5 Tips to Attract Employers & Get the Job Offer

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sound is all good i just want to make sure that we are on the same page okay awesome all right so hello guys um good evening to you if it's 8 p.m eastern or 5 p.m based on where you're at i'm really excited to be doing this it's been a long time since i've gone live and i just wanted the chance to reconnect with you now that we're in a new year we've come out of 2020 now we're in 2021 it's full of uncertainty as well and you know i thought it would be great to just connect with you and to chat with you um you know i have my bottle of water with me so if you have your tea or your water or your coffee or whatever you want to drink just grab that and have your pen and paper ready i mean really a lot of what i'm going to share with you today is already things that i've shared in the past that you should know if you've been following me for a while and if you're new then welcome i just want to you know reiterate some key basic um principles that are really important that i believe in that have helped thousands of ambitious professionals just like you to land job offers and i think that if you understand the basics if you understand what you need to do to make yourself more attractive to employers to you know be more confident in the way that you approach your job search you're going to have a lot more luck than people who are still looking you know and if you're still looking there's nothing wrong with you as an individual don't start feeling bad about yourself and feeling sorry for yourself i know it's easy to fall into that trap but i think it comes down to just knowing what am i doing wrong what am i doing right what am i good at right now and what do i need to improve on so it's really just being more strategic about it rather than getting all emotional you know i know that finding a job and having a career is it is an emotional thing because it's part of who we are i mean you know once you're in a career you identify yourself with that right and i get that but um in order to get that amazing career that you deserve that you want despite the fact that we're in a pandemic despite the fact that you know you hear all kinds of things from people saying that jobs are hard to come by these days i don't believe it i think that if you know what you're doing if you follow the right strategies if you're willing to put in the effort the work um if you're willing to work on yourself you know and you're willing to admit the weaknesses that you currently have within you right now if you're willing to do all of that you can get the job offer that you deserve i strongly believe that so i'm going to be walking you through a few things today hopefully some of my tips will help you and of course i am going to be talking about you know other things that would help you that i offer such as my programs top-notch resume and top-notch interview if you haven't heard about them already so i'll talk a little bit about those but today it's really just to help you and then after i give you my tips i'm also going to be answering questions that i've already received ahead of time from many of you you guys sent in a bunch of questions so i'm going to be going through those and if i have a little bit of time left then i'll answer any questions that i see here live okay so i am super excited if you're excited give me a thumbs up um i don't know so you guys say sound is good all right and you guys can see me and everything okay awesome so let's just get started i'm just going to dive right in you know this is going to be more like a chit chat type video um very different from my my scripted videos essentially so um we're just gonna have a conversation okay so the first thing that i want to tell you when it comes to um attracting employers and making sure that you're able to find the job that you deserve there's things that i'm gonna go through and they're all gonna range from resume job search and interview okay so we're going to talk about each like a couple tips from each so the first thing is i'm going to talk about your resume my number one tip is that you can't you cannot submit a basic high school resume now i know that that sounds so like duh i'm not going to submit a high school resume but what do i mean by that think about what you learned in high school in your career class or your business class or whatever class where they teach you how to prepare a resume you would be surprised at how many people that i come into contact with that i work with that tell me they still follow the foundational principles that they learned back in high school on how to create a resume now for their career where they've been working for five or ten years or more the high school format of a resume you know some people are still putting objective what your objective is you don't need an objective okay first of all you don't need an objective on your resume your resume has to be compelling it has to be strategic in the way that you write it every bullet point there is a purpose to every single bullet point you can't just tell me if you do this okay let me ask you do you find yourself when you're preparing your resume or when you're when you've gotten into the process of writing your resume do you find yourself going okay what do i do in my job oh yeah i do that okay let me just type that out and what else do i do oh yeah i i organize those those systems okay let me check that out oh and i also um created that excel sheet okay let me type that out so you just you're pulling things from your memory you're pulling things from thin air pretty much and you're dumping them on your resume tell me say yes in the comments if that is you if you're someone who's been doing that where you've just you know you're coming up with your resume on the fly you don't really know what to put down so you put down everything that you can think of because you're not sure on what your strategy is do you feel that that is you gmb says yes um blessed and beautiful 83 says yep jeep says yes contest says conjure hood says yes okay awesome so you guys are all on the same page with me here you know i get it if that's what you're doing the reason why i bring that up is because i see it all the time this is what happens is that when we don't have a strategy and we don't know what to do with our resume we just put down whatever we can and that's not the way to do it okay in my top-notch resume course i'm just i'm going to put a plug in because i have to tell you that everything that i'm going to teach you or talk to you about today it can only get to a certain level the level of detail that you need is going to be in the courses if you want to take them that's completely up to you if you want to take the course but i just have to tell you that in top notch resume what you're going to learn are these different sections that you need to have on a resume and i'm going to share that with you today but what you're also going to learn which is even more important is the specific bullet points and there are so many types of bullet points that you need to have in your resume so for example let's talk about the sections okay for your resume you need to have three key sections you need to have a profile which is the very beginning section of your resume then you're going to have a professional experience section and then you're going to have an education section which is where obviously you talk about your education so first of all what goes in the profile there are i believe three to four yes four bullet points that need to go into your profile and each have a distinct purpose okay so for example the very first bullet point the purpose of that is to give the employer exactly in a succinct you know two three four five lines max uh exactly who you are as a professional what you are capable of what technical skills you have what's your background um and essentially you are out you are laying out to the person that's reading the resume the recruiter or the hiring manager you're laying them laying it out in that first bullet point letting them know that hey you are looking for me this is what you're looking for and i'm describing that to you right now in this first bullet point i know that sounds difficult and maybe convoluted as the way i'm saying it but trust me there is a strategy to it so like i said you're laying out who you are as a professional you're laying out your experience your skills you're laying out um what knowledge you have even certifications or backgrounds if that's important you're laying that all out in the first bullet point and a lot of people don't realize this a lot of people don't know this this is my unique strategy that has worked so many times for hundreds for thousands of people in terms of teaching them how to create their resume so that employers and hiring managers once they look and they see just that first bullet point they go oh i want to read more of this i want to see more of this resume i need to figure out um even further if this person is someone that i want to bring in for the interview so that's what you need to have okay a profile a profile is like a high level snapshot and then there are several other bullet points that come in the profile as well and then after that you need to have a professional experience section so what's professional experience now you know this is going to depend on you depending on whether you have work experience or you are still in school or let's say you're just you've just graduated and you don't have clear work experience so there's it varies depending on you and your situation what you're going to put down but the strategy is the same the strategy there is that you are going to outline the specific responsibilities the tasks the duties that you've performed in those roles but here's the catch you're not going to pull from memory those bullet points and start typing them out you're not just going to sit there and brainstorm okay what did i do let me type it out let me just think and pull it off the top of your head okay you're not going to do that instead you're going to rely on something else and i've talked about this before you'll be talking about i'm talking about job descriptions okay so in top notch resume i teach you exactly what you need to look for when it comes to what bullet points you need to put down how you need to structure the bullet points there's a full formula for how you need to write them just make sure that you're including what you do how you do it and why you do it okay so you're lining up all these bullet points and then on top of that here's another secret um that you need to know in your resume you need to also have achievements okay and the thing here is the biggest mistake people make is they put achievements like just one section on their resume as if it's like a separate section all on its own they just have the word achievements and then they list all kinds of achievements that they've had from probably even 10 years ago or whatever and they're just listing them all out and here's the thing you're not supposed to do that at least according to my strategy and my approach if you're going to want to listen to my advice i advise you don't do that reason is because people want to know hiring managers want to know recruiters want to know where are these achievements coming from which companies did you um accomplish these achievements okay where where did they go where did they come from so that means that you need to have an achievement section pretty much for each job that you've held and there's a strategy for how to write your achievements too you can't have a full-on crazy long story on your resume you only have so much room and another question that people have asked me is you know for your resume how long should it be i say it should be two pages standard okay now if you don't have that much work experience um let's say you have a lot of volunteer experience but you don't have that much work experience but even with your volunteer experience it's not enough to go into two pages then keep it at one okay keep it at one because if that's all you can do that's all you can do that's completely fine two pages is the standard but you cannot go i would say don't go beyond two pages reason for that is because then people will feel that you are not able to be concise so here's the thing about your resume i'm giving you all these tips and i'm throwing it all at you i'm just hopefully you guys are getting all this okay what you have to understand is that the hiring manager or the recruiter when they look at your resume they only spend i would say five max 10 seconds reading your resume max you're going to spend hours and i know that for a fact because i've helped like i said many many many professionals create their resumes and they they tend to spend a long time working on them because they have to follow very specific strategy but even though you're going to spend hours on your resume they're only going to spend five to ten seconds reviewing it but those hours that you put in if you do it correctly will go to good use because in the five to ten seconds they can determine right away if they want to interview you or not that's what happened for me when i was a recruiter okay i worked for as a recruiter for three and a half years if you guys don't know i recruited professionals a lot of cpa professionals but all kinds of professionals corporate professionals anywhere from analyst level all the way up to c suite level executives and so as a recruiter i would see thousands of resumes hundreds of resumes thousands of resumes a day i don't know how many and i would talk to lots and lots of people about what they're looking for and that sort of thing so when i received a resume i would take a quick look at it and i would know right away okay this person would be a fit for this job or they wouldn't be a fit for this job how do i know that well it came with experience but there is a strategy for how you can write your resume so that in those five to ten seconds the recruiter is gonna go oh yeah you're the right you're the right fit and um i actually teach a lot of this in depth in my free resume mastery workshop if you wanna check that out that's to be in the description box down below but one of the ways okay so i've already talked about structure i've talked to you about what's included in your resume what you in terms of preparing the resume what you have to make sure that you include is something called keywords okay and i teach more about what keywords are in the program too but essentially you want to make sure that you incorporate as many keywords as you can on your resume but here's the thing so many people love to just throw in keywords like excel or um or they'll throw in the wrong keywords such as soft skills okay so they'll say communication strong communication skills strong presentation skills strong teamwork skills strong organizational skills and um unfortunately on a resume personally and professionally i see that soft skills on a resume are not as impactful as technical skills okay so you want to keep that in mind when you're preparing your resume wow i just threw a lot at you um tell me if this is uh helpful so far let me know but yeah i'm just gonna keep going okay so that's everything you need to know about your resume now beyond that when you're submitting your resume okay another tip that i have tip number two is that for your job search you should have more than one resume that you've created for the different applications that you put out okay so what that means basically is that for every application for every job that you apply for you need to have a very specific resume for that application if you are someone who right now or up until this point has been sending the same resume exact same resume to every single job that you've applied to okay let's say you've applied to 100 jobs and you just send up whip out that same resume just sending it out oh yeah i think i like this job i'm going to send it out send it out send it out and you're not doing anything to tailor your resume you're not doing anything to refine your resume you're not looking at your resume and making sure that it's actually going to attract an in and intrigue that specific hiring major for that particular opportunity then unfortunately you've just decreased your chances of getting called for the interview okay this may be why you're sending your resume to the black hole of doom on the internet and you're not getting calls back why are you not getting calls back because your resume doesn't look like it aligns to the position it doesn't look like it aligns to what they're looking for what they want from you as a candidate and therefore they're not going to call you back so what you have to remember here is that you need to tailor and customize your resumes now when i say this a lot of people will go oh god i don't want to rewrite my resume every single time i apply for a job here's the thing if you're doing it correctly if you're following the right approach to writing your resume you will not have to rewrite your resume you will simply have to tweak it so i always compare it to the idea of wearing a different outfit okay so let's say when you are let's say if you were going in non-coveted days you know when we actually had the ability to go out to social gatherings and be with friends and be with people that we worked with or whatever we would wear a particular outfit depending on the event right if it was a casual event we'd put on a certain outfit if it was um a more professional event we'd put on a suit maybe i don't know so you would change your outfit depending on the event that you go to well the same goes for your resume the person is the same you are still the same behind all of this the person the name and everything is still the same the core of you is still the same the jobs that you've worked at is still the same however the way that you describe those jobs the way that you describe your experience the way that you describe your skills is going to be slightly different it's going to be a different outfit depending on the job that you apply to okay so keep that in mind you want to have customized tailored resumes but you're not rewriting your resumes you're tweaking your resumes the way you tweak your resumes is if you have a good top-notch resume good high-quality resume i say top-notch resume and automatically think of my top-notch resume course but a good high-quality compelling attractive resume and it's structured and it's strategic if you have all those components and you have the right bullet points in there all you need to do is just make a few tweaks to certain bullet points and things like that and then there you go you're good to send it to that other job okay so what you're going to have on your computer is a huge file of all a huge folder sorry of all kinds of resumes that you've sent to different companies that's the the way to approach it yes it takes a little bit more work i'm sorry to tell you but um you're increasing your chances ever so slightly every single time that you put in that effort and you do that okay because the more um that you can do that the better that you can do that specifically you will get a higher chance of getting called back for that interview okay so there you go that's stuff about resumes hopefully you got all that now like i said earlier if you really are struggling with getting calls for interviews you have to ask yourself well they haven't seen me yet they haven't talked to me yet so it's not me specifically it's not the way i'm talking or my voice or anything that's you know throwing them off it's the fact that all they've seen so far is your resume and yet they're still not calling you back that means that there's something going on with your resume there's something going on with your resume that they're not calling you back and i'm telling you the resume plays a key role in getting you the job offer because the resume will then take you forward to the interview rounds and it will take you to the final offer stage two people don't believe this but in the final round of interviews the the very you know senior level individual that's fine that's gonna give the okay on whether they want to hire you for the job they're gonna also look at your resume it doesn't stop at that first round interview where they don't look at it anymore they will look at it and when they look at it they're going to just do a double check triple check whatever it is with their colleagues with their people that have already interviewed you to make sure that from a technical perspective from a background perspective experience perspective skills and qualifications perspective you are the right match for the job so the resume will carry you all the way to the end so if you don't have a good resume from the beginning everything is shaky from there okay so i i can't emphasize this enough the resume is so important so just be sure that you have a good resume okay guys don't uh have a basic high school resume i think i've made my point there and what i would say is i have links down below you can follow or sorry sign up for my free resume mastery workshop if you haven't done that already but if you've already seen my free resume mastery workshop and you haven't yet take it a step further i recommend it okay i recommend that you take my top notch resume course i you can see all the testimonials of people that have learned my top notch resume strategy on how to write their resume and they've landed job offers from their new resume okay obviously there was a process they had to interview which we're going to talk about soon but i highly recommend it okay so just check out the links below later on after the session is over but i'm giving you as quickly as i can as as much as i can we're already almost halfway through um everything about what you need for your resume okay so that's that third tip tip number three when it comes to your job search okay and some people had asked me this question too which was in the q a so i'm just going to be telling you straight up you need to be beyond applying online you need to be reaching out directly to the hiring managers and the recruiters as well and where are you reaching out to them through linkedin and through email okay so um a lot of people when they're applying for jobs online they are sending their resumes out just you know through the online systems or through the linkedin jobs or through indeed or whatever and then they forget about it you have to do more than that you can't be the person that only sends it out just through the online now obviously you have to send it through the online system you have to follow the steps that they recommend but what you also would uh the what you also could do to increase your chances is to figure out who the recruiter is who the high manager is and reach out to them and send your resume to them as well and there's a whole process and strategy that i teach this in for top notch resume but essentially what you want to do is you want to make sure that you're doing more than just the basics of what everyone else is doing okay anyone who's not on this hasn't heard this potentially so you want to reach out because even though it might increase your chances by only you know a little bit it could be the difference between you not hearing back versus you getting that interview and then you getting that job offer that's that could happen okay if you're approaching it um this way you're putting in the effort the right way now a lot of people will then say oh but won't they seem won't they feel like i'm being a stalker if i'm reaching out to them and i'm sending them my resume like i already sent it through the online system so wouldn't it feel like i'm being a stalker or something like that and um you know what i would say that as long as you're not sending the to the same person 10 times in a row or the or sending it to 10 people in the same company or on the same team you know all at once as long as you're not doing that you're okay okay you send it once you leave it to them the ball's in their court they have access to your resume in different ways from their online system now from their inbox different inboxes now it's up to them if you don't hear back don't feel bad and be like oh there's something wrong with me my life is over no if you don't hear back it just means you don't hear back um they probably saw your resume because you gave them ample opportunity to and uh they're just not looking to recruit you for whatever reason and you know we can go down the rabbit hole of thinking all those kinds of things but you need you can only control what you can control okay and this is something i want to talk about as well stop um attaching your value to whether you get called back by people uh by these hiring managers or recruiters your value does not is not based on that all it comes down to is strategy if you're doing the right things that's all you have control over if you're strategically writing your resume the right way you're sending it out to the right people and then you're leaving in their court and if they don't call you back maybe it's on them because maybe it's there's something wrong with that maybe it means that the job isn't actually fully available right now maybe they've put it on hold internally and they haven't told anyone or maybe they already found someone and they're not saying anything you don't know so stop you know saying that what you're doing doesn't work or isn't working just because one recruiter or hiring manager doesn't call you back you want to be consistent with this you want to do this over and over again and if you really are seeing over a long period of time that it's not working then you change your strategy a little bit but this i would say this puts you on the right track on the right track okay this puts you on the right path so you want to be reaching out to them tip number four now we'll talk about interviews so we talked about resume we talked a little bit about job search let's talk about interviews i know interviews is the biggest thing a lot of people to tell me that they hate interviewing that they're nervous especially now everything is online interviews are all going to be virtual for a long time i think that once covitt is over whenever that is then you know they'll start bringing people back in for interviews because i think it's still very important for these companies to meet you in person they're what i've heard through through the grapevine is that hiring managers are finding it a little bit difficult to still truly gauge whether you're the right fit for the company by just only having talk to you through you know skype or um zoom or whatever um meetings or whatever it's called microsoft teams or whatever so um if that's uh right now that's what's happening is that they're that's what they're thinking for the future but we don't have control over any of that anyways so what you need to focus on is how do i make sure that i improve the way that i present myself in interviews through having to talk to a camera having to talk to a screen and this approach that i'm going to tell you about is one that i've advocated a couple times already many times actually in my videos and it's called the consultant approach okay that is the approach that you want to take on that's the mindset that you need to take on if you want to do well in interviews what is the consultant approach well there's okay let me let me paint the picture for you there are people out there who see themselves as the lowly job candidate oh i'm you know at the mercy of these hiring managers i'm at the mercy of the economy and and whether these jobs are available and you know i'm just i'm just i'm just looking for a job like i just want anyone to hire me like i'm at their mercy you know i have no control over myself i have no control over how i think i have no control over how i talk everything is um everyone else's it's it's everyone else's responsibility or whatever okay there's there's that mindset and you know i say it in a very exaggerated way and i'm poking fun at it but if you ask yourself you know if you've ever fallen into that mindset trap where you feel like the world is against you and it's it's it's there's nothing you know there's nothing that you can do about it and you've allowed yourself to feel that you know self-pity you know you need to pull yourself out of that because you have more control than you think when it comes to interviews you are actually the one that dictates to the hiring manager how they should feel about you based on what you say how you say it how you present yourself okay when they are asking you questions you're the one answering so they're judging you based on what you say so if you're not doing you're if you're not answering well if you're not strategically giving the right responses if you are not engaging if you're not you know doing all the right things if you're not using the consultant approach which i will touch on um then it's on you okay it's it's not really on them so um you need to pull yourself out of it because the other perspective is that you need to see yourself as someone who does have uh good skills who does have qualifications who does have technical abilities who does have experience that would be relevant for this job otherwise why would they bring you in for the interview if they didn't think you had something to offer them you have to look at what do i have to offer what is available from within me that i can offer to them that would help them in this role what is the reason why they are hiring for this position what problems can i solve and if you were to think like a consultant you would change your tone of how you talk you would change the tone of how you approach them okay you guys are still there right okay okay okay you guys are still there sorry something just happened with my camera so that freaked me out a little bit um okay okay okay so what is the consultant approach the consultant approach is that you are approaching your job search you guys still there oh yes okay sorry i just wanted to make sure thanks marita okay so you guys so for the consultant approach you want to make sure that you look and act and feel like you're a consultant so what is a consultant okay first of all when your company hires someone like a contractor or consultant to come in to help change their business or improve their business what happens the consultant will come in with a plan of action with a proposed strategy on what they want to do to help the business to grow or improve and they will lay it out and they're basically selling their plan selling their abilities selling their skills to these uh companies and based on how well they're able to sell what they think they'll be able to do and help them with then the companies will then pick them okay and so you have to think of yourself as someone who's basically in a sense a consultant where you know that they have a hiring need there is something that they there's work that needs to be done there's potential problems that need to be resolved and you are the one that can do that you're the one that will be able to handle that so you need to approach your interviews as if you're there to let them know that you can help them that you can reassure them that whatever problems they currently have and acknowledge to them what you know about what problems they have or what problems may exist that you have done that before if you have and explain how and then tell them why you're fit for them and what you can do for them so that's that's the gis okay of the consultant approach it's really a mindset shift that needs to happen from being someone who's like i hope you like me i hope i hope you pick me oh gosh oh i don't know if i answered that correctly oh versus like that versus this is what i can do for you this is what um i've done in the past this is what i can help you with this is blah blah blah okay so that's the overlying sorry underlying underlying mindset that you need to have going into interviews that's the first thing that you need to address is your mindset then what you're going to have to do is then start to prepare for these interviews and i've had people ask me how do i prepare for interviews if i don't know what's going to be asked yes there are many questions that get asked in an interview different types of questions and you need to figure out and know how interview questions come about so uh i talk about this again in one of my other programs top-notch interview okay so in top-notch interview just so you know the way it works i give you basically all the common interview questions that come out in an interview that would come up in an interview then i also talked to you about very complex questions that come tend to come up in interviews those complex questions usually are behavioral questions they are complex um in my opinion because the answers vary each time that you're answering them they're it's it's a unique answer it's not a scripted sample response necessarily it there's a strategy to it and then i also talk about you know crazy questions that can come up so what you need to recognize is they're all there are all these types of questions that come up the common ones the behavioral questions and then the crazy questions the crazy questions like how many elephants can you fit in a you know in a fridge like kind of things like that so you the key here is to know what kinds of questions come up then to understand the strategy behind answering each and every single one of them so you do need to study okay you do need to prepare you need to understand what are the questions that are going to come up and how to how do i answer them and in top-notch interview i actually walk you through all of that just letting you know i teach you exactly why the question is being asked what is in the sample sort of framework that you need to have for the answer and i give you an example sample response as well so for you you know i do give some videos on youtube already that talk about different interview questions the common ones that tend to come up but you need to do your research okay so if you want to learn more you can definitely check out my free interview strategy workshop which again is in the link below but essentially you need to prepare okay so the key here is have the consultant approach prepare in advance a lot of people make this mistake of going into interviews completely unprepared where they're just like oh they're just going to ask me a few questions i just have to answer them and what happens tell me if this is you you go into an interview they ask you questions and then you just like how you write your resume you start pulling answers from thin air things just start falling into your head and you just start you start saying this saying that and you start rambling a lot of people end up rambling some people end up freezing up where they don't have don't know how to answer or they don't know what to say it takes them a long time to pull themselves together but a lot of other people ramble tell me put say yes or say ramble if that's you if you tend to ramble in interviews that's got to stop okay you can't ramble as soon as you ramble hiring managers and recruiters know that they can sense it they can feel it because you're just adding on and on answers to an interview question there needs to be a purpose to every answer that you give there needs to be a conclusion to every answer okay you need to always let them know why you're a fit for them at the end of the day here's the secret to interviewing if you can figure out um how to answer every interview question by telling them why you're a fit for them by answering their question in the way that they ask you but then always giving the uh always leaning it towards why you're fit for them that's the right way to answer it okay i'm giving you like the theory side of it which is yes let's say they ask you um tell me about a time that you were able to um that you made a mistake tell me about a time you made a mistake and and uh how did you handle it okay that's a common question well that's i'd say a little more leaning towards the behavioral complex questions that can to get asked and depending on who you are your answer is gonna be different from bob from jane from joe from j you know julie like everyone's answers is gonna be slightly different because you're not gonna have the same story as the next person but the strategy needs to be there the strategy needs to be that you need to answer that question directly tell the story walk them through it and then always end it off with why this makes sense for them why this is a why you're a fit for them based on what you just told them the story that you just shared with them need you need to wrap it up and you need to always convince and reassure them why you are the right fit for that position after answering okay so there's so much more that goes into it like i can't even get into like when i'm talking about it in my top-notch interview course i actually write out for you the sample response that you would give i would give up the exact you know sentence one this is the purpose of this sentence what you're gonna say sentence two this is what you're gonna say and part three this is what you're gonna say and then i give you exact answers um to show you how to answer them but this is just giving you like as much as i can i'm giving it to you live you're gonna need to work on that okay interviews are not easy if you aren't naturally good at them some of us are very naturally you know they find interviews are very natural and and it's easy to put together a story and pull things together on the spot and all that will wonderful for you but for the majority of people interviewing is a very nerve-wracking experience and it's something that you know can you feel very pressured because obviously at the end of this interview is what is is a decision on whether you're going to get this job or not and that job represents your livelihood and and your career prospects and you know i know it's it's huge so interviewing in itself you shouldn't take lightly you know interviewing itself you shouldn't just go in and wing an interview and hope for the best and i hope i got the job like no you need to prepare okay you need to put the work in you need this is you need to take it seriously like you are your own business you are marketing yourself you are selling yourself you're your own sales person you're your own marketing person you know if you were a business you're you you represent everything so you need to do the research you need to prepare you need to put the effort in and um you need to make sure that when you go for these interviews that you have that confidence because the last thing you want is to go into an interview feeling low confidence about yourself low confidence on whether you're going to get the job offer and guess what hiring managers people in general we can feel people who don't feel good about themselves in a way so we can feel that there's insecurities there you know and if if you acknowledge it and you address it and you work on it fine that's great that's wonderful but if you are blatantly being insecure in front of them and like oh no i you know and giving answers like i don't i don't know sorry um i you know and you're just you feel like you're failing like they're gonna feel like you're failing too okay so many people come to me and they'll say you know i just i don't feel confident i don't feel good and um and all i can say is you need to work on that i know that sounds harsh but just like with anything when we were in school if we were failing school you know you had to do summer school you had to work harder a little bit you had to take those extra courses and then you could pass the rest of you know life in some aspects especially with work unfortunately is the same way if you're failing interviews and i don't i hate using that word if you're not doing well you need to look at yourself more objectively and be like okay what am i not doing well what can i improve on what have i been ignoring what advice um have i heard that seems to be something that i can work on that i haven't been doing okay what is linda saying to me right now that i need to listen to that i need to do so you need to be a little bit more critical but not from um a self-judging you know putting yourself down kind of standpoint you need to be critical in terms of analytical and just look at it without the emotions and just kind of go okay what needs to be fixed it's just like if a bus if you had a business and the business was going down instead of crying about it you have to be like okay if the business is going down what's going on there what are the holes you know is it is it the supply chain process you know is it logistics or um is it the sales process or whatever you need to look at it from that way and identify it and then work on it i mean you are your own business you are your own marketing person you're your own sales person so you need to prepare okay so consultant approach prepare and um you need to represent yourself okay and then finally my last tip before i jump into questions we're gonna have about 15 minutes worth for q a my last tip is to have your treasure chest of stories ready you might have heard me say this before in other videos as well what do i mean by that so when it comes to interviewing when it comes to them asking you uh those behavioral questions especially you know tell me about a time you did this tell me about your experience with this what do you know about this those types of questions which happen a lot okay those are generally in the second round interview that's when they you get thrown a lot of those questions the first round interview is usually with the recruiter and they ask tend to ask very high level questions more of the basic common questions but then in the second round interview where you're actually meeting with the hiring manager maybe multiple hiring managers they're going to grill you a little bit more they really want to know what you're capable of what you can do so when you're going into these interviews you need to have your treasure chest okay what i mean by treasure chest is in your mind you need to already have a compartment that is already filled of potential stories that you can share with that person with that hiring manager they need to already be structured they need to already be outlined in your head you need to be able to pull from it quickly you know just like you're pulling something out of a hat like real quick you need to be able to whip it out and show and be like here it is um this is my story on how i've been able to do this this is my story on um what i know about blank okay um now there's a whole process on how to prepare what you know the process of writing the story and figuring that out but here's a clue for you another secret that i want to give is that in order to figure out what stories you need to come up with comes from the job description okay the job descriptions people aren't studying these job descriptions enough and you need to start studying your job description more when you are going in for the interview you need to identify what potential stories do i need to talk about based on this job based on what this company is looking for what these hiring managers want from me i need to have stories that are aligned to what the job is asking for that's the gist of it okay so you need to start doing that for yourself going into the job descriptions know what to look for in the in the job descriptions figure out the stories that you need to prepare prepare those stories and then have your treasure chest of stories in those interviews okay so that's that for my five tips i feel like i just rambled for 45 minutes straight hope you guys are i haven't even checked what's going on in the comments um how are you guys doing uh i see a lot of people um commenting and saying lots of things um okay so let's jump into some of your questions i got questions ahead of time so to those people who were able to submit to their questions ahead of time i do want to honor those individuals um you know i honestly i got so many i can't even get to everybody so i'm gonna start going down the line of some of the questions i got and we'll take it from there okay guys so the first question is how to restore confidence in myself when i look around people with lesser qualifications than me land a job but not me okay so the question again was how do i restore confidence in myself when i look around people with lesser qualifications than me land jobs but i'm not landing jobs so this i've seen happens a lot um not a lot but it can happen where let's say someone who has maybe a little bit less experience than you uh happens to get the job that you went for and there's a there's a variety of reasons why this happens it could be things that are completely out of your control maybe they were actually looking for someone a little bit junior compared to your level of experience maybe they didn't want someone with that much experience maybe for some reason they wanted someone with a little less experience i don't know that could be a reason but if it's not the case and if you truly felt that you were the right fit for that job for some reason they didn't hire you then you need to analyze and go back to those three components well mostly the two components that we talked about which is your resume and the way that you interviewed okay you need to ask yourself what did i put down in my resume that might have thrown them off that might have not fully aligned me to the job that they were hiring for okay so that's the worst thing the second thing then is also asking yourself what were the questions that they asked me in the interview and what did i tell them and really you need to do this right after the interview where when you go for an interview you need to right after it write down the questions that they asked you so that you can have those questions for the next interview you go for if it's with a different company or whatever and you need to also recall what you said for those answers and then what was the reaction of the hiring manager based on what you said your gut usually will tell you if you answered it correctly or not if or if you answered in a way that made them feel convinced and made them feel excited about you if they didn't if you didn't get that reaction from them and this is the thing i'm not saying that every interviewer is the same that you're always going to get the exact same results if you do what i'm talking about not saying that but for the most part if you're doing well at an interview you'll know it okay that's that i think that's as that's all you really need to know if you're doing well you'll feel it you'll feel it because you'll see it in their reaction in the way that they're engaging with you and how long they spend with you while they're talking to you all those things you will feel it so you need to ask yourself okay where did i throw them off a little bit with what i said in terms of my answer what might have i what could have i said differently so you need to look at that because that's the only thing that you have control over you know confidence comes from identifying where you are currently weak where you're currently feeling frail and feeling not good enough identifying those and then working on them that's how you build confidence confidence doesn't just come from nowhere it comes from figuring out what you need to work on and improving on it you know and then once you start working on it and you start improving on it you start feeling better about yourself and that's where confidence comes from okay so that's my answer to you whoever wrote that to me um hopefully that helps you another um another question let's see what else do people say [Music] do you think your advice is applicable to non-us job market or search i get my audience you know you guys are all over the world um so i would say absolutely especially because the hiring strategies that i talk about and the recruiting strategies that are used come from individuals who are normally working in um you know westernized companies um global companies and so i would find i find actually that they use the same approach across the world when hiring so yes at the end of the day finding a job is all about knowing the strategy and how to sell yourself if you know how to sell yourself on your resume you know how to sell yourself in the interview you will be that much closer to getting the job offer so um regardless of what country you're in where in the world you're in it's really about knowing how to sell yourself so yes my advice i would say is applicable to you if you're outside of the us okay let's see okay so linda how do you transition from one career to another career with limited job experience in the field you want to transition to so maybe this is you maybe you're going from one career and this is you know you're in the middle of coven you're like you know what i realize this is not my dream i don't want to be doing this work anymore i want to be switching careers so you're asking okay how do i you know how do i transition how do i go to a different path and i have limited experience in that so i've helped many professionals get from one type of career path into a completely different one and it all comes down to the way that you write your resume and the way that you talk about yourself in your interview because the underlying theme of it all is how aligned and how aligned are you how good of a fit are you for this job that they're hiring for meaning what can you do for them what can you offer them what skills do you bring that are relevant for them so if you know what those are then you can start to come up with the story lines for that you can start to develop bullet points for that on your resume but the underlying tone of it all is knowing what you have what you bring to the table that is in direct um alignment and relevance to that hiring manager that company that position okay so you so even if you don't have the exact job experience you don't need it you just need the skills the transferable um skills and the um the experience that is still relevant okay it doesn't have to be exact it just has to be relevant so now what i would suggest to you is you need to start reflecting for yourself what do i have that's relevant even if i only did it 10 of the time when i was working in this job but that ten percent task is something that is required a lot in this new job well that is still relevant even if you only did ten percent of the time you're still going to talk about it you're still gonna bring it up and you're gonna let them know why you are a fit for them okay so that is how you would transition now i mean i'm saying it in like five seconds and making it sound like it's super easy it is not because i know that there's a full strategy that goes into it so again you need to figure out how you're going to put that down on your resume how you're going to tell the stories in the interview but if you have that and you're able to align yourself to that position then you're on the right path to being able to transition career paths okay awesome another question that came up is is it true that in an interview i can't be myself is it only what the interview wants to interviewer wants to hear um here's the thing you cannot go into an interview sounding like a robot you cannot go into an interview having perfectly rehearsed answers and just speaking monotone and even if you all the words you say are super eloquent um but you show no personality unfortunately they're not gonna be interested in you they're gonna think you're maybe not the right fit even though maybe on paper and everything you seem good but they're gonna feel like something's off so the answer to your question is um you have to be yourself you still have to showcase your personality you still have to showcase your enthusiasm for the opportunity um you have to showcase your positive side okay we are multifaceted human beings we have you know good bad sides to us we have crazy sides to us we're gonna show our good sides in an interview okay let's just be real about that you're not gonna show your negative side you're not gonna show your hangry side or um you know your your moody side in an interview you're gonna show your positive your enthusiastic your motivated side in the interview let's just be real okay so um there's still a part of you that is that person hopefully uh unless you're just a very dark and gloomy person and you can't pull yourself out of that well then i'd say work on that first because in order to get the job in an interview you need to to come in with that mindset that's the truth hiring managers want to hire people that they feel they're going to be able to work with who's going to want to work with someone that you know is dark and gloomy and and doesn't want to show their positive side so you have a positive side so showcase that that's not you being fake that's you being yourself but just in the more positive way in being um you know your friendly self in your engaging self and as long as you're you know doing all the right body language you know you're you're you're looking at them i know you can't look at them necessarily in the eye with virtual interviews but you know you're doing your best to be engaged and you're answering exactly what they're asking you and you're doing it in a very compelling way then that's that's that's the pro that's the approach yes so yes you have to be yourself you can't not be yourself in the interview um but of course the other side to it is yes you have to say what the interviewer wants to hear in a way but it's not like you're saying fake answers that aren't true you're saying you're telling them answers that you've come up with that that are true for you but you're just structuring them in a way that makes sense for them okay so that's your answer to that okay we might have time for just maybe one or two more questions um what else what else guys so here we go uh i do get interviews but not the job how do i know if it's my resume or interview skills good question i think this is similar to the very first question that i answered you you can't determine whether it's your resume or interview 100 when you've gotten the interviews and you don't get the job you have to think of it as potentially both because we never know oh was it the resume that uh that you're not getting the job offer or was it the interview skills you're gonna have to look at both okay and you're gonna have to improve both so if you're getting interviews this is the thing so here's another secret um when it comes to recruiting hiring managers when they're when they put out a job posting they'll have let's say one job posting and 200 applicants will apply for that one job right in the end they only pick about five six maybe ten resumes to uh call in for interviews two hundred whittled down to ten now in the five to ten resumes they might have one or two that they're like really banking on they're like wow that resume i really hope i'm gonna rank that person number one rank this other person number two and then they rank them rank your resume okay so hopefully you're in the top one two three uh so you wanna make sure that your resume is good enough to be in the top one two three each time ideally and there is a strategy for that if you follow my program top-notch resume i do teach you my approach okay so one two three so you you want to get into one two three if you're not one two three if you're four five six seven ten there's a chance that you're still going to get the interview but you're likely already behind the eight ball you're already a little bit behind because they already have other people in mind from a resume perspective that they've ranked higher than you and so you have to work that much harder in the interview to hopefully um outpace the other individuals you have no idea that this is happening because you know you've you've done the right thing of just submitting your resume the right way and getting called for the interview having no idea where you stand but behind the scenes this could be the case so if that is the case then that's why i can't say that it's just your interview skills that's not getting you the job it could be your resume as well maybe you're just good enough to get that interview but they're not seeing you as the one for the job offer so then you need to work on the resume okay that's why i always work on both and then interview skills same thing you need to figure out right after the interview what did they ask me what did i say what was their reaction what could i have said differently how can i improve myself what do i need to prepare for next time you need to be thinking about all these things for interviews okay so that is my answer for you there and now we've hit the end of the hour i know you guys have asked a lot of questions so here's the thing i've been thinking about um doing more lives with you guys uh and answering directly your questions um you know for uh with related to job search and career and things like that and i'd love to know from you i mean maybe i'll send an email or something to ask you guys if this is something that you'd want more of because i'm thinking of doing it more on an exclusive basis where you know we can have like um a group of you you know join in and i'm gonna be able to be upfront with you and i you know still share my tips and whatnot but answer questions right from the chat and unfortunately today i didn't have that opportunity because we ran out of time but is this something that you would like if yes let me know um yeah like i said i might send an email about it to ask you uh see what your thoughts are but hopefully all of this was helpful to you you know i know that covid has put us through the ringer especially if you're in the job search you know right now and you're looking for a new job you're feeling like it's so much harder i just want you to believe in yourself that you have what it takes you can do it you just need the right strategies you just need the right approach you need to just shift your mindset a little bit differently you know you need to be using the right um make sure that you're listening to the right advice and you know i'm not saying i'm the only one that's giving the only right advice there's so many other people giving you advice but that's the thing about that is that you can look all over and you hear different things so trust yourself do what you need to do okay i have links in my description box that will further help you after today if you want to sign up for my free resume mastery workshop go in there and then check out top notch resume if you feel willing um then on top of that i have my interview strategy workshop it's free as well you can sign up for that watch that and and then if you're willing you know enroll in my top-notch interview program and what happens when you enroll in my programs is i'm there on the other side to help you okay guys so i think that was a sign the thing just like kind of like turned off and turned back on i really hope you enjoyed this i hope this was helpful to you um i hope to be able to do this again soon let me know if this is something that you enjoyed and otherwise check out my resume and mastery workshop resume and interview workshops in the description box and check out my programs top notch resume top notch interview okay good luck with everything stay positive and i will talk to you soon bye now
Channel: Linda Raynier
Views: 68,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 20sec (3620 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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