13 Gypsies on Triple D

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so here we are in the Riverside area of Jacksonville Florida to visit a joint where the chef was born and raised in Spain now since he was about 16 years old he's been cooking in his family Spanish style restaurants tell he finally opened his own this is 13 gypsies for kabobs and peasant bread you get a little bit everything garlic mushroom can't talk guitars can't top the top those traditional Spanish small dishes they make up half the menu here sure is almost ready mr. impose delicious kinda spicy angry bull best thing ever old family favorites Howard Kirk grew up with in Spain playing the pasta from family recipes that went way beyond his Spanish roots taste the world without feeling like you live area so you have some Italian then put some Indian influence some Spanish influence trace on the chorizo it's just really fresh in Poland and we're gonna serve this with sautéed pears and Tunisian spiced dates course I've never eaten dates when I was a kid give me the rundown ground pork 8020 sea salt vanish every good cayenne black pepper well so far the seasoning to meet ratios about 50/50 mince garlic and white wine mix it all together we make it every day so it doesn't taste better by letting it set up we let it age at least 24 hours and then how are we gonna cook it form it into patties so those are ready to go yep one of these things is not like the other one one of these kids is doing the real thing yeah nice huh we always start with the pears first they take anger to cook when they get a little color to them then we would add our chorizo then the tunisian date some ground clove ginger little cinnamon white pepper sugar cumin yep okay and a little Cayenne now you have the tree show go in here it smells deadly so dates are done three shows ready saute stairs for finished off with honey out of a bear of all things - and they quasi melted bear it's got a gangsta lean hey then everybody comes together on the plate party time now is this a traditional tapas menu item this is something you can definitely find in southern Spain dude this is different so let's look at this tree shun mmm good little pork with a lot of flavor nice recipe you want tried the pear the sweetness of that honey and the fruit flavor of the pear here comes the funky one the date darn those dates are delicious that just give a Triple D being warmed up having a little bit of a crunchy exterior and having some spice to it it works incredibly well the highlight of the show definitely is that Teresa and fresh trees are impaired Oh how's it Theresa very good what I like is the combination of the sweet and the spiciness enjoy it's always good they love the food there you go it's got a unique culinary point of view kind of feels like an exploration it goes from coconut mango curry chicken so - hummus with honey - this really old old-world vapor aroma no not your grandma's dumplings this is actually the first documented style of gnocchi let's get it go all right extra virgin although we slice our garlic fresh every time you make this dish how'd you know it's actually your know the whole milk yep that my salted or so that's my salt slowly stir in on the semolina flour this is so we don't get clogged yeah see we started getting towards the end was dump it all in my my efforts of making this unloved delicious and he just goes hit just dumps everybody in the pool we had our melted butter icon just became our doing all the stirring I could have had to do something that required deep lean I'm gonna add in our egg yolk nice color out of that a whole lotta parmesan cheese alright take it put it on the tray flatten it out yeah oh my gosh she heats it right off the kitchen sheet she'll cool down yep cut some squares out stack it three high we just cut it in half into our rectangles separate them wrap them in wax paper and then saran wrap and in the bridge hold it until it gets ordered and how will we heat it up we can see when you get three forward it gets covered in a mushroom sauce little salt lots of black pepper fresh thyme all right we're gonna have our do stock make your shelf we do sauce is reducing had butter the other side of this is browning oh look at that so no cheese down got to get them off here onto a plate and then wore this over the top of the Roman yoki finish it off with a little Asiago provolone Romano and Parmesan there you go mmm this is mega flavor super creamy hmm but because of the way you crisp it up reminds me of polenta the gravy that goes along with it is simple yet well it's a lot of flavor I don't think I've ever had anything like this let's jump from and open a different kind of gnocchi than I've ever had for delicious definitely a different texture it just melted in your mouth it's real food everything is handmade from scratch right down to one of my favorites a spiced ham called tah so when we come back pork listen I got no keys ready at 13 gypsies in Jacksonville Florida got a chef and owner Howard Kirk is turning out Spanish classics shrimp piri piri on his way every single thing is made to order and totally from scratch like fresh baked peasant bread every day sometimes twice a day with one of my all-time favorites from home cured tossa tastes like the spiced bacon we're gonna make cars out of the looks like the loin loin yeah we use a fatty side typically would be just cut off and chucked you just cut it a little bit thicker into the loin leaves to me connected to the fat that's gonna be made in the Casa yeah okay so what's first step two parts salt one part sugar this is just a flat-out sugar and salt dry kick that's it put this over the top Matt it on there now this is going to go in here and how long we gonna let this here two days two days under refrigeration gonna start to pull off some of that moisture you have to babysit of both days you have to drain all the fluids out of it after draining it you would rimas aaggghhhh the sugar and salt in what happens rinse it under cold water Pat it so that it's really really dry your GI becomes a lot more dense it almost becomes a little bit dried out and now is going to come the spice mixture so we start with sugar wow this really draws out the balance between sugar and salt paprika cayenne a little granulated garlic onion powder almost all spice yeah crazy combination get it all mixed up together how long is this gonna stay on the floor three days so that goes back into a plastic bag hangs out for another now we take it out at this point you just wipe it just brush it off a little bit so it's not cakey and falling exactly we're gonna finally cook this thing yeah five days later five days later it's good so now we just take some thin slices of it oh you're good slicer she can't slice out on bling quick saute got here this is okay so this is just a little crisp on bowties yeah it's almost treating this a little bit like bacon yep this is a typical serving yeah just like Niagara mouth right now we're gonna put it on some cousin but put it in a panini press so give it a little crust on both sides yet make it nice and warm in our toe so that's all she wrote that's it man mmm it's pork meats jerky meats salami meats smoked sim and there's enough fat that doesn't dry out in your mouth when you bite into it it'll be a crunch on it not overly salty and you know why the bread goes so great with this nice crust real nice fresh flavor to it this right here is simple basic pork viciousness excellence almond and putting off grouting tossin crispy on the edges I enjoyed it way they cook their meat down it's just perfect it's my favorite restaurant in Jacksonville you know he's ready to flip it's a lot of work but as soon as someone says man that was delicious it's all worth it that's what you're in this that's what I'm in here take it I'd take it Wow was that a road trip or what but don't worry there's plenty more places to find all over the country I'll be looking for you next time on diners drive-ins and dives it's a very good flavor
Channel: 13gfanboi
Views: 100,098
Rating: 4.7791409 out of 5
Keywords: 13, Gypsies
Id: o6lYcy-_3MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2011
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