12 Most Incredible Abandoned Vehicles

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the car that sits on your driveway or in your garage probably isn't a unique vehicle you might like it a lot but that doesn't make it unique the vehicles we see and use every day whether they're cars buses trains or planes are mass-produced that isn't the way every vehicle is made though some of them are one-of-a-kind builds and once they've served their purpose they're left abandoned that's been the fate of every incredible vehicle you're about to see in this video when the expo World Fair came to Vancouver Canada in 1986 it was a big deal for the city and for the firms and businesses who wanted to exhibit their goods there one company in particular went a little bit over the top with their presentation and left the city with a floating gift that it's never been able to find a new purpose for this is the McMorrow a 180 foot long boat made of steel and glass that was used as a water-based McDonald's restaurant during the expo fair but hasn't welcomed a single customer for any reason in the more than 30 years that have passed since then McDonald's had no plans for it after the expo was over and so it's been left to deteriorate out on the water slowly there was talk of it being turned into a bar a few years ago but nothing ever came of those plans it's still tethered up waiting for someone to come give it a new purpose surely somebody wants it there are millions of Batman fans all over the world and the majority of them have dreamed of owning their own version of the Batmobile Batman's famous car we're sure if you owned one you'd look after it like it was your own child and if you couldn't care for it you'd make big money selling it to someone who could that's why it makes no sense to us whatsoever that this 1990 style Batmobile has been left rotting in the woods the photographer who discovered it hasn't given away its location possibly because they have ideas about taking it away themselves but it's still sad to see it in this state it looks like it was modeled on the vehicle driven by Michael Keaton in the Tim Burton Batman films but it's definitely seen better days there's barely anything more than a shell of it left our best guess is that it may have once been on display at a Six Flags theme park but even then we have no idea why they just discard their exhibit so carelessly at the risk of stating the obvious coal mining is a dangerous and specialized job and it sometimes requires dangerous and specialized equipment to do the job properly that's why the colossal machine bagger 258 was created in East Germany back in the 1960s this beast of a digger was produced by a company called lock hammer and should technically be called a bucket-wheel excavator it's 160 feet tall and more than 500 feet long each of its ten blades can slice 50 feet into the ground and it's buckets can hold 5,000 square feet of coal at any one time it can even feed some of that coal into its own engines to keep itself moving although it's one of the most powerful and advanced vehicles ever built it's had nothing to do since 2002 its excavated all the coal there is to be found at its current location and the task of moving it somewhere else to start digging again is a daunting one there are a lot of strange ideas happening at once in the movie Mystery Men and the film isn't to everybody's taste there's something about it that most people can agree on though and that's the fact that the Herkimer battle jitney is one of the coolest movie trucks of all time calling it a truck seems disrespectful this Hulk of a vehicle is an art deco masterpiece with an intimidating silhouette and a dusty rusty shell that makes it look and feel like a war veteran as dr. Heller says in the film it's the finest non-lethal military vehicle ever made after all the build-up the truck is only onscreen for five minutes perhaps if they'd given us more than five minutes the movie wouldn't have been such a failure sadly it doesn't seem like the Herkimer battle jitney had an improvement in its fortunes after the cameras stopped rolling it was last seen de band 'end in a junkyard where someone managed to grab some pictures of it and upload them to read it there's a disused warehouse in NIMS e novgorod russia that's hiding a top-secret ekranoplan from the 1990s and it might still one day take flight in Akron Oakland is an aircraft that can fly at low altitude at high speeds using ground effect typically they're built to fly over water this particular Acron ofon was built as part of a special project which translates to rescuer when the building process started it was intended that the space auto would become a missile carrier but that intention changed over time and it was reimagined as a futuristic ambulance sadly the vehicle in the nipsey Novgorod warehouse is only the prototype and was never completed the government withdrew funding from the project with roughly 90% of it complete a group of space auto enthusiasts is trying to raise funds to complete the building process to this day but with the work being extremely complicated and the parts being difficult to acquire without government support it's doubtful that they'll ever succeed if you've ever seen any of the Mad Max movies you might have seen a tank that looks a little like this the films are set in a dystopian world where vehicles are cobbled together with spare parts and whatever materials are available at the time this tank was built with the same philosophy it looks like a tank and it moves like a tank but you can tell by looking at it that it's not designed to military standards that's because it was built by and for mexican drug lords the police in the country have found several of these so-called narco tanks in the state of tamale bus recently they've started to worry about how advanced the tanks are becoming the model you see here has peep holes for snipers a swiveling central turret and the ability to eject oil and nails onto the road behind it the tanks are built on truck beds but with one-inch thick steel plating used as the body up to 20 people can fit inside at one time so far none of the narco tanks have been used in incidents with the police instead they're used by rival drug gangs and battles against each other the ecto-1 car from ghostbusters might not be quite as iconic as the Batmobile but it's still one of the most recognizable movie vehicles of all time most people assume the cars were based around a hearse but they're actually a repurposed 1959 Cadillac Miller meteor ambulance three of the vehicles were used in the filming of the second Ghostbusters movie where the car was known as ecto-1 a one of the models belongs to Dan Aykroyd a second model belongs to Sony Pictures and is used for exhibitions the third also belongs to Sony but as you can see it's an app or state of repair the car was supposed to be refurbished and restored in 2007 but the restoration project was cancelled for unknown reasons and since then the old movie car has been facing an uncertain fate a group of Ghostbusters fans petitioned Sony to sell the car to them for scrap value so they could restore it but there have been no updates on the fan site since 2013 we can't even say for sure that this beaten down former ghost-catching car hasn't joined the rest of the ghosts in the afterlife a single abandoned bicycle wouldn't be remarkable you'll see at least one when you walk around any modern city center seeing ten of them might be unusual seeing 5,000 of them at once is astonishing but that's how many were left behind by lazy festival goers after the Burning Man festival in 2017 the motto of the festival in the desert is to Leave No Trace but apparently several thousand of the people who turned up either didn't know about that motto or simply didn't care a few days after the festival after desert winds had whipped sands across the unwanted two wheelers they took on a post-apocalyptic scene fortunately kind-hearted citizens stepped in where the festival goers had failed and began to load up truck pulls of the bikes to give away to charity after the coating of sand was removed most of the bikes were in excellent condition and would therefore make a great gift for somebody in need of one many of them have since been given to people who've lost their possessions and natural disasters we all know where submarines are supposed to be under the sea how is it then that the largest diesel submarine ever owned by the Russian Navy has been left on grassland in Togliatti for over a decade it's become an attraction to visitors to the region and since 2016 you can even go to see it on an official guided tour but what's it doing there in the first place the colossal vessel known as submarine B 307 began military service in 1980 she managed to stay out of major conflicts during her time in the water which was largely split between the Mediterranean and the baron's by 2001 it was decided that she'd served for long enough and so she was officially retired from the northern fleet she was then bought by a museum and this is where she ended up even though she's only three miles from the sea it took nine military tractors to pull her into position given that she's 300 feet long and weighs 2,000 tons that probably isn't surprising she's considered as a permanent exhibit at her current location and will hopefully remain there for many years to come general motors are a huge deal in the world of manufacturing vehicles and back in the 1950s they very nearly gave us the next generation of trains the GM Aero train was a brand new concept born out of a simple fact the electro-motive division of GM was selling most of their goods to train companies and GM thought they might be able to cut their customers out of the deal by building the whole trains themselves their idea wasn't bad they're aluminum bus bodied trains were lightweight and highly maneuverable capable of reaching 100 miles per hour at full speed that may not sound like much now but back then it was pushing the limits of technology unfortunately GM hadn't considered some of the practical limitations the trains were so light that they lacked the force required to get up some hills and the high-speed trains came at the expense of customer comfort they rattled around on the rails and the public didn't enjoy the experience instead of trying to redesign them GM accepted defeat both prototypes were back in the warehouse barely a year after their 1956 launch and are now museum pieces [Music] traveling to the north or south pole is considered to be a dangerous and taxing experience on the human body in this day and age back when people were attempting it during the early 20th century using far less technology than modern explorers enjoy it was a mission only for the brave or the crazy things might have been a little easier for those 20th century explorers if the fort's and snow devil hadn't been a failure though the principle behind the vehicle which was built during the 1920s was a sound one it was a tractor with the wheels removed and two huge rotating screws installed in their place the idea was that these screws would be able to gain a grip on any type of terrain whether hard or soft and therefore propel people across the landscape and comfort they worked without a load attached to them but failed in the field when they were required to drag weight along behind them three forts and snow Devils suffered motor failure while dragging 15 tons of goods in Alaska in 1926 and the manufacturer was forced to concede that his invention was non-viable there were plenty of oil tankers around in 1919 but none like the SS Palo Alto she was a ship built to prove that a solution could be found to a pressing problem construction materials were in short supply after the end of the first world war and making ships out of steel was prohibitively expensive the SS Palo Alto was made out of concrete just to prove that such a thing could be done everyone applauded the achievement but nobody could find a good use for her by 1929 she was a floating party boat with an onboard casino dance hall and arcade sadly the Great Depression of the 1930s put an end to all of her fun and she's been empty and lifeless ever since what's left of her now is in Monterey Bay falling apart various pieces of the ship have already broken off and sunk beneath the surface and the rest will likely follow in the very near future at least the fish and birds seem to appreciate her subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 3,422,021
Rating: 4.5860395 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Abandoned Vehicles 12 Most Incredible Abandoned Vehicles, abandoned, abandoned vehicles, abandoned cars, vintage cars, car found, abandoned found, cars, vehicles, abandoned discovered, expensive cars, rare cars, top 12, 12 most, most amazing
Id: YwrrekEeumc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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