12 Programming Project Ideas For 2024(Beginner To Advance)

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12 projects to build for 2024 I think it's a repeated advice okay the best way to learn any technology is by building projects in this video I'll discuss few broad categories of projects it won't be simple projects like an e-commerce website it'll be projects that can number one give you some use case users on D zero number two are good projects to open source there is a high probability that these go viral on news. ycombinator tocom or some other website like Reddit if they do you get a lot of stars on your GitHub which is a useful metric to look for especially when a recruiter is looking at your GitHub number three if you're trying to learn a new technology we will discuss real-time communication machine learning developer related projects and web 3 so any one of these if they Intrigue you it's a good project to build and lastly generally if you've thought of getting into coding the best way to learn is not look at projects but build them on your own in a very Scrappy fashion and then slowly incrementally make them better pick a project go deep into it tag me on Twitter when you have built it number one a whiteboarding application similar to what you see on my screen right now this website is exceled draw it's already open source but it has a few parts you can trim them down providing a link for an Excel a draw or your specific website where multiple people can come and share visuals is great it'll teach you two things number one how can you build you know a dragable interface like this in most probably the canvas I'm assuming this website uses the canvas under the hood I could totally be wrong here yeah it does so what is the canvas API in the browsers why is it useful for use cases like these this is one thing you will learn the second thing you will learn is how do you sync you know a website like this across browsers across devices so you'll understand a little bit about socket programming you'll understand a lot about front end not related to react this is like very specific canvas front ends that you learn about so one good project to build open source it put it on by combinator can almost guarantee it gives you you know some traction on DC Z personally it is useful for me I am building building like a course selling website and over there you know if you've seen an Academy's course selling websites one of the good modes they have is they have video at the top right and then you have a canvas here on the left and it's having an interface like this is useful for multiple reasons one of them being you know piracy so if you build this and if you can add some time feature here okay you know if I am on this website and building a few things over a span of 2 hours all of those can be recorded that is a great thing for me to use it my website so if you build this tag me especially if you build a Time tracking thing if I click on a start button here and start building a few things and I can replay all of these events very useful for me if you build it let me know first project let's move on to the second one Vimeo but better this is again a slightly selfish use case for me it's very hard to do video at scale if you go to YouTube and upload a video there are a thousand things that happen under the hood the first thing that happens is something called video transcoding the second thing that happens is something called U subtitle generation third thing that happens is thumble nail generation fourth thing that happens is segments generation and it would be good if someone can provide this as an API what I mean by this is I can't really you know upload a video on YouTube and put it on my private let's say webinar or private course selling website I need someone to provide me some authentication constructs on top so what you have to build is an API where someone can come give you an mp4 URL so that's going to be the input to your API and the output is going to be number one a bunch of video URLs number two uh subtitle URL can be VT uh thumbnail URL and segments basically dividing the video into segments May maybe actually the actual output should just be a react component where you can just give like the ID of your video if you build this react component and an API to upload an MP4 video super useful at least to me what will you learn number one video transcoding number two a little bit of AI to convert speech to text number three some generative AI to create thumbnails number four segment generation a little bit of AI there as well cool all of this a few people in my Cod have built I'll link a project in the description which does the segment generation and subtitle generation in case you're interested looking at it cool that's number two number three a real-time game you can build any game the one that I'm excited to see is poker I don't know how many of you have seen this website probably not a lot of people but poker is one of those niches where you can you know get rich very quickly you can find rich people to uh use your website this is a website that I recently saw it's called Cloud pooker night.com which lets rich people in the US sort of create a private poker game it has a little bit of you know real-time communication you have to maintain the game logic on a server it has some video processing so if you look at their poker table it looks something like this so people can actually view each other and you know there is a real dealer you don't have to have a real dealer you can have a you know a bot or a I guess a bot or an algorithm that's Distributing the cards but at high level you need people to be able to look at each other and talk to each other and you need a centralized poker logic that is able to you distribute fake money to begin with don't get into real money at the moment don't try to build any of these as businesses you can but you know especially when you're building something like this you have to be very careful about the legalities build it to learn something again expose it as an API and then someone else can use it to build their own poker game Cool the last realtime communication project I'm interested in is color theme generator we'll give an example this is the 100ex steps website as you can see there are a bunch of black colors blue colors white colors light blue color dark blue color um every website is sort of built on top of these themes and it would be nice if you know I have a dashboard for for your website the thing that you're Building colors db.com where I can go and you know tweak these um colors of mine and they get tweaked automatically in real time not real time even if I refresh the colors come back that's fine but I'm able to tweak these colors from your website the thing that you're building for that number one you'll have to give me an API to fetch these colors some Tailwind logic you can create or like wrappers you can create that automatically inject the theme and uh you'll have to create a dashboard where I can tweak these colors you can give me suggestions for theme pallets things like these and you can also automatically try various versions and a test and tell the user this is the best color palette for your uh website so something like this I think this is a VC company in this specific batch I've seen this project somewhere this isn't an original idea but I think it's a good idea to pursue um the things that you learn is number one how you can insect colors automatically into Tailwind into material UI so it'll require some you know high level Logic for you to understand how to create UI Library rappers and number two again some you don't have this doesn't have to be real time like if I go here and tweak a color shouldn't probably tweak directly here uh but like understanding the standard full stack things of how you can uh store these colors in a database maybe the interesting thing here would be how do you generate a bunch of pallets for the user to choose from but at a high level I think this can be used on D as I said someone's building it in the VC batch if you created it for free open source it you can cut their Market I mean I don't know if you will if someone's building it as a business they're doing 10 different things that you're not but a great idea to pursue cool let's move on to the machine learning section project number one build something like framer it's basically a website generator I'm not sure how many of you have heard of uh web flow but it's basically these are like no code tools that let you build websites but framer is slightly different very mildly different um what framea does is you can go here and give it a prompt and it'll generate a website for you now this is a very hard problem what you have to do for this specific project is create 10 templates of websites so you have like 10 pretty variations of websites that you can like find on a theme forest or create yourself then ask the user for a prompt when the user gives you a prompt your prompt goes to chat GPT to just for example their prompt would be give me a website for my uh newsletter you go to chat GPT ask it for titles on various places of your theme your theme Remains the Same your website Remains the Same the titles and images throughout the page changes and that's what you give as an output to the user so it's technically an AI website generator but under the hood you have manually generated 10 to 20 templates the user just comes and gives you a prompt you change the content on top of those templates um that's where the AI bit comes from and the other thing is just like the 20 templates that you had this is the simple part the difficult part is once the user has generated this website giving them a UI like this like a no code UI where they can go and actually edit their website this is very hard so as you can see this specific website was AI generated but I can actually you know change things here if I want though this would again require a little bit of canvas logic I feel this is a canvas um even if you can create a simple you know website generator where AI is only being used to generate for example the content and the images great if you can give the user if this will really become useful if the user can actually you know edit the texts here buttons here move them around if you can build that even better you can compete with a company like this I think this is a this is this is when you're you know getting into the Realms of taking the job of web developers so you know you're one step ahead of wanting to become a web developer you're trying to take their jobs so super useful project to have in your resume the second project in this library is an llm aggregator today there are a bunch of llms out there uh a few open source a few closed Source in the end they all have their own set of apis providing a single interface to talk to any one of these so create a library where you expose a bunch of endpoints and the user can hit those endpoints get back responses have like an HTTP layer have a websocket layer for the user to talk to it and under the hood the user can specify the only parameter the user has to change is the model and under the H you send the request to the right models and you know convert their request to the model specific request a few people are doing this um there's this project called o Lama that's very close to this where you can bring models locally run them and even if you're not bringing a model locally it's not open source you can still talk to something like tgbt using a single HTTP interface you don't have to you know create five different uh classes or functions to talk to each LM out there there are a few of these popping up already um a few smart people are trying to build it for you the project is just to you know get it out there especially it's very easy to get stars on um like everyone wants to look at what's being done in machine learning today so if you build something like this almost can guarantee on Day Z you're getting at least some eyeballs on it maybe some GitHub Stars whether or not you want to pursue it depends on you but a great project to build either way cool let's move on to the next section I think we're done with six projects six are left 1 2 3 4 six there we go the next one is a section I'm calling developer related see the thing is if you're building projects it's good if you can actually Market them or you know someone uses them you'll build it right if you know okay how someone is going to use them and since we're all developers we're more active in this community if you build projects that are you know useful to developers it's easy for you to Market them so the projects are in this section will be very relatable especially if you're on this channel let's get into the first one a gck issue tracker a place where you can track what all organizations have come in G you can filter them out H this organization came in 2020 2021 2022 look at the current open issues in there I think especially at this time in the next 2 to 3 months is going to be a super useful website for people just to just come find an issue and work on it um the more detail you can add here the better uh but at the very least try to have a bunch of organizations let the users filter the organizations based on text taxs let the users see what all years this organization came in and if possible try to scrape the currently open issues that are not assigned to anyone and let the users see them in a single centralized Place cool number two a more structured lead code beautiful IDE a beautiful idea for a thousand Reasons today the thing that's missing on the Internet is structure there's a lot of content no one knows where to go there's a long list on lead code called 75 blind that's basically 75 lead code questions that are very disjoint and you know if you do those 75 you can say you're pretty much good for an interview try to bring them in house or maybe a different version create your own list either way create a very structured list of lead code problems a platform where someone can come look at the problem solve it and then move on to the next one if they do those 30 60 90 however problems that might be they're good to go into an interview provide a structured lead code versus you know a place where there are a thousand problems and you don't know what to learn from this is one of those ideas that I feel can actually be monetized well because when people have an interview they will really pay for you know a structured place to learn everything they need for that specific interview cool third idea here a blind like app for college students how many of you have heard of blind it's basically an app where people can sign up using their official email so they at the rate of Google email at the rate of meta email that's how the platform knows that they're actually an employee at Google or meta but they're given Anonymous identity so so you never know who the person is but you can see that they actually work at Google this way people can anonymously talk to each other and share experiences about their workplace create a similar version for college students okay this will be a closed community where people can talk to each other people can post and answer questions where people will be verified based on their college emails so only college students can get in you can actually see this person is actually part of this college and they can talk anonymously you can also put things like yeah this person has taken a certain course so they can you know anonymously give reviews of this course was good or bad without being worried about you know defamation cases though so an app like this will give you one an idea of how mobile apps are build end to end number two I think there's a gap here like I think there's a need for an app like this where people can talk more freely about you know their problems and I don't know pirate courses don't do that but at high level I feel an app like this can be marketed easily and good thing to have on your GitHub cool last set of projects I think we're done with nine we need three more I four uh four web three projects that you can build number one air drop tracker so one very common thing that happens in at least that's happening right now is you know you get air drops in Solana or like any other blockchain um so you really need a centralized place where you can see this specific token was air dropped to me for example if I go to my there there are like multiple websites that already let you do it uh so I'm not saying there's like a gap here but it'll be good for you to learn how to do this yourself and under the hood what's happening is you're just hitting a bunch of apis trying to find um where this person might you know have some money so there are already a bunch of websites that let you do this uh one such website is asset Dash so as you can see there's an airdrop section and I can see all the air drops that I'm about to receive based on my wallets so as you can see it says this wallet is going to receive 3200 Jupiter the same for the other one creating a place like this where you're actively tracking um air drops and letting users look at a centralized place for it people actually pay for this there's a ethereum version of this that makes around $70,000 a month or a year I totally forgot um but like these are basically an that you're targeting who don't have the time to track how much air drop they're receiving but if you miss out on an air drop you basically lose this money this for example could be like a lot of money based on the token prices probably at least $1,000 to $2,000 and if I did not know within the cut off k i was air drop these it could be a lot of money lost for me so letting people put their wallet addresses in a place and notifying them K huh by you have received an air drop is I think a super useful business to build generally cross chain portfolio tracker this also like asset dashes that only if you go to the portfolio section here which I won't but you can actually put a bunch of wallets here and actually track your portfolio how much eth you have how much money you have based on nfts very hard to build um one the number of blockchain Integrations that you have to do here there like a th000 blockchains today and number two blockchains are hard to index if you can build that that's great even if you want to build a subset of this try to index a blockchain try to create a place where someone can come and just track a single address on a single blockchain for this itself the best way to do it is that you actually start indexing the blockchain which means you take the blockchain and create a centralized mySQL database for it at least for these addresses that you're interested in so and this will teach you how to create an indexer which is a lot of businesses need that and as you try to build a web3 startup company whatever you'll this will be a problem that you'll be faced with a lot of people don't do it in house and Outsource it but if you can do it in house for them it's a good like Consulting business to build as well so high level what do you have to build a portfolio tracker even if you don't want to build the whole thing build a blockchain indexer that given a few addresses it can you know listen to all the transactions that are happening on those addresses cool number three this one's interesting a PTM box but for blockchain I will actually be releasing a video very soon on this but high level so this this I'm building for sure if you someone wants to collaborate let me know what is the problem with blockchains lack of trust you cannot go to your kirana shop and tell them okay let me pay you an ethereum or salana I'm not saying there is good pmf here like no one is using blockchains at least in India but there are like crypto events where this can be you know at least you can try to adopt it where you create a PTM box like thing people can come scan and you know pay via crypto using any wallet and the Box actually buzzes by the end I've received 5 usdt this can create like some adoption in um crypto if at all again I don't think this is enough to create crypto adoption but I feel this is one of those projects that you know is great to pitch out in hackathons and win a lot of money I think this can be a good hackathon project if not something you want to pursue you know indefinitely but this is something I'm personally excited about I'll build it here also you will have to understand how to index blockchains because you know whenever someone pays on a specific address you want the sound box to buzz so the sound box needs to listen to the blockchain or you know something else needs to listen to the blockchain and eventually tell the sound boox play a specific sound to Super interesting project to build you will guaranteed if you take this out in a hackathon you will win some money if you pitch it right you'll win a lot of money I will most probably not pursue this as an idea or like even something I bu at a at a hackathon but I'll build it once to show you how you can actually build something like this yourself cool lastly a blockchain payment Gateway we have great payment gateways out there razor pay is a great one there are a bunch of others there is one problem um sometimes you cannot accept INR payments because you know people are in weird places or people want to stay Anonymous this happens on my course as well around 2% 1% of the payments happen by crypto so for that reason um the problem with that is like currently if you want to buy my C by crypto this is how the flow goes you go to the website uh you say you want to buy ah there's a button that says pay by a crypto that takes you to a doc you go into this dock you find an address here you pay that amount to this address and then you mail us and then we manually add you this is like super unoptimal takes a lot of you know human intervention so you have have to build a payment Gateway Bally razor pay let you you know do something like this whenever you click on buy now here the transaction happens via rer pay do the same thing um okay I get a centralized dashboard where I can see all of my incoming transactions I can create web hooks so that people can automatically get added to the course anytime they pay for it and the platform can take some fee I don't think it'll be as high as 2% what razor pay charges but it'll be like some. 1% because there's no real big mode of this business Razer pay has a big mode banking apis this guy does not but still you know it's been almost two cohorts now I haven't built this I'm still going through this unoptimal route so that tells you okay huh you know there is a gap to fill here people might not be open to paying 2% because you know anyone can build this um it's harder to build a banking payment Gateway that's actually connected to a bank something like it's much easier to build this but still if someone charges me like 2.5% maybe 25% I will pay them happily if you you know they've built a centralized place for me to track all the crypto payments and you know automatic most importantly they automatically hit my C CMS API so users automatically get added rather than you know them having to mail be and then me adding them 2 days later that creates a bad experience this is also like a solid business idea to pursue but like pick and choose um the smart the hard thing here the thing to learn here is like creating a payment Gateway and the reason I say build a crypto payment gateways because you can you know get it up and running on Day Zero versus if you go out there and try to build a real payment Gateway you have to one have some like a lot of money in the bank two banks have to be on your side three legal compliances for security so have to keep a bunch of things in mind this is much easier to build cool those were 12 13 ideas for you to pursue tell me what's the best one you want me to build the one that's posted in the comments below that is most uped I will come on the channel or like create a video for it and we'll try to build it together I'll show you how I would build a project like this how I would take out extract my learning things from it how I would open source it and then I'll urge you guys to start it so that you know I have another good project on my GitHub to show cool that's all for this video I'll see you guys in the next one bye-bye and happy 2024
Channel: Harkirat Singh
Views: 93,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P6hw2tsc_f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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