12 Most Amazing Abandoned Places

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there's something haunting about walking around a place that's abandoned and yet at the same time it's beautiful to a place that used to host people but it's now devoid of life can feel like a window into the past a place where the hands of time haven't moved since the last occupants walked away see if you get that feeling from this video as we go on a tour of some of the most amazing abandoned places in the world abandoned hotels are always particularly unsettling places to go because they were once a temporary home to hundreds of people when they're little more than an empty shell look around them can be eerie with the holiday Area eco dream club sea resort income Yuva Turkey however the overall impression we get is one of sadness this was once a five-star environmentally friendly hotel aimed at the family market but it ran into financial difficulties some time ago and was forced to close down many of the fixtures and fittings still remain and you can tell from the bright colors and the fish and animal models that the hotel would have been popular with children in the hotel rooms beds are still made up waiting for guests to come and sleep in them televisions are still on the walls and there are fresh towels in the bathrooms ornate clocks still hang from the ceiling of the miniature railway the site is now visited by many urban explorers every day if this many people had visited while it was open it may never have needed to close it takes a determined traveler to reach the City of the Dead in Dar gob's Russia but those who are brave enough to make the difficult journey are rewarded with a site that will stay with them for life earlier on we use the word haunting to describe abandoned locations things don't get much more haunting than an abandoned 10-mile stretch of crypts numbering over 100 some local residents in this part of north ossetia tell tales of people who have walked into the city of the Dead and never walked out again the mass graveyard is thought to have come about when a plague swept through Oct a during the 18th century and that the ruling clans built some of these strange buildings as quarantine houses for the sick to stay in until they passed away in front of each of the buildings is a well which family members dropped a coin into to help the soul of their sick loved one reach heaven when the plague passed the creepy white buildings were abandoned Ruby Eric nuda lighthouse in Denmark has more problems to worry about than just being abandoned experts believe that by the end of 2020 it's going to topple over and fall into the sea everything about the landscape around the lighthouse seems wrong it's almost 200 feet above sea level and yet it's surrounded by desertification and the ground around it is collapsing the sands around the foot of the lighthouse shift so dramatically that it had to be abandoned ten years ago the relentless winds of the North Sea have eroded the coastline away at the rate of 5 feet per year and now the old building is dangerously close to the edge its builders didn't envisage this problem when they erected it in 1900 back then it was accompanied by a few houses a small church and a local shop everything else has since collapsed the lighthouse is the last one standing but not for long efforts to shore up the collapsing land have failed and now it's being left to its fate our next entry is an abandoned head but don't worry it isn't as crizzley as it sounds we're talking about the bust of Ferdinand Marcos the former Philippine dictator which no longer bears much of a resemblance to the fallen ruler Marcos had the monument to himself erected when he held power in the country during the early 1980s but after he was overthrown in 1986 it became a regular target of vandalism and mockery it wasn't mere vandals who caused such heavy damage to the bust though there were persistent rumors that some of Marcos's legendary stolen treasures were houst within the bust and so one day in 2002 somebody decided to find out if it was true by blowing it open with dynamite and taking a look inside we don't know if they found anything because the perpetrator was never caught unsurprisingly there was little political appetite within the country to spend money on repairing a monument to a dictator sixteen years after he was deposed and so it was left to rot the tiny abandoned village of dole in Belgium has accidentally become a walking street art canvas which has attracted works from some of the greatest graffiti artists in the world soon it will all be gone dole is marked for destruction and nothing can save it dole was once a proud and thriving town founded more than 700 years ago close to Antwerp and positioned on the banks of the Scheldt River it's the location that has become a problem Antwerp has expanded over the centuries and once a larger port dole is right in the way of where they want to expand into since the nineteen seventies government officials have wrangled with protesters about doles ultimate fate but the battle for its survival is now lost it's thought that only 25 people remain in the town with every other house shop school hospital and office completely abandoned the omnipresent art gives it an almost post-apocalyptic feel demolition work will begin in 2020 the Western city gate in Belgorod was designed to be a welcoming archway into the city its design was unusual when it was built in 1977 and looks even more unusual now ask the local residents for the name of this building and they'll tell you it's the gen-x tower even though it's many years since Gen X was last here the huge advertising banners which hang down the side of the tower are paying for the electricity within the tower to stay on and a guard to remain posted outside without that money it may have been knocked down long ago there are still a few residents living in the residential space here possibly illegally but the businesses have long since gone many of them disappeared when Yugoslavia dissolved some like an airline managed to cling on as late as 2015 but now all the Commerce has disappeared and the revolving restaurant on the top floor has stopped spinning the overall effect of the building when looked at from a distance is one of faded Brutalism and decay a sad fate for what was supposed to be a celebratory construction [Music] the Mogadishu lighthouse is a reminder of happier more stable times in Somalia this was once a beautiful and peaceful corner of the world where the italian-style lighthouse made a perfect addition to the pristine beaches that surrounded when it was built during the early 20th century three more lighthouses in a similar style were built around it now they're crumbling structurally unsound and riddled with bullet holes the lighthouse wasn't the only new building project here back then there was also a large hotel a bank and palatial villas for wealthy residents some people even hailed Mogadishu as the hidden jewel of Africa years of civil war and internal strife in the area have since brought it to its knees the only people here now are the fishermen who more their boats up close to the lighthouse when they're finished with their day's work very slowly with nobody to repair or maintain the lighthouse the sea is reclaiming the Stone and weathering the land around it abandoned asylums are a setting straight out of a Hollywood horror movie so we commend anybody who has the courage to spend a night in Athens lunatic asylum in Athens Ohio when the asylum opened in 1874 the enormous sprawling building covered almost a quarter of a square mile and was home to 500 patients by the end of the Second World War it had expanded significantly in size with 78 separate buildings covering over one and a half square miles and containing 1,800 patients in other words it was a whole town for the insane it was also something of a torture chamber hospital records show that lobotomies psychoactive drug experiments and electroshock therapy were all used at the athens asylum at various times the doors were finally closed in 1993 although many of the buildings were repurposed and put to use as a campus for Ohio University somewhere below the feet of the students are the remains of over 1900 people known to have died at the asylum what could be sadder than an abandoned amusement park this is Koga family land which you can find or at least find what's left of it in Japan's Shiga prefecture this park should not have been a failure the sheikah Prefecture is already well known in Japan as being a tourist destination and is particularly admired for its beaches building a theme park here should simply have given the existing tourists something extra to do for a long time it seemed to be doing fine as recently as the early 1990s it was one of the most must-see attractions in Shiga but the tastes of customers changed in the late 90s larger parks with more thrilling rides took away the customers and Koga was failing to pay the bills by 1999 at which time it closed since then much of the infrastructure has been taken away but the skeleton of the ferris wheel still towers over the land almost impossibly pictures drawn by children are still stuck to the walls in some of the more secluded sections this might look like a textbook haunted house but it's actually the outer shell of what was once a highly desirable school which parents fought and campaigned to gain acceptance into for their children it may not be looking at its best right now but that's because it's been abandoned for close to 40 years this is Halcyon Hall which was a part of the prestigious Bennett College the all-girls school was opened in 1890 and quickly developed a reputation for both excellence and elitism but school was out for the last time here when it shut its doors in 1978 since then it's been empty condemned to demolition multiple times only to have the wrecking ball called off at the last moment from the way the walls are bowing and twisting it might demolish itself soon if construction workers don't hurry up about it the interior isn't faring much better than the exterior although the occasional relic of the past like a tape recorder or a desk full of books serve as a reminder of what used to be here very close to Barcelona in Spain you'll find the ruins of what used to be an ornate and beautiful castle and despite the fact that it's over 1,000 years old almost nobody goes to visit it we think that's a shame it's a beautiful place to take a photograph as the Sun Goes Down the castle is called Castillo toward a savanna and is mentioned in local records all the way back to the 10th century it's such a well-kept secret that even residents of santa coloma de surveil which is where the castle is based don't all know it's there up until 1224 it had permanent residents but it was badly damaged during the Catalan Civil War of that year nobody returned to living in it after the war and it's been gradually falling apart ever since you have to use a little imagination to see the hallways and rooms of the lower floors as they used to be but the second floor is largely still intact and gives you a real feel for what 13th century castle life in Spain must have been all about Afghanistan is a country that's still finding its feet after years of war and political turmoil so we wonder if the government will get around to renovating Taj Begg palace in the capital city of Kabul the European architectural influence is evident in the design of this stylish 1920's palace which was made for queen surya Tarzi under the instruction of then Afghan leader Amin Ullah Khan Queen suryya was an important figure in early women's rights movements in Afghanistan until fundamentalist religious uprisings quashed - their progress after the Queen was gone the palace became a headquarters for Afghan military command which also made it a target for insurgent groups that explains the damage to the building's marble features president Amin was inside the palace when he was assassinated by Soviet forces in 1979 even the Taliban set up a base here during their years of control although rather gruesomely they used it as a focal point for public executions even with its bullet holes and scorch marks the most remarkable thing about this now abandoned building is that it's still standing after everything it's been through subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 431,654
Rating: 4.8239326 out of 5
Keywords: Amazing Abandoned Places, abandoned places, abandoned buildings, abandoned hotel, abandoned castle, abandoned house, most abandoned, amazing abandoned, incredible abandoned, 12 most, top 12
Id: 5xKUdGS8eG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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