These coding projects give you an unfair advantage

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in this video I'm going to share the top five programming project ideas to get a job now I'm also going to share the worst programming project idea that every single student does trust me you might have even done this project already the first programming project idea is wait this isn't good enough I need more input got it I'm going to pack my bags fly to Dubai RIP internet made coder out of his goddamn comfy bed and make him give some ideas too wait what was the question programming projects especially if you're more of a beginner a good place to start is with something that you can finish in even a weekend but it's still going to be interesting and it's even going to help you in your real life and one thing that I talk about a lot is python automation scripts essentially automate your life one example is a script to clean up your desktop automatically have a script running at all times so that whenever you download a file instead of going into a downloads folder it's automatically going to be sent to the appropriate folders depending on the file type in other example is a Python's grip to automate your Google calendar set a script to track the time that you spend programming and it will automatically create events into your Google calendar if I recommend you just pick a task that you would like to automate on your computer and figure out a way to automate it using python still not good enough I'll call Tech with Tim Tim come to Thomas's so one of my favorite project ideas is to do something that integrates with Hardware I always had fun kind of working with robotic Raspberry Pi's do something with the Internet of Things where you're actually interacting with real world sensors a project I built was a script that automatically preheated my coffee maker every morning 10 minutes before I was gonna wake up so right when I walked downstairs I had instant coffee another cool one that I did was essentially a facial recognition script that was running on my Raspberry Pi that allowed me to determine who was walked through the hallway of my house and I could see who was coming up to my door it would give me a notification it's kind of a Raspberry Pi security system of sorts so the number one worst website idea of all time is a portfolio website now hear me out you should have a portfolio website but you shouldn't build it as a side project now on the surface it seems like a great idea I need a website to show off my work why don't I build it the problem with trying to make your own portfolio website is that you end up spending more than half the time just designing it and then we come up with a bad design which reflects poorly on us it actually hurts us and application process then you'll spend your other half of the time trying to fix annoying HTML CSS bugs that you're not even going to need on the job most of the time people get caught up in this and they don't even end up finishing the portfolio website the solution is web hosting I actually partnered with hostinger for this video so that I could show you how to build a kick-ass portfolio website okay now I logged in here to hostinger let's go ahead and get our free domain I'm going to put my full name Jason Levi goodison my full name claim.domain now get because people have like an inherit bias it just looks more legitimate not DOT me not DOT IO fill out your information obviously mine's blurred here and bang look at that immediately I have a cool I'm already halfway into looking legitimate let's build our first website I recommend going with the business plan for a few reasons the first is obviously the free domain which you're gonna need the second is it's optimized for WordPress the third would be the free email everybody else is going to be emailing from their school account so if you can email from your own private domain that just makes you look way more legit another is unlimited SSL cert so if you see that little lock icon next to the URL that's an SSL cert you don't have one of those your website looks honestly looks sketchy but it's surprisingly hard to get one of these when you're coding your own website you have to go through the whole flow buying it setting up the DNS records correctly something's going to go wrong it's just way easier to use hostingers add coupon code json10 apply sweet and I'm gonna get it for 48 months because I know that I'm going to need this indefinitely alright so I purchased it now let's set up our first website building it myself sure I need help at least that's what my ex says AI website builder I didn't even know they had this um a cool Sleek website that displays coding projects create website while this is building stick around for the last two tips because honestly those are the best ones website is ready already wow welcome to my portfolio project one project two project three wow oh I like this Vibe a lot actually about me get in touch this is pretty much everything I need right it's not perfect so I'll go ahead and change it exactly how I like to it'll take me 10 minutes so let's go through the website really quickly first I put a banner all of the logo splashes I think will grab people's attention y combinator Waterloo Microsoft if you have any logos put them on only if they'll make you look more legitimate scroll down I put a bit of personality I put a picture of myself completely AI generated headshot I've never gotten a good photo taken to me in my entire life scroll down even more I have my portfolio I describe them in a human-like way I Describe the impact like who's actually using the projects I put good images that I've spent a long time taking and this looks pretty legitimate so I'm going to click go live and there you go go to Jason Levi you can check out my portfolio website this is the display of you to an employer you want it to look Ultra Premium Ultra legitimate so spend time on it and maybe even ask some design friends to help you with the design elements and because you're not coding it it'll take 10 minutes to do a project that every single program I should have in the repertoire is a full stack application and the purpose of this to understand the front end and the back end of specifically how these two communicate ideally you'll also have state the best and interact with some kind of API a great example of this is a personal finance tracking app actually allow you to connect your bank account into the application to allow you to track your finances you can have the right things to interact with CSV files to interact with your transactions the stack that I recommend myself is younger for the back end because it's really fast on the front end I recommend react but if a personal finance app is not interesting to you another example is a simple e-commerce application it's a bit more simple but it's going to give you a lot of good practice with some of the basics like user authentication react State interacting with databases and a bunch of other things the next type of project I typically recommend to people is something to do with game development so a lot of the games that I built stuff like Tetris Pac-Man even something like tic-tac-toe can be a great project however if you want to do something a little bit more complicated try to do something that involves physics simulation so what I did recently on my channel was a plan the simulation that was pretty cool but another more complicated one I did was actually a mini golf game what you did is you kind of hit a ball with a different amount of power and I used projectile motion to actually get the ball to kind of go up and down and using gravity and bouncing all of that kind of stuff I built into the app so if you can make a game go ahead and try that out so all of those projects run the Gambit from beginner to more advanced but all I care about for the fifth project idea is that people are actually using it so now that I'm starting to hire for my startup first thing I do when I see a project is see is this a real project do people actually use this is it helping people's life I love Tim's example of having something make him coffee every morning because that's something that he uses if you could build a project that 10 people are using a hundred people are using a thousand people are using then when it comes to technical stuff I'm probably not going to have to interview you as heavily because I know that you can build things that people actually want anybody can learn to code but are you a problem solver that's what I want to see in your projects so the project I did that hit this requirement is I was a poor college student and I lost access to Spotify so instead of paying for Spotify I wrote a script that scraped all of my songs from Spotify searched them on YouTube got the URL and then used a library to download the MP3 which I then uploaded onto my phone although it is slightly illegal I think a few people in interviews called it out as like a really interesting project and we talked about it and bonded over it so essentially there are two ways that you could build a project either you're trying to learn a specific skill which is what Thomas and Tim have talked about today or you could be trying to set yourself apart and I think that once you've gotten the basics down building a project that real people are using that solves a real problem that's the way to do it that's the way to set yourself apart from all of the other students hey dude hey man
Channel: Jason Goodison
Views: 941,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming projects, coding projects, top coding projects, how to get a coding job, how to get a job coding, code, programming, how to get hired at google, google, FAANG
Id: vGxR98gI930
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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