12 Tips To Not Suck At HELLDIVERS 2

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access provided by PlayStation all right hell  divers 2 is the most dive likee game I've played   since day of the diver it just happens to be  73% more about splattering alien bugs though   so to ensure you're a quality teammate out  there or hoping to try to survive solo here   are some important hell diver tips you need to  be aware of I'm Alex and let's Dodge duck dip   dive and dive right into this and hit subscribe  if you're new here first magazine loaded weapons   are actually slower to reload when they're fully  empty but faster if they have at least one round   left in them this also applies to those big timec  consuming machine guns as well if you do reload   with rounds still in the magazine your total  ammo count will actually go one over its normal   capacity hold the reload button to see your  exact ammo count by the way if you time your   reload with one bullet left you won't be wasting  any leftover ammo and get that faster reload   timing that familiarity with your weapon might  just be the deciding factor between resounding   Victory and shameful evisceration another thing  to know about that menu when you hold down the   reload button is that you can change things on  your weapon like fire rate zoom level or the   flashlight however on the machine guns you can  change their fire rate to a slower or faster RPM   so with one button to turn up the RPM you just  instantly increase your outgoing DPS personally   when I switch to a beefy gun like this that means  I just want the things I'm pointing it at to not   be alive anymore so I usually like to turn up  the RPM as soon as I equip these while you're   out on a mission you'll want to keep an eye out  for these artillery installations interact with   its terminal and you'll get a secondary objective  to load in artillery shells there's going to be   different types scattered around nearby but you'll  want to seek out the yellow ones that say mini n   nuke whichever sequence of shells is loaded  in here will then be fired from right to left   when you call in this special artillery strike  that's now been added to your list the mini nuke   is definitely the most potent option and inflicts  maximum Liberation to anything you fired at EDF Ed   Oh Oh wrong game now back at that artillery loader  you'll move really slowly when you're carrying   these huge shells around instead try doing this  if you let go of something you're holding and   Sprint about two steps forward and regrab it you  can Halo flag the things around a bit faster you   can also do something similar with the explosive  barrels you can lug around instead of dropping   it you can throw these at about a 45 degree angle  upward and then regrab it to move them around the   built-in physics can then kind of Bonk it off  your head if you're lucky so bonus points for   the longest you can balance one of these on your  nose like that thing that seals do not not the   Navy ones the animal ones the weapons listed as  onehanded like sidearms and submachine guns have   one benefit of being able to shoot while carrying  some things around but the other benefit of a   one-handed weapon is that you can move and shoot  from the hip without limiting your normal movement   speed with two-handed weapons you kind of halt  turn completely around and enter a firing stance   so one-handed is definitely faster if you want to  know exactly where you're aiming from the hip at   all times you can go into the HUD settings and  turn retical visibility from Dynamic to visible   then when you're heroically running away you can  still be landing some well-placed shots now did   you know that you can use your healing stems on  your teammates well if someone's Health gets under   about 50% you'll see a prompt pop up on them that  will let you apply a stem you could even purposly   injure a teammate to the point to where you can  use a stem to fully top off their health you're   welcome speaking of stems those don't just  rapidly refill your health they also quickly   replenish your stamina gauge and super boost it  for a few seconds so that it doesn't deplete so   when you're heroically fleeing again you can pop  a stem right before your stamina fully depletes   to extend how long you can Sprint now I hate to  be the one to tell you guys this but you're going   to be dead at some point when you come back though  you better make it count with a spectacular splat   the redeployment pods inflict huge damage where  they land so try to wiggle your descent right   into an enemy Elite to make up for your previous  failure also if someone marks a high threat Target   that makes it easier to know where to point that  death shuttle since we're already talking about   big Elite enemies these armored Chargers can be  stunned if you get them to run into something   usually there's going to be some kind of a rock  formation around you can use to protect yourself   take advantage of the that moment to go behind  them and shoot them in the butt or use some   explosives while they're stunned now before you  yo that resupply check if your heavy weapon has   a partially empty magazine reload it beforehand  so that you have at least one open magazine slot   before you resupply otherwise you could be missing  out on hundreds of bullets when you resupply   something like a big machine gun I also like to  use the supply backpack that lets you restock your   teammates this is also an easy way to to get many  more uses out of your heavy weapon since you can   use that extra ammo on your own backpack and the  supply pack charges can be fully restocked if you   selfishly take all four cases from a supply drop  if you're about to head off into a defend the area   Mission those maps are incredibly small compared  to the others these are the perfect time to bust   out a heavy armor set if you have one because  they trade slower movement and stamina regen   for increased armor defend missions are more  about holding out and surviving so the slower   movement is barely even a factor here and last  a real quick one for you you can pick up enemy   grenades that are thrown at you to get them out  of the way or you can toss them right back at them   this also applies to your team's grenades so look  out for that prompt to get those things away from   your toes fire in the hole all right hopefully  those are useful to a few divers out there and   this is really only scratching the surface of  all the stuff you can do in this I appreciate   that hell divers doesn't hold your hand too much  if at all and requires your full concentration or   your team will get stomped from my experience the  player base so far has been really solid kind of   reminding me of the abnormally useful teammates  you would find lurking around the lobbies of a   monster hunter or like a Souls game high Jolly  cooperation Vibes here but let me know what you   guys think of Hell diverse 2 and if you played the  first game or just went into this completely fresh   also if you have any direct questions about the  game shoot them over to me on Twitter X Boomstick   Alex thanks for checking this out today thanks to  PlayStation for shooting me a code and I'll see   you probably pretty soon in the next one join the  hell divers become part of an Elite peacekeeping Force see exotic new life forms and spread manage democracy throughout the  Galaxy become a hero become a legend become a hell diver
Channel: Boomstick Gaming
Views: 369,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers, hell divers 2, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 advanced tips, helldivers 2 beginners guide, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 best settings, helldivers 2 best gun, helldivers 2 classes, helldivers 2 fast reload, helldivers 2 hidden mechanics, helldivers 2 secrets, playstation, ps5, helldivers 2 best stratagems
Id: RudwPrcnmFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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