Flashforge Adventurer 3 Pro

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hey guys it's chris from versus 3d i am back welcome back to my channel i feel like i've been letting you guys down a lot lately if you actually had any expectations to begin with but that's beside the point anyway i have a really great printer i want to talk to you guys about today this is the flashforge adventurer 3 [Music] pro all right so let's talk about this little guy look at me i'm sitting down and i have a really small table in front of me because the sprinter's so little um i i i gotta say i i had my doubts i really did honestly i had my doubts i'm sold on this little guy if they made the exact same printer like five times the size i would probably have three of them um they're really i was impressed so first let's talk about the printer what comes with it and then we will get into the abundance of prints that i have to show you guys okay so what comes in the bag not a lot because you don't need it okay so what we have here they give you just a little bit of extra white grease or if you hold it the correct way you'll see it like that it comes with this handy dandy little screwdriver which i didn't need for anything so far i don't uh comes with one allen key which again i i didn't need for anything so far it comes with what i consider the holy grail of uh clog removal tools i have one of these that came with my original flashforge and it's one of those things i keep it hit not hidden but i keep it in a it's designated place in my print shop it is the only thing i put away every single time i use it because if i need it it needs to be where it's supposed to be so this thing is fantastic so i'm very excited to have a second one i looked at their website you can order them so i think i might order like 10 of them just to have them and then what makes one of the things that makes the adventurer 3 pro different than the regular adventurer 3 is it does come with a second hot end so the second hot end so the the initial hot end the one that comes with the regular machine the non-pro version is a 0.4 millimeter and it goes up to 240c and that's the max so yeah you can still print abs you can more than likely print some pet g depending um but you can't do anything like polycarbonate or anything up in you know the hotter temperature range this one is actually this one goes to 265 and there's a 0.4 okay and i'll show you how to swap them out it takes four seconds to do so the entire thing is here the heat block the nozzle the heater the thermistor the heat break it's all built into this little plastic piece and it just connects with one fitting it snaps right into place so um what they do have on their website i double checked before i started making this video they have um you'd think they'd be more expensive they're actually really not i find them very reasonably priced so the 0.4 regular up to 240 is 27 bucks us they also have a 0.3 version for 27 bucks us this one is a little more expensive it's 45 and it only comes in the 0.4 and i did use both quite a bit and i'll show you the results so let me put all these away and we'll talk about the printer all right so the printer is on it's running if you hear any of that noise that that is all you're going to hear this guy is quiet i will say that it is so quiet i'm not kidding when i say i was working at my desk and i had this sitting on the box that it came in running prints and i was in zoom meetings i was doing all kinds of stuff no one heard a thing i didn't even hear a thing the only thing i had really ever heard was i could hear the retractions once in a while but that was it this thing is dead quiet i didn't do any digging so i'm not sure but i'm assuming it's got something like a 2208 you know for the drivers or something equivalent because it's really quiet um you can probably hear the fan right now it does have actually an exhaust fan which is nice too um so let's talk about the printer itself so let me move some stuff over so what does it have the build volume on this guy is 150 by 150 by 150 so it's not really big but you can utilize that space pretty well as i will show you all right so we talked about the nozzles already so the bed another part of the upgrade to make this the pro version it does actually have a glass bed and not that like build tacky type of surface i'm not a fan of that i'm not going to lie i love glass i love mirror so when i found out this had a glass bed i was all like yep i'll try it so and the bed does go to 100c it does take a little bit longer to go from like 90 to 100 but it doesn't take that long and it takes it goes to 60 really fast uh as the nozzles do the nozzles heat up really fast as well so i mean the nozzle is fully heated in like 30-45 seconds it's great so there's that maximum layer resolution is one 0.1 millimeters to 0.4 millimeters and uh it prints at the max speed is a hundred i don't think i pushed it past 60. um it was great uh when i asked them they weren't i don't think they had the exact pricing but this is going to be somewhere around 599 us give or take don't quote me on that but that's what i got it does have somewhat automatic bed leveling or somewhat manual bed leveling but there's no screws there's no anything it's a process that you go through it does also have on the front it has a usb port right around here yep right there and the little touch screen and plugs on the side it does have an ethernet port in the back and it does also have wi-fi built in so you can print directly from flash print directly to the printer you don't need to plug anything in it found my wifi network it's super super easy to set up and you just punch in the ip address and go and then you can remember the printer it's pretty cool um i hadn't used flash prints in quite a while so it was nice to see a lot of the upgrades that they made um this also has a little webcam and i'll see if i can show you guys on this camera over here it is this little dot that's the webcam so the the downsides to the webcam is it really only works if you're using 3d cloud um i mean it's a 2k webcam and it has kind of like a fisheye lens so you can see the entire build volume um so it's pretty cool and it works well but for me it's you know one of the cons of this machine is it doesn't have the ability to connect to octoprint but the wi-fi printing over flash print makes up for that you know so i'll take it it works um you know i just i use octoprint for everything this doesn't work with octoprint even the creator pro works with octoprint with some plug-ins this doesn't again for most people that doesn't matter for me uh it's a slight inconvenience but like i said again you can print wi-fi right out of flash print makes up for it so it's easy um so that's cool so did i talk about the glass bed i sure did okay cool i got that um it also does so when you use a usb flash drive it does actually take that file and transfer it to the internal memory and i believe it's got 16 gigs of internal memory and you it's very easy to go through and delete the files even when you send the file over uh wi-fi it saves the file in internal memory so you could always just reprint it again from the machine so it's pretty cool so it's not like you don't have your slice saved so there's that alright so now let's see what we got going on here i'm gonna crouch down a little bit because i don't feel like moving my camera so the bed is pretty nice even though it's only mounted on one side like the other one um i'm not exactly sure why but again i i didn't have a problem with it so it was totally okay um so let me see what else we have let's talk about the spool holder so this was another thing um that i i didn't love this but again it's not the end of the world it's not a make or break um let me see if i can do this over here so we take the door off and the spool fits right in here which is fantastic except it doesn't it didn't fit any spools that i had because it's really designed for a 750 gram or smaller or half kilo spools because it's a small printer so it didn't actually fit any spools that i had so i needed a handy dandy spool holder i found one on thingiverse and i printed it and it just slides in there perfectly no harm no foul it works great okay so there's that it fits really snug in there which is good so let me show you this just in case because i don't remember who designed it or where what thingy file it was so this is the one i printed it works great um other than that so we are so the um the extruders right here it is super fast like i said to heat up it has automatic loading unloading filament changing everything's done off the touchscreen and it works great when you tell it to heat up to change the filament i think it probably takes literally 30 seconds it just heats up and then tells you to insert the filament if you want to swap it it pull it unfeeds it all the way out again all you do is and it doesn't flip it out which is nice it actually stops so you can just take it out wrap it up do your little tie thing like i do and you're good to go the only downfall about using that external is you can't put the door back on i thought i was gonna be worried about that um because there is a little bit of opening up the top so i thought i'd be a little bit worried about draft but not even at all and the one cool thing too that i did check and i noticed was the door even though it doesn't have a gasket the door actually has this lip that goes right here so when you do close it it closes and there's no draft so i didn't have any problems with prints sticking um let me actually do a little adjusting here for a second so i can show you the nozzle so like i said changing the nozzle is really really easy so let me just make sure it's not hot before i'm stupid and touch it it is not hot okay so there's two little clips right here these two little little black things you push these in we need two hands to do this you push these guys in and just pull the nozzle out and you can see the difference so this one has a white connector so this one is the 240 and it's not marked so this one is the up to 240.4 millimeter the other one has a red and that's the hotter one and then to put it in same thing you just find where the hole is there and it snaps right into place and you're done so the way the bed leveling works i probably should have a piece of paper let me get a piece of paper this is the actual piece of paper that i have been using so the way the bed leveling works is you just go to the tools and you go to settings and now i've already done a full calibration on this so i'm going to tell it to calibrate and now it's getting ready to go and you can hear how quiet it is when it's moving i'm literally standing right on top of it a little pla in there i'm just going to take this piece of paper and stick it right there so it has nine point manual leveling and because i've already done a full calibration it's just going to ask me to calibrate the the center point just to make sure the nozzle offset is okay and then it will adjust the rest but the one thing that i did notice is it only moves in 0.1 millimeter increments so i did speak to flash forwards and i suggested that maybe they make it 0.5 millimeter increments so it's slightly easier to get leveled better so right now i don't have enough tension there so i'm just gonna move it down and now it's perfect so now when i hit next it's going to ask me if i want to do the complete calibration or no i'm going to say no because it's just going to be very boring to watch me go and do the other eight points but it's just that easy okay you want to talk about some prints hang on let me fix this guy here we go all right let's talk about some prints okay i did a lot of prints a lot of prints in fact this video should have probably been done like a week ago i couldn't stop printing so anyway let's talk about prints so as we all know if anybody has seen any of my other videos i always always use uh david's uh captain america model as my first print just to see how the printer prints straight out of the box so this is eastman 3ds captain america scaled down really really small to fit on this printer and as you can see just out of the box it looks really good right so i'm going to say the only thing that i find in pretty much all of these prints that i i could have worked on more and i didn't was the stringing so they're a little stringy but playing with the settings you know and just adjusting your retractions and your speed will obviously make a difference i didn't so some of these prints are a little stringy but i was really i'm not gonna lie blown away at the quality of some of these prints so here's captain america okay so there's cap right there so i figured might as well print wonder woman so here's eastman 3ds wonder woman and you can see how smooth that print is like the quality is really really good you know nice job all the way through this had no supports at all you can see that overhang on the chin oh actually wait is this the one with support nope sorry i lied this one did have a little support under the chin so there's that and i was i watched a couple of other videos just because i wanted to see um you know what the situation looked like with the printer because i hadn't used this one before so i think i was watching joel's video and he was talking about the park cooler and it only comes in from one side and he thought it may have may or may not have been sufficient so i printed this part cooler you know that i found on thingiverse and notice it's not installed it's still right here i never installed it and i will show you why so then i printed a test i just found this model on thingiverse i've used it before it's just an angle test you know it does bridging it does sizing it does everything i want you to look at this and really look at this now i'm going to show you the side this is an 80 degree angle and look at that that blew me away everything else sizes fantastic you can see there's some stringing between the little tests here so yes i absolutely could have worked on that more but that was me that's not the printer and then even here there's still some stringing in these holes but look at the bridging that's perfect so i felt absolutely no need to put a different cooling fan on there none okay this one does cool from both sides and although it it may be better i didn't need it i may put it on there just as a comparison at some point just to see but i didn't need it so then i have a um of stuff a lot of stuff anyway um first thing i'm going to do is so with all the stuff that i printed and i'm not going to show you everything in order because i don't remember the order because there's too many to remember but um i did notice different qualities of pla obviously made a difference so you know these guys are both natureworks 4032d these are from digit makers in canada and uh so i tried some different stuff so another good quality pla a little wexter action going on with captain marvel meaning and this is eson pla plus and i i never have a problem with this i always get beautiful prints from it on any printer so no exception gorgeous um but then i realized i had something in my vault of pla and i was gonna use it so when i bought my original flashforge creator pro 150 years ago i still have the pla from it it's not in a box it's not in a tub it's not even in a bag it's just sitting on a rack so i busted it out and i kept it because i loved the color and it's something i use for kind of like rare occasions and it always prints so i dug around and i don't remember if i found this on cults or whatever but this is grandizer or golderack depending where you grew up in the original flash forge pla and you can see i mean it's a little stringy it's a little sketchy in some spots especially around the hands where there was massive supports because i didn't honestly i didn't really tune the supports either um and in fact i realized just now that i left some on the back under his helmet um but in general it is really smooth and it came out great so we got that and then uh another one i tested with that as well oh i actually have oh wait i i forgot i have a time lapse let's watch that [Music] [Music] so all right so then we moved on um another of my force five childhood memories is i love space guitars grand eyes and space guitars were kind of my two favorites um so this is me with a cat from spacekateers and i printed it in the same flashforge pla and you can see something with no supports just really came out quite nice okay we got that so then we got crazy we decided to print so i've been debating on building a voron i have all the files and blah blah blah and i like some of their tests so just in regular pla i printed their voron cube and again this is a good quality pla i believe this is uh amz3d um they're actually based out of canada as well i use pretty much almost all canadian pla because it's easier for me to get um so or peel it it's easy to get in canada but i use a lot of uh digitmakers.ca and filaments.ca pla i've got some of those too um so this i think came out great then uh same pla i was printing at the same time when i was doing all the test prints for this i was printing uh toy maker 3d's new arc that hangs on the wall and it's like a shelving unit but it looks just like the transformers are in the mountain so this is just one of the pieces from that so i figured i would just give it a go and that is beautiful look at that it's beautiful i have seen and i have owned a lot of other printers that cost way more that will not print like this out of the box just will not do it so there's that then i had to go to my buddy jeff from hex 3d and he has this and i have never printed this guy before and i i've been staring at it forever and like i got to print this this is thomas the tie fighter and again so he was supported at the bottom all through here you can see it's a little bit rough but again i didn't really tune the supports at all i just printed and went but in general other than the supports it really does look great so there we go we've got that then i decided that i was going to print and i think i have a time lapse of this one too um i i had bought a set uh that i made i printed for one of my best friends for christmas a couple years ago he's a big chess fan so i printed him if anybody's ever seen i i think i bought it on my mini factory but i could be wrong and i forget who the modeler is but it's um it's a roll-up chest set that looks like a giant rook and it's really really cool um somebody's running the water upstairs can you hear that um so it looks really cool the whole board rolls up and folds out so i just printed the night piece from it just to see and you can see that that came out beautiful as well so then i thought i'll check out the other nozzle so i did and i figured i would just use abs i know i could have used the other nozzle the one that was in there but i didn't i wanted to try the other one so i did so i had some hatchbox abs kicking around and this is actually another one of those like test models to see you know how your calibration is and blah blah blah so it's basically just a screw and a nut kind of thing and as you can see it's pretty good i mean it's not perfect but it's pretty good it doesn't screw all the way in but again didn't really tune the printer so totally okay with that a little tuning and that will come out perfect um and then this i just whipped this up in fusion really quick just because i wanted something that was going to print you know from almost corner to corner so i just did this and as you can see well let me put it down here so you can see it on there let me move these guys everyone get out of my way can you see it that is flat there was no lifting there was no curling there was no anything this stuck to the bed that impressed me i always have a problem with almost any machine other than my creator pro obviously and i did have to print a piece to because there was a draft like i showed you that was why i checked on this there was a little draft that comes into the creator pro door through the handle where this one they fix that design so that's what i did in abs just because i don't print a ton of abs and i don't particularly love the smell so that was all i did then i decided to get a little bit bigger webster's thor and i did this at pretty much the entire height of the printer now again let me here let's get all these guys over here it's white so it's a little tough to see but other than the support markings down here a little scarring but they're not even bad and a little bit of stringing this came out great then wexter again godzilla you can see here it's beautiful i have i made my point how happy i am with this printer it's crazy then going even further than that um i forget the name of the modeler of this one uh a friend of mine was promoting this guy so i bought the model uh it's a stunning stunning model it's really designed for resin and it's designed much smaller than this but i happen to see some i had some like no-name brand gold silk pla kicking around i it's not that good to be honest but i printed this anyway this is loki's head and this is probably at like 300 plus percent but i wanted to go pretty high on the printer now you can see the quality of the pla isn't that great so it's you know it's a little rough but in general like it has a lot of like zits and whatever but that's not the machine that's the pla um but as you can see it still did a really nice job and then finally this is another one from hex 3d this is the stan lee memorial and i really love this print so i i print it often to test printers because it's a nice print and i love stanley and i'm a marvel nerd and it's stan anyway gorgeous again this is the natureworks plastic so you can see the difference between that one and the loki you know these are the same exact settings with different pla but this is gorgeous and that's how i printed but that's kind of a lot so as you can see i spent a little bit of extra time on this little guy um yeah i'm gonna clean up all this stuff and we'll give you some final thoughts okay so wrapping this up guys this is an awesome printer i i i honestly i i almost can't believe i'm saying it this is an awesome printer um this you know like i said they're not positive or at least at this time we're not positive it should be somewhere around 599 us the nozzles like i went through that you know they're between 27 and 45 bucks depending and they're it's not just the nozzle it is the entire hot end piece that just snaps in snaps out super easy to do um quick recap 150 by 150 by 150 max bed temperature is 100 c max minimum layer resolution is 0.4 maximum is 0.1 um what do we got super super quiet machine it's on right now and you can probably hear the fan a little bit and that's about it and that's the power supply fan a little webcam built in wi-fi ethernet usb for i could see these in like in armies in schools and libraries and places like that because they're so quiet they wouldn't distract anybody they're super easy to use they're fully enclosed i honestly i mean even when i was printing abs i didn't really smell it so i mean that's true you know i smell it less than i would smell it printing on uh like a mega s or something like that that's open i smelled it a lot less because it's fully enclosed and it has a fan um i can't say enough good things about this little guy uh that's really all i got so i hope that you enjoy this video it's it's a little different for me normally doing something that's giant as opposed to something small but i really love this printer um i don't know i can't say enough about it so i'm keeping him his name is gears to go in with uh you know one of the mini bots from the transformers um so this is gears he's gonna be added to my collection he's gonna hang over with bumblebee who is my creator pro and uh we're gonna do all that good stuff so if you like this video please hit the thumbs up if you didn't go ahead and hit the thumbs down i'm not going to cry over it um also if you you know want to ring the bell to get notified if i get any other printers from flashboards that would be great you can also please subscribe to my channel because that's always good and uh if you want you can follow me on instagram or facebook or i don't tweet very often but i have a twitter account once in a while i post something and all that good stuff and what else i have a cat here he comes hey buddy that's zeljin he's old and grotchity like me um i also have a link i i don't get paid to make these videos i do them all in my free time um hi and uh you know if you really like it you can use the buy me a coffee link just buy me a coffee i love coffee i love coffee um anyway so i am gonna go and start editing this video so i can post it so you guys can actually see it wow zildjian says dad you must do it now hi yeah what okay you heard it zildjian said so dad stop talking and go edit this video so you can post it so that's what i'm gonna do guys this is chris from versus 3d thank you so much for sitting through this video and i hopefully will be back soon with some more stuff i know i do have a couple of cool things i want to show you soon be good
Channel: Versus3D
Views: 5,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, 3d model, 3d modelling, 3d modeling, 3d printing, 3d printer, 3d printer review, filament, Flashforge, Adventurer, Adventurer 3, Adventurer 3 pro
Id: k0GyF7qKLUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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