Prusa Factory Tour! Print Farm / Prusament / SL1 / MK3S / Prusa Lab!

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hey it's Joel we're here in Prague in the beautiful Czech Republic we're here for Maker Faire but what's also here in Prague is Prusa research and my buddy Joe and Prusa research is gonna take us on a tour and we're gonna find out how Willy Wonka makes the chocolate we're gonna do it right here a 3d printing nerd hey Joe Hey good to see you everybody this is Joe Russo right here this is your factory never been I'm really excited to see everything can you take me on a tour yes of course right now we are on the second floor where we have the farm and the manufacturing and I would say that we will start with the farm right that's a great idea let me see that all right let's go all right Joe this is amazing this is your this is your print farm right here yes it is how many machines do you have in this right now we have 500 Quakers here 500 yes high that's a mixtape and there's around 400 more around the office yes 900 printers in total in this building just printing things yes so these 500 are dedicated to the parts that go in the kits in the in the fully built machines right yes yes yes that's how we made the parts and it's roughly 30% of the machine I would say okay what about these spools these don't look like typical crew cement spools I would get ya a custom just for the farm so we have a wider one which can hold two kilos so we don't have to change them as often oh okay and the parts are printed in is this ptg yes that's our own PDG which is manufactured actually one floor below us so when actually then we actually finish up the spool we take them down and they are once again is there a reason to how things are laid out and here are certain parts printed in certain areas so we have couple plates with with different parts and actually our ERP system toss tells the farmers which and how many of the plates they need to start and when the prints finished okay and these printers are actually connected to our ERP system through and they have modified firmware so when the plate finishes it asked the operator if it was a successful friend and because it knows by the name of the plate how many and which parts were there it loads them into our inventories they all have the same SD card basically it's just more reliable but for example we can flush the firmware oh we have the Internet oh yeah can you imagine when we have a new firmware to go and then update 500 printers by by hand it's time e9 oh it's up for being shown it's tough for you isn't it so you could do it all automated yes but it is you know it's our internal system but we are in the process of making it available to everyone basically the the farm management system Oh if you want to produce parts at larger scale and if you want to have like 50 printers of your office so we are in process of making it a product this place is actually very important for us not just for making the parts but we can really stress test the printers oh right because you know the the operating a little bit faster than what we provide to our customers yeah we are testing the harshest conditions and actually with 500 of them and twenty four-hour-a-day printing we have plenty of print time so I would say that this is one of the main reasons why the mark trees are so reliable because if we've something up will you'll find it you know we find it very quickly well this is amazing and are really happy we got to see this it's getting a little warm in here since this is an active Factory what's next on the agenda so next I think we are going to the exchange lines perfect yes to see how the filament is made I can't wait to see that alright I'll follow you what is this room so this is the prep for everything this is where the magic starts oh so here you can see the pins of the Virgin polymer because we use a lot the virgin polymer but basically what happens here that the footman gets loaded into the hoppers and gets dried and then in those two lines so I'm there you can see a molecular sieve which is actually making the air super dry okay and in the continuous hoppers it just blows blows the dry air through them so we have six lines so there are six offers like that and it's automatic feeder from the from the bend of the resin goes on the top blows the air through and it takes automatically from the bottom to the to the line which we now see in a second and over there we have for a cooling equipment because we have valve cooling tanks two for each line and the water gets circulated here and it gets cold in the summer it's working like an AC so you could get down the temperature enough but in the winter it's actually not using the AC systems it's just cooling it outside oh so can save a lot of energy and what we saw it's a continuous cycle of water yeah holding the temperature and the pH at a consistent level yes I know all the and all the 12 cooling tanks which we have here are connected to the system all right I think we can move on perfect I'll follow you okay let's go so now now we go into the actual extrusion line okay so this part is called the extruder it might hurt hyper yeah what's real ice but this is so a little bit bigger shooter look what it's interesting is that we also have automatic hopper here the resin gets sucked from the drying overs okay and that is just cour with resin oh this is this is how you make different colored filaments as yeah he's pulling the pigment from here yeah but automatically yeah okay and so what what is special about this that is grabbing my trick usually that means that it sucked up master batch in right and it weighs it precisely down to you know one tenth of the gramm Oh to make the mix perfect so when we make the recipe it's always the same this way school one and school ten are the same color yeah gotta go and there it is right there Derek the cumin and this is our first coming time which is actually quite warm when the filament exits the shooter you don't want to shock it with supercooled water because it to deform Oh so fight by having it not being super bowl at the beginning you're gradually decreed on it separate yes that's the point so we have two cooling times with with each of the lines okay so this is the warm one and we are slowly getting to the to the cool one and you can see that the warm one has water condenses on the counter right of the cool one dozen oh oh wow yeah what is this right here so it is these bars are for getting the water of the filament ah but it's what is interesting is that you even during the water cooling person the filament doesn't absorb they forget any moisture oh is it because of the time it's not yeah so they're long enough and that's it's uh present Hawk just gets out okay but what it's what it's interesting here the here we are continuously checking the color so you could verify that your automatic method back there is producing the same color all the time yeah Wow if the master best kazoo you know a little bit dilute this or something we can check that if you it's exactly making our recipe and here after that if the laser we kick the diameter from to side it's 90 degrees yeah like that Oh like that okay and by their readings from the laser you want to change the diameter but it's not actually done by speeding up or slowing down the extruder because that has a lot of black so it's rotating at constant speed right but the poor can pull faster and it will make the filament thinner or slower the filament what and this is automatic yeah all closed loop system basically beat PID and now we are going to them now we are going to the accumulator this looks cool yeah this is good for when you have it when you finish spooling one of the spool and you want to start doing another one so you cut the filament but it would be flying out so instead of the donut flying out this just it looks like it expands yeah accordion yeah and it can it can hold up to 60 meters so you have a six a one one and a half minutes to start the new school and then you start the new school it just wind faster and just gets closer together okay after that it's just finding the spool and these are actually the spool cardboard core yeah so we just make the the standard school slider so you can hold two kilos for the farm okay and as I said in the farm when they get used up there they bring them down and they get refill together plus I just I just have to point this out you're eating the filament yeah I mean it's an easter egg many different women but we have the lines basically for almost a year before we even announced this so we wanted to make it perfect so you know we just wanted to get the experience and as I was talking about the data you know that every school has the little QR code on it there right where you can check check how it was made yes you can wait behind you on the on the wall you can see the dashboard right there yeah in this room there are two lines and you can see to this part you can see which recipe we are doing and you can see the diameter in both axes and the average diameter from both of the XS okay music there's a tolerance per axis right yeah there's the tolerance for the diameter and also color and for the color okay and so if any any of that goes out of spec actually you will you will not be able to put the QR code of the school so it never comes out is that use internally yeah the schools we we have them here forever for our employees they can take them and brings with them oh god we also have them in the crystal app so why so people can print with them because you because The Diplomat it's good but it's not perfect I mean it I mean others are doing 50 microns we are doing 20 so I mean we we don't want to throw from completely throw away school which is 30 microns right sure so we use it internally or in the last perfect so Joe Rick welcome to manufacturing actually yeah like yourself well this is the place where most of the magic happens and when we get the material it goes here and gets tested marked and either packaged for for the kids or over there there's a station where we do full assembled printers and what we will do I'll show you some of the some of the stuff or some of the testers we do and we can fully trace all the parts all the parts so both so if I mean no not nothing but extruders from there you're seated bets so then customer received something bad or it does doesn't work or doesn't loss we can backtrack it to the to do that's great to the order be good from the manufacturer and we can check everything so I would say that we will start with testing of the electronics electronics ok what's that it it's over there let's go at this station we are testing the the electronics it is basically the final test but it is the most complex one but by electronics mean motors fans board motors are tested separately ok if you have the IC here you have the extruder here you have the heated but here you have the LCD screen and SD card and basically what it does it connects everything as if it's connected in a printer without building the printer it flushes the favor and tests all the outputs inputs it actually tries to write to an SD card and read back from and you have to test the LCD and everything and these parts when the test is finished you get the serial number gets assigned to the board and yo you get the silver sticker and you get the test we include with a test report paper report yes that's that's made here ok and once that happens all these powers go into one one box which is again also tracked around the factory and they are never separated and they go together to to on kit because they were tested together and they know that they work together right you just you just set which product li this in this case it's it is the math we ask it and answer is inserted and you see that oh the board look at that this is it this is just gonna go through its test yes right yeah it will go through the test procedures and it tells the operator well what did you do and also what happens here is the heats of the extruder and we are doing the final tightening of the of the nozzle obviously he'd bring here ok so you need to do that when it's at a person temperature all right guys it will be leaking so I guess that's it and we can go to the next station let's do it so right now we are at the pinda testing station which is our induction mesh bed leveling / right and we need to test all of them and basically we made the tester which we put them in and it measures the sensing distance it heats them up and it measures it again so you know when the printer is printing and everything is hot it needs to have the same same distance and yeah that is how it's done and you can take a look so this is the first part of the Assembly of the nozzle we have also tools to make everything right it's being tight pre tighten because the final tightening of the of the nozzle is done at the test ation there so now we are the second station where where the nozzles get the connectors and PTFE tubes and also they get marked with the with a QR code so right now we are the power supply to station ah even though we upgrade it to the Delta power supplies uh which makes them custom for us it's pretty reputable manufacturer because they are doing all the charges for MacBooks products but we still want to just everything so each each power supply gets plucked and tested if it works to Ford a 110 and also what happens because the power panic circuitry is embedded in the power supply it also tests how long the the caps can last if it if the power panic functionality will be working oh so okay each of them gets unpacked plugged into the station the test takes roughly nine seconds then when the test finishes he scans the label which also has unique ID and it gets slab to the slab to the power supply as a sticker oh and it looks like he seals the bag with the label yeah problems with everything yeah so you couldn't mismatched them right so we have a lot of custom machines which saves us we'd save us a lot of time so for example this is our PTFE cutter we have to because we have to cut a lot of PTFE tubes we are bundling some spares with the printer and basically this was before we made this machine it was three people just cutting PTFE tubes all by today this machine does everything automatically and just spits them out you set the length and it just does it all day so Joel this is our kissing station where we pre count all the nuts and bolts and other parts for the kids God so you don't have to condemn yourself so every bag is tracked every bag has QR code on it and we know the way of all of the bags oh oh each bag is done by weight so you don't have to count individual parts you can put parts in how much no no you count them which is more precise but when you have the final bag we weight that that is another check okay and each bag has unique QR code and we know the exact weight of every bag and who bagged it so this is where we check the heat pads okay again every single one is checked and you have a little QR code so you know who checked it from which bags from which manufacturer it comes okay so if we have some warpage or something we can check it again back to the back to the alright from from the manufacturer we are using we are actually using multiple manufacturers for the best because they are pretty hard to make oh yeah if you need to be batch of them rather than having a source yeah why is it why is he smacking the bed to get rid of any dust or particles little speed because they are checked on a granite calibrated granite plate and you know always you have like tolerances which needs to fall and if there's something stuck on the bed it will wobble I see and throw away the test [Music] so this is actually where the final final process in the factory where everything gets packed and scanned from the boxes which bartering around the factory into the final box you can see it on the you can see it on the screen that the parts which get into the into the Box get green so the order cannot pass without all the boxes going green all the parts are matched to the to the order so we know which goes where and nothing gets lost and we are sure that everything is in so right now we are at a place where we do the full assemble printers oh so you can see some sub assemblies around us because we don't do it like you build a kit we have we have someone who just built the x-axis someone who just bought the frames so it gets more efficient and then at the final station they take these parts and assemble the food printer and the final assembly is somewhere around one and half hour for this for a painting which is which is much faster than if you then if you build it they give at five hours really yeah you need to do better next time I'm in said I will walk you through the purpose okay deal you can take a look here and then we can go to see the the final assembly over there so this is where the the final check is done where where the printer gets tested and it will eventually print the test pattern which all of the printers which are sent to customers have there is a rack full of those which are fully done and ready to go to the shipping department [Music] this one's ready for shipping so Joel welcome to our assembly SLA this is the new one right yeah this is where we build the original person I saw one okay this is your SLA machine and it's an msla machine yes yeah basically you're trying through an display and where the light shines through the photopolymer gets polymerized and hard about perfect and this is its shipping now so I mean this is yeah where you put it all together yes this is the production so let's take a look at some of the some of the purposes and how its finished yes let's do this so this is where some of the samosa pieces done for example this is where we make the bets and this is where we assembled the air filters oh all right over the fumes that being where the resin goes yeah basically we are assembling to the aluminium block we are assembling the fep foil and now you are looking at our cleaner room where we assemble the LCD and you don't want to have any dust dust specks in the in the LCD assembler because it could affect the quality if you would have dust called in there so we are not only making the SL ones here but we are also doing the clearing and washing station here just a CW one yeah CW one and you can see the assembly of that just behind us and this is where the final magic happens final magic yeah after checking all the parts again at same as with the FDM printers the particle here and we have six stations where where they build the final and so on oh so after after passes through these six stations then it said you have the product that's a one it is ready well after after it passes this plays it goes through the testing because as it's a new product we are testing and doing at these 24 hours of aprenden on each of the printers so we know that it's perfect oh and if it's not that goes back for a rework like that yeah and this is our personal app this is amazing look at all these machines just a printing stuff yeah we did what was it one floor in our factory to to do this so we can kind of get back to the community in Prague so I mean when I was when I was in college and I wanted to hack and I was in the dorm rooms I just couldn't because there was no place and I remember that so I wanted other people not to have to experience that feeling that they want to make something but they don't have a place so this is a place for people to come and make things yeah so we are in the printing section sure where you can see our Mercury's I saw once but also we have laser would rather big ha CNC mill Lagasse relay oh wow yeah electronics place and we have like mechanical workshop so you can do pretty much everything and we also have place where you could who talks and there we have parties there's always parties yeah what does it take for someone to be a member of rusev lab oh just go see from Bruce I let that see that done you see all the memberships and stuff yeah yeah being worked on right now so you can check what is the latest yeah it looks it looks wonderful I mean it's it's a lot of space it's very open it looks like it really encourages collaboration and I'm willing to bet the next few years we're gonna see some amazing things come out of this place yes we have some pretty cool projects and take a look later sure all right so I guess that was the tour of our factory this is our main building we had two more in this area but they are just mainly of our houses we have 16 1700 yeah 1700 pallets space warehouse that's huge and we also have a secret lab where we make the PEI powder for outer coating starting to develop our own si resins oh yeah not only making your own filament but make your own residence I'm really glad that we were able to come out here a big thanks for bringing us out that was off the kind of the head ledger and I hope this isn't the last time I get to see your lovely house so you're in Prague and see you at Prague Maker Faire see your progress high five don't
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 854,997
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Keywords: prusa factory tour, josef prusa factory, josef prusa farm, prusa mk3 farm, prusa i3 mk3 farm, josef prusa youtube, josef prusa interview, josef prusa 3d printer, 3d printing nerd prusa i3 mk3, prusa sl1 kit, josef prusa i3 mk3, 3d printing nerd, joel telling, joeltelling, 3dpn, prusa sl1, prusa sl1 assembly, prusa sl1 3d printer, 3d printing, prusa mk3s, prusa i3 mk3, prusa i3 mk3 assembly, prusa mmu2s, prague czech republic
Id: BjoQw5fGk6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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