrows if you try to go for a hunt always use arrows bullets destroy the animals the good thing about arrows is you can craft them like from wood you can see over here and I right now am able to craft 190 arrows and I still have 20 with me so that makes it possible for me to shoot a lot of arrows on enemies now you can simply find sticks anywhere in the world even in RDA bases in the form of those metal baskets with stuff out of them but wood is also always standing around and you can make use out of that for hunting I said always use those arrows it's super important to use it oh and I think that one got destroyed it's Rune I was too slow but those bullets they tend to be stronger for fighting uh enemy humans of course like make use out of the pump gun and the assault rifle of course those bullets they can be found at everything RDA like some of these mechs right here they drop the stuff you can simply loot all the bullets they drop they sometimes drop a lot of bullets sometimes two magazines sometimes less it always depends but yeah you can only find those bullets you can't craft them oh and by the way my secret tip for you guys is the pump gun it's a super op weapon why is that it has such a high damage the highest damage I found so far in the game and this one has 280 I found one early with 60 damage you find on the story Mission I think after like 7 to 10 hours into the game and these weapons they are super strong like even stronger than my heavy bow but also have a higher firing rate but no range that's the downside of it oh yeah I would totally say make use out of the shotgun it's just op all right last but not least crafting let's first go over the mods because mods are super important mods are bound to an equipment slot they are not bound to a certain piece of equipment M you need to understand that so picking a certain mod like in this case I have elemental resistance on this head but it's on the head slot you can see it down here it's like this purple dot right here that's the mod slot if I change the head it's still the purple mod slot with the same mod effect so this is like bound to a slot the mod slot if you understood that then we can move on with the crafting system okay first things first you can't craft automatic rifles anything human you can only craft those n V stuff moving on to the crafting table I want to teach you guys on how to craft something like for example with this C crafting early designs is very easy you get those designs by completing quests or by trading them in for clan reputation Clan reputation system it's quite important get it by trading in or doing quests Etc and then you can trade out those items at those navv basis first thing you need to match is of course having the design and then having the stuff you needed in this case fine Moss but if you put in better Moss for example like those awesome Exquisite quality Moss stuff then you get the 83 Health that's like the maximum and it's quite nice on the bottom right side you see you can compare the item to your current stuff you have on you so this would be like a downgrade but if I manage to craft like this chest it might be better than my current stuff you need like any Moss but you need Exquisite Moss so we need to see which Moss can be Exquisite in the hunter guide it's quite easy just press y on PC and see okay that one could be Exquisite the bruise Moss can be as well so we just need Exquisite Moss which one could be the easiest of course we want to go for the rare creeping Moss or some rare stuff sheltered from wind and on the top of standing petrified trees and then you can see okay where can I find them and you can if you want to pin those to the top right and then you can follow those you have like these hints where to find them and then you can make use of the map and then you can see like ah material tracker I can uh toggle it with X with X of course and I then cycle through those items and now I can easily see everything and I don't have to switch Hunter's guide ah what did I look for this one there ah there was go back to the map use those pins it's super important trigger them carefully read through anything it's super important in Avatar and yeah I can now like go and search for rare mgam shells in the ins snared Lake in the northeast of the clouded Forest where's the clouded Forest yeah here where's Northeast here and snared Lake where might it be maybe somewhere around here there could be a lake I guess and then I can go for it and Hunt everything you really need to go in and hunt it specifically then you go to your hideouts your 200 slot inventory and then you take out everything you need for it the better item quality you put into it the better the item all right and that's it you guys I hopefully could help you out and uh I'm super happy to have you here on the channel if you wish to please stay and subscribe or check out those other videos I would totally recommend for you guys maybe this one or that one it could be something you are interested in just look on the screen and check them out and I will speak to you in the next video if you follow the channel feel free and welcome goodbye guys
Channel: Franky Boy
Views: 45,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming Tips, Gaming, avatar frontiers of pandora, avatar guide, avatar tipps & tricks, avatar tipps english, avatar frontiers of pandora beginners tips, mistakes, tips & tricks
Id: lKWF82m383o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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