Putting $600 in Quarters Inside the High Risk Coin Pusher! | Joshua Bartley

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to another how they met corny push-up video filled set up really nice some things that we've seen from last video are in here we've got the army gift card we've got the other Visa gift card but the thing that I'm really interested in but I'm gonna just completely say it I'm not going to spend a lot of time focusing on it because I know the value is just not there what the Apollo 11 $2 bills in there firstly they took it out because it was virtually impossible for me to win I mean I'm sure would fall down in there but it was kind of like the bag on the other one it just never completely Falls so the golden egg gets in here that's how we win that so again I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time trying to win that because obviously money-wise it's just not there today's gonna be a little bit trickier or getting my money back but I do have a little bit of a good way to start off if you remember from two or three videos ago I had $100 in slot play that I've never used or haven't used yet I used that today so today's $400 buy-in actually only cost me 300 out of pocket so we did a 400 I'll buy in 300 out of pocket today's the day to kind of redeem my money cuz I haven't had a really good financial day in a long time today I am going to try to just stack up the playing field I know some of y'all like that like the faster plan and that's the objective all right guys here we go [Music] there we go start off quick so you can get that stack right here at wall pretty quick there's the ugly corner already see if we can recycle that thing oh all right so I'm gonna let this fall down all right all right so I'm gonna stop this over time sorry I have a lemon hit in my mouth so if it sounds like I'm muffling it's because I have a women head not only trying to take stuff out before I start filming but all right now drop [Music] there we go Oh okay so anyway that caught my live stream I did with Joe I am so sorry we had so many technical difficulties that video I need to figure that out anybody like to do with OBS that knows the proper way to bring in another person that's laughs tingle with you and I have more exhume house tape I have this poor to have them all but for some reason the kept is showing up as a black screen on OBS the interested to figure that out so I'd like to do that again in the future with you all but you all have the patience like a monk so I appreciate y'all bear with me let's get ready go oh man how that's not coming off my god look here at ugly quarter number two I'm I asked them one time if I can have that so somebody made suggestion might have been windy windy if it was you apologize I can't remember exactly but maybe it wasn't windy whoever was someone made suggestion that Jeff's red quarter that they should take it and pulls off the side you know a memory of Jeff and there's the all don't know me oh sweet there's a recorder in here that called me and Jeff used to race you race each other on both the queenfishers I was the blue when he was the red one and mysteriously about four videos ago just happened up hadn't seen it and then just popped up so what they're going to do only oh hold on big push Oh what they're going to do is they're going to leave it in here until they business back up and then we're going to take it out it's gonna be just Memorial thing they don't let me have it it's a great suggestion [Applause] all right so this is what we're down to Oh I don't know how well we've done with the coin return that was nice last quarter all right it's good in here this is either 160 or 140 I'm not a hundred percent sure but we got 160 with six I think this is a 60 stack so 160 of the $400 buy-in I'm just going to do it that way because that's what the buying for because the hundred dollars just like cash then they ain't got that [Music] well hope watching the right side get Michael off I can't remember what that's for they change it up a lot I don't know if that's for a hundred dollars again or one time to date was for slot play money $200 said Mike well not my actually the head personnel did a lot of two things coming up in the future it's gonna be going inside all of their coin pushers and through their slots too so there's gonna be a change I mean not too much of a change with some new prizes that are coming in that I have a feeling a huge hit and also I just ordered a new road Mike's system set up so the quality of the audio should be absolutely amazing coming up I'm excited but getting that all right so I've been playing back and forth I'm gonna do that a little bit more but then I'm gonna start trying to focus on getting man see there's a 50 there 50 there that's getting blocked by that $50 in spot play [Applause] like that Bitcoin to come off three time yeah I need to count out how many Bitcoin entries I have if I lose the Bitcoin drawing this time I'm gonna be completely upset there's mark fact that vog just recently start playing stop stock market buying stocks just because the stocks that are low you know they're coming back up and I got full bunch of different stocks between the oil and technology and like one of the stocks that I will invest in this Bitcoin alright just in the last quarter good I'm just gonna go with that one was a sixty stack so we'll just say 210 I'm wrong we'll get it fixed but look I finally spotted it just Rick quarter was in there so I'm gonna go ahead and play it because this is my good luck quarter I'm gonna go ahead and drop that quarter in there right now I'm on [Music] I need to come up with a name with it like Jeffrey or something the mr. Clark so guys a few new to the channel you just found it thank you so much for stopping in hope you enjoy wavy play high risk talent at clean pusher always changing always putting new prizes in reason why it's called a high risk limit coin pushers because you have to do a expensive buy in whether it's $100 buy-in or if it's a I do a four hundred dollar buy-in $100 does not give you $400 worth of quarters $100 gives you 75 quarters even $18.75 so it's expensive to play but the reward is a lot better and also if you're not subscribed to the channel you can hit that subscription button for me also liked the video and hit that Bell notification that lets you know every time I upload a video trying to stay really active with each and every person that's on here got a little be a giveaway that I just started sending something out that looked like it I own my own business it's huge and I try to do that to thank each and every one of you all anyways this one for that little advertisement in there if you just if you like what you see plan to watch it again definitely appreciate it I have a discord account now I've the link to that down in the description you can communicate with me on there communicate and share pictures and ideas and get out of it for you all it's not the best we'll follow the journey of Jeff's quarter here mr. Clark you have a better idea of the name let me know what the best of coming up with names when we name the Braden it took me and Britain's mom so long to get that figured out come on right side let's get in so clerks and that need a boat I want that two dollar bill something else so I just got access to a phone that is a different carrier that gets better service up here unlike mine and maybe next video I'm actually going to livestream me playing up here so I will be going by your all suggestions on how to play where I should put Porter's so next video coming out for a weekend keep an eye out for that because we're a live stream for the first time here at the high risk coin pusher and I'm oh just quarter oh man so keep an eye out for the next video for that that should be something really cool I've been asked so many times to do that just with my I got Boost Mobile which used to be virgin and then boost bought them out apparently diff Network just bought boost and sprint and all that I guess I'm 100 since or the whole story behind that but that's getting close alright so what I need to do oh and without were to hit that on there alright so let's do this we're trying to line it up so I get a good push on this ere we go coma baby big Bush tireless now we've gotta fortunately alright let's work on that for a second all right dig close stop it hammer time whoa look at that me and these are so anti-climatic they look like they're gonna be such on big pusher and it seems like you do worse [Applause] Wow that would be getting stuck come on baby it's work the right side there's quite a few things over there it's get ready come all [Music] there we go come on all right though katar me give it a second wave all right last quarter is not that good I have to be doing buying who sings but I'm gonna continue with what I'm doing see kind of kneel down the sea there we go and it's putting all the quarters in at the same time come little baby big push got 50 cents left last quarter I get lower and lower let's go put it all in there [Music] last quarter all right here we go this might be the buy-in part and it is alright so imma good to buy in be right back alright guess what I did which honestly was probably pretty stupid but I just did a buy-in of already one it was two hundred and ten dollar buy-in and he gave me a little bit more so we're just going back so technically I'm at six hundred and ten dollars but actually five hundred ten dollars out of my own pocket of cash might been a stupid idea I don't know I really want to get a hot pace video and and I figured that's the only way I'm going to do it and here in a second I'm going to see how many quarters I can fit in there at once without being stacked on top of each other in fact after this drops second way to a minute let's do this right one I'm what to bend down to see it to see when the rolls like that it kind of messes with me well perilous things on angle well shoot see how that all ran over so that's not gonna work if they're gonna have to lift the right side of this weightless you're up cuz everything's gonna angle this gift card said up to $500 now historically they normally don't put $500 max it out especially because they anticipate getting that for me not saying they cheat me at all but you know they you like I play until I can win where's the other gift card at there was a there was another gift card in here oh look it's right there it was hiding and blended right in with the cash so that one's a dead zone I'm that cyst that one's going to be in a location that it's gonna be virtually impossible my hand slipped off of it hey by the way we got the hundred thousand subscriber t-shirt officially on mighty spring a tee spring has had some technical issues on their site but every single person that donated or been apart of the channel I couldn't get a hundred nine thousand subscribers but everybody's names on the back of it and let me tell you that was a nightmare I've worked in hand-wrote everybody's name and as you can imagine how small it is and it's not user friendly so you can't expand it out get a better visual and got right to the end and the whole thing froze up and it everything that was in there completely disappeared I lost four and a half hours worth of work so I went through and did it again but this shirt is not quite the same design as I started off with but so that's up for sale teespring $18.00 which i think it costs me like 1650 and I left them enough in there to put up one of the codes in there that they offer me which I'll put on in the bottom of the description [Music] but it's really been cool to communicate with your own discord some of you all spoke with on facebook Messenger but I never get on Facebook and it doesn't alert me when you send me a message so this chord I get alert every time somebody sends something so I like to go in there a couple times a day and interact with you all again link to that will be down in the description thank you so much the change in general one forgetting me set up with that any video ideas anything you want to see I'll be announcing for backup this weekend we'll be doing the first-ever live stream from here super excited just got to use somebody else's things that's getting hit by the glass oh that was a good one there's another good one my dad's Vietnam air army guy I was Air Force I like to see Co Air Force one alright so that was it let me get outta here to collect alright so I'm not going to good right now completely negative 610 I got to do something that might not have been bought through to you well there we go [Music] so hopefully this pleases all the people don't want me to work one side or the other more trying to work them all the same Wow I just missed it what was that it wasn't the egg oh I seen that these videos I don't have to cut out so much last video it was kind of slow and boring because it's I didn't play that long I try to keep my videos now around 30 minutes and if I cut too much out of it I wouldn't have had that luxury so this video trying to get it to where I can play fast that way I don't have to worry about cutting out and just cut out the ohms and up and all that stuff that I do all the time if you've been on the discord ant on the comment section where she got to be a member to see it but I went to fiber fiber fiber website and I've got like a hundred and some dollars invested just with like $25 peace to these supposedly cartoonist pictures up on the comment section and on my discord I mean they wouldn't be bad to have just like as a drawing but I want to change the profile picture to a court fan of me by the way if my eyes you can draw good cartoons of yourself I will pay you to do it I'll let you all look at it and see what you all fault it was like 50/50 but I have an actual professional cartoonist that cost me a little bit more money working on it now and I'm really excited to see what this one looks like all right so I'm not gonna really keep track to where I'm at so but I mean you all can if you want to so there's 100 they'll we're just gonna say 607 610 and this right here makes me more time to try to figure it out well that big coin is getting close oh that was a good one I can get that army one to come all right even if it's like 300 bucks for her bucks that would be good that would help me out yeah really hope I can see you off your livestream up here I'll put a thing up on this cord and also on the comment section they give you about the exact same time normally we come up here late so that's gonna be different and that's good work oh look at that last quarter [Music] [Music] whoa err get a komo and get that egg off there it's got a knock oh that's so close all right let's get that off their new Bitcoin to give away whatever the competition get is off I gotta find a better way 99% of you all oh look at that running I'm out 99% of you all are amazing but every time I give a give will do a giveaway I get so many people there that just really give away and I can tell by your comments that's all you really care about which is fine hey who doesn't want to win something but I ended up because I have a huge heart guys if you all haven't figured it out yet that's me just have heart and I say if I'm gonna give away two things I ended up giving away like 6 things and it's making it harder and harder on me especially in the pandemic and everything being closed to keep shipping stuff out so from now on I'm the limit of one or two items and try to get things that can actually ship to you 50 used to like safe for st. Amazon or something like that that was huge I missed it I got last 50 cents just do something good all right it's working on that area so here is the Bitcoin it has it says ripple on it anybody that knows what that means and look at that cool looks like a fidget spinner yeah I'm sure that's not what that means well that's what it looks like so that's the first that's really cool and that I'm gonna try out from the right see if I can push maybe figure if stuff falls from this direction maybe I push that out might not be the best game plan but we'll see there we go come on let's see if that works I might try that again [Music] look at that okay so that's actually pushing the side that should over here have that getting ready to come off so let me try finish this out right here here to fall I don't want to do another buy in there's just not enough of money in here for me to get my money back so I thought this was gonna be a Redemption day but it might be another loser but I hate losing one of y'all I hate it I hate it I hate it but I'm glad sometimes because I want people that watch this understand that ultimately in a long run you lose your money gambling it's let me be the dummy that puts it in here and spend the money and you just sit back and enjoy it someone had made suggestion on the livestream the other day to make sure Bray knows that it's wrong to gamble and I agree and he does no come on baby push it sorry I got a little loud well technically that saves my butt technically that see my butt I was getting down to normal come on baby I know that to get ready fall upon the right side I see it but I really want to try to get that egg off their second lady come on all right good good good good from a fill hole okay all right last quarter get that off their ass going backwards now rights had strength oh that was good though huh moans oh what's getting so close it's not gonna be enough to get my money back but at least that will save my butt and those are sliding over on top of each other so let me come on baby come on [Music] a lot of return that I needed oh well that came off however the hundred that was with it didn't do nothing but that's okay all right there's 40 a bottle back from a bottle right is that a word use where you're from or is that just literally a country accent I [Music] feel like a boom higher off of his Hill where he's always like diagonal man back home bromberger all the years of traveling going to school in North Carolina you know college up here and the Georgia I've spent so much my life trying to get rid of my country accent and it will go away until I come back home and then just because I hear it every day tell no speak it's been actually one of my biggest insecurities [Music] this thing is getting so close [Music] maybe oh there's a hundred right behind it look we recycled 100 the ugly hundred alright so we got the Bitcoin and we've got the hundred chip still the ways away but it's getting there [Music] and if I'm able to get this in 200 I want to get for that hunter right there I'm not having a lot of trust and faith into that army gift card [Music] come on baby I thought for sure that I had that come on baby get it off see it's let me try the right side a few moments maybe that old push from a different angle see well that's how the ones I put on top how is that not falling seriously there's ugly quarter number two glad to see that Smita okay I was gonna say that was gonna be a good return that thing is just defying gravity it's got to be because it's getting deficit it's getting caught on there see things can't be tall but it's still the bottom should fall out between it well that should have been a lot better than that oh that was perfect for over there that hundred just the way it's on the edge it really should be coming off come on oh it is held on by once one quarter that should get it and it is not a fall come well there you go that was the button that was hard the cooler that was holding that so all right let me do something real quick these are aggravating but they make for good videos oh there's a 50 chip underneath that army that wouldn't be good to get we've seen these come off before so we know it's plausible it's definitely possible [Music] there we go knock it all well that's guaranteed to come so if anything is gonna come out of that is I'd get another another 50 whoa all right all right sunken look look look look beautiful Oh Jeff's quarter I think even seen my hand all right suggest quarters coming in to help us bring it home he knew he was needed come on Jeff mr. Clark help me do it buddy look that's a fall down [Music] oh that thing is barely there it is it's not even knowing anything as a matter of fact he might give that to me because it's not even touching anything currently let's see if we can just get to where it's not even a question [Music] yes oh it's done that's down got a question asked there thank you Jeff as always buddy I know you're here with us awesome alright well I'm not gonna get so worried about it now I mean I got what I wanted I can just face the facts that I'm not gonna have the cash that I'm gonna be in a hole and it's all stemmed it all stemmed from the beginning when I cashed in everything thought I knew what I was doing so I'm going to attempt to get this gift card off with what little bit I have left I asked order comma wine but ah it opened up all right that's definitely right keep saying that but so will win this mysterious hollow 11 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin Alden Buzz Aldrin and he was in the ship Neil plies and commander I can't think of who it was that was stayed back in though there's Jeff all right so countries now are looking into going back to the names as you know the u.s. stopped doing it because you know the amount of money that it costs to fund these missions and I think we weren't there total of six times but they believe well they're actually confident that there's water on the moon and they just want to kind of spec that a little bit so that's pretty neat well that's not much all right as I just don't know if we're gonna win this gift card or not we'll keep on trying with what we have left but I hate to leave things on the edge but please understand that could be 50 bucks that could be 500 bucks I just do not know and another buy in this does not make sense for me to go into that blindfolded because I'm already still down so I'm inching my way here but I just I don't see it maybe this would get it I see it's not we won one of the cool things that I wanted to win last quarter y'all that's it so I'm sit up here for a few minutes but let me take this down real quick so you see what I'm saying alright so you can't really see but this thing is see how far back it is still that might look close but that takes a lot and then that's kind of holding it on there too so I'll sit here see if any more quarters fall but if not I think that's that's probably gonna be a night right there we're just going to accept that we we went down alright everybody so he went in and cleared that out that kind of put that on a little bit better of an angle but I'll put this in real quick and just see that golden egg was stuck in there and put that egg was actually holding it back oh it's getting close hahaha very possible yes also all right let's put the rest these in here hey all how about that it's good to be patient and alright this is what we have left so I'm just noting really on the edge perfect that's all right let me go check see what this is got that when we get that out and then we will tally up all right guys so let's go ahead and get this started first and foremost we have two bitcoins the one is the new one if you all know what this one means it says ripple or IP ple and it has that fidget spinner as I call it and then one of the original ones which again it doesn't matter these are all the same I just I know these have different meanings as far as the coin but they're all just entries into the Bitcoin and there's something else I'll be able to give it away as far as cash goes so we had 100 not remember we had 600 $10 vault 100 200 250 40 secs so that's 290 dollars 290 here again not not really that well I was lucky enough that this gift card was for 250 so although it's could have been 500 I get it but I'm happy 250 maybe a future giveaway I could get something figured out about that and then a not to show the back of it so that puts us puts us at negative 70 dollars for a day I was pretty confident when I first came into this that I was going to do better but unfortunately I didn't so negative 70 all because I decided to do the buy in that I did however that I might not have got it as far if I didn't now let's look at the golden egg which that got me this Apollo Levin how pretty is that it's got the certificate of authenticity u.s. banknote so pretty and there's the actual $2 bill and apparently this is an actual $2 bill let me take this out of here all right so there's that beautiful got the eagle and got Neal's first steps then on the back of its a regular $2 bill so that's very pretty I'm excited to have that it's already in a case probably only worth probably what 30 40 bucks but for me it's just the point behind it July 20th 1969 is when that happened and this is the 2019 anniversary edition all right let's get this down in here alright so that was I'm happy so there we go that's our winnings for the day we were negative 70 whatever the value of this is you know I'm not going to include it however remember I did have $100 in slot play so technically I'm not down technically I'm up like four up thirty bucks but you know I just want to try to do it the easiest way so remember our next video I will be live-streaming from here everything that I do I'll be listening to you all as much as I can so I greatly appreciate if you can visit me this weekend for that super cool something I'm gonna keep ahold of but I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did if you can hit that like button again I say the same thing every time but like button lets me know that you appreciate that work and and the risk that I take on this thing also you're not subscribed to the channel if you can please hit that subscribe button on our journey to our next big goal that I have hit the bell notification beside it also I've seen some comments people talking about the dice being in here and this is just another set of dice that I will never see because of one two both of dice for the pan this is for once the competition goes back in apparently they have a lot of lunch oh so that the spice that's in here they'll never gonna put this in here for me because I've already won two pair of it so outside of that guys I hope you have a wonderful weekend thank you so much for spending a little bit of your time with me I appreciate all the hard work appreciate everything again go check out the new shirt on T spring this discord come over and speak to me there and outside of that I will see you this weekend for when we do the live stream from the high risk wing pusher alright guys thank you so much for watching I'll talk to you soon goodbye
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 147,088
Rating: 4.9101949 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, vegas, slots, high risk, iphone, samsu, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher
Id: AtkjjUkz_6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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