12 Months to Become a Web Developer?

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all right guys so I'm answering a email is sent to me by somebody who watches my YouTube videos so I figured I was going to do it in this format using my webcam because this is easy so currently I am working on Amazon warehouse but the job is killing me yeah you can see me as it doesn't make any sense to me and for the last three years I'm working at night you know what forget I'm not going to read the whole thing I'll just tell you what's going on so you have somebody here who after getting through some pretty tough challenges in their life decided that they are going to take six months to year to become a web developer and live off their savings and maybe do some part-time work that's cool now here's the thing I would suggest that instead of going full-time to learn how to code and I think he's already he's already learned how to code now so instead of dropping your work cutting off your income then learning how to code and then putting yourself under a lot of pressure they're not a code on the side as you still work you got money coming in you're paying your bills relaxing by the way you should always try to save every month even if it's a small amount try to save maybe 10% of your salary every month as a beginning place anyway so learn the code on the side get through the basic real quick concentrate on those fundamentals as I said if you're looking for freelance work you want to go to the web stack html5 css3 javascript and then maybe jump to PHP I think that would be your best choice or maybe Ruby or something but PHP is probably the best choices that you can do with WordPress and so forth again as I've said in so many videos check out where the demand is in your area then that will be different will be different in different areas depending on that local demand you make your choice and turns or the type of work and what he's also pointing out is that he's actually doing projects side projects for friends it is with friends days and that's very cool that is the key to key is actually got your fundamentals down is to jump into some real projects so let me tell you a quick story about how I got my first server-side database-driven coding gig now I had done a lot of web design gigs but I never did server-side programming before I knew a bit of JavaScript at the time so this is in 96 maybe I think it's 96 maybe 97 and I got approached to do a job a database driven website which is the old term for what we call web apps now and so I went in there and based on my knowledge of clients I quality meaning HTML and a touch of JavaScript CSS wasn't really there at the time I did a rough guesstimate about how much time it would take me to build this project so I gave him a quote on 30 days and come hell or high water I was going to make sure that this gets done but at the time I didn't know anything about databases I didn't know anything about server-side coding so what I did is right after I solidified deal got to check my 33 up front 33% which I talked about in other videos I went straight to the bookstore at the time I don't even Google I don't even think was around at the time and if it was it was too primitive so the search engine is and going online for video courses just didn't exist so what I did is I go to straight to the book store and I remember picking up rocks WRL X they were big publisher back in the dot-com era I believe there they were bought up or they're no more at this point but anyway so I bought a book a couple books on what was the hot new web development technology of time ASP Microsoft active server pages and ASP was something that worked on Microsoft web servers and but but rather it was far superior than the current standard which was CGI based programming with Perl or sometimes C and it was just so much faster and it was the first that I know of page base server-side paradigm if you will now the language that we use to create ASP pages was leave the VB script for JavaScript although 99% of people just use VB script so what I did is like I went straight from the client to the bookstore I bought the two books and at this point like I said I knew nothing about databases I've you nothing about server-side coding I had done it just to touch a JavaScript and I knew my HTML you know at those in those days was HTML Photoshop you have CSS and you made everything out in HTML tables to get the design you wanted anyway I figure I digress so i sat there I had 30 days to do this and it was a pretty involved at the previous company that I was was web built the app for his company I built it with pearl pearl CGI and after a year it still didn't work properly but I gambled that I could get it done in a month with this brand new technology for Microsoft's active server pages was that much more efficient than a pro CGI anyhow I got home with these books sat down one page at a time boom boom went through wrote out the Coase up databases I was using the demo everything was shooting access I think it was the back end database just to sort of practice learning how to code in VB script ASP classic ASP as they call it today and I pulled it off not only did I pull it off within 30 days the app worked very well right away and it was not so much because I was a good great coder anything was my very first paid server-side programming gig it worked because I was able to leverage new technology but other people you touched at that time and it was significantly better the classic ASP and active server pages as it was just called back then was significantly better than Perl CGI in terms of performance in terms of speed of runtime speed it's just much better so that's why I was able to do it was able to do in a fraction of time even though I was a noob that being said because of my martial art background because of my tendency towards simplicity and my tendency towards modularity from working in my previous business where I was building central water purification systems were fish so those story I was fortunate or lucky enough that I had that perception of advanced development because of that the principles rather from my business and martial arts work allowed me to actually execute my code a little bit more of an advanced level than the typical beginner coder because I had I was highly experienced with other systems other types of systems so that makes sense so anyway holds what's the point of the story this is man you know you don't you don't need six to twelve months to get into the market I think that once you do two or three projects which you could get done in a couple months you might be able to find yourself a good entry level paying job so just keep at it
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 36,295
Rating: 4.9056602 out of 5
Keywords: how long to become a web developer, time to learn web development
Id: v-A5uIuRK68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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