The Progression to Expect when Learning Code

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hey guys in the last couple years I've been learning how to use my camera here I got my fancy Cinema Camera learning how to use cameras in general I was pretty much a new but before I was just using my webcam etc etc so because of this recent journey this new skill sets I've been developing over the last couple years it's reminded me of the progression in terms of learning anything new whether it be learning cameras whether the learning software development could be web design could be web programming and new language new martial arts there's a there's a consistent progression that you should expect and so I'm gonna go over I listed five points here and yeah five points so I'm gonna go over each of them and hopefully it will help you out as you are learning anything all right principle number one expect to make mistakes that's normal I know there's a lot of students they're worried about making mistakes they read code it doesn't work and then they get flustered and on my own why I'm making mistakes see that's a symptom if you will of modern school system where if you fail particular tests that can have a long-term detrimental impact in terms of your academic career in the real world business whatever anything really especially programming you have to expect to make mistakes so expect you to be making mistakes especially in the early stages until you develop your nerd eyes and nerd eyes is just my way of saying your ability to read code so the code reads like English I teach you how to get there don't worry you're gonna make mistakes part of the process the next thing you have to recognize is where you are good and where you are bad one of the things I saw in the past especially back in the heyday when I had the killer sites form and I was active on there quite a bit it's still round but you know I spend more time on YouTube and other social and the forum although people still post there's lots of information there anyway one of the things I was trying to drive home to peoples you have to determine if you are a front end person or a back end person in those days especially having a good eye for aesthetics for UI UX user interface user experience ability to be able to put that together was yeah that's a very different skill set from from being a back-end developer and what I found is people were tend to be inclined to one or the other you've you're going to be good with a back-end and the logic of structuring back-end code or are you gonna be good on the front-end enters the aesthetics UX UI so you got to acknowledge what you know and be honest to yourself about that the worst thing you can do the worst thing you can do is to get caught up in something where you're not inclined to it so if you're five foot two I think your aspirations to become a basketball player it's probably not the best idea right or if you're six foot seven it's probably not the best idea to go into gymnastics you see what I'm saying same thing when it comes to development you have to figure out where you're inclined so how do you do that new foundations you learn your foundations and so this way the foundations by the way are expressed or shared on both the front and back end development to a great extent not a hundred percent but I'd say 80% so you want to touch on all these different things you want to explore these these different things and then you'll figure out what explore a little bit ui/ux explore a little bit of back-end server work explore a bit of database design etc etc and then what happens you have a taste of it and then you're gonna see what where you're good right you're gonna see where you good again this is something you see in smart martial artists modern martial artists MMA guys they go in there they do a bit of grappling they do a bit of submission they do takedowns they do striking upper-body striking hands lower body kicking they they try different things and they know that in an MMA context you have to be real well-rounded same thing little street fight of course same thing with programming you have to look around try different things and then you pick your specialization so you see that MMA guys will try different things but you know some people will be more geared towards striking but they still know the ground game and more gear or ground people or grapplers they still know you know their stand up game to a certain extent but they caution or whatever they are good at that is a major point if you will a philosophical point that I really believe in yeah be honest of where you're good and where you're bad and then focus your attention on where you are good because if you focus on your attention where you were bad you probably be at best an average mediocre to average in that particular field so if you're not glue a few xui as an example you could work really hard you might get mediocre you might get okay but if you're really good at back-end you cost-share them back and you're going to be really good at back you're gonna do much better in your career make much more money number three when you hit a wall when you're trying to learn something when you hit something that's hard you don't understand it's not sinking in first of all you take a break you walk away for half an hour an hour a day or two it will come to you but when you hit that wall you should get excited that's a good thing because that means you're challenging your brain that means you're pushing the boundaries that means you are making progress any weight lifter will tell you about that to build the body you've got to push your body bah-ha beyond its normal levels of comforts if you will so that the body is triggered to build new muscle you gotta think of it that way when you hit something when you're learning and you're having difficulty that means you're just gonna be upping your mental capacity so it's a good thing get excited when you hit the wall number four if it is hard then you know you are doing something worthwhile see the path of least resistance when it comes to career in business is the path to least amount of money anything that's easy to do will get driven down and its value because anybody can do it things that are perceived as fun as doing will get driven down in value because a lot of people will be driven to do it but if you do something that is considered or perceived as hard or perceived as unpleasant the value of whatever that is you are doing is far more valuable that's why you see today in freelancing bhp which is hated by a lot of noobs because it just got a bad reputation these days PHP is extremely profitable for freelance and many many parts because well partly because that because a lot of people just don't want to do PHP but also because there's a so many small businesses on PHP so there's a lot of demand same thing with software development a lot of people don't want to go into back-end because they perceive it as being very difficult versus front-end yeah it's a lot easier to design a good-looking page aesthetically aesthetically than it is in terms of the hurdles right to get into it versus learning how to design a good back-end system that being said good UX this is developers and designers very rare very rare the problem with that is though it's so rare that even business owners people pay the bills don't recognize good UX from bad UX they don't recognize how difficult it is some do but not the general public so yeah you want to find something that's worthwhile so it finds something where the barriers to entry are high barriers you're gonna get a barrier entry is high so if something is difficult that's probably means it's valuable so that's a good thing number five well number five is actually opposite number four if it is easy it is likely not worth much again if something is easy then everybody's doing it if everybody is doing it basic economics kicks in the supply and demand if you got more supply more people doing it it drives down the cost so it drives down the value so you always want to look for something that's worthwhile learning look for something that's hard to learn yeah so number four and five are kind of part one two was the same concept so there you go in summary number one when you're learning expect mistakes was a big learning coding business whatever number to be honest of where you are good and bad concentrate on where you're good number three when you hit a wall get excited because that means you're breaking new ground but number four if it is hard then you know you are doing something worthwhile and valuable and number five if it's easy it's likely not worth too much I hope these philosophical tips make sense to you they've worked for me over the years and yeah they work really well for me over the years and I know they will for you if you just implement them all right I hope this helps bye bye
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 38,628
Rating: 4.9579182 out of 5
Id: zzRP4-lGCrE
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Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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