Top 5 Thrift Store Finds THAT MADE PEOPLE RICH!

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what's up everyone and welcome back to top five central by now you've heard people win the lottery or invest in something like Bitcoin on $10 and make millions you ever think about what happens when you go into a thrift store and find a half a million dollar ring for sale for only 13 bucks yeah that actually happens so today we're showing you five thrift store discoveries that made people rich don't forget to drop a like for good luck the next time you go into a third store but let's get right into it number five the forty five thousand dollar bag I get annoyed every time I hear don't judge a book by it's cover cuz I've heard it so many times but what about don't judge a bag by its box the guy in this story didn't and he end up with so much money as a result here's what happened he saw a dusty old box in the corner of a UK charity shop and inside it was a leather handbag in pretty good condition he decided to keep it but totally forgot about it for months until he realized that the label said Philip Treacy now I didn't know this but just in case you didn't know either Philip Treacy is a pretty big deal so he took it to the designer to get it checked turns out not only was it a real designer bag it was an Elvis Presley design made by the legendary artist Andy Warhol in fact only ten of that design were ever made in history due to its extreme rarity in it literally being a record breaker it was worth quite a bit like its quality and rarity meant it could sell for 350,000 pounds and if that happens it will be the most expensive bag ever sold to put that into perspective that equates to almost half a million US dollars so not bad considering he only paid 30 bucks for it in the first place number four Vince Lombardi sweater so the people who found this next item are experts in thirsting bargains and they even run their own store for awesome finds at the end of the day though a lot of luck went into this discovery and it definitely wouldn't have happened if not for a lot of coincidences so this couple were browsing thrift Outlet stores which is where things end up when even the thrift stores can't sell them one thing caught their eye a vintage West Point sweater that could be worth some money if it was fixed up I mean at the time it was covered in holes and tears but they only paid 58 cents for it so they decided to take it home anyway as for what happened next the husband was watching TV when he saw a picture of the legendary football player and coach of Vincent Lombardi wearing a super similar sweater to the one they bought sure enough when they checked the tags there was a name written inside in black marker and that name was a Barty so how much is accidentally owning a piece of football history worth well 41 thousand dollars it turns out think about that next time you spot a sweater for under a dollar it could be worth way more than it appears just you know do some research first number three photo of Billy the Kid Billy the Kid is one of history's most famous outlaws and finding someone who hasn't at least heard of him is pretty hard with that said for someone whose name and actions are so famous what he looks like is kind of a mystery only two legitimate photos of him have ever been found and one of them was found in none other than a thrift shop okay well I guess not exactly the photo was actually found in like an antique shop in a box of old photos that were due to be thrown out a lifelong collector bought a handful of them and brought them home and only when he examined them under the microscope that he realized what he had found he immediately shouted for his wife who was an expert in old photographs and between them they identified Billy and his other gang members playing Crockett obviously this is more than just a photo it was a key piece of historical research so it's no surprise that they're holding on to it until they get the price they deserve which is somewhere in the range of five million dollars number two Jackson Pollock painting some people really get art but let's be honest there are people like me out there who really just don't understand it that's fine everyone has their hobbies but sometimes it could lead to some pretty hilarious situations this lady bought a painting as a joke gift for a friend since she thought who was so ugly and scary that nobody could possibly want it and just for the record she paid around five dollars for it the two friends hung it up and laughed at it and they were actually gonna throw darts at it but decided to fall asleep instead without a second thought it ended up in her garage and when she hosted a garage sale she left it out for people to buy luckily one of the people who stopped by was an art expert who told her she could have a genuine Jackson Pollock I'm not even joking her response is actually now famous she said who the fuck is Jackson Pollock anyway when she finally got around to authenticate the painting she immediately got offers of around 10 million dollars now you think she'd accept it but she actually declined them all and is holding out for a cool 50 million that might sound insane but in the meantime she has 10 million she could cash in at any moment which for five bucks doesn't sound so bad to me okay here's her first honorable mention now a lot of people on this list have found stuff completely accidentally and it's either stuff they don't care about or fully understand that's why this next vine is so awesome is the guy who found it knew exactly how much it meant basically the guy was a complete music nut and spent most of his time collecting old records he even ran a weekly event where he'd play sell and show off his collection while his best friend baked stuff for other collectors to come and enjoy the Hobby was expensive like a payoff if he found the right things so obviously you'd love to make it his full-time gig one day he found an old record for around 50 cents and took it home without thinking much about it however looking closer he realized it was an old pressing of a band called The Velvet Underground pressing literally no one has ever heard it was the demos for a project they had eventually released with Andy Warhol but the record itself was one-of-a-kind and so were the tracks it contained the happy ending is he was able to sell the record for twenty thousand dollars more than enough money to start up his own record store for real talk about luck right okay here's our second honorable mention when it comes to expensive jewelry with a hefty price tag it really doesn't get better than diamonds with that said the phrase diamond in the rough exists for a reason and for this woman that reason was pretty literal the story goes this woman was shopping at a garage sale put on by her local hospital when she noticed a ring the ring was huge and really really heavy and in a black and setting that looked almost like a costume piece to be honest it looked super cheap but it was also being sold for 13 bucks so she figured why not fast forward a couple of months and she's wearing the ring everywhere and a friend who's a duel her suggests that she'd get a tested I mean at this point obviously she realized she had nothing to lose so she went ahead and did it and Wow did she get a surprise now only was the diamond real but it was 27 karat meaning the cut and color was almost flawless not only that but is from the 19th century when different tools were used to cut diamond which explained the unusual shape in the end she sold it for almost half a million dollars so yeah talk about profit number one declaration of independence so the reason most of the things on this list could be sold for so much money is that they were originals whether that's original bags records or photographs the funny thing about this last item is that it's actually a copy but it's a copy worth a serious amount of money what could be so valuable even as a replica well it turns out a lot of things but in this case it was the Declaration of Independence he had you heard me right this guy found a copy of the Declaration in a thrift shop and bought it for a hefty two dollars and forty eight cents what he didn't realize was that the coffee was almost 200 years old and had a valuable story all of its own the copy was one of 200 commissioned by John Quincy Adams was Secretary of State at the time and was printed by the famous William stone in 1823 that hiked the value up considerably leaving him with a copy that could sell for as much as three hundred thousand dollars not bad and there's a video on the top five thrift store discoveries that made people rich feel free to comment if you've ever made your own thrift store discovery and will pin one person at the top for everyone to see also if you want to check out yesterday's video where we looked at five celebrities who work normal jobs do it you'll see Kevin Jonases new job which definitely isn't a pop star with that said thanks for watching and keep it here on top five central [Music]
Channel: Top5Central
Views: 2,365,779
Rating: 4.9143314 out of 5
Keywords: top 5, top 5 thrift store finds that made people rich, thrift store, thrift store finds, thift store best finds, best thrift store finds, top 5 thrift store finds, thirft, store, finds, top5central, new, video, entertainment
Id: akv_jm8uRK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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