Get These BEST Weapons & Armor EARLY! Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora Tips & Tricks

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so in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to get some of the best gear that you can get at the beginning of the game to really give yourself a significant health and damage boost you're going to be able to get this Exquisite Longbow as well as a full set of superior armor that you can upgrade to be incredibly powerful not only at the beginning of the game but throughout your playthrough as well now this is part of a quest line and you can start this once you get to home tree and you're going to end up talking to this fine lady right here as you meet her you're actually going to get a side quest that's going to involve contributing to the Clans and you're going to be using these Clan Community baskets to be able to donate items and basically introduce yourself to all the various outposts in the beginning area of the map there are quite a few of these but there's a multitude of reasons that I highly recommend doing this right at the beginning of the game when you can because it's going to help you unlock all of the areas in the Kingler Forest which is going to unlock a ton of different fast travel points for you but there's also a ton of these Bell sprigs around which are going to increase your maximum health which is going to help your survivability and you'll get quite a few different side quests and bonuses throughout all of this as well so not only are you going to be getting great armor and weapons you're going to be unlocking all the different areas of the map rare items for upgrades and a ton of different things to help you with your playthrough now obviously you're going to need to get far enough into the quest line to be able to get to the home tree Once here you'll have a few quests to do and you're going to need to keep an eye out for a side quest under Explorations that is going to involve you contributing items to these Community baskets now you can always find nefa kind of in this little entrance area to home tree The Hearth is right there and she's kind of always just walking around this area you should unlock the side quest automatically after talking to her as she introduces you to this area and once you pick up this Quest you're going to want to start going to these Community baskets which are available not only at home tree but at all of these outer camps and you can find them on the map cuz they look just like this they're all over the place and it's going to have you kind of going to a bunch of different ones and there are three steps to this quest line each step is going to have you go to more and more of these na'vi camps spread out through the Kingler Forest when you get to these camps what you're going to be looking for is an area that has this donation basket so they're going to look like the same thing at every single camp and when you enter side of it it's going to alert you with what they actually want you to find like this particular Camp wants us to find a stairfoot bark now I do have a couple of these in storage and what you're going to do is you're going to click on the item that they ask for and you're going to contribute it and this will complete one of the camps needed for this quest line so what you're going to be doing is just going along the map and trying to find all of these different little camps now you can't use polluted ones if you find one that's polluted you're going to have to clear the pollution before you can actually access Their donation stuff now finding contributions can be easy Once you actually understand how it works what you do is you want to go to the Hunter's guide and then you're going to go by type and you're going to look for Flora or flora gatherable and you're going to look for the item that they're asking for like the stairfoot bark that we were just asked to find under here you can see exactly where they spawn so this is most commonly found in the stairfoot trees in the Kingler Forest now rare bark can be found in the great roots in the rising spires domain of the Kingler Forest so what we can do is now that we know this information about where it spawns we can go back to our map and we can kind of scroll out so we know that Rising spires is over here if we want to find some rare items and what we can do is we can hit up on the d-pad if you're on the consoles or see if you are on the computer and we can see here now that we can see all of these different biome for what they are now we just found out that the rarer version of these is at the great Roots biome and we have one of those right here so all we would have to do is go to this biome look for the particular tree with these items on it and you can also do a thing where you pin these items now you can only have three pinned at a time I've already found all these items so I'm going to unpin those and we could pin this now once you have an item pinned when you use your senses it's going to highlight a different color so we can see one of these trees right here which is one of the uh the trees that has this bark on it and you can notice that it's glowing like this gold color now that is the item that we have pinned it's going to definitely help you out along your journey throughout Pandora to know how to pin the items that you are looking for because they can be sometimes a bit of a pain and so you kind of get the hang of exactly how all of this stuff works but I do have to say I actually really enjoy the process of hunting down all of this stuff and once you find it you're just going to figure out which way you need need to be able to pull it out without actually ruining it there we go and we've collected one of the items that we need but is essentially the process of doing all of these contributions now as I mentioned there are three legs of this Quest all consisting of just donating to these different Community baskets and every time you complete one tier of this you're going to unlock not only a free item to wear but also that item's craftting schematic so that way you can upgrade it over time like the first one you're going to get is the armg guards which is the gatherer armguard and you'll notice here that it has a base health of 53 and it goes all the way up to 121 and the way this works is the items that you gather throughout the world will have different quality and different bonuses allowing you to upgrade this armor over time as you find better or higher quality items so we're going to get a free one to wear as well as the design to be able to upgrade and craft this over time if we want to keep using it later in the game which is great so we're going to get a chest guard arm guards a waistcloth and a longbow as well as all of the designs to be able to upgrade as we continue our way through the game now as you complete the Aran Clan contributions you're going to automatically unlock the second one you're going to automatically get the reward from the first one and the second one the only time you'll have to head back to nef is after completing the third and final Aran Clan contribution you're going to want to head back to Hom tree talk to nefa who's probably going to give you a side quest first which is actually really important but after you get the side quest talked to her again to be able to get your reward of this amazing Exquisite Longbow and the design for it as well now we want to do this side quest if we run back to the heart here in turn left we're going to head to this little crafting table right here we're going to meet this fine young lady here who wants to actually test our weaving capabilities this is going to give you access to the chest guard called Nat's Shaw this thing is very good a minimum of 47 Health all the way up to 178 and it's going to require Moss as well as any tooth now the better quality stuff we use then the better stats we're going to get on this particular piece of armor now having completed this quest line we've got an armu guard a waistcloth a chest piece that we still need to craft we're going to get into how to upgrade all of these as well as an Exquisite master hunter Longbow this thing is so much better than everything else you're going to have at the beginning of the game we can make it even better by getting these specific resources at their highest quality to be able to upgrade them that's exactly what we're going to go over right now now crafting is in one way super simple but in another way a little bit complicated but once you understand it it really is easy so we're going to upgrade all of this to higher quality and if we go into the NAT Shaw here you're going to see that we need a piece of moss and a tooth now it says any tooth or any Moss now the quality of the items you use is going to dictate how much of a bonus you're going to get on your armor you notice that we both have Skyrock Moss here but one's only superior quality which gives 26 health and this one is exquisite quality and gives 40 Health we also get the one ranged resistance out of it we don't have any teeth so we'll have to pick those up if we look through all of this stuff here you're going to notice that the gathered arm gards what you got from this are going to require a hide as well as a piece of bark the waste cloth is going to require a fiber and a tooth and then our long bow is going to require a branch a Bast and a horn of some sort so what we want to do is we want to find the best versions of these and one way to do this is to go into your Hunter's guide and if you go to material you can actually pick individual materials and see which the best ones you have found so far on the map so we have storm Sky bamboo and night leaf trees once you find these you'll to see what their Max maximum damage or health or whatever it is as well as the bonus that they give so these bamboo shoots will give us a 20% damage when long bow is fully drawn and the night Leaf Branch while having the same damage gives us a different bonus which is movement speed while aiming increased no effect while mounted so you can completely change the bonuses that you have in your weapons depending on what you use to craft them and I think this crafting system is really really cool now the first thing we're going to do is craft the NAT Shaw which means we need a moss and any tooth now we also need another tooth for the waste cloth so we're going to kill two birds with one stone with this and we're also going to try and find a better fiber than we currently have now I am doing this at the beginning of the game so everything that I get in this video you should be able to at the very beginning as well now we have a couple different animals that we have found here that provide us with teeth the cloaked panther gives us one with 40 to 44 damage and we get 8% increased Wildlife damage but the storm glider which I've only ever seen one of these we got to find more is 60 to 60 66 Health but 15 Elemental resistance which I kind of like man they are creepy look at their little breathing holes in their face we also get a horn which we're going to need and the meat is going to be good as well cuz it gives us an extra 50% damage with the food buff so if we can take down one of these we're going to be doing really really well now the hunter guide is really important because in Avatar frontiers of Pandora you actually have to find where everything is we get a couple clues here so they're typically in remote areas or above the floating mountains and mountaintops the upper PLS now we don't have access to the upper planes right now we can also find rarer storm gliders found patrolling the Skies over their territories typically above floating mountains and mountaintops throughout the clouded throughout the clouded Forest so essentially we need to be going to floating mountains and seeing if we can locate any of these things flying around their territory now in the Kingler Forest especially if you've been doing this Quest you probably have everything unlocked already over here and that's really one of the main reasons why I wanted you to do this is because you're going to unlock so many fast travel points so we're just going to fast travel to one of these areas near all these floating mountains we're going to be able to get the best Moss as well as the teeth here now one extra thing when you are going to hunt something I definitely recommend pinning it you can have three different things pinned at once so we're going to pin these bad boys and then we're also going to pin the Moss cuz they're going to be spawning in the same area and we're going to be hunting for the Skyrock Moss we're going to pin that they're all going to be found in these floating islands and what you can do is you can use your senses to be able to locate these they're going to Glow a different color they're going to have a Golden Glow to them when you're near them uh and the Moss is going to be growing on these trees in the floating islands but I recommend harvesting them during the rain and at night cuz it's going to be a lot easier to see and you're going to be able to easily get the Exquisite quality Moss see if I can find one here real quick you just got to land on these upper Islands here and pretty much every tree is going to have this Moss you can see how it's glowing this gold color now and if we go up to it we can yank it you got to be careful Which Way You Yank It you don't want to yank too much do light poles until you figure out the direction and then Yank It Off see we got the pristine but was not raining so we probably didn't get an Exquisite one so we definitely want it to be raining when we Harvest that well I spent forever trying to find one of those giant flap flaps of death I found one earlier in the game and I ran from it absolutely terrified um but I'm just going for the Viper wolves instead they have fangs they're not super good but maybe what is that maybe still have better luck with finding the giant flap flap of Doom than I did definitely recommend getting that Fang if you can but for the purposes of finishing this video we're going to get some Viper wolf and hopefully yall are going to be okay with that I was really hoping to give you a position for it but man I can't get one to spawn to save my life now to get the higher quality Viper wolves what you need to do is if you open up your map you can hit C on the computer or up on the d-pad on any of the consoles and you can bring up the bio map if you head Southwest from the home tree area right here you can go down here to the great Roots biome so there's higher quality Viper wolves that spawn here they spawn in packs of three or more and you're basically just going to run around this area trying to get clean kills on them and collecting as many of these teeth as you can to try and get an Exquisite quality one to get high quality stairfoot bark which is the one we're going to use because you can get the 5% Elemental resistance from it which I think comes in pretty handy you can also get the scale bark that gives you 2% melee resistance and I'm not getting meleed a lot but it's up to you which one you want to do but for this video we're going to be doing the stairfoot bark and to be able to get a high quality stairfoot bark you're going to want to go to the rising spires which is southeast of of Home tree and you're going to look for certain biomes you can hit up on the d-pad or C on the PC and we need to go inside the great Roots biome here which is right next to this little Tower there's not a lot of great Roots biomes but this will actually tell you where all all these other additional locations are it's super helpful and you're going to be looking for these things called stairfoot trees you can scan them they have big mushrooms on them in this area you really can't miss them they are everywhere and as you climb up stairfoot trees sorry we're being attacked by a helicopter at the moment you can find these bad boys right here so we want to make sure we pull it off without messing up a single time and we should get a higher quality stairfoot bark excuse me I'm trying to do something here look I got my Exquisite bark now I can murder your face go away be gone foul Beast now to get high quality bruise Moss you're going to want to go to spinner Circle which is actually right near where like this HQ is the resistance headquarters which is east of Home tree inside of this little area if you go to the island inside of Dyer's Bowl you're going to be able to find quite a few of this just kind of sitting around on the Rocks but there's also another thing that potentially spawns here as well let yank this up hopefully we can get an Exquisite quality it's not raining let's see what we get get we got to find quality but you can kind of go around this little area here and you can find them kind of on the banks and things like that but one other thing will spawn in this area too that we're going to want to take down for our upgrades and that's these bad boys right here we want the Hammerhead titano there or however you say that they drop horns hide and fatty meat now you want to be able to take these out and get the Exquisite quality stuff from them you can see where the weak point is and um we'll take that out in just a second but they spawn in this area as well now I definitely don't recommend fighting these things headon when you first start they are pretty difficult so I recommend getting a little bit of distance and making sure just to hit them right in their weak points I did not hit that thing in its weak point but we're using a bow you can use heavy bows and stuff like that uh but we are using that legendary bow or Exquisite bow that we got I don't know why I'm calling it legendary I don't want to mess around with its kid but it should come running back just just kind of take your time when taking these out if you fight them headon you're going to probably have not a great time I killed the one of these without really doing much work before and I was still able to get the Exquisite quality I think the Elder ones they always drop it just take down one and get all of that sweet sweet loot okay so now that we got all of the pieces to at least build this Nat's Shaw we are going to use the bruise Moss to complete the quest I don't really want the 2% stealth but we do want to complete this quest line I couldn't find the super good teeth so I went with Viper wolf teeth but still 64 health is so much better than everything else you're going to get at the start of the game definitely want to equip that after crafting and then we want to complete this Quest and Nat's a bummer I'll tell you what make her happy but before we do that we're going to upgrade the rest of our gear so we did get these gathered armguards we've got the Hammerhead heavy hide which we got from that thing we also also got the stairfoot bark which gives us 82 health so that's a pretty big upgrade from what we already had so we're going to craft that and equip it now what you need to do is you need to talk to this guy here who's going to give you a new recipe which is poo poo and you need to craft that and she's going to get very upset about it now since I've already shown you where to get Skyrock Moss you're going to get a new Quest where you want to build exactly the same thing but using Skyrock Moss this time we're going to use another Viper wolf tooth and we're going to C this bad boy now one of the last upgrades that we're going to need is a stick of some sort to be able to upgrade the bow that we got now we definitely want to get a high quality stick and one of the best places to do this is going to be in the Blackwater Basin you can go along this Cliff side right here and you'll be able to find these bad boys along the cliff really right next to that fast travel point that is right here on the map so go up to this cliff and you're going to kind of to point it to the left here and you're going to break this off we should be able to get an Exquisite one pretty easily we got a superior one there come on Exquisite let's go baby give me that good good now thankfully this area has a ton of these so you shouldn't have a problem getting an Exquisite one in this particular spot if you don't get one and you harvest all of it just go back to the Fast Travel point and rest for a couple of days wait for rain again cuz you do want to collect these during the rain wait for rain and then you should be able to get to your Exquisite one now depending on the quality of the Exquisite items that you can get you can get this quite a bit higher damage uh the ones I got allowed me to get to level 80 damage but I also changed it to ferocious charge which means my movement speeds increase for 10 seconds when an enemy is killed and I have Steady Aim which means my move speed and aiming is increased well while aiming is increased not affected while mounted we also have five % more RDA damage and 8% increased weak spot damage which is pretty great so I do hope this allowed you to learn a lot about the game and provides you with a chance to upgrade your character pretty well at the beginning of the game thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 70,001
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Keywords: avatar, avatar frontiers of pandora, avatar frontiers of pandora armor, avatar frontiers of pandora weapons, tagbacktv, avatar frontiers of pandora guide, avatar frontiers of pandora best weapons, avatar frontiers of pandora best armor
Id: XCdloFxqckU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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