ULTIMATE Armor Crafting Guide & Best Exquisite Item Locations in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora

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if you want to gain access to top tier weapons and are more INF franches of Pandora early you'll have to spend hours and hours on research and material hunting to get your hands on the best Exquisite materials to craft them my name is foram and in today's video I'm going to share these high value targets and their locations to help you get these in no time from Exquisite creeper Moss rain thisal and cloaked panther loot this video basically covers all the most important Farm locations and the best blueprints to start crafting insane upgrades for your blue character so let's get right to it I quickly want to say a huge thanks to you guys for the overwhelmingly positive feedback I received on my previous Avatar videos you have no idea how much you help out the channel by hitting that like button and share your thoughts about this video in the comments down below especially on this specific video I spent many hours to document all the Exquisite resource locations so very much appreciate it this guide primarily focused on arm more resources while I already already made one for weapons top tier bows which you should get your hands on for the early game make your character a lot more powerful a fool guide which you can find at the top right of the screen anyways let's get down to business all right so we're currently in the zesa clan home if we turn around and walk towards the center of the village this is basically where you want to go exactly in the middle of the village in the upper planes as right here you can find a crew who sells a wide variety of items but also different different designs to craft amazing gear which he also has available in his shop just like any other Navi blueprint vendor these are entirely for free to pick up anyways it's the tent right next to him we also find a crafting table so right now we can start crafting the gear for the headband we're going to need shells as primary material and teeth as secondary before we start harvesting any of these resources I definitely recommend you to empty your inventory as you will come across plenty plenty more during your hunting Adventures so you can stock up on enough so you can craft plenty more things while you're at it all shells can be found in the upper plains biome while I recommend you to go for the river rock shells as these give you stealth bonus the other two are resistance bonuses which aren't that great the rare variet of these shells can often be found near the lower part of the rockr river before it reaches the waterfall in the stonehold sub region of the upper Plains so this is where you want to go far west of the zesa clan home you will find this sub region the stone hold you basically want to go to the southwest of this place where you also found a pillar Shadow na'vi camp this base can only be taken down with a main mission called combined forces I have a full walkthrough for you at the top right of the screen if you want to get down to business as quick as possible know exactly how you can trigger it and complete the mission anyways after you've taken out the RDA facility you want to make your way to the other side of the river right here as this is where you can pick up these River Rock shells some of them will be regular quality While others can be Exquisite at this specific location in the same area you can also find petrified bones of Exquisite quality be sure to keep an eye out for those as well you can find them in this entire zone so be sure to not stick too close to the river bank itself next up we have teeth for which I recommend you to hunt for cloaked pathers as these have the hands down best crafting material with plus Wildlife damage which is going to make your hunting game a lot easier I recommend you to travel to the northern part of the upper Plains to an amazing hunting grounds the shattered Forest an amazing quick travel for this place would be the Overlook field lab which you can find only a little bit West of the greatart lake you want to hear for high pitch screeches which are the cloaked pths usually impacts of three or four as you can see right here we have four of them three of Exquisite quality and one of Superior it's always recommended to eat some snacks which dramatically increase your damage output as these guys can be pretty tricky to tackle fast a clean kill is not essential for an Exquisite Harvest while it will definitely increase the values of the armor crafted for the Moss there is different kinds of moss Bruce Moss Skyrock moss and creeping Moss which I totally recommend you to get your hands on as this one will increase your Wildlife damage hands down the best stat of the three to pick up if you win a make hunting a lot easier and boy oh boy I already saw plenty of comments on my previous videos asking Forum where on Earth do I get this material especially the Exquisite type so according to the Hunter's guide you basically want to search on petrified trees which are basically smaller tree bits on which we found the shells but also larger pillars spiking out of the ground which don't even look like trees these can be found in the exact same region where we hunted the cloaked Panthers and they can be pretty big but specifically rare creeping Moss is often found on top of standing petrified trees and this is the important part don't literally translate on top as they're going to be on the very top of them you actually want to search all the whole length of these bad boys rather than the top as I never found them there so now that we get a little bit closer we can scan the entire tree and look at that we've got one right here and we've got another one right there and yeah be sure to have your trigger finger ready to call in your Ean if you have the feeling that you're going to fall to your death actually managed to harvest at least three Exquisite mosses from this specific pillar only a little bit Northeast of the Bells sprak so that right there is the bells sprak and this is the big boy petrify tree pillar then we also have heavy Heights for which you should hunt for blade heads as once again these come with the best Heights in the game with bonus stealth stats all the rest of these dudes come with lower values or resistances which I don't think are going to be interesting to maximize your damage output since we're already in this Zone I think an amazing quick travel would be the Overlook field laps once again as if you look towards the South this is where you will find a greatart lake but in these little pools you will find plenty of Blade heads as well a small group just ran off while we still have a couple more right here definitely be sure to focus on the mature ones as their materials harvested usually come with the highest values look at that we've got a bladed horn heavy height and fatty meat with 52 item level and if you still somehow want to have other type of resistance heavy Heights well you can find plenty of wildlife in this area to hunt as well more blade heads sound blast cuses and even cloaked PS anyways next up you want to focus on bark both skill bark and stairfoot bark are of lower levels from the King lore Forest so be sure to take at least bloodleaf bark for the best values this is a pretty easy Harvest as you unlock the quick travel to this location at the very beginning in the upper plains as the quick travel to it will be right next to the Ovation Falls which basically borders these two regions and this is where you will have the celebration arches if you use the grazing grounds quick travel and fly straight North well this is where you will have the Crimson trees pretty big trees with red leaves and if you scan them look at the very bottom you should be able to find blood Leaf bark for the best values the exact location where I picked up my first Exquisite quality material was right here most of them seem to have superior quality when I was scanning them with my na'vi Powers while I had most of my luck at the smaller ones for the skill bark we actually have to quickly make our way to the spinner Circle check out the drier falls in the king lore forest all right so this is where we have the waterfall right now what you want to do is press and hold your Navi powers and search for these bluish toned skilled trees see Twisted skill tree at the very bottom of them you should be able to find those skill barks it can be a little bit more tricky to get up to these trees but you basically want to use those Vine lifts or jump from One Tree to the next to reach the skill bark this is the exact location where I picked up mine right in between the waterfall of the dire Falls and the SAT 2 totem for fiber I don't really recommend you to go for the highest values as this only gives you ranged resistance or stealth while if you go with a lion berries these actually give you plus 5% weak spot damage amazing once again for hunting these can be found south of the silk Woods at the Rivers Embrace and wow look at that sunrise by the way at the Hallelujah mountains but yes just fly straight to the South and this is where you should find Exquisite lion Berry from my experience the words around the rivers Embrace are very important to follow as I wasn't very lucky finding this resource inside the Zone I think the best time to quickly pick up some lime fiber is to Quick travel to rivers run a na'vi camp which you can find Southwest of the gas Harvester Alpha as right here around the river you will find plenty of different lion berries so we've got an Exquisite quality right there and we've got plenty more along the river that's the second one so that's our first pristine quality during the day and we've got another one right here sweet another fiber which you're going to need for plenty different crafts is the rain thisal which can be found on cliffs the Exquisite ones specifically are to be found at the top of the great Tusk in the southeast of the upper planes during the day the great Tusk is a little bit confusing to find on the map while you basically want to make your way to the Celebration value and check out this big chunk of rock on the map which is a little bit south of the dredger echo so this would be a perfect location to Quick travel to seems like we've got some company of RDA noobs so let's quickly take out those metal bird Birds but these honestly are the least of your concerns as you basically have to make your way to the very top where you can find a very hostile leonix I'm kidding guys you don't have to go to this spot to get your hands on them you can also go to the side as I didn't even come across any of the exquisites at the very top I was exploring this lower Plateau where we also have this broken down RDA Chopper and this is actually where I found my first Exquisite resource we've got many Purp in the same region but look at that another Exquisite quality rain thisal the last material which we need for some top tier armor crafts of superior quality would be the light height of a cloaked pther this is more of a bonus as we've already hunted for the cloaked pather earlier so you should already have Exquisite Heights in your inventory if you somehow did skip the Exquisite tooth hunting part earlier in this video be sure to check out the time stamp in the description all right so now we're ready to craft some top tier pieces of armor of superior quality with the highest values and best stat bonuses I think the best place to do this is to visit a crafting station in the zesa clan in the upper ples as right here you will have quick access to your stash so you can easily access all the resources you found it is very important that you check the values so you don't craft armor with lower item values otherwise you will basically ruin the craft so let's start off with our head guard I have two different blueprints one with HP to 178 while the other one up to 115 while this one gives me plus 15% weak spot damage which is much better than range resistance or bonus HP so I'm going to focus on this one the next step is also very important you want to make sure you take the highest values possible for your craft right now I have 63 on each so that will be a no-brainer while for the second we want to settle with exquisite voila look at that we now have a craft with 95 HP 50% weak spot damage stealth and melee resistance for the chess guard same rule we've got mounted damage weak spot damage and regular HP so I'm going to settle with the weak spot damage as I think it's the best one for hunting throw in one of the Exquisite creeping Moss we get our hands on for bonus Wildlife damage and then search for the highest quality cloaked Panther tooth which is going to be 42 press craft and voila we've got a corus shell with 94 HP 50% weak spot damage and even more Wildlife for the armu guard we've got different designs as well Wildlife damage bonus HP stealth and nothing at all so I'm going to go with the wildlife damage once again search for the highest value which is going to be this blade head heavy height with bonus stealth and then take the 44 HP bloodleaf bark look at that a 99 HP craft with again Wild Life damage stealth and some resistances I found an Exquisite waste cloth earlier again the C Builder waste guard is part of my video in the top right of the screen how you can get your hands on this blueprint so now we're going to focus on the dire waste rep so we could choose between the Limeberry fiber with 40 HP or the rain thisal with 3% resistance I prefer weak spot damage so now let's also throw in the highest value cloaked Panther tooth for the maximum values look at that 10% stealth 5% weak spot and bonus Wildlife damage last but not least our ankle guards let's settle with a Wildlife damage once again go with a cloaked panther ligh height of the highest level 59 with 3% stealth and throw in one of those bloodleaf barks which we've gathered earlier for over 103 HP Wildlife damage stealth and some resistances so there we go now we go from 35 to 95 from 28 to 94 74 to 99 not going to equip this one as we already got our hands on the kite Builder wte guard which I show you in another video and we also go from 36 to 103 with the ankle guards when we click on our level right here you can see your combat strength with all the different values of both your weapons and armor unfortunately though it's not possible to check out everything in detail even with the bonuses right here we don't see what our weak spot damage currently is but this is of course always visible when you hover over the items right here all right so there you have it's everything you need to know to get your hands on top tier Exquisite re Resources with the best possible stats for crafting amazing early and mid game armor to make your adventures in Avatar Frontiers and Pandora so much easier wow that was a mouthful anyways guys a big thanks for watching be sure to hit that like button if you find this video helpful and stay tuned for more as plenty more Avatar guides are coming your way if you have any thoughts suggestions for future videos be sure to leave them in the comments down below right now though it's 4:00 a.m. out I want to wish you an amazing day I'll catch you in the next video or live stream take care [Music] peace
Channel: 04AM
Views: 27,882
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Keywords: 04AM, avatar frontiers of pandora, avatar frontiers of pandora gameplay, avatar game, frontiers of pandora, avatar 2023, new avatar game 2023, avatar frontiers of pandora best items, avatar frontiers of pandora best gear, avatar frontiers of pandora best weapon, avatar, avatar frontiers of pandora best armor, avatar frontiers of pandora exquisite armor, avatar frontiers of pandora exquisite moss, avatar frontiers of pandora exquisite roots, avatar frontiers of pandora exquisite
Id: 7s0J8N7e7eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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