12 Reasons Why Wuthering Waves is BETTER than Genshin Impact

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did you know that if you run out of stamina while climbing and weing waves you won't die to fall damage here are 12 things that weing waves has that genjin impact doesn't as always like and sub if you enjoy this vid some differences are more obvious than others for example number one if you run out of stamina while climbing you slide down the edge you don't just fall this means that In weering Waves if you run out of stamina right before reaching the top of the mountain your character will not die from Fall damage instead they slide down and you can try again with a different approach this was something that always annoyed me in Gin impact cuz you'd be right there about to climb up over the edge of the mountain only to run out of stamina and die to fall damage then you have to revive your character with an egg or something which responds them with 1 HP and try again number two speaking of climbing mountains you can also run up walls another thing I hate about climbing in any game is how slow it can be climbing and engent impact is so slow it consumes the most stamina out of any other movement mechanic thankfully In wethering Waves it cuts down on the slow aspect by allowing you to run up walls instead of climbing them of course this will consume stamina but at least it won't take 10 years to get up a small Cliff third major difference sprinting doesn't cause stamina in the Overworld and watering waves you can Sprint throughout the Overworld with no care in the world since it doesn't deplete your stamina it only costs stamina to do a dash not Sprint this is different from genin Impact which cost stamina to do both a dash as well as a Sprint this leads to a lot of downtime when exploring because you'll run out of stamina and have to do a slow jog to regain stamina before dashing or sprinting again definitely a good quality of life change in weing waves the fourth major difference is that farming Echo doesn't cost resin SL stamina so in genin Impact you have artifacts to gear your character Right In wethering Waves you have Echoes Echo are essentially how you gear your character to wethering waves and are farmed by killing mobs or bosses obviously bosses will give you stronger Echoes however in get an impact in order to gain powerful artifacts you have to go into a domain and use at least 20 resin for a fivar artifact in weathering ways however since the Echoes come from killing monsters and bosses and killing the monsters doesn't require any resin s stamina this means that you can Farm as many Echo as you want without needing to use any precious resin or stamina how great is that of course there is a catch you can Farm as many Echo as you want but if you find one that you like and want to upgrade it then that will cause stamina as it requires upgrade material which is obtained by using stamina number five weing waves has a gotta weapon Banner that is not a scam genin impacts weapon Banner is Infamous for being a scam if you don't know how their weapon Banner works essentially each weapon Banner has two limited time rate up five star weapons every 80 summons you are guaranteed a five-star weapon but there is a 25% chance it is not any of the two rate up weapons and just a standard five star weapon the other 75% chance is split between the two rate up weapons so if you are only going for one of the limited time weapons and not both you have a 37.5% chance of getting the weapon that you want not that high now you can set a path for the weapon that you want so that if the first two five star weapons you get is not the one that you want the third time you get a fivar weapon it will be guaranteed the one that you want this means that if you are the most unlucky it will take you a whopping 240 summons to get the weapon that you want now if you compare this system to what weathering waves has currently it is a thousand times more simple in weather waves on The Limited weapon Banner by 80 summons you are guaranteed to get the limited time rate up weapon on the banner that's it no BS system where you have to prey to get the weapon that you want just 80 summons and you get it on the standard weapon Banner you can set a path for the weapon that you want and you'll also get it in 80 summons no BS so yeah the gacha system is a lot better in weathering waves compared to genjin impact the sixth major difference between the two games is that one has a skip dialogue button another thing that genjin impact doesn't have is a skip dialogue button which is so frustrating there is a lot of talking and gen and impact especially by Pimon which gets really annoying to the point where you wish you can just skip the dialogue entirely well thankfully if you're not a lower person or are playing on a second account or you have multiple accounts where you're rrolling or something weing waves gives you the option to skip dialogue which is great okay and at number seven a good segue number seven the MC actually has voice lines speaking of dialogue genin impact receives a lot of criticism because the traveler has no actual voice lines in the dialogue it's always just Pon yapping her mouth off however in weathering waves the MC or the name is Rover has actual voice lines crazy I know so instead of having to listen to a floating Lolly balloon partner with a high pitch voice speak your thoughts you can just listen to the beautiful voice of your own character number eight different styles of puzzles in the Overworld genin impact has puzzles but in the Overworld the puzzles are pretty one-dimensional don't get me wrong genin impact has some puzzles that can make you tear your hair out but those are usually the puzzles that are in an important Quest or storyline in the Overworld the puzzles are pretty onedimensional think about collecting all the glowing orbs hitting a block a certain time certain way hitting a statue with a certain element you know Etc in weing waves there is a lot more variety when it comes to puzzles in Overworld you have 2D platformer puzzles parkour puzzles racing puzzles Candy Crush like Puzzles color pipe puzzles a rhythm game none of these puzzles are in gon impact and there's a lot more variety when it comes to puzzles and weing waves number nine you can switch characters midair genjin impact is pretty limited when it comes to character switching you can only switch between characters in your team if your character is touching the ground if you jump or use abilities that make you Airborne you are stuck on that character until they touch the ground again In weing Waves their character switching is extremely Dynamic you can switch between characters midair allowing you to perform attack combos that you otherwise wouldn't be able to if you can only switch characters while on the ground it also helps that characters can double jump in weathering waves each character also has a cool switching attack if you can build up to it where they could jump into combat with their switch and move number 10 four star characters have ultimate animations if there's one thing everything loves about gench and impact it's the burst animations that sequence where you get a close-up of your character performing their ultimate attack is always satisfying however fourstar characters in G impact don't have animations of their own so their ultimate ability just feels like any other normal ability however in wondering waves every four-star character has a unique close-up animation for their ultimate ability this makes the ability feel more powerful and gives more depth to the fourstar characters by further showcasing their personality of course these animations aren't as detailed as the five-star characters but at least Kuro games showed love to their fourstar characters and gave them unique animations number 11 120 FPS in 2024 being locked at 60 FPS for a game should be criminal in that case genin impact should be locked up for eternity thankfully In wering Waves you have the option to change the frame limit up to 120 FPS I would have liked to see the frame limit increased further perhaps even too unlimited but I'll take any Improvement at least I won't be stuck playing a game at 60 FPS in 2024 it doesn't make sense for any game to have that low of frame limit especially when they're on PC even some console games have a frame limit of 120 now so I don't understand why G impact doesn't have that at number 12 finally the last thing is parrying what most sets weing waves apart from genin Impact is its combat system with parrying and perfect dodging being the cornerstones for its intense combat genjin impact does have a quote unquote perfect Dodge System since dashing does give you eye frames to dodge attacks which is why it only included Parry In weing Waves bosses have certain moves that can be parried which is indicated by a glowing yellow circle before the boss attacks timing your character's attack with the yellow circle allows your character to carry the enemy's attack you can also do this midair which is pretty cool so that's it those are the 12 differences that I wanted to mention in this video if I left anything out please let me know and write it down in the comments below I'm sure there are many more differences that I couldn't catch while watching cbt2 gameplay so be sure to write it down in the comments below and maybe I'll make another video highlighting more differences as always like sub if you enjoyed the video and I'll see you on the next one peace
Channel: rasu
Views: 30,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rasu wuthering waves, 12 reasons why wuthering waves is better than genshin impact, genshin impact vs wuthering waves, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves cbt 2 gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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