15 Most Incredible Abandoned Cars In The World!

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for many people their car is their pride and joy they're crucial to helping us get around and are our own private spaces away from home they're also one of the most expensive purchases we ever make beyond property and most take care of them better than anything else it's a surprise when someone spends so much on a vehicle and treats it with nothing but neglect so with that in mind here are the 15 most incredible abandoned cars in the world number 15 Ferrari 365 gtb/4 Daytona for most people owning a Ferrari is just a dream so you'd expect those lucky enough to have one would take care of it the Ferrari Daytona was a one-off design that for a long time most experts didn't even know if it still existed after not being seen for more than four decades only one street worthy version of the race car was ever built and kept true to the models original design with a fully aluminum body and it was one of the most stunning cars the Italian manufacturer ever made it was eventually found however in a barn in Japan the owner had it shipped out there soon after buying it but had locked it away to keep it safe and had seemingly forgotten all about it there it had remained collecting dust until someone found it by pure chance it was cleaned up and repaired and put up for auction where it sold for 2.7 million dollars one of the highest prices ever paid for a Ferrari and in the process ensured that this piece of motoring history would go to a new and loving home before we go on we have a cool challenge for y'all that will take 5 seconds to complete let's make a deal just to leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 10 years of amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works time for the rare topic we found this image of a car that has definitely seen better days its owner had been attending a track day which gave him the opportunity to test it to its full potential but as you can see he made a slight error on a corner and found himself stuck deep within the runoff area the car was covered in dirt and couldn't drive out on its own but if you were in this position wouldn't you do all you could to retrieve it even if it meant calling a tow truck apparently this owner had different ideas though and just left it there never to return he was tracked down by the race course managers and said he'd simply gone to the dealership and bought himself a new one rather than go through all the hassle of getting this one back oh how the other half live what would you do if this happened to you and have you ever had the opportunity to drive a car like this remember to comment down below with the hashtag rare topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen and now to the next topic number fourteen mystery card graveyard discovered inside a Welsh cave Wales was once home to a burgeoning coal mining industry but as deposits of the fuel became scarce and demand for it fell most mines have long closed one near the town of Ceredigion was shuttered in 1960 but has since become a mysterious place because of something a group of urban explorers discovered within the pit is a car graveyard and the number of vehicles down there is staggering as you can see from the images there are lots of them of all makes and models and they seem to have just been dumped there it's thought there are at least 100 all of which seem to be from the 1970s and are 200 feet beneath the surface and for a long time it was a complete mystery how this had happened there had been no official disposal of cars here and when the truth about them was finally discovered the answer was just as surprising as the find itself apparently they were the result of numerous accidents on the road that passed by and during wet weather drivers lost control of their vehicles and slid over the precipice luckily everyone was able to escape before their cars plummeted into the mine but there was of course no chance that they'd ever be able to recover them number 13 miss belvedere finally finds a home pod capsules have been created for decades as a way for communities to preserve what life was like for future generations usually you think of them as small boxes with a select few trinkets but have you ever heard of a car being button1 that's what happened in 1957 when a plymouth belvedere was buried in a vault beneath the grounds of the Tulsa City courthouse and for 50 years it lay there undisturbed in 2007 the vault was opened but there was a problem groundwater had penetrated the walls and everything inside was flooded miss belvedere as the car had become known required extensive work but it still represented an interesting part of history you might have thought that it would have been in high demand after having been buried for 50 years and after restoring it authorities hoped it would be put on display at the Smithsonian the Institute refused the gift however and authorities in Tulsa didn't have anywhere to display it either the car was then stored for further 10 years and then was finally accepted by the historic Auto attractions Museum in Roscoe Illinois where it's still on display today number 12 where Ferrari and 427 Cobra hidden you never quite know what you might find when looking around people's garages but Tom cutter an automotive journalist and professional barn hunter was stunned when he came across a silver 1966 ferrari 275 gtb - it had been stored away in a garage in North Carolina that was full of different cars it had an alloy body which made it particularly rare and apart from the years of dust and cobwebs that covered it it was a near-perfect condition it also only had 13,000 miles on the clock which made it a highly desirable collector's piece it wasn't just a Ferrari he found that day either he also spotted a 1966 Shelby Cobra 47 which itself is now incredibly rare and with the both of them he stood to make a huge profit after cleaning them up and putting them up for auction next time you drive past an old barn that hasn't been opened for years go and talk to the owners to see if they'll let you look inside you never know you could be the next person to find a long-lost treasure and could stand to make a very healthy profit from it number 11 DeLorean dmc-12 North Carolina Forest the DeLorean dmc-12 was a notoriously unreliable and dangerous car but thanks to its use as a time machine Back to the Future movies it had taken on a deserved to legendary status the company hasn't made any cars for years so to find an original is a rare thing indeed only 9000 of them were ever produced but because many had failed over the years it's now thought that only around 6000 still exist by the time the movies were released it was too late for the DMC DeLorean and the only further ones to be made or custom-built imitations a father and son were hiking through a forest in North Carolina when they spotted the famous gullwing doors and the unmistakable shape of the car even though it was covered in years of dust and debris it had been parked there in 1986 and when they opened the door they saw that nothing had changed since then with only between 30 and 40,000 miles on the clock it was in prime condition the only question is was it capable of reaching 88 miles per hour number 10 ferrari enzo found in dubai impound lot have you ever left your vehicle in a parking lot and forgotten exactly where you had parked it in 2012 images began circulating that appear to show an example of this happening but in this case it was an extremely rare and expensive ferrari enzo the model was named after the founder of the italian motor manufacturer and only 400 were ever built initially retailing for $600,000 there now so highly sought-after that in 2015 one sold for six million dollars imagine the surprise then to see one of them was seen in a police impound lot it had been left abandoned at a public parking facility the previous year and was confiscated by police after it became clear the owner wasn't coming back for it normally in these situations it would have been put up for auction but the Dubai police had other plans they instead kept it for themselves as is also quite common and it became the latest police supercar on the roads of the city before that sounds like an insane thing to do authorities there need vehicles with power like this because Dubai is home to the highest proportion of supercar owners in the world how else are you going to catch those that break the speed limit the number nine abandoned Bentley in Qatar Bentley's are luxurious cars that were made in Britain by Bentley engines limited since 1919 they're renowned around the world for their build quality their comfort and their aesthetic designs and it's because of this that they sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars the traditional car markets can't afford these types of vehicles so much anymore but in China and the Middle East they have seen an increase in demand in recent years vehicles like these are a sign of social status and wealth and so provide more than just a way to get to work it's a surprise then to see this image that was taken in Qatar where the dealership near the lace Eagle Hotel appears to have been abandoned with a vehicle still inside of course it's possible this is just what it looked like after a sandstorm swept in and that the doors were left open but according to the person who took the photo it had been like this for quite some time it hardly seems like the appropriate way to treat a Bentley but with Ferrari and Aston Martin dealerships nearby it's not like local car enthusiasts are short on choice number 8 Bentley Continental GT Chengdu China in Chengdu China there's a place that every car enthusiast in the world would want a chance to visit it's a parking lot that contains cars that have been abandoned by their owners and some of these vehicles have been here for so long that the vegetation has begun to grow around them it's unbelievable the variety of makes and models that can be found here and each one is classified as a high-value item there are more than 200 cars in the lot including a few Range Rovers several mercedes-benz and perhaps most astonishingly two Bentley's one is a Continental GT and the other is a Flying Spur each of which is valued at more than three million yuan which is approximately equivalent to half a million dollars the lot contains many millions of dollars worth of stock and because these so-called zombie cars are technically still owned by someone there's nothing that can be done with them apart from letting them sit out in the open and rust away until someone comes forward to claim them seven lamborghini miura s New Jersey barn you never quite know what you're going to see if you're walking or driving around New Jersey but it's just as good a place as any to find high value cars that have been neglected by their owners this lamborghini miura s has spent several years in a barn with an owner who was too scared to take it out for themselves and had instead decided to let it gather dust when a collector was driving past he noticed that there could be something worth his while in the barn so he went to take a look and he couldn't believe his eyes it was a model that was popular with the rich and the famous back in the day and while it was expensive when it was new it's even more so now a pristine version can cost upwards of a million dollars and this one only needed a little TLC to be worth that it just goes to show that most amazing things can be hidden in the most inconspicuous of places so you should always keep your eye out just in case number 6 abandoned BMW m6 in Dubai a BMW m6 will set you back at least one hundred and six thousand dollars if you buy new and it's the dream car of many enthusiasts around the world with a price tag like that however very few are able to actually get one of their own and the frustrating thing is that those who can afford something like this aren't necessarily the best ones to look after it these images were shared from a parking lot in Dubai where the owner has clearly left their m6 in the same spot for quite some time it's been stationary for so long that dust is caked all over and the frustrations of other users of the parking lot are clear someone has written please wash me on its side and to make matters worse the place where it was parked was earmarked for demolition no one knows what happened to this m3 but it's more than likely that in the end it was impounded by the police and put up for sale at auction hopefully after it had been cleaned up and made to look like new number 5 1971 MGB the MGB was a model of car that was produced between 1962 and 1980 by the British Motor Corporation and was a two-door sports roadster that was great fun to drive and looked the part - in total more than half a million of them were made but in 1971 only a select few ever left the production line meaning that ones made in that year are particularly sought-after by collectors that's what made it all the more surprising when this one in racing Green was found abandoned in the woods it had been there for so long that it was covered in leaves and the trees had grown around it so there was a mammoth job for anyone who wanted to retrieve it in the end it finally made it back to civilization but not before a number of branches and trees had to be moved out of the way to make room so it could be towed out of course this MGB wasn't in working order but after a replacement engine was installed and various other pieces were fixed it ran like new number four abandoned luxury cars you often hear about cars that have been abandoned by the roadside by owners who have no choice to leave them behind but this next footage shows something that's unbelievable to most of us an abandoned mansion that's surrounded by luxury cars the building was full of antique furniture and belongings that were still laid out exactly how they were when people lived there but what's amazing is the fleet of vehicles outside that had just been left to the whims of nature the first car the investigators found was a Chevrolet Corvette and they soon went on to discover a mercedes-benz and several other high spec machines with grasses and shrubs growing around them it's clear that they had been left for quite some time but why would someone do this it's clear that they had to get out of town in a hurry perhaps this was once the home of a criminal mastermind or the head of a drug cartel but whatever happened they never got the chance to return to reclaim their impressive collection is there anything that could happen that would make you leave so many valuable belongings behind number three the rarest milk truck in existence milk trucks aren't such a common sight these days but before the advent of online shopping or even large convenience stores they were the only way that families could get their daily dose of the white stuff you might not think then that a milk truck would be anything remarkable but just like everything there are some that are far more valuable than others here a group of motor enthusiasts have been looking around brown Auto Salvage which is a salvage yard specializing in classic cars and with more than three thousand vehicles on site one thing stands out though a 1940 Chevrolet double-duty milk truck even at the time these were quite rare because Chevrolet soon realized there wasn't much profit to be made with such niche vehicles but today they are worth a fortune after researching its history they realized that no one's seen one of these trucks for a long time and that this one could possibly be the last in existence as a piece of history it's one of the most important vehicle finds you'll ever hear about and with some extensive restoration it could be as good as new in no time number two may balk fifty-seven may balk 57s were made by Daimler Chrysler between 2002 and 2012 and in that time around 3000 came off the production line known for their elegant design and luxurious interior they were a popular choice for those who wanted to make a certain impression and cost in excess of half a million dollars you'd quite often see them driving around the exclusive places in Europe especially in kin but when pictures of one were shared in 2012 people couldn't believe their eyes it was in a parking lot with Porsches on either side but this may Bach 57 clearly hadn't been moved for quite some time locals say it had been there for at least four years and apart from the hood ornaments going missing it seemed to be in fairly good condition it's not known who left it there or why but it's a shame such an elegant vehicle was just abandoned like this we don't know if it's still there to this day but it would be nice to think that it's now found its way into the hands of a new owner who's been able to give it a new lease on life number one ferrari f40 Saddam Hussein's son who day was known for flashing his cash that he had been given by his dictator father and one of the ways he liked to spend it was on fast cars one of his prized possessions was his Ferrari f40 which he's believed to have acquired during the time of the Gulf War during the Iraq war just ten years later who day suffered the same fate as his father and was killed by US Special Forces at the time that happened his f40 was apparently in the shop to be repaired after he had a slight mishap with it but without the ability to pay the bills the car was never returned to the estate instead it was left on the roadside and can apparently still be found covered in dust around the corner from the garage where he had left it with the amount of pain and suffering the family inflicted on the country it's a surprise that a car that was associated with them wasn't destroyed in celebration of their removal from power but it's perhaps a testament to the Ferrari f40 that locals decided to instead allow it to live out its days in peace can you believe that people have just abandoned these cars which of them would you want to offer a new home to most make sure to let us know in the comment section also check out our other cool stuff showing up on the screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 878,074
Rating: 4.844346 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned cars, abandoned vehicles, cars, expensive cars, amazing abandoned, rare cars, abandoned found, most expensive, car found, exclusive cars, abandoned places, junkyard, most abandoned, cars found, forgotten vehicles, abandoned planes, expensive abandoned cars, abandoned car, found, vehicles, most expensive car, most rare car, vehicles found, unique vehicles, in the world, weird, ever, haunted cars, car finds, amazing vehicles, Incredible Abandoned Cars
Id: i7P8NtoxHX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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