Become OP Early! Get These Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora Skills ASAP - Avatar Game Best Skills (Tips)

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if you want to fill your skill trees with skills that kills I recommend you refill your drink and chill with this video while I spill the best skills in Avatar and G you with some tips and tricks that will make you a better player until you finish the [Applause] game let's go let me know your favorite skill in the comments down below so first let's talk about how to get skill points now everything revolves around skill points in the skill tree and skill points are earned through exploration and through Quest completion most main quests will net you anywhere from one to three skill points just for completing the quest but the most consistent way to get skill points is to actually find them in the world the tasu saplings are these little saplings that you will find you'll see them marked on the map occasionally when you're near them if you go there and click on the sapling you'll get a skill point but you can also get the big flowers which will give you an ancestor skill but we'll talk about those in a little bit as well as two skill points the flowers are significantly easier to find as they are always marked on the map and you do get two skill points from them but they are pretty spread out there's only a couple of these but the saplings are pretty much everywhere so if you're doing a fair amount of exploring especially when you see like on the edge of your narvy sensor where it's got like that purple glow it means that there's something over there and you can just quickly bring up the map and check to see if it is a sapling or if it's something else and see whether you should actually go over and grab it it's also important to note that you cannot Respec your skills so make sure you choose those skills wisely by picking the ones on this list we'll talk about the best skills now so we'll start with the Survivor tree and we'll work our way down so Survivor is all about health and energy and improving your own survivability first thing I would grab here is the larger healing pouch absolutely incredible to grab this because the more healing items you have the more that you can actually heal so definitely grab this and it's tier 2 variant once you have got the skill points to get the Vigor skills will also increase your energy and the Vitality skills will increase your health focus on Vitality first but energy does become useful especially once you have got the Apex skill in the survival line which is absolutely huge and we'll talk about the Apex skills in a little bit but second wind is incredible so having enough energy to be able to do that as well as do the other effects that you can use from energy as well worth having too Warrior is all about combat now the main one you want to grab here first is well prepared this unlocks the fourth weapon slot and you want to get this as soon as possible so you can have four weapons equipped at a time then I would grab the extra ammo skills so you can carry twice as many regular Arrow Spears and Firearm rounds which is also important and then the strength skills like is just a straight damage increase you can't really go wrong there like you know you're just dealing extra damage and then once you've got enough points and you've sort of got a bit further in the game you can look at being an expert in one of the chosen weapons that you can afford right so whichever weapon you use the most for me that would be the Longbow so you can then invest in those expert skills there but I wouldn't invest too heavily in the Warrior line early just grab those strength skills the extra ammo and well prepared hunting is very similar to Warrior definitely wouldn't invest too early and the only real one you want to grab early here is lightf footed Hunter so when you're crouching you make no noise and the tier 2 just removes all noise from any of your movements as well the other skills here aren't necessarily worth getting early on obviously they are down the line especially if you're trying to get that Apex skill for hunting but you can hunt even without these so they're not necessary in that way but I would be spending those early skill points in other lines like the maker line which is all about crafting and crafting is so critical to your overall combat strength and prowess in the game stable hands will make Gathering even easier because it will allow you to be more likely to gather the pristine quality so won't like break the item you try to pull it out as much Renown crafter will make all na'vi crafting experts willing to give you like the best materials in trading for clan favor this is really useful it doesn't sound that good but you can get some Exquisite quality materials from these vendors and save you the effort to actually go and find them and farm them which can take some time especially when you're much later in the game and you're trying to find like the perfect exclusive qualities to do some really good crafting you can often skip that process just by being able to buy them from the vendors and it affects all vendors so you can go back to any areas that have vendors that you've been to before and check those vendors as well I'd also grab the expert forager 1 and two to carry more cooking and crafting materials massive buff here because your bag size is so small and you're constantly going to be picking up cooking items and crafting items so well worth grabbing as well as the expert ammunition crafter so you double the amount of Base ammunition that you craft with your arrows and sturdy arrows is also great so hunting arrows no longer break on impact and may be recovered by picking them up again so essentially here it just means that you won't have to do as much crafting because you'll be able to get those arrows back and you will go through so many arrows in this game cuz you're going to be using those bows heaps and being able to get some of those arrows back is absolutely well worth doing so you don't have to use those sticks all the time to craft more the last line of skills is Ryder which is all about the mounts there's a couple of things to grab here but I wouldn't worry too much until like much later barrel roll is great because it allows you to do a barrel roll which is really good for mounted combat experience flyer halves the cost of your Ian stamina moves like the bar roll and like the flight boost stuff but I wouldn't worry too much about investing in that flying takeover is also really good but it's very situational so again they're not things that I would be grabbing super early right this is much later in the game when there is some missions that are based around flying or even you know once you've got to a certain point with the other skill trees you can invest in here but initially the main trees I would invest in would be Survivor maker and then Warrior but you want to keep your Investments to a couple of trees because once you have unlocked every skill in a particular line you unlock the Apex challenge to get that Apex skill so what you'll have to do here is unlock all of them say in the survival line all 12 of them and then you'll get the access to the challenge which you will need to complete in order to get that Apex skill the main Apex skill that you want to grab as soon as possible is the Survivor Second Wind one so when defeated you choose to get up immediately it'll cost you 50% of your energy and it'll give you that extra life this is incredible right if you do go down and you need to use Second Wind you can instantly get back up consume some some food so your energy is above 50% again and then if you get knocked down again you can just do it again so if you get knocked down you get back up again they're never going to keep you down if you get knocked down you get back up again they're never going to keep you down next you want to either look at investing in the Warrior or the maker line to get their Apex skills personally I would suggest to go make it to get master crafter so the gear and weapon items that you craft are now more powerful this can be a harder Apex challenge to do cuz you have to craft this specific Exquisite bow but it's a pretty powerful bow anyway so you get the benefits from that to buff your combat strength but overall you're going to do a whole lot of crafting in this game as most of the best gear comes from crafting so being able to get that bonus on top of that will further increase your combat strength make you stronger which is really important to have the warrior Apex skill that disorientates enemies is like good but you can disorientate enemies in other ways like with stun grenades or storm arrows and then you can combo that with an eject skill from the ancestors line which we'll talk about in a bit but there are other ways to get that powerful shots effect that the the warrior attack does so it's it's good but you can get that consistency in other ways which is why I would say go second win Mastercraft a first then the warrior line and then the other two lines as you see fit but speaking of those ancestor skills right these are incredible to get and they come from those big flowers that we mentioned earlier that you can find throughout the world you'll see where these are on the map because there's like a purple pillar where they are and if you're looking at the ancestor skill you can actually hit a button to then view where they are on the map as well the couple of ones that you AB want to grab like as soon as possible is eject so mly attack a distressed amp to forcefully rip out the human from the amp suit you can distress an amp with like I mentioned right like lightning arrows or your stun grenades or anything like that and it will just instantly kill that amp so any of the stronger amps you can just like oneshot them in this way there's a couple that you can't because like in the later game they'll have like a protected suit but in sort of the mid to early late game this is just incredible to use on like everyone that you run across cuz you're going to be fighting a bunch of amps in this game and it just makes that process so much easier if you like to do a little bit of stealth reconnaissance can also be really good so your na'vi sensors enable you to see the patrol path of RDA units this is great it's for like stealthing around and you'll do a lot of stealthing in like the RDA bases so you you know you don't initiate combat there because if you can clear a site without actually initiating like open combat you get more rewards so there is benefit to having a skill like this and using those Hunter skills to remain stealthy but it's just worth pointing out free fast travel is good as well so you can travel without expending energy which you may not even notice like I didn't realize this at first but you do actually expend energy when you fast travel so if you wonder why you land at locations You' haven't got any that's why free fast travel removes that the tasu network isn't bad either so when you interact with a sapling the location of another sapling is revealed for you so if you're just trying to farm those skill points great ancestor skill to grab once you do have access to the area where you can get the tasu network and sets the skill they are all pretty solid there's 11 of them to collect so you can go and farm them all but the main thing to think about with your skill points is making sure you're investing them in one or two trees initially so you can get those Apex skills and then you can sort of Branch off from there into the other lines and grab the things that aren't as efficient but I've covered in this video the main skills you want to grab in all the lines and then you can sort of decide from there which want to focus on what you're sort of doing most in the game and what works out for you but let me know your thoughts in the comments down below thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is noza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
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Keywords: avatar frontiers of pandora skills, avatar frontiers of pandora best skills, avatar frontiers of pandora tips and tricks, avatar frontiers of pandora, avatar frontiers of pandora apex skills, avatar frontiers of pandora ancestor skills, avatar game best skills, avatar frontiers best skills, avatar frontiers of pandora tips, avatar frontiers of pandora beginners guide, avatar frontiers of pandora skills guide, avatar game tips and tricks, avatar tips, norzza, avatar frontiers tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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