Flashforge Adventurer 4 3D Printer - ITS HUGE!

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[Music] all right so how do i get this like in camera and frame where i could talk about it reference it there you go yeah let let's just go with that there we go that's just gonna have to [Music] do what's up youtube jason here with bite my bits and in today's video i am talking about the flash forge adventurer 4. there's a really long pause there no idea why this is the follow-up to you guessed it the flashforge adventurer 3 a 3d printer that i don't know or have and never tested so i couldn't tell you how much better or worse it is from the three but because it's a higher number i'm just going to assume it's better now flashforge did send this over to me quite a while ago in order to give me you know plenty of time to run some 3d prints through it test it out so as far as my understanding is this is actually kind of a pre-production model so your mileage may vary on just a few things but overall i did get to spend some time with this in fact i've printed over 300 hours worth of 3d prints i've went through tons of plastic and i've got some of my examples here i still have more that i can't find and or i gave away but i want to take some time in this video today to talk about some of the features that the adventurer 4 has to offer what i like about it and actually very few but a few things that i don't like so like i said this is the flash forge adventurer 4. not only is it a fully enclosed 3d printer but it also has a hepa 13 filter which could help filtering out some of those toxic fumes from some printing materials and also kind of sort of clean like keep things inside clean like cat hair or dog hair or dust some of the key features that i really like with the flash forge adventure 4 is its ability to resume or recover from a paused print or a print that had a power loss this is a huge deal because it has happened before i have an example of where it did and it's just a nice feature it comes built in with a camera that you can use for time lapse or video this is kind of cool it's the first time and it has a built-in light that kind of lights up the scene a little as well albeit i would probably recommend if you do want to get good video to have better lighting the nozzle is a quick release nozzle now they offer 0.3.4 and 0.6 nozzles some of which actually handle temperatures up to 265 degrees i only tested the 0.4 nozzle it also comes with a very easy to remove magnetic and flexible print bed what it does not come with is more bed like actual beds printing beds because i ripped this thing off thinking okay you know what i need to replace this looked all over the house could not find a replacement pad for it and i had kind of had to like cut a couple together that way i can resume printing and or display this now the bed itself is quote automatic self-leveling it's more of a software leveling where you still have to contribute you have to you know see where it's level and then the software adjust accordingly so it's not fully automatic but it is a little bit easier than adjusting the bed manually it has a built-in filament sensor and it can hold up to one kilogram spools without having to print a new holder which is amazing and that's all enclosed so again helps keep things clean helps keep the temperature right etc now you can connect this thing with ethernet wi-fi use a usb stick and it has internal storage so if you want to send prints to it you do not have you have to have a usb drive in it if you have a usb drive in it someone pulls it out or breaks off or whatever it won't interrupt it because it's copied to the storage on the printer itself you can use a cloud printing service or you can use flash forge's own software which by the way they updated in the middle of my testing and it is way more capable allows you to view the camera in real time it's actually kind of a pretty decent upgrade to the software i definitely recommend using it especially if you want to get something like this because you can look at the camera and it just handles things better i have primarily been printing over wi-fi it's just way more convenient you get your print you take it off you get it ready for the next one go to your computer slice up the next 3d print send it right over to the printer super easy super convenient there's cloud options never tested that though the dimensions of the build plate 220 millimeters wide 200 millimeters deep and 250 millimeters tall which of course is not the largest platform that you can print on but it is bigger than any other printer that i have currently in my arsenal so hey not bad the biggest thing that i really really really really like about this is the touch screen lcd on the front it's super functional you can change a bunch of settings especially settings on the fly you can view time lapse watch videos all kinds of things upgrade firmware i mean it is just a very capable touch screen lcd one of those things where now that i have it how do you go back it's intuitive i like it and did i mention you could change settings and print on the fly like you can pause a print you can slow it down you can heat it up you can actually do things on the fly i personally actually haven't had to use this before but i did try it out it is interesting i think it's going to be really useful when you're trying to dial in a new filament and you're trying to do you know a nice big long print and maybe something's not going right and you want to slow it down or heat it up something like that of course the adventurer 4 can handle all kinds of different materials abs pla pc p e t g p l a c f and p e t g c f as you can see this thing is not a small printer but everything is fully enclosed everything is made to be as easy to use as possible i mean to get this thing up and running i unboxed it i plugged it in there was a ribbon that you have to plug into at the top load it with a filament and you're good to go i mean it was that easy i printed one without even leveling the dang bed and then later on i leveled the bed just to make sure a longer print would go through without any problems but overall this thing comes ready to print which is really going to be the theme of this review this thing is easy to use now these are just some of the examples that i've printed off with this some of these i kind of sort of worked on finishing because i was kind of curious of sanding spray painting a couple different layers sanding those spray painted layers putting a little bit of lacquer on it this is paul i like paul the internet named paul for me and i think i'm going to make paul part of the background turned out pretty decent i literally spray painted and then use some acrylic paint and it's not the best finish job but paul came out looking really good this of course is a small print of the flashing banana again i used used some just different paint like paintbrush and it did not finish very well but this also came out really well but on to some of the benchmark testing this is kind of where i messed up a little bit and where i started to notice some issues after i've been printing on the bed for a while one of the things i noticed with the built-in pads that you get or the pads that come with the packaging is that they're really good at sticking for like the first i don't know dozen prints give or take after that you really start to notice some warping and just things don't stick as well you start using glue sticks i've personally never used hairspray but i heard that work so i really need to get me some hairspray but to give you an idea i printed this without any kind of raft and it definitely warped on the front now i did use an orange filament that's from hatchbox and the filament itself is actually really terrible i had a green filament from them that was so bad i just threw away because it didn't print well it was absolutely terrible like strength wise the orange is really good at strength i haven't thrown it away though because i feel like the print quality is more of a settings thing for me i need to you know really nail down the temperature the speeds that sort of thing and that's just something that i haven't tested out and played around with enough but with this printer it's got really good overhang it didn't do the bridge test perfectly but it did handle it really well got a little bit of stringing here but again there's a lot of temperature speed all kinds of factors that come in to this overall benchmark test i also printed off a couple benchies why not you always got to print these off printed these with orange they turned out really well the bigger benchy that had kind of a bigger arch here you could tell that there was a little bit of sag but the small benchy although it has some stringers in there i mean this thing pretty much came out perfect even with the orange that i've always had problems printing with so i'm definitely impressed by that now flashforge did send me in the box a basic filament it's red it's pla and i printed this out this is a battery dispenser this came out first print no issues like just really solid no really major flaws with it and honestly i'm going to attach this to the wall and use this as a battery dispenser because it came out really well really straight lines and overall i was very impressed but these are all basic tests i wanted to go full send and actually use the rest of the filament spool that i had available to me that they sent to me and that's where i ramped up my printing with this guy now this is the same thing as this except it's enlarged it's very dense and i pretty much ran out of filament while i was printing it which was very interesting because i've actually before this printer never ran out of filament and then changed it mid print like it stopped pause say hey you're out of filament reload some more so you can tell under here this is the filament that came from flashforge up top this is red filament that i bought off amazon some random brand but even with it pausing and resuming and you can tell the difference in the color i can tell no flaws that actually came about pausing reloading starting with new filament and continuing on with the print which is good because this thing took a long time to print again like this is thick there's a lot of plastic in this flashing banana i really kind of wanted to sand this down and do like a spray paint treatment and do a bunch of stuff to this but i i more wanted to showcase the transition between the plastics how smooth it was and how it did not mess up the print by resuming so pretty legit i am groot i printed this thing off i tried to clean up the front i started to mess with that but then again i was like oh hey i really kind of want to showcase you know the details how well it was able to handle the wood filament on the back this thing came out really clear at the top i do have some cleanup to do here it did seem like it was stringing a lot this has a lot to do with the filament the wood filament it actually kind of smokes when you print and it does have some issues that this is on every 3d printer i've ever done so but the details itself came out looking really well so groot total winner and last but not least i wanted to test out a little bit of you know precision printing basically with a lighter color wood i printed off this little container now this is something that it doesn't have to be super precise to work but it's just a full on circle and i was curious how well can that blend so look at that look how close that is that is two different pieces being printed screwed together and as you can see very smooth size this has absolutely no sanding the top of it came out really well bottom of it came out really well and overall this container no idea what i'm going to use it for turned out really good i even tested it out again with this one which i got some kind of weird thing at the top but the same exact container just smaller just you know scaled down a little bit again turned out really well now a lot of my tests my prints came out pretty good although this thing has a cover it's magnetically held together so it'll kind of snap together it also has a viewport on the side here so you can kind of see in there you can also take that out if you want to do some adjustments or some maintenance inside but everything came out really well but they came out better with the front cover on just because the heat inside the temperature inside was maintained a lot better i took the front cover off pretty much because i wanted to get some video some time lapse and i didn't want to have to deal with the cover just kind of getting in the way of that fun fact i tried to print off one of these benches before i came back there was a mess of plastic and the benchy was gone i thought maybe the entire the print got screwed up but i later found out that the cat jumped into the printer messed with it and took off with the benji because i found it upstairs so you know there's that with all that said though let's go back to ease of use right ease of use is great especially when the 3d printer comes pre-assembled everything's set up you don't have to spend literally hours putting everything together just to realize that you got one tension screw wrong or thing in the wrong place and then your prints all messed up it won't level whatever it is really really nice for flash forge printers at least the two that i've had so far that they come basically pre set up and you don't have to do a whole lot to get up and running this one kind of takes that to a whole new level because although you just have to plug into one ribbon it's ready to print but the idea behind this being all self-contained a full enclosure everything is just kind of handled it kind of sort of gives me that apple feel like an apple computer really they don't want you repairing things they don't want you getting inside their hardware they make it extremely difficult they make it really easy to use and well whatever reason someone wants to buy an apple computer but it's extremely hard to repair since this thing is really enclosed even though you can take this site off you can take the front off and you can kind of get in there rebuild that really easily that brings me to the side where you have where you load the filament everything gets pushed into this motor right here which means you have about this much by the way plastic that's going from uh this over to the extruder so everything gets pushed in right here i have yet to take this apart to see how hard it would be to maybe upgrade parts or you know fix repair parts honestly nothing's failed on it it loads and unloads really well but because it's so self-contained i feel like it's probably going to be kind of a hassle if i really have to take things apart and do some maintenance on it i mean it's just a big box bunch of plastic it's like a brand new car you know if you want to change a light bulb you gotta you have to take apart the dash that sort of thing being very easy to set up get running first 3d print right out the door is great makes 3d printing accessible for just anybody who has zero experience the only thing that i have found through this entire printing process again 300 plus hours i don't know how much filament that is but it's really the bed i thought they came with more than one padding i was wrong at least i can't find it if they did uh the pad that comes with it definitely starts to lose its stickiness so that's just kind of one of those things that if you want to replace it with a different padding i would definitely recommend doing that if you have better ones i haven't even printed off this new one i just didn't want to show the old one because it looked kind of disgusting but i've never had any issues with connecting i've never had any issues with the new updated software that flashforge just released overall it's just been a super smooth experience with very little hassle trying to get things working the only problem that i've had was things not sticking to the bed the print quality itself is pretty good and as far as i can tell from the factory everything has been calibrated and put together correctly so i haven't had to adjust anything to get things to print correctly this print took 56 hours it's 56 hours there's a lot of plastic in here i mean it's it's damn near solid plastic and all of this easy to use accessible to just about everybody for under a thousand dollars and i guess if i really want to nitpick the quick change nozzles that you can do it really only takes like three seconds to change the nozzle but what that really means is that if you do want to change or up update or repair whatever nozzle you're going to have to purchase those from flash forge so it does kind of sort of tie you into that having to purchase directly from them you can't rely on getting you know other ones from other sources second hand whatever so you know there's that i really feel like these convenience factors are not reasons to say it's something negative because it does really make everything super simple to use well that's it guys thank you very much to flashforge for sending this 3d printer over to me for review i plan on putting this thing through some very large extended bigger prints kind of playing around i do have a few things that i want to print but i wanted to keep this thing free just to be able to show you on a video as always thank all of you for watching if you have any questions comments below leave those in the comment section down below like and subscribe and have yourself a great day
Channel: Byte My Bits
Views: 14,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PIzDrIcnTko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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