High Paying Technologies You Should Learn In 2024

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so 2024 is right around the corner in this video I want to talk about the Technologies you should learn if you want to become a software engineer in the next one year we'll start from the very Basics and understand how you can learn full stack development slowly we will move into some Niche Technologies and by the end of the video you should have a complete roadmap of what to learn if you want to know how to learn them we will create videos on this channel let me know which is the most interesting technology here that's not available on YouTube I am happy to bring a video on that on YouTube for free with that let's get into it so the first thing I keep talking about again and again is if you want to get into development you need to know the month stack very well this is very repeated advice but step one always is learning the month stack which is how you can create websites with node.js as the backend and react as the front end I'm going to talk about a few Technologies here and create a very high level roadmap the first thing you need to learn is Javascript more specifically the asynchronous nature of JavaScript how JavaScript runs it's one of the simplest languages to learn because of a few properties of it being loosely typed and single threaded learn about JavaScript solved a few lead code problems in it understand these three buzzwords after that learn about backend what is a backend why is it needed and start creating HTTP servers in Express once you've done this understand about databases the two popular database Technologies either nosql databases or SQL databases these are the more popular ones by this point you understand back end you understand JavaScript you understand how you can create back-ends in JavaScript then comes front-end development this includes react and State Management in State Management either recoil or Redux this is the point where you can create simple websites in JavaScript using Express as your backend server and front-end very basic react after you know this is a checkpoint checkpoint number one right here where you can create websites and this is good for hackathon projects this is good for uh creating a website for a friend for your brother for free this is not good for getting paid if you want to get paid is when some slightly more tricky technologies will come so number one thing you need to learn after this is typescript understand why you need it what is the syntax what are types and what type safety means why this is very useful and used everywhere if you're creating a professional project and not a kiddie project now I am going to write a few things a bunch of Technologies you should Google you should share DPT and understand what they are this is the basic way to create a website if you want to go more advanced you need to not learn all of these things but in various projects one or the other of these Technologies might be used grpc trpc open API spec this is not open AI this is open API it's a different thing dockerization AWS for deployment orms git GitHub the first three or maybe one more thing uh graphql the first three things and graphql are just a different way for a front end to talk to your backend containerization is a popular way to deploy applications keep them containerized again happy to make a detailed video if this is the video that wins in the comments AWS is a cloud provider specifically stands for Amazon web services which is where you deploy your website so other people can use it orms are a layer that let you interact with your databases so if this is your backend server and this is your SQL Server orms sort of make it very easy for you to be able to interact with an SQL server without understanding SQL queries and what they are and how they're written get GitHub is I think most of you know it it's the way to do Version Control Systems in most organizations lastly I want to talk about the oversell stack which means react is good but slowly losing popularity and next yes is becoming the popular front-end framework so maybe not maybe definitely learn next yes after you're at this point and another framework which was not created at Nexus but someone created it and the company got acquired by versaille is a framework called turbo repo which lets you create a very big full stack application so things are fairly simple here where you have a simple front end and a back end turbo repo is used for organizations slash code bases which have a very big 10 developers a lot of code bases a lot of modules talking to each other this probably is another checkpoint here where you can call yourself slightly Advanced full stack back-end developer a month stack developer that can actually charge for projects and not one who's creating TD projects at this point is where I would one create a lot of projects to checkpoint my knowledge with open source code bases foreign these two points are super important I have talked about tutorial hell a lot you will read about these Technologies online you will see other people create tutorials but until you create projects of your own you are not learning anything and even if you create projects of your own you're doing things yourself the way you think is the right way of doing it a lot of times in companies companies that will actually pay you this is not the right way to do it so look at open source projects look at how companies are actually doing it make sure you're able to read through their code bases and only then can you call yourself a full stack engineer who can get hired at one of these companies it's very easy to do this it's mildly complicated to do this because of the number of Technologies to cover this is the most difficult part being accountable creating projects yourself and learning things very easy to look at tutorials of other people coding very hard to code yourself so find some motivation here find some project that you actually like doing and then build it using some of these Technologies first start here then go here lastly we'll say this again and again a lot of Open Source projects exist these are real companies that have raised a lot of money look at how they have written their code basis make sure you're able to understand their code base as long as the code base is written in the month stack this is checkpoint number one which is how to learn the month stack in 2023 what are the relevant right Technologies for you to know to be able to call yourself a good full stack engineer next we will talk about some more advanced stuff which means after you have done all of these things you can create projects you can look at open source companies code bases you can crack G-Shock you can maybe crack a remote job in one of these companies what to do next um should you next should you stop learning or should you explore more things so we're going to talk about two more Technologies after this let's get to the first one all right so technology number two we are going to talk about is devops it's good for you to know devops as a full stack engineer but if you want to be a complete devops engineer which means you want to lead devops at a company and take care of how their code base is actually deployed on the cloud there are four technologies that you need to learn we are going to talk about all four of these now the first one is called Locker slash containerization this is the most important underrated technology that people struggle with after they can write non-stack code basis you can write them on stack you can create a website you can maybe even deploy it without containerizing it the part where you have to understand what are Docker containers why do you need this thing called a container is where a few people sort of give up this is where I would urge you to not give up understand the importance of containers this is what differentiates a professional Code full stack developer with a full stack developer so this is something you need to know irrespective of whether or not you want to be a devops engineer a few Technologies I'm going to talk about that you don't need this you definitely need either way high level way to learn it is number one Docker is your own full spec app until now hopefully you've created a few applications try to containerize it and deploy it on the internet to set up open source code basis locally using docker this is where you might understand the power of talker this is one of the reasons we learned Docker in our course which is kids harder to set up open source code bases and open source code base will have 10 different modules but most open source code bases will create a single Docker file you just have to start that Docker file and that will start the front end the back end the database the auxiliary services so this is a very underrated skill if you want to do open source contributions generally but even for deploying you need to know and understand computerization step two so the next thing we need to talk about is ISE which is infrastructure as code um if you have not done containerization the way you might have been deploying your applications until now would be you rent an AWS machine you go to the AWS console and you click a few buttons start an AWS machine you get an AWS machine you deploy your code base on that machine this is great but not great as your application grows for two reasons one if you want to go multi-cloud which means you want to deploy an app not just to AWS but to digital ocean then you have to press buttons in two places number two if your AWS again account gets hacked if you want to change your AWS account for whatever reasons a lot of times the reason is the bill here is really hand we don't want to pay the companies do do this they change their AWS account and don't pay bill on their existing AWS account the problem there is if you have 20 machines here and you go to a new AWS account you have to create 20 machines here by clicking a lot of buttons infrastructure as code as the name suggests lets you describe your infrastructure in the form of code so basically you have a file where you describe okay I need 20 ec2 instances and these are my AWS credentials and then you run a specific command that starts 20 ec2 instances on AWS and similarly you can write the scene for digital ocean and other clouds so what is ISE infrastructures code what does it let you do describe your infrastructure in the form of code you run a single command you deploy it on one AWS if your AWS goes down gets hacked or if you want to just change AWS to save a bunch of bills you run the same commands on different AWS server you start 20 instances on another AWS server the most famous technology to do this is called terraform and if you do understand terraform and are able to write terraform files that let you deploy to AWS second step where the learning sort of ends is creating your own terraform provider what does that mean AWS digital ocean have created their own providers you write them in the code base I need 20 ec2 instances it starts 20 each two instances you can create your own providers which may let other people do a bunch of things so you the only thing that's done here is not creating easy to instances um load balancers S3 Cloud stores a bunch of these things so ISC next to describe a bunch of these things let's say you own a cloud of your own cloud you have another service which could be a dummy service a Hello World Service you should expose that as your own telephone provider so pretty good thing to know this is where you can call yourself a you know step two devops engineer where you can understand and create ISC files if you want to create a provider of your own you can do that as well I did that this at Goodwin my learning graph was fairly High because I not just use terraform I also created providers of my own with that let's move to the third one so 0.3 and 0.4 are sort of related um 0.3 is kubernetes 0.4 is something called helm kubernetes is what's called a container orchestration engine too many heavy words together let me just break it down when you have AWS machines out on the world you deploy your applications there usually you rent an AWS machine in you run node index.js this is not the best way to run a backend server for example why because you should always containerize your applications the problem is once you have created this thing called the container a lot of times you want the single container to let's say be deployed to five different machines and not one so if I have one AWS machine and another AWS machine you might want one container C1 to be running here as well as here C2 to be running here C3 to be running here and a bunch of your services to be running in various uh what are called clusters of kubernetes which effectively means ec2 machine one ec2 Machine 2 running two containers container here one container here one container somewhere else kubernetes is a technology that lets you to it what does it let you do it lets you describe in a file like actually a bunch of files where you should deploy your containers it does not let you create containers Docker is what lets you create containers this lets you orchestrate container which means put containers in various machines usually this bunch of machines could be in digital ocean could be in gcp could be in AWS is what's called a kubernetes cluster cluster basically means these machines are no different from each other they are all running kubernetes and you tell kubernetes bro run C1 on two machines C2 on three machines and C4 on just a single machine or specifically run two instances of this three instances of this and one instance of this kubernetes does the heavy load of starting these containers why is this good for you because you just have to change this configuration run a single command and kubernetes the engine will take care of deploying them here killing container is restarting containers in case a container die is restarting it all that jazz so what do you need to learn you need to learn kubernetes after this if you actually really want to go deep into devops what does it let you do it lets you do container orchestration which is like a password what does it really mean let's you put containers on machines by running a few commands the problem is this is very hard to do not very hard to do this is actually fairly decent but like as your application grows it's very hard to keep running this command and keeping track of acha this was the command that ran and then this was the command that ran this is how we increased and decreased our servers so Helm is a package manager for kubernetes which basically means you can write files in the form of what are called templates and Define this is what my kubernetes configuration looks like and run a few commands like helm update that will update all a very big kubernetes cluster of yours with whatever you have described here it lets you describe all of this in the form of files which is why it's called a package manager for kubernetes similar to how node npm or yarn are package managers for node after you've done this and this is I mean there is no end to how much step UPS you can learn but this is a pretty solid engineer who can one containerize other people's applications their own applications full stack backend machine learning applications two use infrastructure as code to describe what their infrastructure should look like how many kubernetes clusters they need What machines they need to bring up what are the firewall rules which ports are open on what machines kubernetes using these containers which are already there on some what's called Docker registry which means you take these containers you put something there kubernetes to pull them to a machine and then deploy them in not just one machine but what's called a cluster and then finally Helm to actually manage your kubernetes cluster and your kubernetes files what should the configuration look like in a very nice what are called templates which basically means you can describe a bunch of files that describe what your kubernetes configuration should look like devops not complete but a very good devops engineer who understands all four of these things that was number two last technology that's good to learn I would urge you to learn and I'm learning myself is writing low latency code why is this useful this is useful for getting that 4cr offer understanding how trading firms work and what are the day-to-day functions of a Trading Company even if you want to create a full stack application if you want to really reach nirvana which means your backend application should be really fast for whatever reason you want to make it fast two you have a specific use case where it needs to be fast for example the very basic example here is a zero the like system where it is a trading application which a bunch of people are trading on on a day-to-day basis this needs to be really fast in the execution engine more specifically here needs to be really fast how do you build these what are the Technologies you need to learn and how you should learn them whatever buzzwords you to keep in mind let's get right into it I would urge you to pick one of five languages here C yes C plus plus o camel zig Mo Lang it's slightly hard to write low latency code here and do memory management which is why the other side of the spectrum is golang which is much easier to understand and write and it is pretty powerful from what I know their core trading systems have been written in golang and not any of these fancy Technologies so golang and C plus plus if you are a college student if you are just starting out a decent Technologies if you want to go one step ahead I would say rust rust might be slightly better than C plus plus purely based on how it does memory management and how you don't have to worry about doing garbage collection and the way rust does it oh camel I talked about because Jane Street which is one of the most famous trading companies that pays a lot of money has most of their code base in ocamel in fact at this point I would like to introduce a YouTube channel called coding Jesus which I will also Link in the description where I think this person used to work here talks a lot about how you can build trading systems I don't think they write it in O camel I think they write it in Java but for you the thing you need to understand is logic how to build a trading system and not which language is written in Zig is the new fancy popular technology um a lot of traders that I talk to are learning this in fact building all their systems in this I have no idea about it I know bun the very famous uh new node.js bundler Runner runtime is written in Zig and a bunch of traders that I know are also very big in six so Zig would be the last technology probably to learn here not if you're on this channel and doing beginner friendly things what is the beginner friendly path here maybe golang is the easiest if you want to go step two rust if you want to go do go if you want to ask me for tutorials you ask me Interest or in golang maybe in sick because I am trying to learn this and I have a few people I don't know now who are good at this alrighty next I want to talk about now why this is popular one tku these companies make a lot of money why do they make a lot of money and why do they need Engineers to write code in these languages because these languages are really fast to give you access to memory management uh serialization PG serialization of data and why is that useful this is useful because every micro Second Counts when you're making money via trading how do you make money while trading there are a bunch of ways but at a high level the way these companies make money is one arbitrary and two Market making which are Technologies you can learn about I'm just going to write them here arbit during and Market making and in both of these things and then like other ways of course for them to make money these are the two popular ones that I know um and in both of these cases time is of the essence microseconds matter which is why is of these trading firms have sort of chosen one of these languages um as I've said again golang rust Zig is probably the path I would take on this channel if you're on this channel um lastly the other benefit here is one you can of course build a trading systems build a trading Bots and make a lot of money the other is a lot of web 3 Frameworks or more specifically where precontracts can be written in some of these languages more specifically C and rust are two languages that you can use to write Solana contracts so the knowledge that you gain here can be used to write smart contracts specifically in Solana and then generally if you understand how you can write low level code it's useful well useful beyond the point you don't need it for basic website development but there might be parts of your code bases that use this or if you want to get into web 3 again very popular technology that's where we end the video this is the final checkpoint these are the three high level Technologies I would learn I would go with one then two then three now I need two things one which of these Technologies do you want me to teach in a single video so don't be like teach how to write low latency code in all of these languages be like give me what is needed in Rust something like that the most popular comment we will do and number two um well this is not a question it's more like the next video that like this is going to be of course on AI this is one popular technology I haven't yet talked about and this is going to be very big in 2024 it's like fairly obvious but what is this series I would like to name the series Buzz worlds that you need to learn that lead to a High paying job a lot of technology is well any technology that I've learned I haven't been taught I have heard about it from someone stack is where you make a lot of money and then I've learned about it what I will try to do in this series is spit out a lot of words that then you can read about Google about GPT about learn amongst yourselves create a lot of projects and get that final offer cool with that let's end the video I'll see you guys the next one bye bye bye bye
Channel: Harkirat Singh
Views: 188,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: highest paying jobs, high paying jobs, machine learning, top 10 highest paying jobs in 2023, highest paying jobs in the world, high paying skills, technologies to learn in 2024, highest paying jobs in india, 5 technologies to skip learning in 2023, top 10 technologies to learn in 2023, top technologies 2024, highest paying it jobs, here're the top 12 technologies to learn in 2023 - 2024, 2024 highest paying tech skills, learning to code, machine learning engineer
Id: JbKmVL80laI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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