Diver Discovers Underwater Treasure Beneath Pharaoh's Tomb

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have you ever heard of having to use scuba gear to explore an ancient pyramid we didn't either until we came across the story of archaeologist Pierce Paul Cray ceman his story involves the study of an ancient race just as advanced as the Egyptians who shared the same continent with a history and culture just as rich and shrouded in mystery get ready as the richest goes underwater to explore the tomb of a pharaoh that once ruled the kingdom of cush before we dive right into our pyramid diving story let's back it up a bit and learn a little bit about pyramids first enormous architectural wonders built all over the world centuries before modern technology pyramids were used by ancient peoples as both places of worship and as monuments and tombs of the dead it's estimated that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,000 pyramids still standing in the world today they can be found on every continent on earth except for icy Antarctica the most famous of course are the Great Pyramids of Giza in Cairo Egypt the largest stands at 455 feet the ancient Egyptians built these amazing structures as tombs and monuments for their pharaohs over in the Americas many ancient tribes built step pyramids as temples for worshipping their gods the famous El Castillo pyramid of Chichen Itza for example was built by the Mayans over eleven hundred years ago in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico it was built as a temple to the serpent God Kukulkan in ancient Greece the Pyramid of hellinikon was built some 100 years earlier than the Great Pyramids of Egypt its purpose remains unknown in China there stands the great white pyramid of Xian we know very little about it as the Chinese government has banned access to the structure but rumor has it that it could be twice the height of the Great Pyramid at on the Australian continent there are two possible yet unconfirmed pyramid sites the Gympie pyramid and Walshes pyramid and as previously mentioned exactly zero on Antarctica despite a recent debunked story about one the images turned out to be snow-covered pyramidal shaped mountaintops the country that holds the title for the most pyramids still intact is surprisingly not Egypt but its neighbor to the south on the African continent Sudan Sudan is home to some two hundred and forty pyramids built by the ancient cush I'd people Sudan and the Kushites also happen to be at the center of our archaeological story the kingdom of cush also referred to as Nubia was located in northeast Africa just south of ancient Egypt in modern-day Sudan and it had close ties to ancient Egypt its main cities were situated along the Nile River and two of its main tributaries the White Nile and the Blue Nile if not for the formation of these waterways and their proximity to gold and iron ore deposits it's likely humans would not have settled in this dry desert region the kingdom of cush lasted for over 1,400 years first established circa 1070 BCE when it gained its independence from Egypt in 727 BCE cush took control of ancient egypt ruling it until the Assyrians arrived in the next century once the Roman Empire conquered Egypt the kingdom of cush began to weaken and eventually collapsed sometime in the 4th century CE II but ku shite were very similar to the ancient Egyptians in many ways sharing a religion a form of government and many aspects of culture they worshiped Egyptian gods and mummified their dead and entombed them in pyramids aside from the Pharaoh and other rulers the highest class in cush were the religious leaders the priests much like their Egyptian neighbors religion and a strong belief in the afterlife played an important role in the life of the crocheted people the pyramids that the kushai people built to entomb their pharaohs and other important figures looked very similar to the ancient Egyptian structures they did have a few key differences though for one they differed in size with the average kushai pyramid standing roughly 6 to 30 meters or 20 to 98 feet high while the average Egyptian pyramid was much taller at roughly 138 meters or 453 feet there was also one other major difference while the Egyptians burial chambers were located inside the pyramidal structure itself the cush burial chambers were located underneath the pyramids buried below the structure one such leader buried in this matter was the Pharaoh Ness tossin he ruled the kingdom of cush from 335 to 310 BCE the little that we do know about this Nubian King is from writings on stone tablets and a mere few artifacts the writings tell us that the highlight of his reign came when the Pharaoh Nastasia defeated an invasion from Upper Egypt and gained many spoils in his victory once Nastasia crossed into the afterlife he became the last Kushites King to be buried in the royal cemetery and necropolis at nepata a glorious graveyard spanning more than seven and a half million square feet the site of the royal cemetery the ancient city of nepata is now karema sudan located about one mile west of the nile river bank seen from the sky one of its most commanding features is an arc of some twenty pyramids built between 650 BCE and 300 BCE national Geographics Kristin Romy describes this arc of pyramids as appearing quote strung together like gems on a delicate necklace there are more than twenty pyramids at the site overall though at least 60 nubian kings and queens are buried there among hundreds of other individuals the most famous resident is Pharaoh taharka who ruled all of Egypt during the seventh century BCE and whose efforts to aid nearby Jerusalem are even mentioned in the old estimate the Pharaon estas ins twenty-three hundred year old pyramid tomb the last of its kind stands at roughly thirty feet or 9.1 meters and was erected at one of the lowest points of elevation at the Royal necropolis this is one of the reasons why Nastase ins burial chambers is completely underwater why exactly the pyramids proximity to the Nile River combined with both natural and man-made climate change has caused the groundwater levels to rise over the centuries submerging the tombs that are cut into the bedrock underneath the pyramids due to its low elevation nest osan's tomb is among the most submerged enter archaeologists Pierce Paul creaseman creaseman holds the dual title of both Egyptologist and underwater archaeologist yes indeed that is a thing when Christman first visited the royal cemetery back in 2018 he saw his unique skill set as an opportunity to explore the watery tombs and discover more than what was ever uncovered when the site was first explored nearly a century ago back then the water was only knee-deep now the water reached the ceiling of the tomb chambers after Christman and his team spent the better part of a year digging the staircases leading to nests dozens tomb out from under sand they put on their scuba gear and headed into the murky waters Christman had to make his way through a series of three chambers while navigating in water thick with muddy sediment and making vision close to impossible when they reached the third and final chamber they discovered a treasure trove of artifacts among them and covered in bits of gold foil were shabti dolls funerary figures whom the ancient Nubians believed would accompany the deceased into the afterlife also in the chamber the sarcophagus of the pharaoh NOS tessin himself the only problem that ceiling-high muddy water makes excavation and study of these artifacts highly problematic Christman is optimistic though and now packed with experiences and knowing what to expect their aim is to return to the site later in 2020 an attempt to excavate the burial chamber in what they themselves argue is an audacious and logistical challenge only then will we know the extent and value of the treasures inside this pyramid and perhaps eventually the dozens of others says Christman quote I think we finally have the technology to be able to tell the story of nori to fill in the blanks of what happened here it's a remarkable point in history that's so few know about it's a story that deserves to be told end quote so how about you would you take the plunge into those muddy waters to uncover ancient treasures give this video a quick thumbs up if you would how much do you think the treasure inside Nastase ins tomb is worth let us know in the comments if you liked this material you should definitely check out our related video on how many pyramids there are around the world there's also our video titled ancient discoveries scientists still can't explain the links to both are in the description of this video don't forget to subscribe to the richest and be sure and join our notification squad we are creating new and exciting content all the time and you don't want to miss a thing finally thanks for tuning in to the richest and we'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 495,356
Rating: 4.7143803 out of 5
Keywords: The Richest, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Structures, Pyramid, Ancient China, Mayan Temple, Egyptology, Nile River, Archeological Dig, Underwater Archeology, buried treasure, treasure, pharoah
Id: LWVZ8T8v_qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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