Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora - Wish I Knew Sooner | Tips, Tricks, & Game Knowledge for New Players

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Avatar frontiers of Pandora put you in control of a na'vi tasks you with reclaiming the world of Pandora and throws hundreds of enemies at you in the process which is why going in eyes wide open with some valuable tips and tricks can make a huge difference my name is Kodiak this is Legacy gaming and today we're sharing everything we wish me new sooner about Avatar frontiers of Pandora as always these tips and tricks are meant to help new players take on the challenges of a game given that frontiers of Pandora is a story-driven open world game our goal is to make sure there is absolutely no story spoilers in this video so sit back and get ready to soak in some knowledge if there's one thing that's going to hamper your progression early on it's traversal you start your avatar experience with practically nothing learning to navigate Pandora by putting one foot in front of the other early on you'll be limited to moving across the world on foot and this can be a really slow process that's why it's important to pay attention to the world around you and identify these blue plants that are often found on the ground and around large Roots these are called Mist blooms and while it might look dangerous when moving through them they release spores that temporarily increase na'vi blood flow improving overall Speed and Agility by learning to identify these plants you can easily get from point A to point B Escape pursuing enemies and overall just Elevate The Experience getting around the world now as you move across Pandora it is inevitable that you'll run into to enemies and when the fighting starts you better understand how to avoid taking damage your na'vi actually has the ability to dodge and that's a great skill to master early on in the game by tapping the jump button during horizontal or backwards movement you'll leap a short distance away making it very easy to escape an enemy this also works while holding the sprint button slightly increasing the distance that you dodge finally you can hold and release the jump button during the movement to increase the Dodge distance further still it's a simple technique but one that can save save your life during a fight speaking of traversal it wouldn't be a Ubisoft game or really any open world game without fast travel points let me tell you guys the world of Pandora is huge so knowing where and how to activate these points in the game is a must luckily you're introduced to the concept early on and while it should be a no-brainer open World Games often overwhelm players with information so let's make it clear once you've acquired your Sid tool early on in the game you'll be able to track down abandoned research stations using the tool you can restore power of these locations making them active again restoring power will give you the ability to activate side quests and will also reward you with some spare parts which you can add to your reserves helpful when crafting specialty arrows or purchasing higher Tier gear however once you restore power you can also use the abandoned research station as a fast travel Point early game end game it really doesn't matter because as I said Pandora is massive and having a network of stations online means easy access to the entire world I should also point out that na'vi Clan cams scattered across the world also provide this benefit bottom line as you're exploring Pandora you should prioritize activating these even if that pulls you away from your current objective trust me when I say this will save you a ton of time in the long run moving around Pandora is one thing knowing its Secrets is another thing entirely throughout the world are various plants and each enhances your skills in different ways not only is it important to identify these but also to understand how they impact your gameplay experience long term first are the all powerful taru plants these are marked on your map from the very beginning and you can even locate them through the map fog thanks to small beams of purple light finding these for the most part is relatively simple but most are far removed from the main quest path by finding taru plants you'll unlock specific ancestor skills powerful upgrades that improve many of the aspects of your combat and traversal kit one of our favorite abilities eject allows the player to rip a soldier out of their amp suits it's honestly a combat essential and players can unlock this relatively early in the game to the southeast of the Aran Clan's home tree give the map a good scan early on and identify what taru plants are going to synergize with your preferred play style make it a point to unlock them as soon as you can knowing they're going to elevate a huge aspect of the game play while taru plants drastically increase your capabilities it's worth pointing out that smaller taru saplings are also important granting you a skill point each time you interact with these smaller plants these are slightly harder to find mainly because they're obscured by the fog of War but once that's dispersed you'll see markers on the map that will help you identify their location unlike taru plants the points you get for interacting with these saplings can be used in a more traditional skill tree system there's nothing mind-blowing here but the skills do increase your power level substantially and a number of them provide some much needed quality of life improvements it's actually nice to see a skill tree system that provides some value on top of power increases making both ancestor skills and standard skills worth investing in much like taru plants these saplings can also be found off the beaten path Out Of Reach or even underground there's one final piece of Flora we should talk about and that's the Bell sprs these bulbous green glowing plants Grant you a permanent boost to your maximum HP and while that might not sound that exciting it's one of the only ways to increase your HP pool within the game in our eyes these are an a IAL pickup as the combat portions of the game do get intense much like saplings these can be identified on your map once the fog of war is lifted and can be found out in the open or hidden just out of sight underground I do also want to point out that if any of these plants reside within a polluted Zone they will not be accessible you'll first need to rid that zone of the pollution before you can interact with and collect these resources if there's one thing we took for granted early on it's the power of na'vi sensus this is a vital system that aids in everything from combat to Gathering and most importantly helping identify the world around you simply put the more you Embrace its power the more you get out of the system while using na'vi senses if you get close to something especially if it isn't marked on your map your vision will begin to Glow with a purple halo this becomes brighter while facing the direction of the important item or location and can be incredibly useful when trying to locate anything out of sight na'vi senses allow you to locate things like Bell BRS taru plants or really anything that provides value to the player not only that but if an item is obscured by the world your na'vi senses still work and can help you identify things even if for example they're underground seriously don't sleep on this important system as mastering your senses means Mastery of the world of Pandora one thing we love about na'vi senses is the ability to detect weak spots whether that be Predator prey or amp suit enemies your na'vi senses reveal the truth and while you might be able to get away with spray and prey in a Far Cry game that just won't cut it in frontiers of Pandora the game encourages you to adopt the ways of the na'vi which means a bit stealthier with an emphasis on stick and move gorilla tactics by scanning enemies with your na'vi senses not only are you adding information about your target to the Hunter's guide but you'll also be able to identify where a Target is armored and more importantly where their weak spots are locating these soft spots and knowing which weapon is the right tool for the job are two pieces of crucial information that not only make you a more effective Hunter but a better Soldier as well for example hitting an enemy like the RDA amp suit on the head will just be a huge waste of ammo not only that but the more you shoot the more attention you attract opening you up for a swift death instead look for weak spots typically on their back and nailing these with a heavy bow will almost always see the unit explode immediately causing confusion amongst the rest of the enemies now when it comes to hunting the same thing applies using the wrong weapon like an assault rifle or hitting the target with too many shots before killing it will completely ruin the resource in this case not only are you wasting ammo but you're also missing out on claiming the materials that creature would yield the game wants you to lean into being a true na'vi be merciful execute a clean kill and don't let the animal suffer and you'll be rewarded with highquality resources as a member of the fabled sentu clan you're tasked with uniting the other na'vi clans against the RDA and that comes with some powerful perks As you move around the world completing quests contributing resources to specific Clans and taking out RDA units you'll accumulate Clan favor what we didn't know was that Clan favor is actually earned as part of one giant pool across all clans using your favor you can pick up key items from any of the major Clans as rewards for your efforts but there is a catch you can actually cap your clan favor and if that happens your future endeavors that would normally Grant you favor won't net you anything that's why it's important to pay attention to the spiral in the clan contribution basket or the vendors in each Clan if that spiral fills up entirely you're maxed out I should note that you can actually augment the rate at which you gain favor with mods on your clothing and getting these early on can significantly help your clan favor progression long term kanu's weaving strap which is a Chest mod can be found at kananu in the home tree of the Aran Clan this grants 10% additional Clan favor from quests and activities it does cost four full notches of Clan favor to purchase ACU's ornate bracelet and armguard mod can be found at Aku in the zesa Clan's camp this also grants 10% additional Clan favor from quest in activities however this does cost six full notches of Clan favor to purchase with the clan favor rolling in in a slew of powerful items now Within Reach This is easily one of the best ways to get an edge over the RDA and elevate your gameplay let's not kid ourselves Avatar frontiers of Pandora is a Ubisoft game and that means premium currency daily and weekly quests and a whole lot of Cosmetics now the game is also first person so this tip might not mean much to many of you if you simply don't care how your character looks but even still I did want to point it out throughout the world primarily at Major Clan hubs are Quest givers that offer daily and weekly quests these are relatively simple in nature and challenge you to defeat enemies a certain way or complete some other side activity by doing so you'll be rewarded with some in-game premium currency as you might expect accumulate enough of that currency and then you can pick up some cosmetic items these will be available from the same NPC that assigns you the quest and will be pulled in on a rotating basis from the microtransaction store this functions in a similar way to Rea from Assassin's Creed Valhalla where his stock will rotate on a weekly basis if you're someone that doesn't want to spend more money in a game that you already spent money on and you'd rather grind out a few additional cosmetic Rewards well now you know what to look for I will say while you don't receive a huge reward for each daily or weekly Quest completed it does look like the rewards are slightly better tuned than an AC Valla it's still a grind don't get me wrong Ubisoft never misses a chance there but at least it's slightly more tolerable Frontiers also features a transmog system at launch which you can't say about every other Ubisoft game when you go into your character screen you can select a gear slot toggle over to the Cosmetics Tab and then all of the available visuals can be viewed select the one that works best for you and voila you've got your desired na'vi look so there you have it everything we wish we knew sooner about Avatar frontiers of Pandora if you have any questions or want to share your favorite tips or tricks do me a solid and leave a comment down below of course if you found this video helpful you already know what to do hit that thumbs up and consider subscribing you could also join us on Discord if you want to hang out with the team talk about great games and enter for your chance to win tons of free giveaways going on all the time that link as always is below my name is Kodiak and from everyone here at Legacy gaming thanks for watching and play [Music] on
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Keywords: Legacy Gaming, avatar frontiers of pandora, avatar frontiers of pandora tips and tricks, avatar frontiers of pandora beginners guide, avatar guide 2023, avatar game 2023, avatar tips, avatar frontiers of pandora gameplay tips, avatar frontiers of pandora new player guide, avatar new player tips, avatar frontiers of pandora walkthrough, avatar frontiers of pandora tips, avatar frontiers of pandora pc, avatar frontiers of pandora ps5, avatar frontiers of pandora xbox, avatar game
Id: hfXOHClwdKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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