Packet Tracer Simulation - Exploration of TCP and UDP Communications

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hi friends welcome to war in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity pcp anti UDP communications here is our objectives in part 1 generate a network traffic in simulation mode in Part II to examine the functionality of the TCP and UDP protocols we will go through this background in this activity they are given these simulation activities intended to provide a foundation for understanding the TCP and UDP in detail simulation mode provides the ability to view the functionality of the different protocols as data moves through the network it is broken down into smaller pieces and identified in some fashion so that the pieces can be put back together each of these pieces is assigned to a specific name called the PDU that is protocol data unit and associated with a specific layer packet tracer assimilation mode enables the user to view each of the protocols and associated PDU the steps outlined below lead the user through the process of requesting services using various applications available on a client PC this activity provides an opportunity to explore the functionality of the TCP and UDP protocols multiplexing and the function of port numbers in determining which local application requested the data or is sending the data now we will come to path to one generate network traffic in simulation mode in that step one generate traffic to populate a cross or a solution protocol that is ARP tables perform the following tasks to reduce the amount of network traffic viewed in the simulation so we have to go to this multi server and click the desktop tab command prompt then enter the ping command to 192 dot 168 or to 100 to 55 this will take a few seconds as it will device on the network response to multi server then close the multi server window right coming to the topology here we can see our Maltese we will come to this server the stop command prompt here we are going to give the ping command that is 192 door to one sixty eight dot one dot 255 yes here we can see that if we absorb this IP a trust so here we can see this is a broadcast a trust so one dot 255 so it pings to all the 4 pieces in our topology here we can see we have total 4 pcs HTTP client FTP client DNS client and email client so we pink from multi server to all the 4 pcs all these 4 pieces together so we are getting the replay here we can see that IP address also we can see 1.1 1.4 1.3 and 1.2 right now we will come to a step to generate web traffic that is HTTP switch to simulation mode click HTTP client and to click that a stop tab or browser in the URL field enter 192 dot 168 o2 1.2 54 and click go envelopes that means the PDUs will appear in the simulation mode minimize but do not close the HTTP client to configuration window alright we will do this coming to our HTTP client here then the browser here we are going to you before that we have to go to simulation mode right yes okay now we are going to give the URL here this is we are going to give the IP address of our multi server so here we have one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot 54 go and here we can see the PDU is generated in this HTTP client now we will go to step three generate FTP traffic click ftp client and to click the desktop tab command prompt then we have to enter the ftp 192 dot 168 or 200 250 for command PDUs will appear in the simulation window minimize but do not close the ftp client your configuration window right now we are going to generate FTP traffic on this server multi server coming to a FTP client desktop c'mon prom - here we are going to give the command FTP then server IP atrocities yes now we are going to minimize this here we can see the PDU is a generated in this FTP client now we will come to a step for generate DNS traffic click the NS client and to click the desktop tab command prompt enter the nslookup multi server dog PT wrote PT u command APD will appear in the simulation winter minimize but do not close the DNS client configuration window alright we will do this coming to DNS client here right let's hope command prompt to here we are going to give that so here we are going to give NS lookup multi server load pretty dope PT you and you're going to present her yes here we can see we are going to minimize this window and here we can see the PDU is generated in this or DNS client yes now we will come to a step 5 generate email traffic click email client and to click the desktop tab email tool click compose and to enter the following information so here we are to give this to atrás then subject to personalize the subject line email body personalize the email then click send minimize but do not close the email client configuration window right we will do this now now we will come to email client desktop here we have to search for email yes you're a tease and to here we how compose and here we are going to give the to atrás so that is user at rate multi server load PT dot opt you and the subject we are going to give you personalized the subject line simply we will give this and we will give the body here right now we will click send so we will minimize this window and if your we can see the PDU generator in this email client now we will come to a step 6 verify that the traffic is generated and readied for simulation every client computer should hope you solicited in the simulation panel yes exactly in the topology here we can see that also coming to the simulation panel here we can see device house HTTP client FTP client dns client and email client now we will come to part to examine the functionality of the TCP and UDP protocols in that step one examine multiplexing as all of the traffic crosses the network so you will now use the capture or forward button and the back button in the simulation panel click observer or forward once all of the PDS are transferred to the switch click capture or forward again some of the PDUs disappear what do you think happened to them right we will verify this now yes here is or topology and here we can see the capture or forward we are going to click here capture or forward and we can see all the PDUs send it to the switch now again we are going to click capture or forward yes and here we can see one PDU ready to multi server yes so here they ask some of the PDUs disappear exactly because here we can we have seen that one PD you come to multi server so what do you think happened to them yes obviously the speed use are stored in the switch now we will go to see click capture or forward a 6 times right old clients should have received a replay note that only one PDO can cross a wire in each direction at any given time what is this called obviously what we call this as multi flexing and we will capture all forward six times coming to our topology so here I'm going to click one two three four five yeah so all pcs or sue the PDS we will give one more as they mentioned six times right now we will come to D a variety of videos appears in the even list in the upper right pane of the simulation window right why are they so many different colors yes here we can see that here is our simulation panel here we can see a different different score boxes with different colors yes so they are all represents different protocols here we can see that tcp tcp dns we can see in one color exactly and we can see HTTP is in another hollower yeah so these are all different protocols now we will go to e click back eight times this should reset the simulation did not click reset simulation anytime during this activity if you do you will need to repeat the steps in the part one right so now we are going to process this so back eight times yes sir we can see we should not click on this all reset simulation we are going to click on this back eight times right one two three four five six seven eight right now we will come to a step to examine HTTP traffic as the clients communicate with the server so filter the traffic that is currently displayed to display only HTTP and TCP PDUs filter the traffic that is currently displayed so we have to click Edit filters and toggle the so all nine checkbox select hdt P and TCP click anywhere outside of the edit filters box to hide it the visible events should now display only HTTP and TCP PDUs right so we will do this now yes you're a server a simulation panel we are going to click on this edit filters yes--you're we can see that so we had to click show before that here here we can show all or none it filters it filters so here we are going to select only HTTP here and here we can see TCP right and we are going to click anywhere outside right now we will come to be click after or forward hold your mouse above each PDU until you find the one that originated from HTTP client click the PDU envelope to open it then click the inbound to PDO details tab and scroll down to the last section what is the section labeled right we will check that no I am going to click on capture or forward here we can see three envelopes so here I am going to keep on that TCP here we can see TCP and two here we can see TCP from HTTP client 3 as here we can see that so this is from FTP client and this is from email client so here is the video HTTP client now we will click on this video which comes from HTTP client and now we have to go to inbound to PDO details and we have to go to the last section we have to scroll down here we can see it is labeled as a TCP here they ask one more question are these communications considered to be reliable yes obviously because a TCP is a reliable communication next year we will come to addy record the source port destination for to sequence number and nourishment number what is written in the field to the left of the window field right so we will check that here we can see the details the source port ease thousand 25 destination port is 80 sequence number zero at ultimate number zero and two before winter filled here we can see something called yes oh ye n this is nothing but the synchronize now we will go to e close the PDO anti click the capture or forward until a PD returns to the HTTP client with the check mark right we will do that so we are going to click after or forward right again capture forward again capture forward so we are waiting for the yes here we can see that it reaches to the HTTP client with a tick no we will go to F click the PDU envelope and select inbound PDO details how are the port and the sequence number numbers different than before right we will check that - coming to this video inbound PDO details and here we can see that source port is 80 destination port is 2025 sequence number 0 acknowledged number 1 and here we can see the changes sync plus acknowledgement here we can see the source and destination ports are reversed and the acknowledgement number is 1 now and previously there was a sin that has changed to sy n plus acknowledgement now we will go to G there is a second PDO of a different color which HTTP client has a prepare to send to multi server so this is the beginning of the HTTP communication click the second video envelope and select outbound PDO details what information is now listed in the TCP section how are the ports sequence numbers different from the previous two PDUs yes here we can see that PDO with the blue color yes we will click on this video right and to outbound PDO details coming to the TCP feel here we can see the source port thousand twenty five you destination port 80 sequence number one acknowledgement number one and here we can see p as h plus ACK yes so here again the source and destination force not reversed and both the sequence and acknowledgement numbers are 1 and here the last T is a click back until the simulation is reset right here we are going to click the back button right yes now we will come to a step 3 examine FTP traffic as the clients communicate with the server so in the simulation panel change edit filters to display only FTP and TCP then click capture or forward hold your cursor above each PDO and you find one that originates from FTP client click that PDO envelope to open it right we will do this now we will click on so all or none right edit filters here we are going to select FTP and TCP right now we are going to click on server forward yes and to here we can search for the PDO which is coming from FTP client so here we can see this is from email client we can see this is from FTP client here we can see that this is from HTTP client yes here we can see which is from FTP client no he will come to see click the inbound to PDO details tab and scroll down to the last section what is the section labeled are these communication is considered to be reliable okay if it is a TCP Obie's it will be reliable we will the cross-check that to here is or PDF which is from FTP client yes so coming to inbound PDO details so here we can see TCP yes so Beasley it is so this communication can be considered as reliable now we will go to Adi record the source port destination port sequence number and technology mean number values what is written in the field to the left of the window field right coming to our PDU here we can see that so sporty is a thousand twenty five your destination port is twenty one sequence number is zero acknowledgement number is zero and before this window field here we can see it is mentioned sy n now we will go to e close the PDO and to click capture or forward until APD returns to the FTP client with a check mark right we will close this and you know we are going to click on capture or forward can will click capture forward capture or forward capture forward so we are waiting for the tick yes here we can see that no we will come to F click the PDO envelop and select inbound PDO details how are the port and sequence numbers different than before right we will check it now coming to this PDO here so we'll select inbound PDO details and here we can see that now the source port is 21 destination port is thousand 25 you sequence number zero Norton number one and here we can see a sync plus acknowledgement yes here we can see the source and destination force are reversed and the acknowledgement number is 1 now we will come to G click the outbound to PDO details tab how are the port and sequence numb different from the previous two results so here we can see our outbound PDO details and here we can see the tcp source port thousand 25 you des nation 421 sequence number one and Norseman number one and before window filled here we can see acknowledgment here also we can see the source and destination ports not reversed and both the sequence and knowledge demon numbers we can see it's 1 now we will come to yet close the PDO and the click capture or forward until a second PDO returns to the ftp client the PDO is a different color right we will do that now we are going to click again capture or forward capture or forward you can capture or forward you can capture forward yes here we got one PD with a different color no we will go to I open the PDO and select inbound PDO details scroll down past the TCP section what is the message from the server right we will verify that coming to inbound PDO details so here is TCP and here we can see the details 220 welcome to PT FTP server so this is a message what we get here sometimes you may get a username ok need password right no you'll come to J click back until the simulation is reset I'm going to click back here yes it's almost now we will come to a step for examine DNS traffic as the clients communicate with the server so in the simulation panel change your it filters to display only DNS and to UDP then click the PDO envelope to open it click the inbound PDO details tab and scroll down to the last section what is the section labeled right no we will come to it it filters here we are going to select UDP and DNS here we can see that yes coming to a topology here we can see the PDO today I'm going to click observe forward yes sir we can see that DNS client we are going to click on that to here we have inbound PDO details yes here we can see it's mentioned UDP right so here are these communications considered to be reliable so we know that UDP is not a reliable communication TCP gives or reliable communication now we will go to D record the source port and destination port values why is there no sequence and that Nordmann number yes your I can see that so the source port is a thousand 25 this nation port is 53 yes we know as it is a UDP it does not need to establish a reliable connection that's why there is no sequence and track knowledge man number now we will go to e close the PDO and click capture or forward until APD your turns to the DNS client with a check mark right we will do this we will close the PDO here I know we are going to click capture forward until appear your returns to the DNS client with a check mark so here you so capture or forward capture forward right yes so you wait for the tick mark yes now we will come to F click the PD envelope and select inbound PDO details how are the port and sequence numbers different than before and what is the lastest section of the PDO called right we will check your here is our inbound PDO details and here we can see UDP here we can see source port 53 then the destination port is thousand twenty five so here the source and destination ports are reversed now we will check the last section of the PDO here we can see that here we can see it's a DNS answer here the last part click back until the simulation is reset right we will do that so curious or back button right now we will come to a step 5 examine email traffic as the clients communicate with the server so in the simulation panel change edit filters to display only popery SMTP and TCP then click observer forward hold your cursor above each PDO until you find one that originates from email client click that PDO envelope to open it write your resource simulation panel coming to edit filters here we are going to select TCP then here we have SMTP and the pop3 right now we will click capture or forward and here we can check for the email client PDO yes this is email client PDO we are going to open it here is the PDO information coming to see click the inbound video details tab and scroll down to the last section what transport layer protocol does email traffic use are these communications considered to be reliable so it will be reliable if the protocol it is TCP right we will verify that coming to the PDO information yes sir we can see its TCP so obviously this communication is considered to be reliable now we will come to D recorded source port destination port sequence number and acknowledgement number values so what is written in the field to the left of the window field right we will check that now here we can see the details source port 8025 your destination port is 25 you sequence number is zero module number is zero and here we can see before this field window it's a sin no we will come to e cross the PDO and you click capture or forward until ap do returns to the email client with a check mark right we will close this vinter I know you are going to press capture forward yes capture forward can capture forward capture forward yes no this email client got the envelop with the tick mark yes now we will come to yes click the PDU envelope and select inbound to P do details how are the port and sequence numbers different than before right we will verify that - coming here inbound PDO details and here we can see the TCP field source 425 your destination port 2025 you sequence number is 0 acknowledged number is 1 and here we can see now is yn plus ACK here we can see the source and destination thoughts are reversed and that knowledge Minh number is 1 now we will come to G click the outbound PDO details tab how are the port and sequence numbers different from the previous two results right so here is our outbound PDO details coming to TCP here we can see that source port is thousand 25 your destination port is 25 you sequence number and add nodes number both are 1 and here we can see acknowledgment now we will go to itch here we can see that there is a second preview of a different color that HTTP client has prepared to send to multi server yes here we can see that right so this is the beginning of the email communication click this second PDO envelope and select outbound PDO details how are the port and sequence numbers different from the previous two PDUs right we will verify that - coming to this envelope PDU outbound PDO details and tcp here we can see the source port is thousand 25u destination port is 25 here we can see that sequence number and the acknowledged number is 1 and here we can see P as H and ACK now we will come to J what email protocol is associated with the TCP port 25 yeah it's obviously the Protocol SMTP and what protocol is associated with the TCP port 110 so 110 Lisa for a pop3 now click back until the simulation is reset I didn't know we will click back to reset ok right yes done now we will come to a step 6 examine the use of port numbers from the server to see TCP active sessions to perform the following steps in the quick session succession switch back to real-time mode click multi server and click the desktop tab command prompt then we have to enter in netstat command and what protocols are listed in that left 2 column right we will verify this now we will come back to our real-time mode yes now coming tormal t server command prompt - here we are going to give you let's touch and here we can see the protocol is a TCP next is what port numbers are being used by the server so here we can see according to this a netstat command here we can see we got 21 sometimes you may get 25 or 80 right and the what states are the sessions in now here we can see the state it's established sometimes in this state you may get closed or a last underscore ack here we got established now we will come to a deal repeat the netstat command several times until you see only one session still established for which service is this connection still open right we will do that here we can see all the other state is in established so for which service is this connection still open obviously is for the surveys FTP and why does Cindy secession cross like the other tree here we can see that hindi check the minimized clients right we will verify that in FTP client yes here we can see that the server is waiting for a password from the client yes well it was a long packet or solar activity TCP and UDP communications but we got a basic understanding of the protocol the TCP and UDP in details friends if you have any doubt in this packet or activity please comment below also if you like my video give a thumb and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into your Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 34,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TCP, UDP
Id: bj5j4boOk3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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