Look at this Beautiful NASA Prize inside the High Limit Coin Pusher! | Joshua Bartley

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there we go awesome hey guys and welcome back to the high-limit high-risk one pushes a very special video for me and you may ask why well thanks to each and every one of you all I have successfully hid food with 100,000 subscribers I did that a live broadcast over the weekend just to say thank you but again I just wanted to throw out there you all thank you so much Robin to the channel it means so much getting this milestone is something that whatever reason it is something that was very special to me and after achieving it and going on to the next milestone I couldn't have done this without girls help so go ahead and get that out of the way but I just want to say thank you so much for helping me achieve my goal and if you weren't a part of the live stream and part of the giveaway that I had all weekend every day this week I'm going to have a different giveaway so you got to subscribe so if you're not subscribed to the channel but you would enjoy legitimately enjoy the channel you'll come back for more if that subscription button watching for war all week it's our mega giveaway say thanks to each and every one of you all so today over the weekends had a lot of suggestions asked if I could do two different camera angles so that's what's happening today we got this game on in this camera so hopefully by the two we'll get both angles covered so today is prizes well one of the first things that you notice is there's a lot more money in here cash to normal which is awesome I'm not complainin the golden egg is back and then we have one of the printed $2 bills like it's apparently it's an actual $2 bill but it looks like it has the the moon landing theme on it which is super cool it's gonna be hard to win I'm not going to spend a lot of time focusing but if we do want it awesome that's cash right here that's what I'm gonna spend my time with did a normal $400 buy-in so we're gonna go ahead and start playing on that 75 Reuters $18.75 worth of quarters now that we know that I can say it all the time like I'm gonna do that also points to the right when I do the next video oh hold on big push oh the next video that I do will leave the room unveiling like a promise y'all once I hit a hundred thousand subscribers with a hardship stuff when I do that I want to show you all how I have to stand when I record these videos and the reason why I want to show you is I have to stand off to the far left side and a lot of times when I drop things on top of each other and it kind of makes you upset I really like to see what you see my point of view and how easily I can to miss that but in order for me to get a tripod which is important keep it stable and to get these boots angle shot I have to have so I'm sure that one of the room reveal there's a good at this too 40s right there second wave oh there's a big one but just like I just forgot it on top again can't wait for you all to see the angle that I have to lose my bad back I got a leaner which I'm not complaining by any means trust me I'm so blessed the same thing but I'm gonna Jessie had a hard time getting around the tube [Music] [Applause] making it's right there Bitcoin just fell that's so close wait a minute number ones there we get awesome my shirts out with 30 or 60 look at the things are a hit to chimney if I could fall well that's in the way but if I can fall like that and push that because of that stack right there is it call Arnie can even see that long as you can see it there we go all right that one fell towards the shoot that could push that one that's just going to be really hard to Bob love to have it I'm a great lover watch your how much value they have I wouldn't think too much like that pull an Amazon a thing away with eBay I hear lovely puffs I wish there is a big one [Music] all right so we're down to $5 25 look at me all night oh it's gonna push it sideways I'm all big push whoo so this was definitely a good first time drop so we I think this is 60 and 50 so that would be 110 so 110 down of our 400 so at 290 we're getting there put this up here and also we've got a Bitcoin injury people rocking those things up and we got that there we go big plans to solid it like stuff on top slide on top there we go look at that huh well awesome and it's stuck in the chute so everybody better off that this stack of where that is right there I don't know there's something about sitting money even though the chips doing the same thing is money here it just makes me more excited even though most of this is just problem now several shakes like it all right so close I'm still stuck in the chute super excited things happen goal may watch being out role period wore that stupid quarters man so you can see oh yeah you can see that one the second camera good nice angle it's just really hard to edit two different cameras but that's it I mean if it makes for a better vision content I'll happily do it alright down 75 cents oh it's stuck on the glass alright it's good alright so there is a Bitcoin with some cooler stuck in the chute hopefully it'll come out but we got eighty awesome and got that the word initial is not near as pronounced as the bonus whole organism announces the skill dragon of things like taken up Mount Everest so I've got something I want to vary with your flight an email that I got from a gentleman actually a couple of emails now pushing the fault into it now really want to see what you all think backwards wait oh there's a good one that'll get it all not like that alright see second wave gets it so there's that alright so let me go over the game that I wanted to be a little context behind it so gentlemen about name Stephen has been corresponding with him we really wanted to try to find a way that we could do like you event where you all get the opportunity to play and I just directly quarters of one to the issue is going up fear and a lot of variables of things let's get them in trouble so this was his follow-up email and I wanted to ask you all what you thought so he was saying what if I would buy a coin pusher and then once a week every one's for to invest in to it and then once a week they were gonna livestream just like whoever buys into it will get the opportunity to livestream and our once you buy into it's how many plays you get and I'll put money in it's similar set up this whatever you win or if you don't win you know obviously wouldn't want anything that's thing a gambling but it would be donated back to you and be a gift gift it back to you through the winnings so I've thought about this long and hard because for me to take on the obligation like that that would mean once a week I have to dedicate to doing that and it's not believing me by any means I'll do anything to like just the reality of it how hard that would be so I'm gonna leave it up to you all basically what we're going to do is back it would be at my residence I'll load it up with twenties and prizes just like this one is we have to do immediately pitch in for it that makes sense like I would do a paypal my feet now and then donate and put you know twenty fifty or something like that and then buy the point for sure and then once a week we can set up each week who's gonna play we can do like ten players per week and whatever you win would be gifted to you back to the PayPal or however you'd like so just let me know if you're interested in it like I said we can set up a PayPal account go ahead and start setting that up so I can buy a coin pusher again just somewhere you donate just put towards the viewer according to usher there you go we'll call the view of coin pusher also down some flow ideas thoughts on your head what you think about that if you'd be interested I can work on getting that started and once a week we'll pick a day probably over the weekend since most people are all and we'll do like ten players live a week whatever you win at your turn we'll do it live stream so you tell me what to do again and be a members-only and however much morning you want to put in to make it easier we'll try not to add what we like a buy-in like here like four hundred you know more realistic after reading it and talking a little bit back and forth that was I went hit got fifty cents back guys and that's it so I'm gonna have to do buy-in already anyways long story short out after speaking to him I just going back and forth just trying to think it's a plausible but I want to start another one half but it I wanted to make sure went all-in so they need some comments down below let me know what your thoughts on something like that if you want to go ahead and get that started I'll be more than glad to know exactly when pusher is at this moment but I can find one pretty easy we could go ahead and get that started and then once it comes in and get it set up once a week it'll be again live stream your I can't live stream up here just because I don't get a good friend reception but I can't live thing about my house pretty well and I got the nice cameras and everything so just let me know what you think all right so I got to go do a BA in real quick again that was my last quarter so let me do that and I'll be right back all right guys so I did a $200 buy-in so now that puts us at $600 now come on if I win that grade but I'm not exactly for that I really wanted that bad enough I buy my own so this is all the time well what I'll do is I'll leave in a description I'll leave a link and instructions once you buy em because we've got to figure out you know like initially you have to just fun the progress if I make any sense then after that point then we buy this and I just pick you had to buy in for the actual while how many chances that you want so there's little details we got to work out but Stephens doing a lot of the form he's on a lot of thinking and all this is idea all I'm really done is just followed by the button that if this is something that's going to be plausible I can dedicate my 2001 started not be successful [Music] [Music] big push but again I just want to reiterate if you do this it will be my personal thing for sure one that I control okay I just don't think that right now that's cool I don't think they do too comfortable doing that here there's too many things for the movie and it would be really cool is if we did do that if I could find the location to put it in and then have it will you come play it on the days that we're at last when you play a body come to the location of sliding and play maybe get a couple of skin Byway give you an opportunity to try it look it keeps sliding back down there so again I'm willing to hear any suggestion that you may have or you might just say yeah that's a good idea it took me a little while thinking to even actually bring that up so the 100,000 subscriber placket you could give so once I get that I'll definitely use it once unboxing video for you all say something else is it all the way is that $100 with a swamp boy all right that was my last quarter staying away we've got a you think this might be a hundred staff so a hundred so let's see - 90 - 90 now and we've got this a $600 bye [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa well that helps me out that was good walking me shoot that Bitcoin still suck I was my last quarter come on haha let's get stuck got ninety ninety added to our two tails up with oars to 300 anyways after this I'll ready to start leaving the mystery and we got back let's try to get the right side drop down today with that big coin the ball [Applause] oh there we go come one no I think I'm a nurse a bunch of quarters I don't have to get the bike though lose that because I'm losing a lot of quarters there for my finding stuff sideways and it's fast [Applause] all right put this insula last quarter and that for this and get Mike to alright I'm getting like they get that Bitcoin out for me all right everybody's to Mike went ahead and took that out of my way for me which was a huge help well I did do another 100-dollar by a white he's here because I even what a detective or is it wasn't much so that's just figured while he was here to do it so we are now at seven hundred dollars volume this is going to be a telephone and then learn more this will be my last by and I don't want too much more than that especially now that thing knocked down hopefully it'll be worth it hey it looks ba it looks to do it while looking to channel and I see that 102 thousand mark now that's amazing thank you all know what an honor Oh hundreds it off get it off hey that's a good one fifty point back home your home's to the front you have Mavericks coming down that wonderful shooter pretty quick that'll hate my last bye [Applause] awesome come down to I knew that there's not 100 so hey if you like it through cameras didn't favor hit that like button on this video so let me know in the comments if you liked it I don't have a lot of options because this is actually my g7x last time I did this I had my GoPro that's walking smaller and getting the grant one more places was this one I had to put it off to the side what it shoots I'm a good for a few good quality but do 7x is maybe they here was thinking about getting to the long being or anything you can play the G step next is fun one the best know very well not probably is the best handheld camera [Music] hey kudos to all you all that seen Geoff's quarter pop up last video that was awesome I just won't you slipped my mind and pay attention to it and afterwards really made me feel like Jack was here with me so good I so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna play down so I have nothing left and then we'll just stop where that's at and see where we're at it's kind of like the old days more of a realistic way of playing because haha nice time people wouldn't be as much put in here take it all awesome awesome alright so thought about earlier I probably didn't explain what Stephens proposal was but what he wants to do is do a community buying buy corn for now most of about majority of I'm going to pay for okay I asked to be planned to be part of it and then once I get it I'll have it set up in the house once a week gonna do a live stream I'm like 10 to15 straight and you're there in order but what you're playing and however much you buy in they have a much plays whatever you win while you're playing you win that will give it money back to you so tell if you're there playing but just tell me how you want me to do it it'd all be done by gifts buy-ins won't be like this where are $15 quarters I think probably just feel I can only buy in and fill out all the quarters because the fairest way to do it so again let me know what you think I'll put a little more detail down to description link - just a minute because we've done better lighting though mine is better than one in this case - that's what I'm saying a lot of times I can explain since I think that hundredths oh oh oh in the gold it's stuck in the chute I guess you can see that see I get talking don't pay attention that means that's ours - right I think you're right first value is a slip under here but I can't really see it I'll just keep this in here now to change the field off again but that way we can next time oh look at that you push there we go that's good alright I kept in the game even if I did do another buy-in I don't think there's enough money close that I could guarantee with 400 olivine I know my last quarter didn't kiss no alright y'all so we're down to $1 $1 not complaining that way that was the time cuz I was almost done all right dollar 25 someone get that Bitcoin off there now I'm stuck in this one to get to this point I'm gonna baby knock that off fair you got Peter back so that's good come on baby ah there we go gutsy one second way I don't know if we're gonna get that Bitcoin it's starting to settle now definite lot easier to come on [Music] [Music] [Music] it's gonna push up top all right well we're staying in there with Korres left port that's when you do on top there we go not Catholic going off there come boy I was getting so close just that little bit that's underneath it's got to come out from underneath there that was a good push though fill in the gap take it off [Music] all right here we go push it off oh man I don't know when I get down low that thing is actually a lot farther away than all the books and come one well place is falling which is helping stay in the game but get over this to fight back and win yeah that thing is actually just fell backwards that's alright that's a 50 chip there for you all oh oh that got me some chains back hanging in there alright set a new objective 50 chips we got a pretty good payout that time I won't baby Anita I was pushing on this side still pushing over there so Oh pin it oh it's going backwards to that witness is to pronounce man [Music] and don't forget we still have that egg to get out to last couple quarters and lucky that I didn't even see it my hand what a way to finish the night with Jeff baby that's a way of telling me how late long enough Oh Jeff hey buddy that was the last quarter by the way [Music] oh all right good fight good battle he can leave it there like that but I just don't see it so let me get the golden egg out and let's see where we're at all right guys be back in a sec all right so what a good battle first couple things I want to show you was the novelty thing to the Bitcoin entries for whenever that starts back up so that's awesome got $100 slot play so that is awesome so next time for do a $400 buy-in it will only be 300 with this so that that's always nice and handy I've already emptied this out and there was a $50 ship in there so let's go ahead and alright so 100 stack 200 stack 260 so we got 260 and cash three hundred and sixty four hundred and sixty five hundred and sixty six hundred and sixty seven hundred and ten dollars so with all buy ins we are at seven hundred so that means we're up ten dollars but that's okay I'd rather be up then down but the good side of it is we were able to get one hundred dollars in slot play so that is technically a hundred bucks for me so that we've got two bit to more Bitcoin entry so that's two more I can give away soon as they have the competition that's awesome and then this so not a bad day up 10 bucks better than being down ten bucks I'll take it honestly I didn't think I was doing too hot now I left some of the things on there left the Bitcoin the fidelity up but hopefully y'all agree with me that you know when it gets to that point it's just not there's just not enough here to see I can make my money back and I done did two or three total buy-in so but alright guys I hope you enjoyed today's video again thank you so much for the hundred thousand subscribers I cannot I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it - sure what to say the next milestone is maybe I'll give it some time and think about that but let me know down in the comments and also messages or however you want about what you think about Stephens idea I'm willing to do it if you all want to do it just leave it at that the only way I can keep on growing is through you all so if you don't mind and first off hit that like button that lets me know that you enjoyed today's video and you also just enjoy what I do period what's other than people know that hey this is worth watching second thing you could do is if you can hit that subscription button and subscribe got more coin pusher high risk high limit coin pusher videos we upload every couple days live streams giveaways etc so I try to say thank you so much for that also don't forget to hit that Bell notification that way you're the first one to know soon as I upload a video or if I'm announcing like I had been this week I've been announcing to subscribers daily giveaway so the only way you want to really probably make sure you see that's it that Bell notification but outside of that I hope you enjoyed today's video thanks for spending a little bit of time from it with me thanks so much for everything that you do I'm so blessed because each and every one of you and no matter where you're at I hope you're having a wonderful day and I will see you here soon alright guys thanks bye
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 104,380
Rating: 4.8796992 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan, joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, claw machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot
Id: pk9D-eh8rLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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