Signs of a FEMALE Narcissist! | How to Deal with this Woman | Stephanie Lyn Coaching

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Hey guys, welcome back. Thanks for joining me for another video I'm super excited about this week's topic because we haven't really covered it yet And I definitely wanted to go over it because a lot of people have questions about it when they have relationships, especially men I've been getting a lot of messages from men asking me you know in your videos you talk about Narcissism you talk about all these things and it tends to be from the female's point of view and actually majority of my clients Right now are actually men. So men definitely go through emotional abuse. They definitely go through narcissistic abuse And so for this video I wanted to tackle the female narcissus and I didn't want to tackle it Just in a romantic setting. I also want to tackle the female Narcissistic mother the narcissistic sister the narcissistic friend or co-worker So just female narcissist in general and if you haven't already don't forget to hit that subscribe button down below I am so excited that we are almost at 22,000 subscribers, that's crazy. I still don't even Like I can't even believe it actually sometimes and I just I love the community that we have on here And I think it's such a great platform You guys are absolutely amazing and the support that I get from you guys on social media on YouTube I mean, it's just it's it's amazing I'm so excited each and every day when I get to know you guys a little bit better and the stuff that you're going through and You know that you guys are starting to come out on the other side and some people are joining us You know, this is their first video welcome. My name is Stephanie. I'm a life and relationship coach But if this is your first video, you know, and you're just ending a relationship or you're trying to get some questions answer This is definitely the channel for you because it is a great group of people and you realize you're not alone You're not the only one that has gone through some of the things that you've gone through in your relationships in your life So I'm gonna stop rambling and let's get right into this week's video. So just like the male narcissist. The female is pretty similar They're gonna lack empathy They're going to be seeking narcissistic supply from people and they're gonna use manipulation and other tactics in order to get that the bottom line with all narcissist is they have an extremely low sense of cell they have no sense of essentially, but they have very fragile egos and they're very jealous and insecure people and so they mask all of that with this grandiose of personality or Their a covert they very much will play the victim so all of these abusive things that they put out to the world is just a cover for really the fact that they're just wounded damaged hurting insecure jealous envious Etc etc, and they don't know how to deal with all of that They don't know how to deal with what's going on inside of them because they don't even know what's going on inside of them They are now playing a character which is this narcissist. So all of these things that they do Are just basically defense mechanisms. And if you're not aware that people are that a narcissist is doing these things You're gonna take it personally You're gonna see it as a reflection of your own self-worth or self value when it has nothing to do with you So learning about this stuff is really crucial towards protecting yourself definitely number one, but one of the biggest things with a female narcissist and this is more so with a romantic relationship is Just like with the male will use manipulation to and gaslighting to control their victim and they'll be very charming and they'll swoop in and be you know the knight on the white horse and Save the day and I'm your soul mate, etc, etc Be very romantic with you in the in the early stages of dating The female is going to use her sexuality to really get to you to really you know Get you and just like pull you into the relationship so she's gonna rush intimacy and she's gonna be very Sexual right off the bat and she wants to make you feel like a man because by making you feel like a man You're going to be become essentially addicted to her And this is when once the addiction starts in you, this is when the abuse actually happens So it's really the same thing With the female as the male the male will use romance and charming and sweeping you off your feet And I love you and love letters and soulmates and like all of that things all of those things that women Want to hear when they're coming from that? You know wound place where they haven't felt themselves up and it's the same thing with men If you have all of those wounds, then you're going to need a woman to make you feel better about yourself You're gonna need a woman to make you feel more like a man and by her being sexual and really honing in to What men how men tick which is their sexuality whereas in women? It's more of our emotions That's how they're going to basically hook you in order to get that supply from you in order for the abuse to actually start Now just like with the male narcissists, you know obsessed with money and status And what can I achieve and you know achievements are very important. That's why a lot of really successful Narcissistic men are in very high positions and it's not about the money sometimes with them It's about the achievement like what else? Can I achieve how higher can I go and it's great to have goals and set goals But there are some people and I'm sure we've all met one at least where it's never enough They're never happy with the success that they have. They never can take a step back and say wow I did a good job. That was great and just enjoy their life and appreciate their life It's like they want more money. They want more success. They want more status. They want to know more people. It's just it's a never-ending bottomless pit to try to fill a void within Themselves and that they're trying to fill and with the female narcissus She's kind of similar but instead of really gaining things she and gaining money Which she very well could she really wants to spend the money and she definitely doesn't want to spend her own money That's for sure. So She's going to you know, hook up with a very successful man that has a ton of money. She wants to spend money She wants to flaunt her new bags and she wants to flaunt her diamond ring and she wants to flaunt all of these trips that they're going on and things like that that make that makes her feel better about herself that basically gives Boost her self-esteem a little bit makes her feel better about herself by spending money and flaunting it and that for her proves to herself really that she's worthy that she's enough because she has all of these other things and especially if she's surrounding herself with People that do not have those things you have to understand that the female narcissus is a net attention seeker and I'm sure we all know some celebrities that are like this as well where they're just so Narcissistic and they need to be the center of attention. They have such a level of self entitlement that it's crazy I mean you look at them and you're just like oh my god Like you're so wrapped up in your own self like and it's great to have Self-love and to love ourselves and to take those selfies and be proud of yourself and things like that, but we all know Celebrity a friend a co-worker Where it just doesn't feel right it feels not really authentic and it's coming from that narcissistic place and again that Narcissistic supply place is basically low self esteem. It's someone that needs to feel validated It's someone that needs to show off her entire body in order to get you know Some people look at her or give her attention or give her what she needs. So it's all attention seeking It's all narcissistic supply the really kind of crazy thing about all of this Is that as she's spending money as she's you know, flaunting everything that she has and in all of this She really truly believes that everyone around her is envious of her She really thinks that she has the life that that you know She's better than everyone else that she's the better woman like she really believes that in her mind It's the same thing with a narcissistic man. He really believes. He's a good guy at his core He really believes that he's a good dad. He really believes that, you know, people are really envious of me and as long as I You know portray myself in this certain way that people will really look up to me and know that I'm a great person When they're not at all at their core They're just flaunting or they're just portraying again this character this superficial character and all of these superficial things To again fill that void within that low sense of self Oh, actually no sense of self low self-esteem. No, you know self-worth or self-respect Absolutely. No empathy It's just again It's it's like a child that's begging for attention and it's real what the female narcissus is The next thing that is really different between the male narcissus and the female is she is caddy She is caddy. She isn't secure She is a bully a thousand percent Now we've all had moments when we gossip, and we're probably not proud of it And when we're doing it we know we feel gross and that we shouldn't be doing it or we just feel that pit in your stomach and I know for Me if I've ever been gossiping. There's always a moment where I'm like, I don't want to be doing this anymore Like I don't feel good about it. I shouldn't be judging someone else like and to be honest. It's completely irrelevant but this woman Loves it. She loves to throw jabs. She loves to cut you at your knees. She is really a bully a hundred percent and Again, it makes her feel better about herself. She loves to gossip she loves to throw people under the bus because By hurting someone else it makes her feel better about herself is sick and twisted as that sounds she's the one that it's gonna one-up you so whenever you just got you know a nice new bag that you worked really hard for and this is something that you really Wanted or you got a promotion at work here she comes with well, my husband just got a promotion, too And now we're going to wherever Paris or wherever Wherever we're going. It's just always a competition with these people. She enjoys bringing people down she enjoys causing drama that is definitely the sign of a narcissist and To be honest, even if someone is not narcissistic the woman that causes drama the woman that sticks her nose in where it doesn't belong the woman that's gossiping all the time the woman that's constantly throwing jabs that People are cutting people out their knees and saying the most hurtful things that you could ever say That is a woman that screams Insecurity and there's that quote, you know insecurities are loud and confidence is silent So it's like when you meet that woman that is constantly trying to one-up you Constantly just you know is jealous of you then you know that you're dealing with a narcissist and the reality is the reason why she does these things the reason why she wants to flaunt herself and You know flaunt everything she has and cut people at their knees and say the most hurtful things and be so passive aggressive with her comments or Just you know, if she says something positive it's there's like 10 other negative things that come with it The reason why she does this because she's jealous of you and the fact that she's jealous of you Means that she knows Consciously unconsciously, who knows that she could she's never going to be that woman So a lot of the times when you come across a woman that you know is very jealous or insecure And does these hurtful things and you take them personally? if you just actually understood that the reason why she's doing it is because she's jealous of you and the reason why she's jealous is Because you carry Certain traits certain qualities that she'll never be able to have because she doesn't have the self-awareness to know What's wrong with her that's causing her to not be that person and that's you know, narcissism right there I mean a narcissist has absolutely no self-awareness of where their wounds are they have no self-awareness of being able to take responsibility for their actions and Seeing the damage and the sub and the selfishness that they're doing towards others and being able to self reflect and saying, okay What do I need to do within myself in order to change this? They don't have the ability to do that? They're always gonna blame. Someone else put it on someone else. It's someone else's responsibility It's not mine because I'm perfect now for the narcissistic mother and this is something that I honestly get a lot of questions on is people that have had childhoods where they've had to deal with a narcissistic mother and You know with the narcissistic mother they need to raise Narcissistic children, so it doesn't mean every single child is gonna turn out to be narcissistic But they're definitely gonna find that one child that is their golden child that they're going to enable They're going to baby They're going to maybe shower them too much. You know, here's the thing with raising children And if you're a good parent, you know this it's all children need attention, but too much attention and too much praise and too much putting on a pedestal and Enabling and helping out and not letting your child at times learn those lessons Struggle a little bit so they know how to pick themselves up they're never going to be able to be that healthy adult just like You know abuse of neglect and not feeding and not taking care of and just leaving and abandoning I mean that's abuse - they're both abusive the narcissistic mother is definitely a topic that I will go more into in videos to come because it's definitely Conversation all on its own, but I just wanted to give you a quick Outline or overview of the narcissistic mother they definitely pick that one golden child And really want to groom and breed narcissistic children so I hope that that has helped you guys understand the female narcissist a little bit better if you have any comments or questions Don't forget to leave them down below Definitely give this video a thumbs up if you liked it And if you have any interest in what I want coaching, I will link that down below and I will see you next time
Channel: Stephanie Lyn Coaching
Views: 1,836,370
Rating: 4.8254499 out of 5
Keywords: female narcissist tips, tips dealing with female narcissist, need to deal with jealous person, how to handle jealous partner, female narcissist abuse, signs female narcissist abuse, overcome female narcissistic abuse, heal after female narcissistic abuse, breaking up with female narcissist, work with female narcissist, female narcissistic abuse traits, female narcissistic abuse relationship, stephanie lyn coaching, emotionally abusive wife, discard female narcissist
Id: J0H-FJcXwB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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