87 DAYS of 3D Printing with Neil Patrick Harris!

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[Music] there you are welcome back you've read that right 87 days of 3d printing my largest 3d printing project ever most impressive back in january 2020 neil patrick harris tweeted that he's looking to get into 3d printing and a large number of people replied saying you should talk to joel and i thank them for that fast forward a little bit and behind the scenes my producer david tobin was working his connections and found a connection to neil's people reached out and that is what got us to that live stream where neil and family got that prusa mark threw out of the box and printing the whistle that became the kid's new dad it actually worked i didn't think it would work that's so cool that was awesome and the feedback from that was fantastic and what i get to tell you now is another project was in the plans neil had an idea for these large frames to go on either side of a room with some custom canvas prints in them and he wanted those frames to be 3d printed so he reached out to us to ask if it was possible and sure enough that is very possible yes and with that we reached out to garrett and chelsea of chaos cortech and we got on a zoom call this is how it went so i have this weird idea that i wanted to try and do for our house here called fun house farm where i wanted to take portrait painting and i wanted to make it individualized so i want to take a portrait but before i print it out i'm adding my own face or my husband's face or my kids faces or something to these portraits and i'm learning photoshop on my own and trying to do it on my own to see if i can make it look in kind of a harry pottery way like it's the same portrait but if you look up close you go wait a second that looks like our daughter harper in this as the image and so that's all fine and good and i'm moving along well with that but i need to think about the frames of these because they need to be as elegant and and ornate as the art okay hold on my son's here so i'm we're recording this hi no curse words this is gideon hi we're gonna make this out of a 3d printer well multiple 3d printers and then we we they're going to design these cool parts that'll all sort of click together and then we'll we'll glue them together spray it distress it is is something like this good hey joel can you go back one uh i see it this way yeah or do you think something like that is better i think it's got more of like uh it just catches my eye more because it's thicker yeah it's like uh wider and just i like uh before you arrived we can't share the screen oh look i see those corner pieces the corner pieces real quick aren't we supposed to be in school right now no no it's like it's lunch time all right go eat lunch and i'm going to finish this meeting i'll be done what are you doing up here middle of the week okay here's the thing about gideon he's wrong and i'm his father and so i think the previous one is better the zoom call was wonderful and garrett and chelsea got to work and created an amazing ornate multi-piece frame that neil just fell in love with you're going to love it you're going to love it so now the goal was to get it 3d printing and to do this i needed some help and so i purchased a cr30 from pooch at repcord and he personally delivered it and you actually saw him and i show off these machines on the wall belts belts now i've got machines a whole bunch of them and specifically wants to print really long parts now it's time for the filament and what i did is i reached out to dave over at printed solid and i said dave are you up for helping us with this sure enough dave was with it sure happy to help will this be enough machines are ready the filament is here it's time to 3d print and to tell you that there was a lot of it is an understatement like i said this was the largest 3d printing project i've ever done 87 days worth of 3d printing was happening here in the studio do you want to see the parts right this is gonna be fun this isn't even all of the parts let me go get the rest oh there we go and here's the long pieces right here to put this into perspective this is one complete frame project and i printed three of these frames in total oh these these pieces are amazing the printed solid filament worked really well as an example this is a decorative piece that goes around the frame i printed this on the gmax 2. each one took roughly 15 hours but in total i needed 12 of these which means seven and a half days worth of 3d printing just for this piece this piece right here this was printed with the prusa mark iii the any cubic viper and the prusa mini i needed 36 of these in total which equated to 14 days worth of 3d printing just for these pieces i know i know these long pieces here you really want to know more about these these are the short pieces of the frame and so these are the top and bottom with the longer pieces being the sides six of these in total were printed and that is 12 days on its own of 3d printing last but not least i don't know if you can see this this is a massive massive piece right here and i needed six of these in total any guesses now you're never going to guess this and remember i have three cr30s going and so six and a half days each 87 days of 3d printing like i said i printed three frames in total one here so i could show you all of the frame pieces two overnighted to neil and his family so they could get to work finishing these frames and in fact they're there i gotta help i'll see you in new york [Music] this is 120 yeah this is 120. this is fine this is going to get it down how much so we're sanding this off now because i didn't i didn't want to tape these out right and then paint everything yeah we need to have plastic on plastic in order to glue them together that's right properly right yeah this stuff is 3d glue and it's a plastic it's a chemical bond between the plastics and so if there's paint in the way it's not going to work as well and it takes me just i mean a little bit i mean we're down to plastic there so it's not is this enough or do you want to do the like get it completely white and clean as long as there's some plastic to kind of meld together i hear you yeah yeah yeah you really did good though this looks pretty good this looks pretty good man yeah you know what you're doing all right let's finish sanding so then we can gloop baby loop it up loop there it is [Applause] [Music] how's it looking over there it's looking good to be honest i'm not super super worried about it being perfect at the moment with the adhesion because i did the work for one and then i thought it would be a less exciting video if you just showed up and i had done both of them i thought it would have been emasculating and also just kind of like a and now they're done right right but i did one of them okay and i filmed you did the entirety of it and now you can watch it watch this roll the clip that's how you say roll the footage is that what you say roll it i printed with my prusa a bunch of these bad boys joel and the gang did all the work because they are professionals and they have sent me all of the pieces my job now is to sand them and prime them and paint them just grab my sandpaper and that's what i've been doing for the past there are all these pieces of like muck on them such as this piece you see all these that's what i need that's what i've been trying to erase for the past like 30 minutes hold the pan up right right there you go perfect getting priming in hi hi i'm gonna glue these pieces together with the gloop okay so i've glued the biscuits biscuits i've glued them to the inside of the frames and there because i can't really glue the actual pieces of the frames because they don't really attach but the biscuits glue together so i'm letting that cure on this side i think what i'm going to have to do is do the best i can and then wood use wood filler and fill all the edges and sand all the edges and then prime i hear you harbor and that's kind of basic but that's going to be a good base i think but i'll let that dry and we'll see uh we'll see how it goes hopefully we can paint all these bad boys so the frames are now uh attached together we have some weights and some shims to keep them up they're still a little wonky next step will be wood glue wood filler my plan tomorrow is i'll add a second layer of a shinier like a solid gold gold and that'll make it give it a little dimension that'll dry and then the final layer is getting some like dark putty and and aging it down so that'll get inside the nooks and crannies make it look like it's old and uh frames themselves those i'm gonna start with a coat of darker like um will bronze vibe and then we'll put the other layer on top of that so it'll give it a little bit of depth when the little pieces get onto it so successful successful first day i probably should have worn a respirator when i was spraying because man i'm seeing stars not really all right uh good times more fun tomorrow good morning okay so i have the frames now and i have sanded them i have added wood filler to them for added stability and i primed them nice as you can see the corners are now pretty set even though they're going to have things on top of them so they're good to go my first step here is i'm going to use some darker brown as a first coat of this to give it a little depth i'll cover that with the gold just so it'll add a little differentiation between those pieces and the smaller pieces that are going to adorn it we'll get a first coat on here and then uh gold and then we started hearing what's that i'm a hearing it's birds that joke perfectionists so you did priming paint well sanding priming painting you did uh a wash to kind of give it some depth a little bit of shadow and darkness indeed and then uh that was is that it that's it wow yeah because i have that working for me with this job is because i want these to feel like found objects these frames and not to be something that is brand new so that's helpful imperfections work to my advantage on this right exactly because if this has been in some attic for 150 years it can have a nick in it or it can be discolored in certain ways and that's well it should and so yeah i like it this is so cool putting it all together it's really this is really neat and i'm really happy about this because well thank you for letting me help finish it but it was 87 days of 3d printing that's nuts and then you wind up as like as you can see with these you know the stacks of these very strange things that don't look framy at all and even when the frame itself putting it together just seems like a frame you don't oh i should have held that one in there a little bit longer but no now that they all start attaching and then you can see the design the single pieces combining together to make linear space very cool uh one of the things that i think is really cool and just blows my mind is how this was created because if i look at this i've done some 3d modeling but i would have no idea how to approach this and when garrett and chelsea made this and they they said well how do you want me to cut it up i told them we'd be printing it on different printers and they're like okay and then this appeared all of these pieces just appeared and i was like i my brain exploded because not only was it made to be able to be 3d printed really well but it was made to go together an easy way with flat attachment points and like this and this hiding the seam that's brilliant really an idea it's it's an amazing skill to be able to think about a finished thing and and break it into its you know smaller parts i agree because because when this is done it's going to look like a 5 000 frame you could not get this at a framing shop well and yet it didn't cost that much money no in philippines let's see this was printed solid filament i want to say 15 kilograms worth of filament it's roughly we'll say 20 bucks per kilogram we're looking at 300. worth of filament for all of it wow are you putting gloop on both sides no i am i am neither because a lot of the piece isn't going to have a contact point i figured just putting it on the frame where it's going to touch it would be okay there if for some reason someone were to put 3d glue on a place that wasn't going to stick what would you say to that i would say that is good forward thinking but probably doesn't need to go forward anymore i think one of the important things that we're going to showcase here is that when it's up on the wall no one is really going to be able to tell it's been 3d printed i mean you'll know your husband will know your kids will know but other than that like people will come through your house and be like whoa that's really cool and you'll be able to reveal something to them and they'll be like what super into that and i yes i want it to be psychological too because there's gonna these are gonna be amongst other actual wooden frames some of which are pretty ornate so i want these to draw your attention but not take away from the rest of the room right so it's kind of perfect we had that's why we dealt a lot with the color and trying to make sure that it was dark and muted and old aged enough that makes sense that you didn't just see these two super shiny pieces amongst in pieces i'm just gonna say something like oh yeah this is what has been in my family for four generations this frame is um ebenezer wood and cost 11 thousand dollars eleven two thousand absolutely i'm not gonna say it's a 3d printed thing you kidding that's like a magician revealing his secrets well you're not going to tell only we know everything i'm sure you'll tell some people no for sure only when i'm bragging right exactly which is awful getting close this is actually coming together i know neil this is the final reveal of this amazing project it is 87 days of 3d printing overnight shipping all sorts of creative work here layers of paint spray paint everything all the creative processes that went into this uh do you want to count us down i'm so excited for you guys to see this because well yes we should count us down three four six [Music] [Applause] first thoughts what are you thinking well i just can't believe a multitude of things they look they look like very expensive very historic frames they look old they look like they've been uh in existence for a long time they don't look modern they don't look plastic and then these images uh i found and doctored i heard you used your photoshop skills i learned some photo shoppery so yeah that's me and that's david and they're gonna go up on either side of a fireplace and i just feel like they're museum quality man i can't believe we did it i love that the look of these is not 3d printed these look like finished antique frames like you said and my i had friends here for days our friends michael and taylor were here and they helped do all these like dark spots in between otherwise it just felt like one color and it just looks like you found it in an attic and this is exactly what i was hopeful for frames were designed by garrett and chelsea at chaos quartet filaments were provided by dave over at printed solid indeed blood sweat and tears by neil and team yeah now i just have to put a wire on the back of them and hang them on the wall yeah we'll let you get those on the wall in fact our time at funhouse farms is coming to a close we have to get to the airport indeed thank you for your hospitality i really really appreciate it for myself and my team uh if you want to learn more about phonehouse farms or any of the really cool stuff that neil is doing where can they go um i'm uh nph in on instagram and i'm actually nph on the twitter and you can go to wondercade.com it's a newsletter i'm working on sign up for that you'll see more cool stuff like this that's it i love it well if you made it this far you're awesome thanks for joining us on this journey hug each other more or hug each other more often i think it's the right way to say it i'm tired i'm sorry and as always high five friend we're on location at a special place and we're playing with lasers lasers pew pew i can't wait man not those kind of lasers it's great
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 493,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing nerd, joel telling, joeltelling, 3d printing, 3dpn, neil patrick harris, nph, nph 3d printing, chaos coretech design, printed solid filament, repkord, repkord cr30, 3d printing neil patrick harris
Id: P3Mb9jDaeqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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