Most Demanding Programming Skill Which Everyone Should LEARN | Web3 or AI or Full Stack?

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hi everyone so in this video I wanted to discuss web3, AI, full stack development with so many buzzwords around which one should you probably choose today and more specifically a very nice learning path in all three um to set some context for the video uh the reason I wanted to make the video was I feel like totally be wrong here that three to four months of consistent studying is enough to learn any one of these three Technologies why do I feel this because full stack is considered hard conventionally but in my course that I'm teaching it's only been two months and I see people are at a very nice level where I'll sort of share when I share the full stack roadmap the point is I've sort of understand understood at this point that if you're consistent um that's the only prerequisite then it's easy for you to learn a new technology in this video I wanted to talk about what are those sort of humps that come in the Journey of learning full stack AI or web3 which if you go over if someone is there to pull you during those humps because those are the humps where people are just like this is probably not for me and they move on to whatever they were doing before learning full stack web3 AI so what are those humps um and what can you do during those paths uh when you get stuck somewhere and how you can continue the journey because consistency is key when it comes to learning any technology cool let's get right into the video so let's discuss firstly okay what's the difference between your three Ai and full stack why you should choose one over the other and frankly I have no answer about this uh it really depends on personal advice of course if you look at the market right now ai is the most hot thing after that I would say there is full stack because full stack can be used in all sort of companies be it a web 3 company be it an AI company and of course normal standard companies do require full stack and then I'd keep web3 web3 at the very bottom if I had to like not give you advice as a big brother but like as a friend I would say uh probably stick with web3 cause as the bull run comes you're very well positioned but I'm talking like uh mentors here and then the obvious advice here is AI is on a boom so that's probably the right thing for you to learn before you learn web3 and AI though I feel full stack is a good base for you to have the reason is if you start down that path right of web3 and AI it's very hard for you to go along to this thing called Full stack so it's always good to have a very nice Foundation of basic full stack I say the same for DSA as well you can do DSA understand it a little bit at least you should know what's happening in the future if you have a DSA interview you know what to do cool so I would start with full stack either way and then finally if I had to choose today and I was starting from a clean slate I would go with AI personally I am learning AI as well I hired a friend of mine or not really hired but like someone who teaches me 30 minutes in a week very nice sort of guided path you know one one-on-one session where he's been teaching me how to learn web3 sorry AI and I feel okay four months are actually enough for me to gain enough context because the person who's teaching me is sort of a PhD and he's pretty good at what he does and he knows what's being used in the industry if you have a mentor like this then it's sort of easier to go through that path versus if you're you know scrambling through resources so what is the actionable advice before we start the video actionable advice is either find friends or a personalized Mentor a brother sister someone who when you get stuck during these humps helps you out with some personalized doubts and secondly gives you some accountability through this journey because if you can stick through it for three to four months trust me that's sort of where the inflection point comes cool let's get right into the video so the first thing I want to discuss was full stack what are the learning paths and where do the humps come I know this very well now because I'm teaching a course so there I've seen this practically with a bunch of students where people got stuck and personally for me I've seen three months four months are good enough to learn it the first thing you need to learn is learning JavaScript so this is for people who have not programmed at all you will have to learn a language first and this will be your first biggest hump learning JS just the syntax and understanding its single threaded nature how it's different from a language like rust or golang or Java but why it's necessary because the browser sort of only understands JavaScript once you go over that hump once you've understood JavaScript your journey will be very smooth writing very basic back-end applications because node.js JavaScript very similar you just need to understand something called HTTP servers once you do you're good to go there's like no real hump in writing back-end applications until you go to front end front end also if you write basic Frontend HTML CSS JavaScript you're mostly fine when react comes into the picture that's the second biggest hump for most people this is where I saw a lot of people filtering out a lot of people asking for extra questions, extra doubts extra classes during the course and I saw this personally myself as well when I was learning so the second biggest hump in the full stack journey is going to be react if you can pull through this then you're pretty much sorted in a very decent situation this is the biggest hump in the full stack Journey which is learning react once you know how to write backends in front ends in react and a standard node.js application a very basic MERN-stack app the next hump comes when you start moving from JavaScript to typescript that's also not a very big hump but it feels a little jarring why are we making our lives as developers much harder writing highly verbose code when we were like very simply going through basic with non-typed JavaScript but the answer here is in a very big code base most open source projects most good projects the code will not be in JavaScript it will be in typescript there are benefits to it what are benefits you can read through a bunch of videos but you will have to eventually learn typescript and this is the third hump once you go through this third hump the last thing is not really needed but what differentiates you is some high level uh Frameworks things more than HTTP things like trpc things like graphql these are not specific to um the mern stack happen in most languages and the this is where the world is moving slowly so you will have to at some point understand these but the first three are actually good enough if you can write type save applications in the mern stack you're pretty well sorted you can call yourself a full stack engineer at that point if you want to learn more there's actually no end to how much you can learn because there's like bunch of communication protocols there is backend communication there is they're like tons of things that come in more complex full stack applications but a basic website a good basic website front-end backend if you can write in a typesafe manner you're sorted cool this is the journey for full stack I don't think you need more than four months to understand all of this um again everyone's speed is different but if you're consistent which by which I mean you're putting in 20 hours a week and you're not really taking breaks in the middle because once you take a break you're pretty much at square one that's something I've seen in Tech as well so if you stick through it then I think four months is good enough to learn all of this if you want to go beyond this there are a few paths I have written down one is learning react native so mobile development if you know react fairly easy to move to react native although as you sort of start developing up developing applications you will start to or need to understand Android development iOS development so you want to go down that Niche feel free to but it's an easy starting point if you've learned react already and there's a CI CD General devops and figuring out how you can deploy your app in a dumb manner but hopefully through better tools like kubernetes containerization infrastructure as code so that you become a very nice one person Army one person team whoever hires you doesn't need to hire a devops person a front-end engineer a back-end engineer you can do everything and if you want to start your own startup you pretty much have all the context to build a website end-to-end deploy it in a very scalable fashion I think all of this 4 months is decent and I think the same applies to at least web 3, AI am not sure I have myself learning but let's try to Now understand the roadmap to web3 small plug here my web3 roadmap video is coming not a roadmap this time it's like a web 3 bootcamp which will be four to five very long videos by very long I mean four or five hours um where I will be basically teaching all the thing things that I'm going to share now um and what are all these humps that come how you can um go through them hopefully with me on this YouTube channel cool starting out so the first hump that comes is not a lot of people use uh web3 so people who understand very basic terms like private Keys what are public Keys what is the what is the decentralized exchange and why even use web3 in a bunch of use cases so you have to sort of twist your mind a little yeah this is how things are done and these are the use cases of the future that may or may not become popular at some point um but at some points you'll see yourself questioning as to why we are doing this in a web 3 way and we should probably just build a website for it and you just have to sort of stick through it during those times and I have a very long video with Harnoor where I was telling him like 10 such jargons what a private Keys what's uh what's an nft, hows nft different from a token I'm happy to release it it's a very sort of all over the place video which is why I haven't released it but if you guys feel like it I'm happy to release it on another channel or the main Channel we just discussed a bunch of web3 jargon and tried to explain Harnoor very standard terms that sort of perplex you when you start once you've gone through this is when you start coding so the next big hump is a evm development um so in solidity or sorry not solidity in web 3 generally you don't necessarily have to write this thing called smart contracts but it's good if you're a smart contract engineer versus a person who's just you know writing client-side code or centralized backend company you could totally be a full stack engineer for a web 3 company but the whole idea here is to and and for that you just need to understand the basic jargon and a little bit of you know this Library called web3.js that lets you interact with the blockchain but it's good for you to at least understand how to write smart contracts or actually be a smart contract engineer that's where the solid moat is that's the thing that you need to learn here to learn that there are a bunch of blockchains and everybody blockchain sort of has their own way of writing smart contracts the first one that you should start with is evm development so this is ethereum polygon a bunch of chains that let you deploy smart contracts in solidity so what it solidity solid is language of its own so the next hump comes when you have to learn this new language this is going to be my first video in the boot camp where we're going to learn solidity end to end write a contract and even write a website for it cool so what's the biggest hump here uh after you've learned jargon it is learning solidity and writing smart contracts understanding how now functions can also when someone is calling a function in a backend a full stack application a web 2 world you don't really send money I mean you you do in like Flipkart or whatever a course selling website but when it comes to calling a function it's just like really hard for you to send the money unless you have like a razorpay Integrations and all that yes I'm deviating I feel so let me come back there are few extra things that you can write in a smart contract at a slightly different from a web2 backend and secondly your web 2 backends you Deploy on AWS yourself uh your web 3 solidity programs smart contracts whatever you want to call it are deployed on the blockchain so there's no real CI CD here almost specifically there's no devops here you don't deploy anything to AWS everything gets deployed to a network of computers and that's another mind shift of oh where is my backend code going going on the blockchain so what is the next hump after you've done uh basic jargon, after you've done solidity you're able to write smart codes sorry smart contracts on your own um the third hump is moving beyond evm which is you can now write smart contracts you can also so maybe create a website for your smart contract which is called like a Dapp a decentralized app once you've done that you need to now move across chains so you can basically write smart contracts already for ethereum and a bunch of other blockchains but if you want to either create a blockchain of your own so you have to understand this blockchain called Cosmos or polka dot or if you want to move to other blockchains like Solana you need to understand how smart contracts are written there and they're very different from how smart contracts are written on solidity or ethereum the data model is different how the data is stored is different how you send money slash gas for every interaction is very different between these chains so when you move from let's say solidity to Solana development you need to understand the language to write code in Solana which is uh rust or C so the next hump is understanding Rust or C then writing smart contracts in solana which are very different from writing smart contracts in ethereum cool once you've done this and you can write smart contracts across chains which includes Cosmos Solana or ethereum the next step which I find very fascinating and I'm personally excited about and we'll have a video of that very soon is when you move assets across blockchains what does that mean um just think of it like I have ethereum on the ethereum blockchain how can I move it to Solana I have Solana on the Solana blockchain how can I move it to ethereum I might feel a little weird it is weird when we get into the integrities of How It's actually done it'll feel actually fairly dumb but there is there are projects out there that let you do this and it's actually a pretty ingenious thing to do if you understand this you understand pretty much all that's not not all but like most of things that are required for ethereum development for Solana development because you can now move assets from one chain to another if you understand how that's run under the hood if you can write something like this yourself you're a pretty solid engineer by then that's the steps that I know and these are the steps that we are going to follow in the videos to come very high level first video is going to be solidity development uh understanding solidity the language and writing our own contract and deploying it second video is probably going to be some advance contracts third video is going to be solana development fourth or the fifth video is going to be moving across blockchains we might do Cosmos as well that's the general flow of the web3 bootcam that's coming for free on my Youtube channel cool moving on AI, so a bunch of disclaimers here one I have not done AI development at all other than uh when I was applying for my masters I was trying to impress professors in the US and so I sort of uh did the Andrew ng course um I did it a few years ago so I have zero context on uh AI now I understand things from the very high level but I need a very focused path to learn this I do want to learn this as a hobby not as like a business or anything and for that I sort of uh called a few friends all a lot of my friends sort of went for Masters and phds and work at really nice places so I asked one to just uh take out 30 minutes in a week or more specifically an hour every 15 days so we meet every 15 days and he just gives me a very high level path of one what is happening in the industry and two how I should learn it it's not a good idea to for example learn typescript directly you should start with building JavaScript code or like JavaScript websites similarly he's sort of guiding me week on week as to what I should learn if I reach the goals for that week is when we sort of move to the next thing we've met two times now and the only thing we've done until on the first session was just Learn Python and not just like basic python of writing HTTP servers you should also understand these libraries called tensorflow, numpy, pandas and how you can write very basic code in them functions and manipulation of arrays that's what he asked me to do that was fairly simple frankly that's what I learned for the first 15 days now he's asked me to go through a few lectures for supervised learning, un-supervised learning and deep learning I have no idea what this is this side now I did this back in the day so I will have a little bit of idea what these are and neural networks we did back in college so I have a decent idea of what is not a decent idea I have like a very high level idea from memory now I have to learn these three things he has asked me to go through the Andrew ng course again which is what I'm going to do next and then he's told me it will move Beyond this because apparently these things are not used today and then something else is used which is going to teach me next but this is what will create my Foundation this is where I'm at I'm happy to share my journey um as time comes by if you want to join the session he charges like $200 an hour something like that if you want to join I can ask him and more people can join I don't mind if someone else is there with me as long as the group is small um but that's how I'm learning AI I think this is a pretty decent way to learn a new technology if you find someone who's good at it pay them some whatever their hourly rate is and then try to um learn as much as you can from them because they're in the industry they know what's being used and hopefully if they're a decent teacher they can guide you through small incremental steps to learning the final thing if you drive directly into the final thing 1. Foundation isn't really good and secondly uh you might just be like I don't want to do this I'll go back to my web2 job or whatever cool so these are the humps if you're a complete beginner and have never coded first thing you should probably do is full stack there will be humps in the journey but hopefully if you get through all of them four months are good enough to learn everything if you already know full stack work in some Company, Bangalore on site remote whatever you want to learn one of these two technologies web 3 you can learn with me on the channel it will be probably four or five videos in the next two months um resources as well I've listed down the things that I feel is the right path to learn web3 then finally AI I am learning I'm happy to share the journey here either through Community posts or if you really want to join my friend in a small group feel free to join Discord and ping me or just comment it on and I can just ask him if he'll open this cool thank you everyone that was a hopefully helps you understand how to learn these things what you should learn really depends on you if I was a clean slate guy today like I don't know coding at all I'd go with full stack if I was a full stack I'd probably go with AI but uh personal plug here okay web3 is if you want to learn it's coming on my channel and why should you learn web3 when you AI is at peak right now because you start here and then when the bull comes you sort of reap the rewards that will be my two cents but again feel free to make an informed decision with that less than the video I'll see in the next one bye
Channel: Harkirat Singh
Views: 159,631
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Id: WRFbpissttY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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