14 FILAMENTS & 200 HOURS! Flashforge Adventurer 4 FIRST LOOK!

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over 200 hours were used to bring you our first look at the flash forge adventurer 4. [Music] there you are welcome back this is the flashforge adventurer 4 a big brother or big sister to the adventurer 3 and at 7.99 it's a compelling price and flashforge asked me to take a look at it and kind of tell you what i think about it i wrote down stuff or no i did this isn't writing it down this isn't right now i typed down stuff so i wouldn't forget so for the adventurer 4 at 799 us it's 220 on the x 220 on the y and 250 on the z or zed it's got a 0.4 millimeter nozzle defaults with a 240 degree limit and then they also give you a 0.4 millimeter nozzle that will go to 265. these nozzles are easily releasable in fact they call them easily removable and quick release so that's kind of interesting there i have a camera for time-lapse it didn't perform as well as i'd hoped wireless printing is available via flash print 5 which i found to be an excellent update to the slicer it's got assisted bed leveling with baby stepping it's got a hepa filter in there to filter any of the noxious stuff you may print filament detection resume for power outage and a website you can go to to learn everything else you need to know for a first look we can talk about stats but really it comes down to how the heck does it print and boy have i got a story for you first i did something that came included on the machine it's a part i name it sir widget it's using their red pla nothing fancy default print came with it it should look good and it looks good like it looks good looks good i started up some prints that were my you know some of my test prints like i did a chest pawn that i believe chuck designed maybe chuck hellebug and i think it looks great it's their filament it's their pla sliced and flash print good job i also did a chep cube wait chep cube there it is again in their filament it's red play looks good uh i've got my calipers here let's take a look x is 19.98 y is 20.15 z or zed is 19.83 so it does need a little bit adjustment on a few of the axes but nothing horrific and i i call this a pass so my buddy allen you know him as mandic really until the clock app shut him down and then he became the hot rod hippie he makes these can cuffs and this one is a 10 millimeter socket i printed this in red pla from flashforge and it was the it using flash print i think it did a really good job with any of these we got to give it the old blizzard test so the canned cup is is an interesting display of a few different printing mechanisms that you want to succeed so it's got detail it has quick movements it does have bridging it has to travel between two points that it's printing it has to be able to fit the can and it has to be at proper clearance of tolerance in order for the can not to fall out which we've proven so great success well first look we can't really just print with the included filament that would prove nothing so i did print with some polymaker polyterra pla i actually had the spool right next to the machine and i printed this benchy and i think it did okay that looks like a darn decent benchy okay great good job benchy i had the filament loaded in the machine and i thought well why don't we do the mandic really hot rod hippie can cup again and i think it looks really good one of the things that flashprint does is it puts a seam right there and it seems to be something you can configure but i didn't take the time to configure that because the rest of the the koozie looked great but we do need to give it lizard test i feel silly doing that like i should go to dairy queen and get some ice cream next i thought well i i should try other filaments and so i thought i would try some jessie play from dave over at printed solid unfortunately those didn't perform well i had some issues where the machine itself would start clicking like it was unable to drive the filament so the typical pla profile i want to make sure i got this right 0.2 millimeter layers two perimeters 10 percent infill i chose 3d infill uh 60 millimeters per second 210c on the nozzle 45c on the bed sometimes i would jump it up to 60c but bed adhesion never seemed to be an issue the issue was with printing i thought okay now we're on a quest because their filament worked and a third-party filament from polymaker worked i think what we need to do is test more third-party filaments i tested 14 different filaments for this machine [Music] 14 14 different filaments and oh boy we get to look at them all and what's kind of fun i used the same g-code yahtzee that these were printed with and so that was my basis for whether or not i needed to adjust things further and in fact the ones that failed use the same g-code as well this is repcord's 3d pink mafia this was printed with the same settings as the other ones so 215c on the nozzle between 45 and 60c on the bed but adhesion wasn't an issue 0.2 millimeter layers 3d infill i mean it looks good what you have to look for is right along here whether or not the bridging worked and it did you have to look whether or not there are layer inconsistencies along here which there are some but they're not as visible it's got that seam look at that it's got that seam but we got to do the test blizzard test looks like 3d pink mafia is a filament that works next up gst 3d pla you can see some of the inconsistencies on the small pillar here bridging was well it's it's pretty good it's got a few little things that hung out i consider this to be a good model i think gst 3d is a pla filament third party that works with the machine this is poly alchemy's elixir called gold rush and this is a pla bridging was a little suspect just because you can see these things sort of swaying in the wind the details on the 10 and the ribbing at the bottom look great this is blood of my enemies by amy d and proto pasta it's a wondrous filament and it had no problems printing at the specs that the g-code was using it is a little bit furry but that's easily cleaned up with a lighter or heat or just time so if you take a look at the 10 if you take a look at the ribbing at the bottom and the side walls everything looks really really good this is spider maker pla unfortunately bridging wasn't good with this material and it appeared to layer shift for some reason multiple layer shifts occurred this was the only one that did that and i don't know why the pattern at the bottom does contain a little bit of a little bit of blobs it wasn't printed as well this is fulament matte black pla the sidewalls are good the number 10 is good the bridging is fine and i think it did a really decent job reproducing this column over here having to travel back and forth between it this is halo 3d filaments and it's called dark matter and it's sean's favorite it's also got an incredible sheen to it the color is fantastic i think the machine did a really good job in reproducing the side walls the 10 seem that's not bad blizzard test i like the can the candles this is matter hackers build series pla from 2016. i think it did a fine job the filament wasn't stored quote unquote properly it was just left out and moved between locations over the years but the 10 is good sidewalls are good a little bit of fuzziness to it i think it's from the age the detail at the bottom looks good it worked like it legit worked hold the phone wait a second look at that there's a line right there i didn't see it because it's not here look it's not on my side that line's not there but that lines on that side i don't know why that's a that's a big darn seam too this is filament one's pla pro select this is one of my favorite filaments that i use here in the studio the tent is good the sidewalls are good the details at the bottom look pretty decent bridging is a knife right across there should take care of it no problem it's good how's the seam oh look at that seam that's nice this is proof cement mystic green right here looks like it has a little bit of filament hanging down that we could take care of with a knife across for the bridging side walls are decent the 10 looks good the pattern at the bottom looks good there's a little bit of fuzz up here you can kind of see some inconsistencies with the light but i don't really feel it with the finger so why is this one interesting well originally i had problems with the extruder clicking when i was printing with pruciment and i thought oh no so the printed solid jesse and the pruciment both were having issues the same issues and i was actually just talking with dave over at printed solid at the time and i let him in on this and he said oh jump the temperature up 220 and above and i was like what are you talking about and he said yeah some hot ends for some reason just need it a little bit hotter i was like okay well proof cement jesse pla what properties do you share and he said well we both use natureworks pla but i think in other ones i've showed you there is natureworks as well so it is pruciment and printed solid jessepla that had the issues and now jumping the temperature to c i got this result and i think it looks good we still have to test it blizzard test so that leaves us with one final test of pla and that's with the printed solid jessie pla and with proof cement we jumped the temperature to 235 and it worked and it looked fantastic would the same be true for the jesse pla wow i betcha have a look at that this is my beloved 3dpn vanilla bean ice cream and it's jessepla from printed solid sidewalls look good the 10 looks good the detail at the bottom looks good top layers are glorious this part right here has a little bit of inconsistencies but it's not really i can't really feel it scene is fantastic but it might have to do with the opaqueness of the filament here's a little bit look at look at there's a little little chunk right there just a little chunk i don't see it on this side though but all we did on this one was jump the temperature to 235 c to see if it would print the same as proof cement and it did and does it pass the blizzard test that's it with the plas those are all of the pla's that we tested and here's what i really like about that when you have yourself a 3d printer especially one like this you're not going to just get filament from the manufacturer you're going to get filament from other places whether it's filament manufacturers or resellers and so the goal was to test as many as possible and i and i hope i gave you a good swath of plas tested but what about pet g because the machine can print pet g [Music] i had to like tyrannosaurus arm like get into there i'd salt bay under there this is green gate 3d's recycled pet g and i swapped out the nozzle from the 240c nozzle to the 265c nozzle and this was using default settings in flash print 5 for pet g the default settings for pet g in flash print 5 or 255c on the nozzle adc on the bed 0.2 millimeter layers two perimeters and 15 hexagon infill also it defaults with a raft which i thought was interesting will it peel off it's so rare that i print with a raft i'm not i'm not used to this so here it is one last blizzard test so at the end of the day i think it's safe to say that the flash forge adventurer 4 is a capable machine it has a decent build volume it has nozzles that let you print pla pet g abs and everything in between it's fully enclosed with the filter it has assisted bed leveling power loss detection a filament detection system for when you run out of filament a touch screen up front a removable flexible build plate at the end of the day for 7.99 i think it's an attractive offering there's a link in the description it'll take you to the website you can learn more but we gave you 200 hours of printing to kind of show you what this machine is capable of if you have any questions about it or if there's a specific thing you want to see printed on it hit me up in the comments i'd love to hear if you made it this far or awesome don't forget to hug each other more fight for a cause you believe in and as always high five a dude a dude yeah they're thick the amazing dq blizzard
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 52,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing nerd, joel telling, joeltelling, 3dpn, flashforge adventurer 4 dimensions, flashforge adventurer 4 release, flashforge adventurer 4 review, flashforge adventurer 4 vs 3, flashforge adventurer 4 release date, flashforge adventurer 4 price, flashforge adventurer 4 buy, flashforge adventurer 4 3d printer, flashforge adventurer 4 specs, 3d printing, adventurer 4, flashforge adventurer 4
Id: xjdtf4zF8uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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