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because this most sketch it's explore yet I'm telling you now there's live hers is there this builders out front there's a patrol every three hours and secure a there's dogs there's cameras there's probably wild lions tears like a massive old Sony's such seventies maybe sixties style staircase [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so people whiskey explore this one Jesus is more secure than anything up there as builders as people walking around there's also there's just everything it's cameras on every gate but this place has been abandoned for a long time there's over 300 million pounds worth of abandoned mansion still it's scarred guys this place is absolutely huge it's one of the richest parts of London walking in is making my anxiety kick off the security is so tight we don't even know long we got in here even if we're gonna get cold oh wow this place is absolutely huge science error restricted area there's a [ __ ] great bug in there yeah it's not a husky dog this is one human boss just check these of these huge mansions and stay away in the windows so we've done enough in getting these guys there so do I hire security around here so guys these have been empty for a nearly a quarter of a century 350 million pounds worth of item properties and the most prestigious prestigious stretch of bishop is white it's a second most expensive Street in London spicy Coons him mansions from ballrooms the basis it was I believe of the Saudi Arabia a lot of these were built by and it should just left our standing in the first mansion as you can see this is just a double garage obviously a lot of these buildings wasn't complete a lot of Saudi Arabia owners I believe bought these in London and made millions and then just left him it's wrong as you can see guys they're just like building science I mean guys yeah explorers check this out I mean this is just the indoor swimming pool I imagine didn't see the size of his home but you won't think properties are like this would ya sitting in London abandoned on the second most richest part of London completely in abandoned this is crazy of course this is known as billionaires row I won't recommend anyone coming out there to explore we don't even know if we're gonna get in trouble yet but you can see that just unplastered two unfinished walls this is crazy man they didn't even finish him look at swimming pool completely in despair the toy gun feels a bit its explores just steps behind me don't even feel safe I mean before I look at these guys this is absolutely crazy this is ludicrous that's such beautiful mansions I mean guys I imagine this now coming through these steps for these front doors and that's your staircase this is absolutely crazy so guys this is one mention of about ten I think they're just sitting here completely decaying away because a lot of these have been empty since the 90s I mean look at that look at the overgrown and stuff just coming forward two steps the beautiful stained glass windows I mean this is absolutely huge to famous women always building a lower level with a basement oh my god that is a living space I mean I could fit my whole house in there this is crazy and the beautiful doors just addict eyes did she coming for you everywhere you guys look at them beautiful doors and a stay-away it's such a shame there's such beautiful places are just literally left to fall down so guys I'm heading onto the first floor I don't know if I'm gonna walk around a lot up here because as you can see the flooring is completely right safe on his floor as you can see it's just like I don't complete build inside that millions of pounds wanting to bind these and building these and she's just left this is criminal classes only love for these windows and the pillars outside our minds were not Graceland [ __ ] American chrome surpasses floor and is completely wrong on a dark metaphor crazy to keep walking you can see with a ton plaster Warner Cable's and his ceilings not even finished it's been such a beautiful home as I said cause this is one dimension exit stairs as I said the weeds and stuff are all grown for it it's absolutely mad guys another staircase you can see now that the floor is just completely gone you see the hole their eyes I'm not going to continue up there you can see that for the stuff in it to protect supporting the staircase unless we get further up guys the floor and he's just absolutely right as I said guys this is one mansion I'm literally walking just one mansion and I know there's more on the land is absolutely crazy it really isn't it's mad to think how much money of properties of it should just surround then if you can see on the camera you can steal the cobwebs just literally building up all down the edge of the wall so mad so they didn't bet that his staircase his home is built like for a king and still the details out there are the pillars and stuff and it's beautiful like looks like brass brass writings and stuff [Music] [Music] as a crying out there of people that probably just spotted us Oh guys there's another mansion there looking back on that mansion this place is absolutely insane guys honestly but it's so scary I never know we get worried about explorers but this is really freaking me out so that guy's mansion huge second mansion [Applause] of course we don't even know if is away in all these bar we've got a check and I'll go I know guys never endure hope there's some serious praised its money guys it's all inside with a Jacuzzi because some of them are locked we don't break entrances I'd phone away if I can't go she's locked guys as you can see what I'm trying to say I've seen billions second rich black arts hat in London [Applause] which even dogs and everything this is hickley house or something [Applause] because honestly my highs absolutely racing double garage again my favorite just after see if we can get on to another horizon so guys this is the second ass look a gold intercom this is crazy isn't it to think that all this is just abandoned it's just up and left so these were bought guys and actually are going to be pulled down to build our choice homes you can see the unabated carpet and stuff absolute decay in a seedings issue just forming guys so he does never cook a room upstairs but if we're at random as stuff just still left whole CCTV cameras how was her some right he do something it some bits of papers this guys that's 2005 so even if you went by that that's 14 years been abandoned this is like the only room that shows there was life in this house looking out on the main road you can see like how busy is this wasn't coming up for a kitchen guys there's another newspaper here she says 2001 something very dated like seeding and stuff old marble fireplace and you know lights there's another fireplace set so if if you've got has to have got an indoor pool as well as I shown you for the window earlier and jacuzzi it's crazy you know around jacuzzi as far as a swimming pool guys you're a shower as well guys when I fought this house had finished tears like a massive old seventies was that sent these maybe sixties style staircase had died it reminds me of an hour old man working man's club or something it's crazy he knows was it by someone's an old care of her inside so being there as a kitchen I'll check out the brand sinks guys lovely lovely jubbly your mirrors I'm gonna take the walk of the stairs so you can see the front doors that are completely bowled it up from the inside - I like it's weird ooh they've actually put stuff from here to protect the stairs I'll check out their frilly curtains guys she's free floors the hell obviously she don't even know what part the ass I was in it's quite dingy dark makes you wonder this is obviously an ensuite bedroom answers it shows the size of this place I think we realize it was this big lot honestly you go up the other stairs it's just two bedrooms you come up here and it's like a loaf it's worth it this one looks like a blood-stained footprint cannot again pick up a watch so go up to the second floor not even know this place had a second floor who decorated all these I don't know at what point of someone's life fault dear this looks really nice hey I'm getting out of is full of black mold my chest is already bad enough you see the scenes no no see looking back there so we're going to try and hit the third mansion we're gonna leave this one there and head to the third this guys are crazy is's we're at the third spot already just walking distance I was jealous our third location this is unbelievable to think this is all just sitting around in the UK fortunately guys there's no way in the further us but we've got a number four just next door so I was gonna keep going yeah as far as it's crazy to think this house is actually famous there's you see and there just a few items but all the winners are now shot [Applause] yeah a feverish temperature next Rock rise it's crazy that the 4th mansion so I thought if we're gonna get it always but it's just mental just picture hitching the hazardous on a road next door next door its life and say that just as your coyotes when you see in there guys the same ol D that the green is gone in the window it's quite even my cat was in there that's a restricted area he's just absolutely insane really yes joking how'd you get in that one is the inside I'm staying outside guys the fall fizzes Fulford this is a full fin it says you see she's completely locked but there again the ceilings just falling down in there such a waste all these properties that you're just sitting here Folger is no way number four from nowhere number three but it was also just to show you he liked how all these asses are just sitting there abandon the rich Arabs obviously brought them up and now just left him hello guys and thank you so much for watching my video unfortunately I couldn't get into Mansion 3 and 4 we never break entrances we always respect a place and we leave it exactly how we found it as I said guys a third of the mansions on the most expensive stretch of London billionaires roll are standing empty three hundred fifty million pounds worth of vacant properties obviously that is the land cost as well as obviously the houses are in quite bad state and stuff but yeah guys I'm so thankful for watching my video and clicking on it please I'm gonna hit that like and subscribe button I'm very sorry for the quick ending we had to get off because we just kept hearing security patrols but yeah guys hopefully you enjoyed that please check out my other videos hit that like and subscribe button and also remember to hit the notification bill so you can see my weekly uploads well I'm gonna try and upload weekly I'll try and hit the best spots guys a lot of spots that other people haven't seen and a lot of places that are completely shot so guys as I said thank you so much love you all take care look hearty sass and see you soon on the next adventure [Music] [Music]
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 484,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w0WEwAOS2nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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