12 Most Incredible Abandoned Places

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something about abandoned places appeals to our sense of wonder when we see them we can't help but imagine what they must have looked like in their prime when they were full of life and sound ultimately though every building comes with this shelf life and when that shelf life has been exceeded it's time to walk away and forget about it not all of them are forgotten though some live on as strange and beautiful abandoned places of this sort we're about to show you in this video building the can Frank train station in Spain was always an ambitious idea and ambitious ideas don't always pay off despite the closest center a population being a village of no more than 500 people the Spanish government of early 20th century thought this was the perfect place to build the second largest railway station in Europe in their minds it would become a vital transport connection between Spain and France they should have spent more time consulting with French engineers Braille gauges in Spain aren't the same sizes as rail gauges and France so running trains directly between the two countries quickly turned out to be impossible Engineers knew this when the station opened in 1928 but by then it was too late to do anything about it to make matters worse a global economic recession happened in 1929 and put rail travel beyond the means of ordinary people at its busiest the station served around 100 people per day it's amazing that it managed to survive until 1970 but it's been abandoned ever since then the current Los Angeles Zoo which opened in 1966 isn't the first zoological attraction to bear that name that honor goes to much older zoo which closed when the current Zoo opened but prior to that had been in operation since 1912 it was never a particularly large attraction there were only 15 animals to look at on the day it opened its doors so you may have seen more wildlife if you take in a day trip to a farm during the 1930s it saw some expansion and it's those buildings from the 1930s that you'll see if you take a trip to the abandoned Zoo today although it's no longer used before its original purpose it's clear that someone still cares for this site of the old Zoo it's kept clean and tidy and it even occasionally welcomes visitors to come and have a picnic inside the old animal enclosures doing so gives you a perspective on what life was like for the former animal inmates trapped inside a large pit and held behind bars finding a location that's been abandoned after years of heavy use is a little sad finding one that was never even used to its full potential is even sadder with that in mind here's what's left of Jose Tian also known as Kaew abandoned water park in Vietnam if you think it still looks mostly clean and presentable apart from the rust you're quite right it opened only in 2004 but it was doomed to failure right after the word go three million dollars have been invested into creation of this water park but when the doors opened for the first time it was only partially complete the parks operators were hoping that the gigantic dragon aquarium at the park Center complete with glass tanks in its ribcage that housed live fish and surrounded by a moat full of life crocodiles would be enough to attract and entertain paying customers impressive as it was it wasn't enough opening with so many of the plant attractions incomplete proved to be a mistake and word quickly spread that the waterpark wasn't worth price of admission by 2008 it was closed now it's become an almost legendary sight for urban explorers although rumors that the crocodiles have escaped from the moat and now roam the site persist to this day the most surprising thing about kog wind station in China's Chongqing isn't the fact that it's been abandoned it's the fact that it was abandoned so recently from the look of it you'd have thought that it was shut down years ago but it didn't even exist until 2015 the existence of this station is the result of overreach by Chinese transport planners the area was expected to become a central hub for the wider region with homes roads and other facilities built around it the station though was built before anything else had even been designed and now it doesn't appear that the rest of the development is coming at all that means that Chun Qiang has been left with a station that's miles from anywhere useful doesn't have any passengers and has no obvious purpose perhaps if the planned regeneration of this area ever goes ahead this forgotten station can be revisited until then it's hard to think of it as anything other than a very expensive mistake for almost a century the Woodward Avenue Presbyterian Church in Detroit Michigan USA was a cherished place of worship among the local community since 2005 it's been empty and abandoned and for a building that's so gorgeously designed both inside and out that's a crying shame Sydney Badgley designed the church according to the Gothic Revival style in 1911 and has spent its years known as the obscene eh of God in Christ it speakers were in the 1920s when it could count more than two thousand members that number had halved by the 1950s and dropped to below 400 by 1970 the community was small but devoted and carried on coming until 2005 when the final pastor passed away with nobody to replace him in the membership of the church down to no more than 200 no viable means to keep it open could be found mercifully the beautiful building has been spared from demolition and there have been recent reports that it may find new life as a homeless shelter there are people living in Lima Ohio USA who have no idea that there's an old tuberculosis hospital hiding behind the trees just yards from their home Ottawa Valley Hospital was built specifically to serve and treat tuberculosis patients in 1911 but back then tuberculosis was a disease that came with a grim prognosis very few people made it out of this building alive and those who didn't are said to haunt the building to this day which makes it a popular place with the paranormal and of the urban exploration scene the site was still used as a hospital until 1972 but then sat empty until 1990 when someone bought it with the intention of turning it into an indoor paintball arena that plan never saw the light of day and so it was sold again to a demolition company in 1992 mysteriously it hasn't demolished it was sold again in 2000 and then yet again in 2015 its current owner is a man named Ben Hefner and he stated that he doesn't plan to develop or demolish the old hospital perhaps he's content to allow the ghosts to roam around it in peace when describing quinta da regaleira in sintra portugal it's hard to know where to start some people might refer to it as a grotto while others would prefer to call it a palace to other people the towering building isn't the real story about this site at all that distinction goes to the network of tunnels and caves that exists underneath it gar Velho Montero designed the sprawling site which took six years to build between 1904 and 1910 Montero was something of an eccentric and was interested in the occult and also served niche religious groups symbols relating to the Knights of the Templar and the Masons can be found all over the property along with some more mysterious symbols and emblems with unknown meanings it was still in use as a private residence until 1987 when it was bought by a Japanese corporation for reasons best known to themselves they never did anything with the buildings or the land and sold them back to the town council of centra in 1997 its current ownership status is unclear although it's marked as private property and is closed to visitors the story of the abandoned theater in Gary Indiana USA almost mirrors the story of Gary as a city the settlement was founded in 1909 to house employees of US Steel and their families and quickly expanded in the years that followed any growing city needs entertainment facilities and so the Palace Theatre was open to serve that purpose in 1925 there was space for 3,000 people to come and enjoy vaudeville shows during its early years but it changed with the times and began to show movies as soon as there became a demand for it for 50 Cent's attendees could see a brand-new first-run film and a b-movie to go with it the good times lasted for a while but in the 1960s demand for domestic steel had dropped and so had Gary's population the palace became a hotspot for criminal behavior and was shut down in 1972 it closed and reopened several times in the years that followed but the final closure came after a failed restaurant venture in 1987 by 2004 it was on a demolition list and the only thing keeping it standing is that the local authorities in Gary don't have the money to pay for the demolition work one day it will be torn down but until then traces of its former beauty remain for a truly eerie experience or a sense of what the world would be like if you man and he disappeared tomorrow you should go to Ordos in China that's where you'll find the megalopolis of kangbashi a place that's not only abandoned but was never populated in the first place this colossal empty city is one of the most unsettling places in the world there's space inside its apartments and homes for more than 1 million people but they're all empty the museums don't have visitors the offices don't contain any workers there's nothing showing at the brand-new theaters and there's no players on the sporting fields the whole area was redeveloped in 2004 and was expected to become a major new population center but it didn't seem to happen the majority of people who bought apartments there did as investments with the intention of letting them out but nobody ever came forward to rent them nobody knows what the future of kangbashi could be it may stay like this forever Spain's can Frank station which we spoke about earlier isn't the only world's only grand old abandoned railway station there's another one in Buffalo New York and unlike Ken Frank this one used to be very busy built in the Art Deco style by fell homer and Wagner the towering station opened in 1929 and was a vital link in the regional transport chain for a fully 50 years until 1979 back when it was open the station was considered to be a symbol of Buffalo's growth and prosperity money was coming into Buffalo from seemingly everywhere and the population was growing rapidly the opening ceremony was attended by more than 2,000 VIP guests sadly the Buffalo of today isn't what it once was and nor is its station since its 1979 closure the site has played host to thrift markets urban hockey games and the occasional illegal rave party but no permanent use for it has ever been found aside from the occasional guided tour of the parts of the station that are still safe to walk through the site is empty there's something decidedly unmess accan about this sculpture garden of l'a sposa and Zillah Mexico but that's not necessarily surprising it was after all designed and built by a slightly off-kilter English poet as opposed to a native of the land the reason this place isn't better known is that it is such a remote location only 10,000 people live in the town and so the life's work of a surrealist Edward James remains hidden from the world's view James was living in the area in 1947 when he felt inspired to buy the land that la poses sits on which at the time was a coffee plantation at first he filled it with exotic animals and orchids but an unusually cold winter in the early 1960s killed a lot of his plants off so he began to replace them with sculptures in accordance with his surrealist style many of the staircases that wind through the property don't lead anywhere and cathedral screens that appear half-built James eventually passed away in 1984 leaving la poses abandoned and posing more questions than answers you have to be standing in the right place in Sorrento Italy if you want to look upon valet de Malini or to translate its name to English the valley of the mills all of the old buildings there lay in ruin and are hidden away at the bottom of a very deep profess even getting far enough down the crevasse to inspect them properly can be perilous so we salute the people who brought us these images of the crumbling brickwork the mills were mostly built during the 13th century with the location chosen so the stream at the bottom of the valley could be taken advantage of all of the mills ground wheat and for centuries the people of Sorrentine Peninsula depended on them for a time there was also a sawmill and a wash house down there with them amazingly some of the mills were still in use as recently as 1940 but all of the flour needed in this area now comes from pasta mills with nobody to take care of the old buildings nature has said about reclaiming the land with thick foliage growing around and straight through the walls subscribe to the channel turn on the notification bell and enjoy watching new videos on my channel thanks for watching and see you soon [Music]
Channel: Lightning Top
Views: 28,194
Rating: 4.9011235 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Abandoned Places, Mysterious Places, Abandoned Places, Incredible Abandoned Places, Most Abandoned, mystery, 12 most, top 12, lightning top, compilation, lightningtop, EverSee
Id: nhoxz6qR-EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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