5 Unique Portfolio AI Projects (beginner to intermediate) | Python, OpenAI, ChatGPT, Langchain

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Hello friends welcome back to another video so in this video we're going to talk about five AI projects that you can start working on immediately and we're going to go from very beginner to intermediate and some Advanced things too if you're up for a challenge oh and in case you don't know me hello my name is Tina and I am an X meta data scientist all right without further Ado let's go the AI tutor do you wish you have a private tutor that can teach you anything custom to your skill level your learning style and will not judge you for your incompetence and is available 24/7 it can even be your favorite fictional character or real person like Kakashi from Naruto if you want some fast action or jira if you want some tough love basic skills you will need is prompt engineering and chat team additional skills include python the open AI API some sort of freten like streamlit for example and if you're feeling fancy other apis as well how I would do this starting with level one level one is going to focus on the prompt engineering portion got to craft a prompt for example of a AI coding tutor so I already created this promps if you're interested in how I made it and the step-by-step details you can check out this video over here but I'm going to briefly go through it now so here your name is goggin GPT a personal coding tutor that has the personality of David goggin so you don't know who David goggin is he's like this motivational speaker that's very much a tough love motivational speaker very tough love you're not afraid of having the up body you're afraid of the effort so he's going to periodically say mean things as motivation such as you fat get off the couch so you first say hi to your student by name that is a weak then ask them what they want to learn you then tell them to input any of the following so this is the part in which I explained how it is to be a coding tutor um and then in the end is going to be asked me for my first task so this is going to be the prompt that you will engineer so I'm going to demonstrate what it's going to be like just using chat GPT so without using any coding at first so we can copy paste this prompt over here and then we can put it into chat GPT it's going to say hey weak mother I'm gogin gbt your personal coding Jewel instructor let's get those weak coding muscles into shape what do you want to learn today so the issue with having chbd do something like this first of all is the fact that it doesn't have context so when we ask they to greet You by name unless you write my name is Tina for example it will not know what your name is going to be the second issue is that as you keep talking you'll notice that it starts becoming disjointed and Chacha BT actually ends up forgetting a lot of the context that you guys talked about previously so level two is going to introduce the coding component so now we're actually going to use the open AI API so first thing you're going to do is PIP install open AI then you're going to import OS and import open Ai and then you're going to set your API key to your API key and then you're going to insert your open AI key Now using open AI API you're going to have a lot more control over your AI tutor and you're also going to be able to provide it more context so it's not going to just forget the things that you tell it previously Plus instead of just being confined to the chat gbt interface you're able to pipe the responses into another type of interface for example maybe you want to create a guey maybe you want to use something like streamlet so here is the context and then what we're doing over here is that we're setting the system into the context that we're giving it so as a system to the chat bot you're telling it this is what I want you to behave like and then you can also give it more context like the user is saying something like my name is Tina so now it's going to be able to greet you by your name and the code over here is just to initiate the gooey that we have so try running this doing its thing so these are the three things that I imputed into the prom so kind of briefly variations is going to give different variations for how to solve a specific coding problem um make a game for learning topic is pretty self-explanatory and then explain is to explain a topic that you want to learn okay so when we do this it's saying hi Tina you week bleep what do you want to learn today input one of the following so these are the things that we ask it to do so for example we want to write something like explain objectoriented programming start learning yes okay so it says oh Tina you want to learn about object-oriented programming huh well let me break it down to you in a way that even your weak little brain can understand ah yes I already feel motivated okay so then it's going to explain objectoriented programming to me and also give simple code as an example um and it also explains okay what's the difference between procedural programming and functional programming blah blah blah here now what is your next move okay so for a level three project I really want you to explore the difference between just entering the prompt in chat GPT versus going through the open AI API in order to access GPT 3.5 directly so what are the things that you can do outside of this for example for in terms of the gooey that we already shown we can also make a fancier gooey like streamlet for example and if you're trying to build out another app you're able to pipe the responses that you're getting from from gbt into some other thing for example putting it into a Json file for the responses and that is going to be going to something else doing some sort of computation and then being displayed somewhere hopefully that gives you some ideas of what you can do let me know in the comments some ideas that you can do content creator to put me out of a job skills needed you will need Python and the open AI API additional skills would include streamlet and other thirdparty API so I'll explain why that's important later so level one prompt engineering is something that we're always going to have to be using so if you're going to learn something properly learn how to do prompt engineering let us come up with a prompt for a content creator AI okay so using python we're going to access the open AI API to get gbt 3.5 again using the chat completions API okay so now we're going to create the prompts or a series of messages to be feeding into GPT first of all for the systems role we're going to be giving it the overarching who it is that you are what is that you're supposed to do so you're an Instagram content creator who likes anime you will generate one recipe from a popular anime with emojis that are less than 300 characters long from different anime we're actually going to put a context in there where the user says content is I want to create content on easily balanced diets okay so instead of just directly generating a label and then using that what we can play around with here is a parameter called temperature so the temperature is something that you feed into the model that changes how much random is being introduced to the output so zero is going to be not random and then if you're doing all the way up to one is going to be very random so to Showcase this we're going to have a temperature and we're going to put that into a list so varying from 0 0.5 0.8 all the way up to 1 what we have over here is for temperature in temperatures we're just going to Loop through it we'll print what the temperature is so we know what temperature it is that we're getting and then the content is going to be getting completion for messages which is what we defined previously and we're putting messages as well as the temperature and we're going to print the content so let's click this and let it do its thing all right so let's see what we have here the first one is Anime inspired balance diet a recipe from the world of food Wars oo food Wars really good anime highly recommend so the ingredients it list this out and then the instructions over here enjoy your balanced meal inspired by the mouth poting dishes from food Wars oh great and it also tells you that you should always put tags on your IG post so anime Inspire diet food words recipe okay so next one is going to be anime Inspire balance diet delicious and nutritious recipes no Ruto Ramen Bowl so two packs of ramen noodles chicken vegetables and then it also gives you the instructions over here okay so at level two something else that you can play around with is using an upst string and then inputting the variables for example I don't know instead of like healthy food healthy balanced meal can be exceedingly unhealthy heart attack inducing meal something like that so try using using the different variables and then generating different types of recipes as well let me know in the comments if you do this and what' you get okay so for some reason if you're actually a responsible person and you don't want to just be throwing out random recipes here like is it actually balanced meal we don't know right so in order to make sure that it actually is what you can do is plug into apis to actually check the nutritional value of the things that you get outputed for example you can use this API called adame API which is I feel like a spin on edamame API and you can look at the nutritional values of these things and the ingredients um and to cross check things before actually posting it okay so if you really want to build this into a full-blown app what you can do is you create the content but we actually have to create the image surrounding it as well and then actually post it onto Instagram so that's the full cycle so this level is going to be much more challenging so what you're going to do is explore doly where mid journey and figure out how it is that you can generate images that match the things the labels that you have and how do you do that in automated Manner and finally you can use the Instagram graph API to automatically post it onto Instagram as well okay so if you do this challenging project put it in the description put your GI Hub there because you should be proud of yourself you just created a fully functioning app are you too lazy to do the readings for your class or even go to lecture or watch your online course do not fear now you can sleep in and waste your time in many different ways then freak out Panic on the last minute and speed learn all the things that you have to learn AKA how to procrastinate more skills you will need you know the drill got to have your Python and your open AI API additional skills include the whisper model also from open Ai and other apis like the YouTube API so level one project summarizing those readings that you're allegedly supposed to do before a class so take those hideous PDFs and texts make them into a transcript and pipe them through the open a API using a prompt telling it to summarize the things that you're apparently supposed to read and voila now you can just read these lines before class and pretend you did the readings level two is creating summaries of audio files or video courses what I used to do when I was back in college is that I would put a recorder down at the front where the professor is talking about things and then what I would do is just go take a nap go do something I was like I don't even know what I did and when the lecture is over I would come back and take the recorder so I would do this for all the lectures until up to the project or an exam in which I would then panic and listen to the recording at like 3x feed and try to transcribe it really really fast and take notes on it it was not a fun exercise but it did work out somehow but now that we have wonderful AI models that we can play with if you have a video where audio file instead of me sitting there and trying to transcribe something really really fast and then taking notes on it what you can actually do is that you can take those recordings and pipe them through the whisper model and that would give you the transcript of the things that we talked about in the audio file you take those transcripts create notes for it or create like practice exams whatever it is that you want to create using the GPT model um and then voila you don't don't have to speed listen to everything and it would have been much faster let me know in the comments what are other things that you think you can do to study better now that you have the transcripts okay so level three is going to be a full application again which is going to be super fun I mean for me I often times just learn things directly through YouTube like YouTube playlist and things like that you can use additional apis for example like PBE where you can directly use the YouTube API um in order to get those video files and automatically take them put them through whisper and get that transcript and then do all the summarization there and to make it a simple complete app just stick on some UI component um and host it on the web and there you go another application by the way there's this plugin called harpa a that you can install onto your Chrome window it's able to do like YouTube summaries generate different blog post from content and things like that think about how you can build something similar to harpa doai except you can do it like in your specific way seriously if you actually think about it building these things is not as hard as you probably think it is right Tina GPT skills needed python open a API additional skills relational databases and of course coming with that is going to be SQL and L chain so level one super simple use Python to access the open AI API and then use the GPT 3.5 model and then through the system role you can provide the content for example your name is Tina Tina likes to use a lot of exclamation marks and she has the reading level of an eighth grader usually she's a stickler for punctuation which is very important and she generally likes to keep her emails short to the point but polite and there you go you just made Tina bot yay okay so level two let's actually provide us some past context like some more information so that the model can actually see examples and it's going to be a lot better than you just you telling it uh who it is that you are how is that you speak and what we're going to do is put in some example emails and just stick that into a simple list and we're going to be using the abst string again where you can put in the different emails like email 1 email 2 email 3 examples so you're giving it context within the prompt it would be better at generate emails as if it is you and you will be more likely to go undetected okay so level three creating that full app we're going to actually real real real train the model so that it has a lot of context a lot of information that you can use to generate a very realistic version of yourself so for me for example I can take my YouTube videos which I can get through the YouTube API um and then just take that translate them into transcripts using whisper which we talked about earlier so now we have all these transcripts which is really large and you probably don't just want to store it as an object read into memory so what you can do is put it as a database um any relational database is probably great for this job and you'll be using AWS to host the database and SQL in order to query it to create it all those good things let me know in the comments if you want me to link some really good resources for how to quickly set that up so what's really cool now is that you have this database full of these transcripts for how it is that you speak how it is that you write stuff you can use this to answer any questions or write anything that is using your tonality in the way that you you would normally do things so really realistic and a way you can do this is that you can use a really cool technology called link chain it's a wonderful tool that abstracts away a lot of things for you to build full applications to production really really quickly and it can do things like provide context dependent stuff it's able to take in your databases and then search through your databases for you um really really cool stuff again let me know in the comments if you want me to go through a video the talk about projects that you can do using link chain so those will be probably like intermediate to Advanced so a SE do you see what I did there a sequel to this video next project a fun AI storytelling game skills needed is going to be Python and open AI API additional skills is going to be mid Journey or Dolly okay so the prompt that we have over here what we want our AI to do is you are a narrator for a storytelling game where Rock Le from Naruto opens the eight Gates the game should be a narrative rich descriptive and the final result should be piecing together a story describe the starting point and ask the user what they would like to do the story unravels as we progress step by step and of course over here to the system that's what we put as the context um and then we're going to have the user is going to say content start the game and then from here the response is going to be getting the completions using the chat completions from the openai API and we're going to try this out so what I want you to think about about in this level one level um in addition to the prompt that we gave it already what are some edge cases that could happen what if something happens where the user say something weird or you know additional story lines that could be happening how do you add complexity into this so these are things that you can directly input to the system role itself or perhaps giving it more context so you're able to redirect the story a lot of creating these applications um it rests on the prompt and then the API itself is usually not that hard to call it's like the surrounding infrastructure to support the application that you're building is really where a lot of that time is spent so if you want to challenge yourself a little bit more I'm going to challenge you to making this into not only a storytelling using text but to integrate using mid Journey or do so you're actually generating images of the story line as they progress so think about how you can do that so my suggestion is to go and check out the apis for both Dal and The Unofficial one for Mid Journey 2 and see how it is that you potentially incorporate that together so I hope you found this video helpful and then you feel inspired to start creating one of these AI projects um let me know if you want me to make a sequel to this um where we're going to be building things using Lang chain maybe a little bit more complex or like any specific domains or just like anything else that you want me to make okay I'll see you guys in the next video or live stream
Channel: Tina Huang
Views: 81,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bTYL-lFM22k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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