5 Interview Mistakes and How to Fix Them

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hello and you can hear me i'm hoping that technically speaking everything is okay um i just want to make sure that you guys can see and hear me how are you guys how are you doing this week um if you are new to this week's live stream welcome i was on last week where i talked about five tips on how to make yourself more attractive to employers and how to get yourself the job offer and this week we're going to be talking about interviews and interview mistakes that you might be making that are stopping you from getting the job offer if that's you so please again let me know if you can see me if you can hear me i think you can um um the the messages are a little bit delayed right now so i'm just waiting for you guys to tell me that yes you can hit here and see me um hopefully everything's good so i'm going to begin now this is the thing is that when i went on to instagram and i asked you guys um if you know well specifically if you guys wanted to see more of my live streams a lot of people said yes most people said yes that you wanna you want me to go on live more often so that's something that i'm uh doing and then on top of that i asked you what did you want me to talk about and i get i got a whole i got a whole bunch of responses from you guys anything from you know uh talk about burnout talk about how how do we look for a job while we're burned out with the job that we're currently in or stressed um and things like that or you guys wanted to talk about resumes or you want to talk about interviews so i thought a good safe topic to talk about that i think everyone's usually always interested in especially if you are currently looking for a new job is interviews now here's the thing is that i'm not um in this live stream i'm not going to be talking about specific interview questions and specific answers on how to uh answer you know a a a typical interview question the reason why i'm not doing that is because i've already done that i've done that in full detail i've done that to the nines okay and that where i've done that is in my course top-notch interview so if you've never heard of my program top-notch interview i recommend that you check it out if it's something that you want to pursue essentially what it is is it's my online course where i teach you step by step all the different questions that you can expect in the interview from the first round second round to final round interviews and then i walk you through what the sample framework for the answer is for each of those types of questions and then i also give you a sample response exactly how an example of somebody would answer that question so you get the full gambit in top-notch interviews so if it's something that you're interested in definitely check that out i have a free interview mastery workshop in the description box uh below this video so after this session you can check that out because today what we're going to be talking about is more about you know the strategy behind interviewing in terms of what are the mistakes that you're making that you don't even realize you're making uh when going into interviews and it could be things that you're not doing beforehand or doing beforehand and then things that you're doing in the interview so i have about five things that i came up with but um i actually when i was uh going through this myself i i figure i actually realized i have six things to tell you about six mistakes that you are probably making okay so if this is something that interests you um give me a thumbs up in the comments okay if you guys are excited and excited to learn or excited to chat with me so what's going to happen is i'm going to share with you the five or six mistakes interview mistakes that you might be making i'm going to talk to you about each of them and how you can improve and all that and then after that depending on the time before the hour is over um i'm going to be able to answer your uh q a i'm going to do a bit of q and a to answer your questions and again i'm not answering specific interview questions um that i you know i think it's just only fair to the thousands of students who have signed up for top-notch interview and for the future students who will be signing up for top-notch interview that all that information is kept in the course so you have full access to it once you enroll in the course if you choose to i'm not pushing youtube but if you choose to you have access to all of that information in terms of interviews and questions and answers today we're just talking about strategy okay which is equally as important but um really really important okay i see thumbs up from basically just living i like that um awesome julie says thumbs up okay cool all right guys so let's talk about mistake number one okay someone asked tuber 324 says are interviews about me or the interviewer so they're about you okay you're the interviewee you're the one that's being interviewed so this is these are mistakes that you as the job candidate are potentially making when you're going on interviews that's what we're talking about here okay so let's talk about mistake number one mistake number one you feel that you have no control over this interview process you feel that you're at the mercy of the interviewers so the person that just asked me is this about the interviewer about the interviewee it's a good segue because a lot of people a lot of ambitious professionals a lot of job candidates when you are going on interviews i find you know if you're not doing well in interviews you end up getting into this mindset trap this this thinking that i have no control i'm at the mercy of these hiring managers i'm at the mercy of these recruiters i have no control in this process whatsoever you know i have to it feels like i'm a slave to them and i have to say what they want to hear and i have no control over anything i know i'm sounding you know and i tend to do this if you've already seen me talk in the past i tend to exaggerate what people think um but you know what i mean sometimes it's necessary for me to exaggerate it that way so that you can actually hear yourself in terms of the way you might be thinking you might be thinking that yeah i don't have any control i'm you know i'm at the mercy of them they're the ones picking and choosing like it's completely unfair blah blah blah blah blah you can say all the things that you want and to um to reverse that i have a different opinion i actually think and i mentioned this last week in my other live stream i actually think that you as the job candidate you have so much control you have a lot more control than you think why how how do you have control yeah if you think about an interview 90 of the time in the half hour one hour however long you're in that interview who's doing the talking is it the interviewer the person who's just asking the questions or is it you the person who's answering questions who's doing more of the talking i think we can all agree that you're the one that is doing most of the talking right you're the one that's doing most of the talking so if you're doing most of the talking that means the other person that interviewer has to sit there to listen to you and if they're sitting there listening to you that means they're taking whatever you decide and you choose to tell them verbally and whatever you decide to share with them they're taking that information and then they're making a call as to whether you are a fit for the opportunity whether you're the right one to move forward into the process whether you're the one that they want to hire they're making that decision yes but they're basing it off of everything that you tell them they're basing it off of what you say they're basing it off of the stories you're sharing they're basing it off of how convincing you are how persuasive you are how confident you are you see that so that's the mistake is that you think that you don't have control when actu when in reality when actually you're the one that has control you depending on what you tell them and what you say and how you say it really is about how you say it okay because that's what i teach in my course top-notch interview i teach you how do you structure your answers what are the sentences what do you say what are the things that you need to incorporate because the way that you structure the way the things that you say and the way that you structure it that's what's going to convince them and persuade them that you are the right fit for them so it's all about the things that are coming out of your mouth the words that are coming out of your mouth and the energy that's coming across so you're the one that has control so that's the number one mistake that i want you to stop making is stop thinking that you don't have control because you do you are the one that has the ability to showcase to them that you are the right fit that you are the top candidate for the position you're the one that has the ability to let them feel confident about you if you don't feel confident about yourself they will not feel confident about you that's just the reality so if you're walking in with this mindset that you have no control that you are feeling not confident that you're feeling not good blah blah blah blah that there's so much competition that they're probably not going to hire you anyway if you're coming in with that mindset with that energy unfortunately what's happening is they are picking up on that you know as human beings we are so intuitive um this is something that you know i've always known for myself because i'm naturally a very sensitive person i i find myself someone who can pick up on people's feelings and thoughts pretty easily and i guess that's why i'm good at what i do i'm good at communicating with others and being able to teach others what they need to know to impress or persuade someone else of whatever it is that they need to because i understand what people are thinking you know at a given time if you're present okay when you're walking to an interview if you are present and you can read whatever the other person is thinking or feeling you're gonna you're gonna be able to pick up on that and then you're gonna be able to respond to that and the same thing happens for you the interviewer is sitting in the room well in this case they're sitting virtually over the computer looking at you through their laptop and they're trying to pick up as much as they can they're not just listening to the words that are coming of your mouth they're listening to everything they're actively listening this is something that i teach when i do workshops and conferences for different organizations i talk about active listening active listening is more than just listening to the words that come out of someone's mouth out active listening is about listening to what it is they're feeling listening to the energy behind their words listening to what they mean behind their words what is it that they mean not just what they're saying what are they actually intending to deliver to me so you know i mean i'm not saying all interviewers do this because the truth is and you're probably thinking well a lot of interviewers don't seem like they are actively listening they're probably just you know looking at their phone or whatever and if that's the case yeah then they're not a good interviewer they're not a good hiring manager potentially maybe they're not the right fit for you but that's for you to decide okay at the end of the day you have control over this process i'm going through this so much because i think it sets the tone for how you need to shift yourself how you need to change yourself this is this is not just for interviews this is for life okay this is stuff that you can recognize for yourself um when you're just out in daily life in terms of how are you communicating with others in your circle how are you coming across to others do you feel that you are constantly being judged do you feel like others are looking down on you do you feel that you are um you know feeling constrained like sort of like uh like you just can't be yourself if that's the case you have to take a deeper look at why are you feeling that way is it because they're actually making you feel that way if that's the case then you need to get away from that environment or is it because you're making yourself feel that way on your own you're doing it to yourself okay so we're getting deep here um if you don't want me to get too deep then maybe um you're gonna have to leave because i tend to take it down the rabbit hole okay where is this all coming from so just know you have control okay when it comes to interviews what you say and how you say it is going to help the interviewer make that decision to feel good about you you can help the interviewer feel good about you it all comes down to what you say and how you say it and if you want to learn those specific tactics go ahead and take top-notch interview just putting that out there or take my free interview workshop which is in the link down below okay so that is tip number one so who's with me so far um i see that you guys are uh commenting and this is a live yes this is live if you guys are wondering um we are live okay all right uh okay so if you guys have questions leave the questions to the end okay because um i'm not gonna be able to scroll through you guys are already messaging like crazy so leave your questions to the end when i say okay time for questions okay so save your questions put them aside and then we'll be able to um we'll be able to i'll be able to answer them at the end okay so are you guys with me on tip number one you guys feeling good about this do you feel you have more control yeah okay david says keep it coming this is great stuff awesome all right and i see a thumbs up okay i think my comments are lagging a little bit so i'm just waiting a little at times but anyways i'm going to keep going all right how to control your nerves says hi hung go um that's a good question and you know what i am going to answer even though i said questions at the end the reason why is because i think it closely relates to this first tip which is this control thing you are nervous why are you nervous do you know why you're nervous you are nervous because actually it goes into a tip so let me talk about this other tip or i'm sorry not tip mistake that you're making mistake number two interview mistake number two that you're making you are too worried about what they think of you and you're judging yourself in this in the interview that you aren't able to talk confidently you're not able to talk naturally you're not able to show off your personality because your mind in the interview the mistake that you're making is that you are consumed much about what is he or she thinking about me right now oh no they're thinking this about me oh no did i just say that oh no those thoughts are consuming you in the interview tell me if this is you say yes if you agree that when you're in the interview you catch yourself judging yourself in the interview as it's happening you're thinking about oh gosh what are they thinking of me right now blah blah blah like you're you're just you have these thoughts even though they're not you're they're not on full front of mind they're somewhere in the back of your head that that's happening and especially before the interview you're like oh god what are they gonna ask me i don't know well no they're gonna think that i'm this or that that these thoughts are happening and that is actually those thoughts are what create is what creates the nervousness okay that's where the nervousness comes from is that feeling that um you're judging like this this self-judging feeling it's like they're looking down on me or they're gonna think this of me and that and so basically these are all thoughts things that you have no control over you have no idea how they're gonna think of you but you're making it up and that's what makes you nervous because it's really our thoughts that makes us nervous it's not the interview itself it's not talking to someone necessarily that makes us nervous it's what comes with it it's what it's what we bring upon ourselves and if you're bringing upon these feelings of inadequacy these feelings of insecurity these feelings that you're not confident you know all these types of things if you're bringing that onto yourself that's what creates that nervous energy so that's the mistake that you're making is that you're too worried about them and you're not worried enough about how do i make sure that this story is as convincing as possible how do i make sure that i sound as confident as possible how do i make sure that i articulate it in a way that it really directly lands on them it lands just right on the right spot where they can hear and see and understand that i'm the right fit for this job you see the focus that you can shift to if you decided to shift away from oh what are they thinking of me do they think i'm good enough versus how can i make this sound better how can i make it sound convincing how can i really engage with them how you know all these all these other thoughts other thoughts that are more productive okay it sounds so basic when i say it like that but i think we need to analyze ourselves and look at ourselves in um a more objective way at times where we recognize wow i'm nervous because i'm telling myself these things and it's making me nervous if i just focus on something else something more productive and i have and because i have control over that i'm gonna feel less nervous so you'll feel less nervous if you know what you're going to say you'll feel less nervous if you come prepared you'll feel less nervous if you know how the other side if you're if you're able to gauge the energy of that other person and really connect with them if you're putting out that in that intention to connect to engage with that individual you'll feel less nervous because the focus is no longer about what they potentially think of you you the focus is from the inside out instead of the outside in oh no what's coming at me what are they thinking blah blah coming at me the focus is in what's coming from within me outwards that's what you have control over in an interview and in any conversation in life with any person you have the ability to engage to um convince to persuade to acknowledge the other side to provide a certain energy that they can feel off of you you have that control but if you're not focused on directing your energy in the appropriate way and saying the right things and saying it in this in you know in the methodical strategic uh way that i teach um if you're not gonna do that you're gonna be wrapped up with nervous energy okay the other reason why you're also nervous is lack of preparation okay so now i'm just diving into the next tip but um tip number interview interview story interview mistake i keep calling them tips they're mistakes interview mistake number three interview error that you're making number three is that you are winging it you're winging your interviews okay so um i hopefully you guys are getting this so far before i jump right in i just wanted to jump into the comments to see how you guys are doing um and okay good you guys seem like you are doing well and you can hear me and all that okay good all right so tip number three the reason why um you might not be doing well in interviews sorry interview mistake number three i keep doing that interview mistake number three is that you're winging it which means what is winging it means it means that you're not prepared you go to these interviews and you just expect that okay it's just going to be a conversation they're going to ask me a few questions and i'll answer answer their questions here's the thing yes interviews are conversations in the at the end of the day you're having you know another person in front of you talking to you asking you questions you're answering their questions that's a conversation right however this is a very different type of conversation than your casual coffee chat with your friend that you haven't seen in five years this is a conversation that will lead to a decision that could change the course of your career okay it is a little bit bigger than that casual coffee check conversation although you still have to maintain that tone that casual tone when you're in it when you're in that conversation you still want to maintain that engaging casual tone however you need to be prepared so what does prepared mean it means that you need to know all the things about you that make you relevant to this position you need to do some work on yourself in terms of understanding how you can showcase to them you're the right fit for them and then on top of that you have to also understand what they could potentially ask of you ask um yeah what they could potentially ask you in the interviews so that you have your stories and your responses lined up so that when the question is thrown at you you're able to just pull it down and hand it over to them on a silver platter it's not you sitting there trying to make things up on the spot trying to pull an answer together on the spot rambling who rambles we talked about this last week if you catch yourself rambling in the interview then that tells me when i was a recruiter and i would find people rambling rambling rambling i knew that they didn't know where they were going with the answer they just kept going because they didn't know where to stop when to stop they didn't know what to include in their answers so they're trying to tell me everything all about everything about um the question that i asked and more and that's not how to answer interview questions okay so the mistake is that you're not prepared that you don't understand what's going to be asked of you you don't know what's going to be asked of you and then you also don't know how to prepare for anything that could be asked of you so that's a mistake so what's the answer the answer is to prepare to do your research to put in that time and effort okay and then the next question you're going to ask me well how how do i do that where do i do that there's different ways okay i uh offer different resources from from me specifically but the internet has tons of answers and if you want to dig through millions of different responses to different questions and you know overload yourself go ahead and do that but i do recommend that you do whatever you need to do to get a clear understanding of what you need to do to prepare your stories and also to understand what types of questions are going to be asked and like i mentioned earlier if that is something that interests you then you can check out my interview mastery workshop which is free and that's the below or enroll in top-notch interview i teach that there okay but that's what i talk about when it comes to preparing you need to prepare so many people don't and that's where you lose okay someone who's prepared versus someone who's unprepared it's very obvious in an interview it is so obvious it's so so obvious because if you're unprepared most of the time you don't know what to say when you don't know what to say you make things up or you try to put things together you know um or you phrase you don't say anything at all okay it is it is so obvious and i think the only way for you to see how unprepared a person can be is if you are on the other side and you were the interviewer you were interviewing someone you'd be able to spot it out like that but because you're the interviewee you you don't recognize maybe how you're being seen and you just need to know i'm just telling you right now it's very obvious so if you don't do the work of preparing in advance even though you haven't got called for interviews yet maybe you've only put out some job applications recently and you haven't gotten called that's okay still start working on your preparation because the interview could come up tomorrow you might get called for an interview tomorrow and they might be ripping through some questions that you had no idea how to answer because you didn't do the preparation working ahead of time start preparing now if you're looking for a job prepare that now know know what you have you know what are your assets what are your experiences what are your qualifications what what are the stories that you have that are relevant to this position and have those ready have those prepared know yourself okay do an inventory on yourself when it comes to preparation and like i said i teach all of that in top notch interview if that's something that you want to look into um i'm not going to explain all of that here because we just don't have time we're already halfway through and i want to be able to get to your questions okay so that is interview mistake number three not being prepared and just winging it interview mistake number four you over research the company so you are trying to prepare you over research the company and not yourself okay so this really ties in with the preparation thing a lot of people what they end up doing right before an interview tell me if you do this if you end up researching the company like crazy like you read through all their let's say they're um invest relations press releases their uh you know financial statements you go through that and then you end up going all over their website you end up going on their social media on their linkedin you look at everything that you possibly can before going in for the interview that is wonderful if you do that that's great but if that's the only thing you're doing that is not enough and you are going to get screwed because most of the interview isn't asking about the company of course that will be a question that could likely come up okay what do you know about us i'm throwing that out there that's something that you've probably been asked before and that you will likely get asked again in your next interview so you better know what the company's about that's one but the second thing is uh you can't just stop there you have to know about yourself and that's everything that i just talked about previous okay in the the third tip so make sure that you know yourself you know what you have to offer what are your abilities your strengths your talents what are the things that you bring forward that are going to help them that are going to make sure that this role is getting fulfilled in a way that it's above and beyond what they expect how can you showcase that to them in the responses that you give in the answers that you give that's the underlying energy that you want to deliver okay so that is my tip so how are you guys doing um i am seeing okay you guys are messaging all kinds of things what if i was bullied as a child okay i don't know why um that's in there uh okay so sandy says love this um i still don't understand why you guys talking about bullying okay i'm gonna have to look at that um how do i avoid getting bullied as a child and then get a job okay anyways uh you guys are doing well okay all right so we'll move on to the next tip okay julian says thumbs up all right awesome tammy says keep a notebook with questions and answers that's actually a really good tip uh in terms of when you're going for interviews right after the interview because obviously when you're on a virtual uh zoom interview for example they're not you know writing down the questions that they're asking you as they're asking it asking them to you you should wait till the interview's over and then try to recall every single question that was asked of you one by one and just write them down because that's good preparation for the next interview okay if you don't know questions that are going to be asked of you going on interviews is definitely a great way to figure that out is to go on as many interviews as you can if you have a good enough resume that get you those interviews that's a whole other story in itself but then once you get those interviews write down the interview questions that you get and prepare for those for the next interview okay all right i think we're on tip number five now um so tip number five is you or so interview mistake number five is you don't understand why they're asking you certain questions and therefore you don't have a proper strategy to answering them okay that's the mistake is that you don't understand why they ask you certain questions and then you don't have a proper strategy on how to answer them now here is the thing when it comes to interview questions if i was to share something with you so that you really understand this whole world of interviewing one thing i want to share with you is at the end of the day every question that they ask you the underlying reason why they're asking you what they really want to know the underlying if you dig deep okay you take one question any interview question and then you take it down to the most basic basic level uh to the to its root to its foundation what they're really asking you is why are you a fit for us okay that's what every interview question is asking you even though they're structured a different way but they're all really wanting to know is why you're fit for us and then your answer your way you structure your answer it's going to be different depending on the question but your underlying if you go to the basic root of what you're telling them is why you're a fit for them sorry guys i think the camera just did this thing again but the underlying route is you're telling them why you're a fit for them okay they're asking why are you fit for us and you're telling them why you're fit for them that's the basic down to the most foundational level of all interview questions that you need to understand okay so if you don't understand this the way you answer questions are not going to convince them because you're not letting them know why you're fit for them because you're not following through with that underlying understanding okay so it doesn't mean though that every answer to every question is going to be the exact same saying the same thing over and over again that's not really how it is because there is a structure and strategy for every type of interview question that you have to use in order to answer it so that it's convincing you need to have diversity in your answers you can't just say the same thing over and over again and that i teach in top notch interview i keep bringing it up but that's just the reality that's where i teach that stuff if you want to learn about it so understanding the that you are trying to display to them that you're trying to convince them persuade them that you're the um right fit for them that's what's most important okay if you understand that then once you start working on the individual questions and understanding the answer frameworks and then being able to come up with your own answers your own sample responses to different questions that'll be easy because now you understand why you're answering this question this way and you're understanding why that question is being asked of you okay because a lot of people will come to me and say why do they ask those crazy questions like how many elephants can you fit in a refrigerator or how many you know dogs can you put on a bus or something and if you really think about it the most basic level is they want to know based on how you answer it whether you're fit for them okay what would someone who's a fit for them how would they answer this question what would be the process for how they would break down their response what is the thinking process that they would need to go through what is uh verbally what are the things that they would need to say what are the components in an answer that would make sense for that question for someone who is meant to be hired in that company for that role okay there's a lot that goes behind every question that you need to understand because this is the truth is that you might feel tell me if you feel this okay you guys tell me in the comments if you ever feel like you're being asked a trick question in an interview do you ever feel like you're being asked trick questions do you feel like the interviewer is trying to trick you trying to trip you up ask you questions that almost sound like there's no real positive um good answer to that you that they that that no matter what you say it just sounds like you're just gonna mess it up like do you ever feel that way tell me if that's you tell me how you guys are if you ever feel like you're being tricked in the interview okay um let's see okay sarah says yes i did okay um uh kazambila says yes jorge says yes j moore says yes okay awesome so you guys are uh you guys are on the same page so you guys are feeling like you're being asked like trick questions right the reason why you'll feel like you're being asked a trick question is because you don't understand why they're asking that question but once you understand and now you understand that it's because they're wanting to know how you're fit and then using that understanding you have to have this right structure and strategy to answering the question you'll be able to answer it properly and it's at times it does feel like interviewers just want to ask you a question like even that question of what is your weakness you know tell me what your weakness is like you might think that's like a trick question like if i tell them this weakness then they're gonna think that that's a weakness and then they won't hire me because that's a weakness well you know what the way you answer that question is actually going to help to just to help them to decide whether they want to hire you or not it's the way that you answer it it's not necessarily what you say it's the way that you say it the way that you answer the question is actually part of their um decision process it's part of how they decide that you are the right fit for the job it's the way you're communicating okay so that is tip number five or sorry interview mistake number five and then interview mistake number six the bonus one is instead of seeing the interview as an opportunity to persuade and convince them instead of seeing it as an opportunity to sell yourself you see it as a q a and i actually think i already touched upon this now that i'm reflecting back i think i already touched upon this throughout this last 35 minutes that we've been on but you feel that this is just a q a you ask me a question i give you an answer you asked me a question i give you an answer but now hopefully you've realized based on everything i've told you up into this point there the interview is so much more intricate than that because what you say how you say it the way you deliver your energy the way you come across all of that determines whether you are the right fit for that company so it's not just a q a that's totally you know that's totally basic if you're thinking that if you're thinking it's just a question and answer it's not it is an opportunity for you to persuade them it's an opportunity for you to convince them it's an opportunity for you to sell yourself okay and it's all in how you do it and what you say how you how you say what you say and what you say okay so you need to start seeing interviews as that as this opportunity that's being handed to you to engage with someone to connect with someone and then to shift their thinking about you to mold how they should feel about you because like i said what did i say at the very beginning i said you're the one that has control in the interview because what you say and how you say it will control the outcome of what they feel about you what they think about you because you through the power of your words and through the power of the way you deliver your energy and the way you present yourself they are able to feel and sense a certain way about you and if you are making them think about you in a certain direction in a um the right way to making use making them see that you're the fit for the job they're going to feel that you're the fit for the job the more you feel about that about yourself the more they're going to feel that about you so the one thing you have to address is how do i feel right now if you're looking for a job you have to ask yourself how do i feel about myself do i even feel like i'm a good candidate for these jobs that i'm applying for do i even feel worthy do i feel valuable do i feel like i have something to offer what is it you know because you could say that i'm just an admin assistant or you can say that you support certain processes within the blah blah blah team whatever team and what's the purpose of you know supporting that process you can talk about that too so there's different ways to approach um how to uh sell yourself you just need to understand that it's beyond you thinking that you're just there to answer some questions it's not that you're there to convince and persuade okay so those are my six top interview mistakes that i have seen people make and you're probably surprised at them because you probably think some of them they make sense some of them you're like i didn't even think that that was maybe a mistake that i was making but hopefully it you recognize that now because at the end of the day most of what is going wrong is what's happening within you it's the thoughts that you're telling yourself and the way that you're thinking that's resulting in uh you probably not getting called back for interviews okay there's a whole lot more it could be the way that you talk like it could be like the the lack of ability to connect with them i mean there's so much but it starts with these okay understand yourself know yourself know how you're coming across know how you're interacting with others know what you're saying know how they're um how they are accepting your answers like how are they receiving it how receptive are these interviewers when you go on interviews the next interview that you go on what i want you to pay attention to is how are they you know how are they responding are they like nodding their heads looking interested like feeling really engaged because of how i'm talking and really what i'm sharing with them and they feel like i'm the right fit for them because i'm telling them that i'm the right fit for them or does it seem like they're like okay got it thank you you know you you have you are the one that you're the only one that can see that because you're the you're the one being interviewed so you have to pay attention to that the next time you go for an interview that will give you a gauge as to what you need to do to improve okay so those are my interview mistakes hopefully that was helpful to you so i am going to now address some questions if you guys have uh questions about interview strategy specifically about the interview mistakes that i just talked about please put them in the chat box and i will be happy to take a look so let's take a look at this so my collection stella says how many hours is generally recommended for prepping for an interview you know what it's hard to say because this is what i know to be true when it comes to preparing for interviews if you've not been preparing for interviews in like years and years and years then once you start preparing for interviews that will take a while i can't even say how much it's gonna take for sure at least hours okay at least and not only that the thing with interviews i forgot to include this is my seventh interview mistake you don't practice that's your mistake that you're also doing so you're not practicing your interview responses your interview stories and your answers you're not practicing you're not taking the time to practice practice in itself takes hours but even before you can practice something you need to have it already prepared so that you can practice it if you have nothing to practice there's nothing to practice then you can't practice so you have to prepare what your interview stories are what the potential questions could be what you know about yourself what you're going to say all those things you need to prepare those that's going to take hours and hours and hours however many however long that's going to take you okay it depends on you and how quickly you work and then on top of that you need to consistently practice your answers especially you know the day or two before the interviews you should be practicing throughout that time frame you shouldn't be waiting to the hour before the interview to practice ideally you want to be practicing the days before so that you feel as comfortable as possible with what you're going to say so that when you're in the interview you're not feeling nervous because you feel more confident okay so unfortunately i can't give you an exact number of days or number of hours but uh just know there's two layers to preparation there's the actual preparation of the responses of what you're gonna say and the questions and all that and then there's the practicing of those answers and responses and stories okay so hopefully that helps you um there and hopefully that makes sense okay um someone says leaf nation says um how do you answer questions you weren't prepared for okay so if sorry if you heard my dog my dog just barked i don't know if you guys could hear that but how do you prepare how do you answer questions you weren't prepared for so this is actually something that i teach in my top-notch interview course i have um five five or six different bonuses in my top-notch interview course and one of the bonuses is exactly titled how to answer questions that you know nothing about so usually questions like software software that you hadn't heard about or like questions about a concept that you haven't heard about necessarily now i walk you through um what you need to already be doing beforehand one thing i need to tell you is that you know for things like software things you know certain concepts that you're being asked unfortunately we can't always prepare for everything that's going to be thrown at us however something like that is you should logically be able to expect that they're going to ask you about potentially software if your job is going to revolve around having to work around software working with software so you should be doing that research and you should know all the different types of software that could be expected for your type of job so that unfortunately something that you can't make up on the spot you have to do that work ahead of time that's part of preparing but that's what i talk about in the course and then what i teach you is the exact strategy step by step i think it's like five or six steps on how to structure your answer when it's a question that you haven't prepared in advance when you don't know what the um exact um when you haven't ex when you just didn't have that expectation that question would come up how do you structure your answer so that it sounds logical and it sounds like it makes sense there's several steps to that as long as you know the steps so this is the key the thing that you're going to learn when you're in top notch interview is that as long as you understand the strategy you remember the strategy you remember the steps then you're even on the spot if you don't have a full answer already you know prepared ready to go you're able to still construct an answer that makes complete sense that is convincing and persuasive knowing the steps knowing the structure of a good answer what makes a good interview answer you need to know that once you know that even if a question is thrown at you that you hadn't prepared forever you're going to be able to answer it because you're going to know well in a good answer these are the components of what makes a good answer so as long as i can gather that right now as i'm speaking and i'm saying that okay let me talk about this first then i'll talk about this then i'll talk about this so you're lining it up your answer will still sound cohesive it will sound persuasive and um it will be convincing okay and of course this all has to be honest and real and based on real facts and things about you knowledge that you have you're not making things up out of thin air you're just using the knowledge that you have but you're structuring it that's what communication is all about what makes someone a good communicator is that they know how to structure what they're going to say you know even if they have to do it on the fly if they have to tell you a story they know how to set up the story they know how to tell you you know to get you engaged what did they say at the beginning then what did how did they get you you know really pulled into the meat of the story then how do they get you to the end that's what makes a good communicator and really that's what interviewing is all about is you learning how to communicate okay and that's really what i teach in top-notch interview is how do you communicate with every single question that can be asked of you what is the strategy what is the way you would communicate your answer that way and i give you the sample response and i give you the full framework for that okay so hopefully that makes sense to you i think i'll answer just a couple more questions and then we will say it's uh a wrap okay so someone said sandy said i just shared your video on linkedin and some friends incredible insight can't wait to report back on our success in progress from your advice awesome sandy well i can't wait to hear about that um someone alex r22 says should i prepare for the interview after the interview what does that mean so if you've gone an interview and you're waiting for the next round interview then yes you should prepare for that interview is that what you mean uh alex you can clarify if you'd like but the answer is yes if you're asking should i prepare the answer is always yes prepare prepare is always going to give you that confidence more than not preparing so answer is always yes prepare um all right and talisha perry says excellent six tips awesome i'm glad that was helpful um call of duty yeah says should i prepare for the interview before or after okay so anyways um so alex says no i want to prepare for the interview that i already lost the job to okay so i'm still confused about that if you want to prepare okay so a denma says what is the minimum amount a response should be so there there is no real answer to that in terms of like what the minimum number of sentences should be uh i can tell you that it should not be one sentence okay there's when you under when you enroll in top-notch interview you'll understand that there is a sequence of things that you need to include in your answers and so it will never just be one sentence long you'll have to include multiple layers to your answer and so it's always going to be just enough that when someone hears it they're going to feel like it's a complete answer they're not going to feel like that you cut it halfway okay all right so i'll answer one more question and that is how do you sound natural answering interview questions not too rehearsed that is and that's asked by mazzipan okay so good question how do you sound natural i think i've already hit this topic over the head multiple times you're going to sound natural by practicing but when you practice what happens this is what happens okay you're going to practice practice practice and you're going to sound perfect when you're practicing then you go into the interview and it's a whole different environment it's a whole different game because you actually have that person sitting in front of you they're actually looking at you through the screen or whatever and it's a real it's the real thing so all of a sudden all that practice kind of okay not maybe not 100 of it but a good chunk of it kind of goes out the window at that time because you're feeling all the feelings of being in the moment so what's going to happen is you need to incorporate yourself into this now you need to bring it all together when you're in the interview where you remember the structure of the answers that you rehearsed but you're gonna deliver it in a way and that's asking you the question okay you're being as present as possible asking you the question and you remember the full answer but you might you you um you're not gonna sound like a robot because what you're gonna do is you're gonna break it down and you're going to deliver it to them as if you're just talking to them and you're just having a normal conversation that's where i talk about having a normal conversation sounding casual comes in that's what you need to be doing okay you need to at this point take throw away the rehearsed side of you the robotic side of you and now you already have that knowledge embedded in your head now you're just going to deliver it and you're going to do it in a very present way you're going to talk to them you're going to walk them through you're going to pull them into your story you're gonna let explain things you're going to engage with them that way okay that's i know that sounds like it's not like a oh dude just this one thing and then all of a sudden you're gonna sound supernatural no um it's a bunch of things that make you sound supernatural but the biggest thing is being present being present with the person talking to the person feeling as if you're talking to grandma sometimes you know when grandma let's say grandma has a hard time hearing and you have to explain uh you know grandma has asked you you know what were you what what do you do or or what have you been doing over the last year or whatever and you can't explain in complex terms to grandma you know what you've been up to instead you're gonna break it down very simply to grandma what you've been up to you're gonna explain it to her in a tone that she understands and you're gonna walk her through it and she'll be like oh i get it okay that's cool that's good that you do that or whatever so you're doing the same thing you're not talking you know as if you're talking to a deaf grandmother necessarily when you're talking to the hiring manager but you are answering um it in a way that feels natural to you because you're talking to them in a way where you're present you're being present you know you have all the knowledge at this point if you've prepared you already know your stuff you know what you're you're all about now it's time to just let that's off to um a good ending so hopefully this was helpful to you guys um it looks like my internet connection is being stable for some reason so might as well uh leave okay someone says grandma tip is great awesome uh so if you guys enjoyed this live let me know let me know if you'd like me to do more lives in the future i'm thinking of doing a few more seeing how it goes if you guys are enjoying it but let me know in the comments if this is something that you're interested in be sure to if you've already subscribed to my channel that's great but also click the notification button because i could go live at any time um usually i try to let people know in advance but click the the notification bell so that as soon as i go live you have you're notified and then you can see me okay guys so um really enjoyed chatting with you um i am uh hoping that this was helpful to you and that we can do this again maybe next week or whenever okay all right uh you guys have a great evening so happy to be chatting with you we'll be talking about other things um you know i'm actually thinking i'm just like talking off the cuff now but like i'm actually thinking of doing other topics that are not just job related but maybe talking about things that maybe people are struggling with from an internal perspective you know how we talked a lot today about the fact that you are the one you're the one that has control you're the one that you know based on how you feel about yourself and what you say to others um you're the one that has control over that whole process i want to take that a little bit deeper and actually get into you know why is it that we feel insecure why is it that we're feeling lack of confidence within ourselves what is it that's causing us to feel lost in our lives in our careers i mean what is the purpose of why we're here and what we're meant to do and things like that i love talking about that stuff and that's something that i really want to dive into and if that's something that you're interested in definitely let me know follow me on instagram because that's where i ask you guys for a lot of suggestions on these types of things follow me on instagram at lindaraynier and that's it okay if you guys are interested in learning more about interviews and you are struggling definitely check out my interview mastery workshop the link is in this the description box down below and then enroll in top-notch interview i will be there um on the other side of top-notch interview to be helping you all throughout the way with your next interviews okay so i am so looking forward to doing this again i hope you enjoyed this have a good evening have a good night have a good day wherever you are and we will talk soon bye guys
Channel: Linda Raynier
Views: 28,792
Rating: 4.9181819 out of 5
Id: tUSQdf8NHNw
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Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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