These Coding Projects Give You An Unfair Advantage

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so this video I want to talk about a few project ideas that I feel can actually become real businesses the problem with building projects is if you build a project it's decent for your learning but no one uses it and if no one will use it you won't understand the actual problems that exist in your project so in this video let's discuss a few ideas that I feel can become businesses these all are pain points for me so if you build some of these I'll happily be your first customer and I'm happy to buy like an annual subscription for it if you price it humbly at like 30 50 a month something like that and if you translate that to let's say 100 people if 100 people pay 50 a month for your service that's around 60 000 a year which is pretty good and I feel there are at least 100 people in the world who have this specific problem even if nothing monetary comes out of it I think you'll learn a lot and if you build a project that people actually want people use and point out the mistakes in it you'll understand how projects should be built in a production scenario with that let's get right into it the first one is the one I'm most excited about and I'll happily buy a annual subscription for you if you build it here is the problem statement I have a YouTube channel but I don't edit any of my videos all these videos are edited by some other people and once they're done with it they send me the final video and I upload it on my YouTube channel the problem is I am traveling a lot and a bunch of times when I'm traveling I don't have the right internet to download a 2GB file and then upload it to YouTube now YouTube does provide you a way to fix this you can add other people as editors but I'm extremely paranoid to do that so I won't give anyone else access to my channel this means there's always a manual effort of me coming in someone sending me a video me downloading it and uploading it to YouTube and this is the problem I want to fix this might sound like a very minor inconvenience but it is a pretty major inconvenience for me and this is something I'll happily pay 30 50 a month for if someone can solve this problem I think it can be solved in one way which is um put a layer in the middle between the editors and her kirath the editors sign up on a platform her gear signs up on a platform gives access to his YouTube to the platform and the editors have access to Akira's workspace any time a video is finished an editor can upload it on YouTube set the title set the description and upload the video before it goes to a YouTube server an approval needs to come through so it will be a WhatsApp message for me or a slack notification and I need to approve this specific video for it to get uploaded to YouTube which means the editor is the person who sends a 1GB file to a server after my approval the 1GB file goes to the YouTube server that way I don't have to download the file and I'm also not paranoid because all things are happening after my approval if I use YouTube's native editor feature there is no approval from me in the middle and hence people can upload anything on my YouTube channel which is something I don't want cool I think the way to build it is fairly straightforward when a YouTuber comes here they can sign up and they can give access to their YouTube channel their keys are then stored in a database and then the YouTuber can add other people which are editors and anytime an editor uploads a file here it stays on your server until the approval when the approval happens is when you finally send it to YouTube a few problems I can think of already is does YouTube expose this as an API I am not sure if I had to guess I would think yes they would expose uploading as an API so you'll have to figure out that the thing about these businesses is especially YouTube specific businesses is um a minor inconvenience can have very high payouts this happened with stream yard where everyone kept saying here stream yard is such a bad business and you know YouTube can always replace them but that minor inconvenience of being able to stream directly from a browser ended up becoming a 250 million dollar company hence I have a feeling this is a similar minor inconvenience and YouTube doesn't have the time to fix this they're working on a bunch of other things and a small business can come here and help a lot of YouTubers out but you don't have to start there you can start from a small Niche one of these people being me if you build this system and it's stable enough I'll happily use it if you can go one step further I'd urge you to either open source this or provide some sort of licenses so people can self-host this if I have my own AWS machine where I can host a service like this then I have zero paranoia because then my YouTube key is on my own ews server which I trust versus if there is a third party service something that you might build then my YouTube key is basically with you guys on your server on your database wherever and then I have some paranoid that if your website gets hacked or your backend gets hacked then my YouTube channel will have random uploads which is something I don't want so if you can provide a way to self-host it great if not still I think this is a fairly usable product I would definitely pay for it with that let's move to the second point the second one I'm calling internationalization as a service so most websites that you look at today might be written in English as in the language of choice on that website as English a few websites let you change the language this is a mildly hard technical problem to solve and the reason is because for the developer of a company that has written everything in English let's say there is a very big uphill battle to find all the strings in your code base that are in English and somehow templatize them so that they can be replaced with Chinese Hindi so on and so forth so I've seen whenever a company wants to open to New Markets and add other languages to their website there's a very high uphill curve for a developer to build this whole internationalization system the second problem is as the website grows new strings keep getting added and when new strings get added you need to convert them to Chinese Japanese Hindi so on and so forth so you need something called translators who help you translate your strings I think both of these can be staggered together to build a business in itself which is okay hey if you are an open source code base our developers or for you it will just be one person will come to your code base I will add internationalization throughout your code base and I will maintain a list of translators which you can do either via AI or you can hire people from all around the world who will translate strings and take that pain away for a big code base so you go to a company you go to an open source code base and you tell them your website doesn't have internationalization I as the developer will come add internationalization throughout your code base create a single English templates file which contains all the English strings and all translations into Chinese Japanese Hindi I will handle by either translators or via Ai and that way you take away that pain point for that company and for the initial uplift of adding internationalization to your code pay me like a thousand to three thousand dollars because it's like an initial effort of 20 to 50 hours that you have to put in to go through their code base and replace all the strings with templates cool that's idea number two let's move to the third one this one's called adding open API to your backend so you will still be a service provider like the last service and you'll go to an open source code base or like a company and you'll tell them hey you have a decent backend why not open API fight and that way other people can interact with your backend but more importantly the reason I want to bring this up is because to create a chat CPT Plugin or like make check GPT talk to your own backend you have to expose open API specs that's what chat gbt supports right now unless your backend has very well documented routes what every route does in the open API spec you cannot create a chart GPT plugin right now so I feel eventually all businesses the mode will be just the backend and users might not go to websites they'll just ask strategory to do something for example they'll go to charge GPT and write hey buy me stocks for Google ads a certain price and this will automatically open a trade on zeroth or whatever exchange they're using hence if this is the exchange they need to expose their backend apis in the open API spec so that chat GPT can talk to it right now this is the only way for charge GPD to talk to your backend and understand what every route does and I feel as more and more people cluster to chat gbt and like General language models these backends are what will remain the mode of businesses and no one will go to websites to access these backends they'll simply ask that GPD to do something and charge gbt Will based on the language model and whatever is written here as to what backend the routes do finally call your back-end products and execute the trade out do whatever service your website is doing for that you need to add open API to your backend and that is again another uphill task to do it it's very hard and weird in every language so you can charge a one-time fee and your pitch can be okay you can get ahead of your competitors by creating a charge GPT plugin that way your users can simply talk to chargpt and do things on your backend versus your competitors people still have to go to the website and click buttons that will be your pitch I think you can easily charge 5 to 10K to do this for a certain company because depending on how big their code base is this will be a uphill task to figure out all the inputs and outputs and what a specific back-end route does this is all the things that you sort of put in this very big spec file that is what chat GPT reads and understands what each and a way out of yours does all right so uh long story short my mic died when I was recording this video and this is post the edit that I came to know that so the last two points I'm going to talk about here on the board the next point was uh adding tests to a code base so when you're a startup when you're an open source project a lot of times you have to move really fast so if you look at a bunch of Open Source projects you'll see they always say tests are welcome like a much appreciated because the developers don't have the time to write tests and even though they have long term benefits in the short term writing tests just takes up a lot of time so you could do one of two things if there is an open source project that does not have tests create the complete testing suite for it and when you do this I think you can charge them upfront like a decent amount okay your software developers don't have to worry about tests we will create an independent module that is testing between a test or integration tests and give us an upfront free and then we'll be out of your business or you could be like okay we will handle your tests from here until eternity which means it will be a recurring business we will charge you based on the number of lines we cover the number of lines of code we write so on and so forth just a flat fee of a thousand dollars a month is May anytime a developer of your team adds some code we will write some tests and this could also be automated via AI I think or at least you can use AI for a lot of help to write these tests so either one of these two and like third one is even if you want to just get hired at a company open source project so you seek there is no tests written and the developers of the specific project don't even know or have the time to write tests I've got to RK if you come into the project and write the one the whole boilerplate to setup tests and two add like 50 coverage or more specifically like there was a bug in their company recently and you add a test that tests that specific bug and you tell okay test if this test was there already this bug would have failed uh before it got deployed so these things can sort of be impressive factors even if you're applying for a job but this video is specifically for projects that you can charge for so I feel testing as a recurring business is great or adding a one-time test to a big project where developers don't have the time to do it is also good one-time fee that you can charge will vary from Project to project but for a good project I think 2K to 5K or whatever like hourly into like an hourly rate of 20 50 an hour into the number of hours you're putting into right tests I think is a very nice thing for a company to just Outsource to someone all right with that let's move to the next one the last point I wanted to talk about and this is a very Niche and a very new use case so next yes recently not recently like six months ago came out with next js13 it's a significantly better than the previous version and there are a lot of projects out there that haven't yet migrated to it this causes a bunch of issues so this Nexus 13 specifically has this thing called server side components and client send components if I wouldn't call it a breaking change but they have made a very big change of defining upfront when you are creating your front-end components whether it's a whether it should be rendered on the server or on the client not every library has moved to it so you can go to an open source famous Library components framework a UI library and tell them okay I will help you migrate to Nexus 13 which basically means it'll help label their components as client or server side or you could go to a project that hasn't yet moved to the latest app router and still uses the existing one for example still uses the pages router which is totally fine good and like works very well has worked well for years but eventually at some point companies will migrate to the new app router that Nexus has introduced and if that you can pick up as a one-time task and you know charge them this I will do and then I'll leave and then your developers will do their thing as they used to so this also seems like a very necessary use case that a company would very happily Outsource for a one-time fee so if I was in your shoes and you may or may not do it but I would just do the migration and then ping them here I made this migration if you like it you can pay me something if not that's fine best case like they pay you something worst case you learn something new but this also is a very good learning experience for you to one understand how Nexus 13 applications are written how they're different from Nexus 12 like the previous versions and what is the migration procedure to bring it to the latest version what the server side component what are clients and components the new way to fetch things on the back end how they have changed how you can now create asynchronous server side components versus you know sending fetch requests like you used to so a bunch of small things that have changed and these will have long lasting impacts like these will become the norm eventually in a few years so why not help companies migrate to it and get paid for in the process cool so this was the first project um again the goal of this video was companies are either not hiring yeah why not rather than begging to get hired or like waiting to get hired why not do something that helps the company actually and then whatever you get paid for it is fine I feel some of these can become really good like real businesses especially the YouTube one but if you're not yet ready to you know build a business of your own Why not start giving services to people and then maybe get paid for it cool with that let's end the video I'll see you the next one bye thank you
Channel: Harkirat Singh
Views: 331,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UYySvyc4M68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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