12 Most Incredible Vehicles That Actually Exist

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a lot of people take pride in their cars the vehicles we drive our status symbols and having an expensive fast car is a sign to the rest of the world that you're doing well in life no matter how powerful the car you have parked in your driveway is though we bet you don't have anything like these stunning vehicles you're about to see in this video simply put they're the most incredible cars that exist anywhere in the world have you ever looked at a yacht and thought that's great but wouldn't it be better if it had tracks fitted to the base no you're probably not alone but now that we've seen it done we think it's an incredibly cool idea this is the iguana x100 a 32 foot long boat with caterpillar tracks attached there's no need to delicately maneuver your truck or trailer onto the shoreline to deploy this yacht into the water it can drive there itself it's easy to drive and it can even handle steep inclines if the path down to the water is on an incline once it gets into the water the track simply fold away into the side of the boat until they're needed again it's a great convenience for people who like to indulge in yachting but convenience always comes at a price in this case the price is $220,000 that's almost a quarter of a million dollars there's a reason why yachting is a hobby for the rich from the outside it doesn't look like there's anything remarkable about the cruise AV at all it just looks like a regular everyday Chevy Volt Evie that's a nice car but it's nothing to write home about only when you get inside the cruise AV do you realize the massive leap forward in technology that it represents you've seen self-driving cars before but not on this level General Motors has made a car that's 100 percent automated there aren't any pedals inside there isn't even a steering wheel you couldn't take control of this car even if you wanted to it's currently in the final stages of safety testing before it's approved for a commercial release in the United States although there's been interest from Syria and getting it out on the roads there despite its humble appearance this might just be the convenient driving solution of the future specialized jobs require specialized tools if the specialized task in hand is uprooting a full-sized tree and moving it to another location without damaging the tree the tool you're going to need for the task is the Dutchman truck Spade which does exactly the job that's implied by its name not only can it smoothly extract a tree from the ground but it also takes with it the entire trunk and the roots meaning the tree suffers no significant harm when it's on the move perhaps the most impressive thing about this piece of technology is that it can pull trees up in one single precise movement the AR 400 grade steel blades carve their way into the ground grab the tree pluck it out as easily as you pluck a hair from your eyebrow at present the largest commercially available model of the truck can deal with trees that have trunks 1 foot in diameter and weigh up to 21,000 pounds it's not the only tree transport vehicle in the world but it is the most powerful and accurate when a vehicle remains in military service for nearly half a century that says everything about what a well-built high quality machine it was the Lark LX also known as the Lark 60 made its debut in the US Army in 1952 and was still in operation until 2001 the name is an anagram which stands for lighter amphibious resupply cargo and as the name implies it's an amphibious vehicle that manages to be comparatively lightweight despite having a welded steel hull at full capacity it can carry either 200 soldiers or 100 tons of equipment for engines attached to the sides of the hole powered the vehicle when it was driven on land but when it went in the water a pair of propellers took over the work it wasn't the fastest vehicle you've ever seen capable of a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour on land or seven-and-a-half at sea but nothing this big was ever likely to break speed records more often than not large units were used to transport other tracked or wheeled military vehicles if the Lark represents the past of military amphibious vehicles then the you hack represents the future currently at the trial and testing stage the ultra heavy lift amphibious connector is an almost unbelievable new development that will soon be available to the US Marine Corps like the Lark its job is to get troops other vehicles and valuable military equipment from water base to land base safely and securely you won't find any propellers on this incredible car though instead it's borrowed elements of its design from large fish the tracks are actually air foam blocks capable of extending out like flippers in order to give the vehicle traction when it's at sea as soon as it reaches the land the tracks are flattened out and become similar to the kind you'd find on a tank it's such a massive and adaptable vehicle that it can carry three full-size tanks at the same time and it's capable of climbing over sea walls 12 feet high we love a good pun and so we're very happy that Cobie Garrett's decided to rename his 1963 Ford Econoline van van Gogh it's more than worthy of the name though this old van has been modernized and renovated to the point where it really should be considered a work of art Kobe was given the old truck by his friend Mike Geary free of charge and Geary challenged him to do something creative with it Kobe didn't disappoint him there isn't much of the original Ford left the vehicle has been lowered and the chassis is a top-to-bottom custom build the suspension has been taken from a Mustang to the original engine has been stripped out and replaced by a Chevy 350 even the chain-driven gearbox is a custom build specially designed to fit the limited cab space the car provides open up the doors and you'll find an interior designed by world-renowned woodwork artist Pablo Perez who even went as far as hiding the engine away beneath a custom cover there isn't another van like this anywhere on the planet many of us have enjoyed a caravanning holiday in the past but if we're honest with ourselves very few of us would enjoy living in a caravan full time they could become cramped hot and unhygenic not all caravans are like that though and this one in particular is a luxury home on wheels built by SL RV expedition vehicles in Australia after being commissioned by a large and wealthy family there are six bedrooms inside the caravan split across three floors it also has a dining room a living room and a full sized bathroom there are even extra beds that come down from the ceiling in case the owners have guests staying with them if they want to eat outside when they're parked up in the wilderness that's no problem the van comes with a fold-out external catch you might want one of these caravans yourself after seeing these images and the company would be happy to make one for you all you need to do is come up with the two million dollar price tag [Music] this futuristic looking vehicle is a Volkswagen although you'd never know that based on its appearance it's a concept car that was dreamed up by a Chinese student named Zhang Yue Han for a competition sponsored by the car manufacturer and is capable of moving across any type of terrain on the planet the so called Volkswagen aqua is loosely inspired by a hovercraft although you won't find any other hovercraft that looks this sleek and dynamic designed with the environment in mind the aqua runs on two electronic motors one of which is tasked with inflating a skirt to support the vehicle when it moves on to water where it's pushed along with high-tech propulsion fans underpinning all that power is a hydrogen fuel cell capable of supplying enough energy to get the car up to 62 miles per hour that's not all that fast on the roads but it's incredible fast acceleration across a swamp needless to say had won the competition it was entered into normally if someone told you that they were living in their car you'd assume they were down on their luck that wouldn't be the case if they owned uncle industries luxury 4x4 though this is a half a million dollars worth of comfort and style the leather wood and fiberglass creation is 35 feet long that means it'll struggle to fit into smaller spaces but that's no issue if you need to go somewhere with limited parking space you can just use a regular car which you can easily fit on the back there's even room on top for a few dirt bikes if that's your thing - we're impressed by the 300 horsepower engine and the 6-speed auto transmission but we're equally impressed by the standard of the interior spectacular finish complete with carpets 110 power outlets flat-screen television and onboard computers people live in apartments that have fewer amenities than this at first glance you might think this truck has suffered an accident and flipped upside down don't worry though it's supposed to look like this the car is called flip over and it's all the work of one slightly eccentric American custom car enthusiast Rick Sullivan built is one-of-a-kind vehicle by cutting two old cars up and putting them together and the entire project cost him only six thousand dollars the bottom of the car is a 1991 Ford Ranger pickup but most of what you can see is an f-150 pickup from 1995 which has been layered on top of the earlier car upside down Rick who runs a body shop was inspired to create flip over when he was called to the scene of an upturned Ford Ranger in order to retrieve it he thought the car looked strangely beautiful in its upside-down State and so he decided to replicate the appearance in the form of a road-legal car he didn't even tell his wife he was making it he just turned up outside her place of work one day to pick her up and take her home despite the name the bond bug is not a leftover prop from an old James Bond movie it's a three-wheeled British car that's legal to drive in real life and it was manufactured by Bond cars during its original production run between 1970 and 1974 the distinctive looking bright orange vehicle is wedge-shaped and has screens instead of doors even the canopy lifts up and comes away if you think you've seen something like this somewhere before you're probably a Star Wars fan the landspeeder driven by Luke Skywalker in the very first Star Wars movie was actually a Bond bug with the wheels disguised by mirrors that were angled to the ground it was briefly thought that highly manoeuvrable three-wheeled cars were the vehicles of the future in the 1960s and 1970s that didn't turn out to be the case but they're still great enthusiasm for the Bond bug whenever it turns up at a classic car show to this day the purpose of the Bloodhound LSR is given away by those three letters that appear at the end of its name they stand for land speed record this long thin British built vehicle is intended by the team behind it to become the first car in history to exceed 1,000 miles per hour overland if it's successful it will break the existing land speed record by more than 30 percent obviously a standard engine would never be capable of achieving such a feat which is why bloodhound has both a rocket engine and a jet engine to rely upon millions of dollars have so far been spent on the project which became endangered when the original company behind it went bankrupt in 2018 fortunately a millionaire businessman bought it in 2019 and is now performing modifications of his own with a view to reaching the record-breaking pace at some point in 2020 it's expected that it will require 42 seconds to crack the 1,000 mile per hour mark after which it'll be slowed down again using a combination of air brakes and parachutes [Music] subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 1,511,441
Rating: 4.448257 out of 5
Keywords: Most Incredible Vehicles That Actually Exist, incredible vehicles, unusual vehicles, amazing cars, rare cars, exclusive cars, crazy vehicles, amazing vehicles, biggest vehicles, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: aprP51xn7ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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