15 Largest Abandoned Cities In The World!

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when you're waiting in a long grocery store line you probably think it would be quite refreshing to live in an abandoned city there's one most rarest abandoned places in the world after all you would get to avoid being stuck in traffic that could be a reality sooner than you think from a Californian town frozen in time to a ghost town in a Forbidden Zone here are 15 of the largest abandoned cities in the world before we begin make sure to hit that like button subscribe to our Channel and click the notification belt for more amazing videos every day that being said let's begin number 15 or does city think about the last time you drove through your town or city in the dead of night the streets were quiet no one was around and shops lacked the hive of activity they usually see during the day now imagine that during the day that's what people can expect when they visit kangbashi but down south of Ordaz in Inner Mongolia the quiet nearly empty town spanned 137 miles and was built in the early 2000s to house over 1 million residents even though it cost over 1 billion dollars to accommodate a significant number of people it's home to just 1/10 of the population it is supposed to cater to according to those who visit kangbashi the town has a post-apocalyptic feel vacant high-rise buildings half-finished projects and empty streets are what face those who wander through the township however you can't help but wonder if the people who do live there find it to be a breath of fresh air compared to the over crowded noisy cities and towns nearby is it abandoned or merely a paradise for those who want to escape number 14 passion passion or battleship island sits off the coast of Nagasaki and has been a ghost town for more than 40 years with its ten-story apartment buildings courtyards corridors restaurants and schools it might seem strange to think that no one lives there but no one probably should have lived there in the first place in the early 1900's the Mitsubishi Corporation believed that the island was sitting on top of a coal deposit for the next century workers harvested coal under the seabed with around 400,000 tons leaving the area every year most of the workers in the mine were forced labourers from Korea while they worked on Nagasaki which was around 0.3 square miles they created a city around the mine site to live the apartments were built on rocks and were linked together with corridors and stairs by the 1950s around 6,000 people called it home until the coal ran out once Mitsubishi closed the mine the city was left abandoned it was closed to visitors from 1974 until 2009 but was approved for organized tours since then number 13 bori bori is a dusty decrepit old town around 13 miles off state highway 395 in California to look at it today you would think it's ripe for demolition but this Township looks exactly as it did the 1800s and 1900s and that's how the California state wants to keep it Bodie is a State Historic Park that is preserved in its current condition by California State Parks the goal is to maintain the buildings in their 1880s condition but not improve them so why is Bodie abandoned and now only kept busy by tourists passing through in 1859 gold was discovered nearby and a mill was established just two years later before long the township grew from a population of 20 miners to 10,000 people by 1880 saloons brothels gambling halls opium dens houses and more all popped up in a short space of time all catering to the gold miners who flooded the area in search of that mega Hall of gold family's store owners prostitutes and people from all walks of life and all different countries decided to call Bodie home however when the gold dried up so did the industry as quickly as they arrived everyone left in search of the next sure thing now anyone can drive to Bodie and get a feel for what life was like back in the 1800s the slow bumpy and dusty road leads to the township with equally dusty homesteads and structures positioned along the main stretch while it is abandoned Bodie is still worth a visit number 12 pyramid in pyramiden is an abandoned Russian mining village on an island that's only accessible by sea or snowmobile it's positioned on the archipelago of Svalbard which sits above the Arctic Circle of Norway while it's location is reason enough not to want to live there it's hard to believe that people once did [Music] Pyramiden was a thriving community back in the early 1900s when Swedes founded it in 1910 the Soviet Union purchased it in 1927 and it was mine for the next seven decades for its coal deposits towering apartment blocks and public buildings sit facing each other in a neat circle and there's even a statue of Vladimir Lenin looking over the town structures while once thriving pyramid and fell silent in the late 1990s in just a few months once whispers of closure became more than just rumours everyone had left now pyrimidine is owned and operated by seals seabirds wildlife and now and again a rogue polar bear fortunately keen explorers are still able to visit pyramiden if they wish organize tours four-day trips and overnight stays are available number 11 Acker Mara around 40,000 people used to live in Acker Mara Georgia but if you happen to visit the township you'll only find visitors like yourself and few actual residents Acker Mara used to be a mining town but the unprofitability of the coal industry took its toll was the end of the USSR around the same time resident numbers dwindled and mines shut down by the 1990s the siege of tavar Kelly caused a coeur Mara to be cut off from the rest of Abkhazia for over 400 days which meant supplies had to be helicoptered in that spelled the beginning of the end for the once thriving Township while tens of thousands of people used to live here now mere hundreds do four and five-story apartments now only have one or two families living in them and the town is slowly disintegrating there's been talk of a kumara becoming a resort town but the chances of getting funded to make it happen are low therefore tourists visit to take a look around view the mines then head back to abkhazia's for now it remains a unique location for tourists but not somewhere you'd be likely to lay down roots number 10 who to odd it's amazing how quickly things can change in a short space of time just think how long your lawns grow when you head away on vacation then imagine what can happen with a 10 or 20 year gap in maintenance hoodoo on is proof of just how quickly nature can take over hoodoo on was once a thriving fishing village on Shang Shan island off China's East Coast it used to be home to around 3,000 people but it was always quite hard to access and exceptionally remote these two factors meant that more and more people started leaving by 2002 it was completely depopulated and merged with a neighboring village within decades the empty houses within the village started to be taken over by nature climbing plants covered facades and blankets of bushes swallowed fully furnished homes most people would remain oblivious to this island's existence if it weren't for photos taken in 2015 once those photos hit the internet people were chomping at the bit to pay a visit hey Shan Shan Thailand representative Chen Bo said telephone lines were jammed and Huda Wan wasn't equipped to open a tourists Chen said we urge visitors to preserve its tranquillity for now so it looks like you won't get to see this village anytime soon number 9 Coleman's cop the name zacharias Louella may not mean much to most people but he's the reason why the township of Coleman's cop in Southern Africa's Namib Desert came to exist even if it no longer does Zacharias was a railway worker who was clearing sand from the railroad tracks in 1908 when he stumbled across diamonds his employer did not reward him for the find but the discovery set off a massive diamond mining operation by 1912 Coleman's cop had produced millions of carats annually which equated to a little under twelve percent of the world's diamond production before long this barren desert became a thriving town it at a post office ice factory a butcher and Baker and families were moving to the area in search of riches however German authorities wanted more control over the diamonds and reserved rights for prospecting to one company laborers were employed and forced to live in cramped conditions for months by the 1930s however the area was nearly depleted of diamonds as quickly as it had been established the town was left a band by 1956 once pristine homes were lying in ruins covered in sand and waiting for nature to claim them number a gold field while gold field in Nevada is not entirely abandoned it's pretty close it was established in the early 1900's as a gold mining town like a gazillion others and was home to thousands of people who were on the hunt for that big payday within two years the local mines were producing two million dollars worth of ore or 30% of all or produced in California at the time once the gold rush was over most of those who called gold field home left today around 200 people remain catering for the many thousands of visitors who want to see what an abandoned gold mining town looks like gold mining is oddly enough still ongoing in the area but not to the same extent most of the buildings lie abandoned and there isn't even a gas station given the state of the abandoned cars there's likely no need for one either but if you do happen to visit gold field there will be somewhere for you to stay the Santa Fe motel and saloon underwent a complete renovation to provide accommodation for anyone passing through some people have also been thinking about renovating their buildings and opening up shop for now though it remains a near completely abandoned town number 7 calico calico was a once thriving town in California with 500 silver mines it roared to life in 1881 with California silver strike and produced around 20 million dollars of silver ore in just 12 years however just a few short years later the value of silver plummeted and calico became a ghost town after all there was no reason for its residents to hang around when their livelihood had been destroyed by the 1950s a man called Walter not purchased to the township because that's what you do when you're rich you buy towns shits Creek anyone hereis towards the majority of the buildings to look as they did back in the 1880s and created a tourist attraction in the process calico then became a state historical landmark now it forms part of the San Bernardino County Regional Park system and sees thousands of tourists annually it has shops camping and outdoor facilities and restaurants too if you happen to be passing through it is well worth paying a visit to this abandoned town its natural beauty and historical significance will blow you away number six Krakow if you've seen James Bond Quantum of Solace Passion of the Christ with Mel Gibson and saving grace then you will have likely seen Krakow Krakow is a town in southern Italy that has been abandoned for over five decades Krakow has been a town since as early as 1060 ad with many of its buildings dating back to medieval times in 1277 it was home to about 2,500 people and maintained a consistent population of about 1,500 for every century since however a plague in 1656 saw the population drop dramatically before poor agricultural conditions saw it plummet even further by the 1950s natural disasters poor soil and unstable terrain meant that Krakow was no longer fit for people to live there by 1963 the remaining 1,800 people who called Krakow home were relocated to a new town called Krakow pescetta and nearby they lived in barracks and tent cities until more suitable housing options were arranged today Krakow is abandoned overgrown and only accessible by tourists on an organized tour however tourism has seen funding become available to maintain the site and make it available for festivals and cultural events it has also been the set for many films and TV shows number 5 regu D Vecchio in the hills of the Calabria region in southern Italy lies the remains of a once thriving town called ragout d Vecchio ragu D Vecchio used to be home to one of the last Greek speaking communities in Italy the Greeks colonized the area in the 8th century BC and the town in the 12th century and all it remains today are a few coke bottles and a pizza oven there are no urns relics or century-old pieces of pottery to be found the region of Calabria in which ragu D Vecchio sits is in the toe tip of the boot of Italy it was largely home to displaced Hellenic immigrants which meant a revival in the Greek language at the time today a few thousand Greek speakers remain but even though there were plenty of people moving into the area why did ragu T become a ghost town well the weather and a few mistakes by humans along the way over harvesting of timber caused terrible erosion which the area's winter rainstorms did nothing to help flooding in the 1970s left it uninhabitable and most people left even though the village had been there for thousands of years it was no longer fit for habitation by anyone number 4 Burj Al Baba's many people have dreamed about living in a Disney style castle so why are 399 of them sitting empty in Turkey a luxury housing development near moderno in Turkey called burj al Baba's was half completed in January 2019 when the developers sare out property group went bankrupt the construction of the Chateau was under way in 2014 aimed and wealthy holidaymakers who wanted to set up a home away from home while a handful of them were sold as a majority weren't and several investors pulled out the company that built the properties is around 25 million dollars in debt and the construction was halted since then the Turkish government has developed new building regulations which means that these castles may no longer comply in some areas housing developments must fit into existing neighborhoods and must be low-rise these castles don't take either of those boxes still who the developers are hopeful that if they sell just 100 castles they can clear their debt the houses are not all that feature in Birch Alba either alongside holiday homes there is an entertainment complex and Turkish baths for the average wealthy Gulf tourists this town could have been the epitome of luxury who knows it still might be one day number three Centralia it's hard to believe that Centralia Pennsylvania used to be a thriving mining town today most of its buildings are gone the streets are empty and graffiti has taken over it's not hard to notice the elephant in the room either the smoke wafting from one end of the town to the other see it wasn't a lack of industry that drove people away from central eeya it was a mine fire that has been burning for over five decades before the fire in 1962 around 1200 people lived and worked in Centralia when the City Council decided to clean up unregulated dumps they started with an abandoned mine pit in Centralia that was used as a rubbish dump the council decided they wanted it cleaned up before Memorial Day but they thought the best way to do that was to set it on fire before long a giant mine fire began and the local mines were closed attempts were made to put out the fire but all failed some areas reached over 900 degrees Fahrenheit so Congress paid people to leave and Centralia was no longer a town where anyone could live even today it still burns number 2 Kelso technology has killed many things we already know that video killed the radio star but technology also destroyed towns Kelso was a railroad stop that was built in 1905 between Los Angeles and Salt Lake locomotives pulling trains along the two thousand foot grade 18 mile road to SEMA needed to stop and fill up their boiler water supplies Union Pacific Railroad then bought the line and built a Depot with a round house and maintenance facilities there in 1924 during that time 2,000 people worked in or near Kelso California in the mines and in iron processing for the war efforts however after the war diesel engines overtook steam engines and there was no longer any need for trains to stop in Kelso the population slowly diminished until the Depot closed in 1985 the railroad stop has been a ghost town ever since however if you do happen to be passing through it's well worth a visit to see what a ghost town looks like up close and personal there's a boarded up post office old shops and houses and a few structures reminding tourists that people used to call this area home number one UFO city towns become abandoned for many reasons but rarely is it because anything paranormal or supernatural is thought to be going on that might be the case with this development however the San Shi pod city in new Taipei City Taiwan underwent construction in 1978 with plans for it to become a seaside holiday resort for Taiwanese people of affluence and US military officers the homes were all in the shape of pods which was a popular home design of the time even though this city had all the makings of something great a series of events meant it was entirely abandoned just two years later a strange spate of unexplained suicides involving seemingly happy construction workers random car crashes and suppose at hauntings were thought to be to blame there were rumors that the San Shi pod city was built on a Dutch graveyard and they weren't happy about their remains being disturbed others thought that the destruction of an ornamental dragon caused chaos and carnage but others simply believed that the high price tag meant no one wanted to buy the pods and that's why they ultimately went to wrack and ruin today no trace of them remains before you start cursing that grocery store line are the miles of traffic backed up on the freeway decide if any of these abandoned cities are worth trading that for surely you'll have changed your mind have you visited any of these places also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 2,187,041
Rating: 4.7020087 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, Ghost Town, Abandoned Places, Abandoned City, City, Urbex, Haunted, China, Ghost Towns, Abandoned Towns, Creepy, Scary, Exploring, Ghost City, Town, Facts, Places, Urban, Abandoned Buildings, Urban Exploration, Abandoned Building, Biggest, In the World, Abandoned Town, Largest, Buildings, Travel, Haunted Places, Creepiest, Paranormal, Exploration, Largest Abandoned City, Abandoned Ghost Towns, Creepy Abandoned Places, Modern Ghost Towns, Mystery, Abandoned House, Abandoned Cities
Id: h7yXuIsRCCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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