The Complete Guide To Getting A Tech Job In 2024

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5 CR 1.6 CR cash 1.6 CR equity and around 2 CR a little bit more what the nfts that I got from this company are worth today this is the 2023 income and it's easy to look at this and be like you know I or being at the right place at the right time but roll the clock back a year when I was in a pretty pushi job J my base salary was almost the same amount 1.6 but I took the BET K web 3 even though it is an industry that's dying seems like the right bet for me to take back then it was probably the lowest it has ever been September 2022 joined a company had two offers one where 1.6 the cash component was 2 CR and there was Equity committed up front here only cash was committed up front everything else was bonus based and nfts were just you know something that could go in any direction yet ended up choosing this company why was I able to take that bet and similarly if I was taking this bet this year what are my predictions as to how and where companies are going and ways to reach there basically a high level road map of how I would study Technologies today to learn the right set of skills that are needed in these companies let's get right into it my very first prediction for 2024 is K hiring will go Niche what do I mean when I say this I basically think companies are going to require very specific roles for example I need a front-end engineer backend engineer devops engineer and that is what they'll be hiring for it is much better to be the master of one thing than being a jack of all trades in 2024 the reason for this is simple okay companies don't really need someone to own everything anymore they don't want someone who's decent at everything they need someone who's really good at a specific thing that is a pain point for them right now they want them to own that specific stack in that company this takes us to the second point point being a specialist is going to be important you don't have to learn everything today it's actually very enticing to jump from one technology to another okay you know I'm not getting a job in Java might be because there are more jobs in the mon stack or vice versa but in the end there are always opportunities for the top 1% whatever you end up choosing try to be in the top 1% of that specific technology rather than jumping ships from one technology to another being self-reliant gone are the days I feel where you know a company is going to come one campus and hire 200 Engineers based on their DSA skills and then eventually figure out where does one go give you a 6mon warming up period to understand the stack and you know fit you as a piece of the puzzle so that you stay in that company for 20 years that might still happen if I'm being honest I not very well connected with you know the Fang ecosystem or TSA ecosystem my personal thoughts here are okay companies are no longer euphoric there was a time when you were incentivized to put more engineers in your office because that's what you wanted to to show the investors that was how the market was growing this was a metric of a good company now in the last 2 years as funding has torn down companies have realize they have to move profitable it's much easier to spend someone else's money on Engineers or some other expense it's much harder to spend the money you've earned yourself as companies become more profitable this is not investor money they're spending it's their own they'll be much more conscious when they're hiring they're not going on a campus hiring 20 people and then figuring out what to do with them they're hiring two people the right ones who can hit the ground running on day Zer extremely cautious hiring web 3 is in a bull right now suddenly companies that had not seen any transaction any Revenue in the past few months are seeing you know million dollar days where they're making so much money on transaction fees yet I'm seeing very conscious hiring posts we're hiring one mobile engineer one infrastructure engineer no one's going euphoric this is money they've made themselves they want to keep it to themselves at the same time if there is a pain point in the company they are going to hire for it but very cautiously people have learned their lesson from from one pair they are going to hire optimally is what I feel DSA is not going to be a metric why are you saying this why are you against DSA I am not against DSA I'm just thinking as a business owner okay H by if I'm hiring someone it's good for them to know DSA frankly it is the first level of interview that you might go through but it's fairly easy to filter out people who cannot code after you've gone through it there will be rounds where you'll have to live code most probably this all comes from my experience my set of companies the companies that I've interviewed for looked at the Circle that I'm in is not the Fang Circle don't try to compare apples to oranges here I feel the companies want to make sure whatever you will be coding once you join the company show us how you code how would you solve such a small problem statement after you join the company along with this system design is also a pretty popular choice of interview is what I feel so DSA is probably not going to be enough if a job is what you're looking for anyways is a very boring thing to do I feel personal opinion not something you know you want to do Beyond a point unless you know you're interested in it which yeah sure in that case go for it small actionable teams again irrespective of if there's a lot of money unless it's like euphoric money again most probably teams are going to be lean the reason for this is number one it's much easier better faster to code now people can delegate tasks and some other you know writing tests things like these two AIS and generally I talk to a few people and ask by if you given a choice to you know hire 10 people in India for 1 lakh rupees or one engineer who's charging $20,000 which is basically the same amount he said I would hire that one 10x engineer again this is all personal experience ices but I feel the same I think one 10x engineer who's charging 10 times more than 10 average Engineers is much more powerful and you know impactful in a team if you look at the current why combinator batch even though companies are still raising $23 million of seed rounds um most of them have one or two technical co-founders who are full-time working on it at Max they'll hire one to two Engineers give them a 100K 120k kind of an offer and that's what they're getting by with until they reach pmf compar this to a few years ago where companies were raising around 5 mil and we're hiring at least three four Engineers right after YC as you can see the number is cut in half and generally I think that's the right metric I think Engineers are twice as fast now thanks to AI so don't be surprised if the number of job openings the number of people in a specific company handling something get cut down by half High Equity is going to make you rich again this is a personal opinion but I feel you know today companies are going to have some basic Benchmark of okay I'm going to pay an engineer 80k to 200k that's going to be the cash component no matter how good you are unless you're working at some openi or something for most startups companies there'll be a range for cash which most probably won't make you wealthy this is debatable and highly subjective but I feel you'll begin to touch a ceiling in your cash component an equity if it works out well is what will end up making you wealthy this happens over multiple cycles and multiple companies if one of your bet actually ends up working out but even if it does not you'll make some basic cash which you know if over a long period of time if you invest correctly you can still become wealthy over like whatever 10 20 years being somewhere for the longer term I feel this is another Trend that's happening during the bull you know people change companies every 6 months because everyone's giving you better bigger offers especially one thing you can do is do competitor hopping okay go from one edit Tech to another because they really want to hire Engineers from the other company and see what's happening there I don't think that's happening anymore I don't think companies are in foro of hiring Engineers anymore and for that reason I think it would make sense for you to stick to a company for at least a year or two and you know gain valuable Equity there and as I said most probably Equity is going to make you wealthy the range for a seed startup that I'm seeing is you'll get 100K offer plus anywhere from3 to 1% equity which if the company ends up doing well let's say is valued at 100 Mill at some point you might end up making more from your Equity there are some preconditions here not every startup becomes successful but if it does most probably your wealth will come from here if you know this is the path that you're thinking of taking don't chase the 500k you might see fancy outcomes like these you might see me coming on the channel here and there talking about how much money I've made if you take that as the bare minimum metric you will never be satisfied with the offers that are out there that you can currently get this comes from a personal experience where I referred someone right now at a pretty decent offer but by the end of it he was like I'm happy but this doesn't feel great 100 so my only response was it will happen over time it does not happen immediately I've been working for a few years now if you're just starting out even if you've been in the industry but you know not done the right things until now not coded the things that I'm going to talk about here you know slowly and steadily you'll get there don't chase the 4cr offer initially and don't get disappointed if you know you're just getting or whatever you're getting a 60k 50k 30k us offer it's your first remote offer you're working from the comfort of your home in a place where you're spending 20,000 rupees a month as expenses you can still save a lot more there's a good chance if you move to the US on 100K salary you'll end up saving the same amount though try to stay a little humble when you get something you know it always feels like don't try to pinch pennies here at least on your first offer eventually as you jump ships feel free to you know negotiate and squeeze as much as you want cool let's understand the ways to reach there this is a road map of who will hire how will they hire how much will they pay this is if I were to start all over again how would I start coding more specifically this is for people who are sure the one thing I would strongly suggest is this path is only going to be actionable if you are sure you want to be a developer in the next 6 8 months um this is not super productive if you're not yet sure if you've not had a CS degree or you know any degree at all if You' have not been in engineering this is not the right path probably then you should probably go for a much know simpler boot camp first understand things and then dive into this but if you're in a CS degree generally doing engineering done a little bit of DSA want to get to remote job already do a job then this is a decent path to follow I think this is the right approach to get into any technology this is how I learn more Technologies new technologies whenever I feel like yeah this industry seems like it's booming or this is industry I want to Target the way I Target It Is by using a top down approach what do I mean by this I mean by don't learn things theoretically from day Zero start building projects top down means by I don't know rust yet but I'm going to build a project that can only be written in R so I will you know wiggle left right and Center or what we say in Hindi to try to build the first Scrappy version this is great amazing start you at least understand the syntax of that language don't get stuck here the problem with building projects on your own is you never know how projects are being built in the industry and the right way to build any project and it's very easy to get stuck in beginner hell H you know I have built a project which well does not scale Beyond 10 people but I have built it if you take that project out in front of a CTO they'll basically know in to minutes this is not the right way to build something though you have to build things the right way the industry ready way though do build projects but open source them make sure people are ridiculing them make sure you are going through open source code bases and understanding this is how a website like this would be built a this is how I would build a production ready system in Rust versus always writing it on your own it's good to write it on your own build a V1 most probably your V1 is going to be Scrappy once you've done that look at other open source projects out there make sure you're able to understand how code is written if you understand how code is written in a good open source project you will understand how to do it in an industry ready fashion that is the right way to learn that's probably the best way to learn as quickly as possible is number one build a scrappy project two open source it three put them on Twitter this is highly underrated whenever I come and say something on this channel usually that Arbitrage closes very quickly if I introduce an open source project everyone's contributing to it this is one advice that I feel I've said a lot but people haven't really capitalized on it okay put your work out on Twitter most recruiters most people that you'll meet for you know this specific path most most 90% of the companies that I've been in I've gotten in touch Twitter though Twitter is an underrated way to Showcase your skills whatever project You're Building good or bad put a live version out and put it on Twitter you will not have any reach initially but as you approach recruiters talk to HRS HR don't understand GitHub they do understand life projects though so this will be your showcase of all the projects that you've built reach out to early stage startups that's the last advice K by once you feel like you're ready and you've done all of these things you can build projects look at open source projects you have open sourc them you have put them on Twitter you have retweeted them gotten some reach then is the right time to reach out to early stage startups and show them how can you provide value this is one thing that is uncertain everything else is a certain path you can do this this whether or not you get a reply depends a little bit on your luck little bit on who is hiring who is not hiring little bit on the markets this is one thing I cannot predict for you or you know tell you this always works if you try 10 times you try 20 times maybe one person replies when they reply you have to be ready yes sub should be done and only then apply you don't want to be in a position where you're getting interviews but not getting if you get an interview you should be ready 100% to nail that interview just keep that in mind that's my only high level advice the worst thing you can do is you know you did the most uncertain bit you were able to crack but the certain bits that you know K this is the clear path to do this you did not to okay it's a high level road map of how I would Target a job today this keeps changing every cycle what company to Target what industry toar tget is just based on where the funding is going right now I'm not going to comment on that in this video but at a high level I feel this General path applies to most Industries if you want to get into machine learning if you want to get into web 3 if you want to get into full stack I generally follow this approach to learn anything new and this is how I would approach the market if you feel this is too volatile for you if you feel you wanted a certain path you know you know DSA and a company comes and picks you I don't think that's going to happen for at least these startups I don't think it's ever happened for these startups if I'm being honest I don't understand the DSA the Fang Market very well I'm not going to comment on it I'm not saying it's a dying Market could be a great Market could be you know your future path I'm not saying it's a bad path I'm saying this is the path these are the requirements right now this is the way to learn what you want to learn this is the uncertain thing if it happens great if not at least you learn something new you can build your own projects cool with that let's end it I'll see you guys in 2024 bye-bye
Channel: Harkirat Singh
Views: 209,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8gbLg8MCWqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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