This Guy Was Ripping Down A Wall In His Basement When He Found A Box Full Of Life-Changing Treasure

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[Music] on October 19 2016 injure user Brannock 12 shared his amazing discovery with the online community the 35 year old DIY enthusiast was finally getting around to revamping his family home and as he'd already finished the first and second floors of his property he decided it was high time to modernize the cellar so heading down below Braddock 12 began peeling back the walls of his 1940s property at first there wasn't much to see just a few random names and faces scribbled on the wall perhaps the children of a previous owner making their mark in any case next up was tackling the basement ceiling of course pulling out all the material to reveal the original beams created a whole lot of mess but out of the imploding dust cloud something hidden in one of the wooden panels caught Brannock 12s BDI yes carefully tucked away between two beams was a green and gray tin box and while obviously itching to find out what it contained Brannock 12 was also keen to share the discovery online writing on em jerky reported cool a treasure I must document this for MJ it's about time I contributed to the community but what was inside the dusty box and would its contents actually contribute to his life in some way while removing the mysterious object from the beams he took it outside for closer inspection he was soon joined by his wife too and the curious couple made a breathtaking discovery that would change their lives forever tied together by a piece of string the box was in almost perfect condition it did however have some wear and tear on the handle perhaps from the previous owner carrying it around at this point though the couple didn't care they just wanted to know what was inside but somewhat oddly Brannock 12 then decided to search his home for a banana no his discovery hadn't made him suddenly hungry in fact he was trying to find another object to place aside the box for a size comparison unfortunately though we only managed to find what looks like a baby sized banana tooth still it helped him to document the whole process anticipating its contents Brannock 12th theorized on imager as to what the box would reveal he wrote it has something inside but not heavy like coins or gold bars might get lucky though could be old sports cards that wouldn't be a bad discovery vintage soccer and baseball cards can certainly fetch a pretty penny finally then he opened the lid as he prized open the tin box he found what appeared to be wax paper covering the secret stash most certainly it had been hidden away for ages perhaps even decades in fact as Brannock 12 later explained in a post comment the first owner of the 1940s house was a lady in her 50s so could she have left a little something inside the box packed it away and forgotten about it whatever the case Brannock 12 found that the contents were wrapped in a sheet of vintage newspaper dating from 1951 this page of the Cleveland Plain Dealer featured a 50s pinup being taught how to bowl with the help of some dapper looking guys classic advertising strap lines claimed that a light smoke is better for you and that baldness can be prevented although historically interesting that newspaper wasn't actually the star find however that's because behind it laid three packages each individually wrapped in wax paper and the green tinge coming through the wax definitely hinted at the prospect of a stack of dollar bills in fact Brannock 12 feverishly predicted the discovery on imager he wrote there's money in here I'm guessing a thousand dollars or more is that a 20 and after carefully unwrapping the contents of the first batch the predictions proved right inside was an enormous wad of early century $20 bills supposing that the other two packages contain the same then Braddock estimated his potential halt he wrote there may be a couple thousand dollars here we're freaking out this doesn't happen to us but the couple's good luck was only just beginning unwrapping the next package they found that it didn't contain $20 bills no lucky for them it was in fact filled to the brim with $50 notes and the third batch you guessed it a nice chunk wad of hundred dollar bills all in pretty neat condition jackpot amazed the pair quickly tated up the amount the final tally they believed they were sitting on a fortune of around $20,000 not bad for an afternoon's work but that on closer inspection Brannock 12 realized that all the bills were early issues dating from 1928 to 1934 moreover some had brown markings on them or were stamped gold certificate could these be rare if that were the case there was a good chance that some bills may actually be worth more than their face value so after spending the following week getting the bills appraised and speaking with lawyers about what to do next Braddock went back to work in the basement and just as he thought his excitement was wearing off he discovered another box tucked away in the ceiling what were the chances and although it was pretty much identical to the first box Braddock 12 claimed that this one felt a lot heavier would this be full of cash - first things first though Brannock 12 set the Box aside and cleared the ceiling to see if there were any more boxes lying around alas this was to be the second and last discovery but of course there was more to be revealed anyway so after Brannock 12 waiting for his wife to return from work the pair open the new box again this one was full of money yes $20 bills were tucked behind yet more vintage newspaper neatly stacked together and filling the entire space of the box staggeringly after the couple's selling off some of the rarer bills the total haul came to around $45,000 of course the pair posted their story of good fortune on imgur - and while some members jealous perhaps thought it could be a hoax the majority were delighted for the couple Juanjo larious member commented nice haul all I ever found was a dozen dead squirrels and a nasty old wig the couple have now paid the money into their bank and it will go toward repaying their mortgage they even hoped to relocate to a country home in 2017 so what was perhaps once one aging ladies rainy day fund has now changed their lives forever and while the pair plan to move the mystery of why exactly the money was originally hidden away will likely remain [Music]
Channel: You Should Know ?
Views: 4,397,053
Rating: 4.4553132 out of 5
Keywords: kitten, cute, kittens, cat, cats, cute kittens, rescue, diy, hacks, found a box of puppies, found a box turtle, found a box turtle in my backyard, ancient aliens, hidden city, discovery, shelter, interesting, found poem, missing, discoveries, finds, facts, interesting facts, mystery, strange, bizarre, archaeology, shocking, artifacts, talltanic, ancient, discovered, found, weird, unexplained, history, amazing, mysterious, discoveries 2017
Id: LQtXAfI93qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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